From b956734b51a178ba083848672b006aa325217381 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Michele Calgaro Date: Sun, 3 Mar 2019 21:48:37 +0900 Subject: Update Kate syntax highlight files from sources. Signed-off-by: Michele Calgaro --- kate/data/coldfusion.xml | 959 +++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ 1 file changed, 479 insertions(+), 480 deletions(-) (limited to 'kate/data/coldfusion.xml') diff --git a/kate/data/coldfusion.xml b/kate/data/coldfusion.xml index 7253ec63f..1875eeec2 100644 --- a/kate/data/coldfusion.xml +++ b/kate/data/coldfusion.xml @@ -1,510 +1,509 @@ - + - if - else - for - in - while - do - continue - break - with - try - catch - switch - case - new - var - function - return - this - delete - true - false - void - throw - typeof - const - default + if + else + for + in + while + do + continue + break + with + try + catch + switch + case + new + var + function + return + this + delete + true + false + void + throw + typeof + const + default - Anchor - Applet - Area - Array - Boolean - Button - Checkbox - Date - Document - Event - FileUpload - Form - Frame - Function - Hidden - History - Image - Layer - Linke - Location - Math - Navigator - Number - Object - Option - Password - Radio - RegExp - Reset - Screen - Select - String - Submit - Text - Textarea - Window + Anchor + Applet + Area + Array + Boolean + Button + Checkbox + Date + Document + Event + FileUpload + Form + Frame + Function + Hidden + History + Image + Layer + Linke + Location + Math + Navigator + Number + Object + Option + Password + Radio + RegExp + Reset + Screen + Select + String + Submit + Text + Textarea + Window - abs - acos - alert - anchor - apply - asin - atan - atan2 - back - blur - call - captureEvents - ceil - charAt - charCodeAt - clearInterval - clearTimeout - click - close - compile - concat - confirm - cos - disableExternalCapture - enableExternalCapture - eval - exec - exp - find - floor - focus - forward - fromCharCode - getDate - getDay - getFullYear - getHours - getMilliseconds - getMinutes - getMonth - getSeconds - getSelection - getTime - getTimezoneOffset - getUTCDate - getUTCDay - getUTCFullYear - getUTCHours - getUTCMilliseconds - getUTCMinutes - getUTCMonth - getUTCSeconds - go - handleEvent - home - indexOf - javaEnabled - join - lastIndexOf - link - load - log - match - max - min - moveAbove - moveBelow - moveBy - moveTo - moveToAbsolute - open - parse - plugins.refresh - pop - pow - preference - print - prompt - push - random - releaseEvents - reload - replace - reset - resizeBy - resizeTo - reverse - round - routeEvent - scrollBy - scrollTo - search - select - setDate - setFullYear - setHours - setInterval - setMilliseconds - setMinutes - setMonth - setSeconds - setTime - setTimeout - setUTCDate - setUTCFullYear - setUTCHours - setUTCMilliseconds - setUTCMinutes - setUTCMonth - setUTCSeconds - shift - sin - slice - sort - splice - split - sqrt - stop - String formatting - submit - substr - substring - taintEnabled - tan - test - toLocaleString - toLowerCase - toSource - toString - toUpperCase - toUTCString - unshift - unwatch - UTC - valueOf - watch - write - writeln + abs + acos + alert + anchor + apply + asin + atan + atan2 + back + blur + call + captureEvents + ceil + charAt + charCodeAt + clearInterval + clearTimeout + click + close + compile + concat + confirm + cos + disableExternalCapture + enableExternalCapture + eval + exec + exp + find + floor + focus + forward + fromCharCode + getDate + getDay + getFullYear + getHours + getMilliseconds + getMinutes + getMonth + getSeconds + getSelection + getTime + getTimezoneOffset + getUTCDate + getUTCDay + getUTCFullYear + getUTCHours + getUTCMilliseconds + getUTCMinutes + getUTCMonth + getUTCSeconds + go + handleEvent + home + indexOf + javaEnabled + join + lastIndexOf + link + load + log + match + max + min + moveAbove + moveBelow + moveBy + moveTo + moveToAbsolute + open + parse + plugins.refresh + pop + pow + preference + print + prompt + push + random + releaseEvents + reload + replace + reset + resizeBy + resizeTo + reverse + round + routeEvent + scrollBy + scrollTo + search + select + setDate + setFullYear + setHours + setInterval + setMilliseconds + setMinutes + setMonth + setSeconds + setTime + setTimeout + setUTCDate + setUTCFullYear + setUTCHours + setUTCMilliseconds + setUTCMinutes + setUTCMonth + setUTCSeconds + shift + sin + slice + sort + splice + split + sqrt + stop + submit + substr + substring + taintEnabled + tan + test + toLocaleString + toLowerCase + toSource + toString + toUpperCase + toUTCString + unshift + unwatch + UTC + valueOf + watch + write + writeln - break - case - catch - continue - default - do - else - for - function - if - in - return - switch - try - var - while + break + case + catch + continue + default + do + else + for + function + if + in + return + switch + try + var + while - Abs - ACos - ArrayAppend - ArrayAvg - ArrayClear - ArrayDeleteAt - ArrayInsertAt - ArrayIsEmpty - ArrayLen - ArrayMax - ArrayMin - ArrayNew - ArrayPrepend - ArrayResize - ArraySet - ArraySort - ArraySum - ArraySwap - ArrayToList - Asc - ASin - Atn - BitAnd - BitMaskClear - BitMaskRead - BitMaskSet - BitNot - BitOr - BitSHLN - BitSHRN - BitXor - Ceiling - Chr - CJustify - Compare - CompareNoCase - Cos - CreateDate - CreateDateTime - CreateObject - CreateODBCDate - CreateODBCDateTime - CreateODBCTime - CreateTime - CreateTimeSpan - CreateUUID - DateAdd - DateCompare - DateConvert - DateDiff - DateFormat - DatePart - Day - DayOfWeek - DayOfWeekAsString - DayOfYear - DaysInMonth - DaysInYear - DE - DecimalFormat - DecrementValue - Decrypt - DeleteClientVariable - DirectoryExists - DollarFormat - Duplicate - Encrypt - Evaluate - Exp - ExpandPath - FileExists - Find - FindNoCase - FindOneOf - FirstDayOfMonth - Fix - FormatBaseN - GetAuthUser - GetBaseTagData - GetBaseTagList - GetBaseTemplatePath - GetClientVariablesList - GetCurrentTemplatePath - GetDirectoryFromPath - GetException - GetFileFromPath - GetFunctionList - GetHttpRequestData - GetHttpTimeString - GetK2ServerDocCount - GetK2ServerDocCountLimit - GetLocale - GetMetaData - GetMetricData - GetPageContext - GetProfileSections - GetProfileString - GetServiceSettings - GetTempDirectory - GetTempFile - GetTemplatePath - GetTickCount - GetTimeZoneInfo - GetToken - Hash - Hour - HTMLCodeFormat - HTMLEditFormat - IIf - IncrementValue - InputBaseN - Insert - Int - IsArray - IsBinary - IsBoolean - IsCustomFunction - IsDate - IsDebugMode - IsDefined - IsK2ServerABroker - IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded - IsK2ServerOnline - IsLeapYear - IsNumeric - IsNumericDate - IsObject - IsQuery - IsSimpleValue - IsStruct - IsUserInRole - IsWDDX - IsXmlDoc - IsXmlElement - IsXmlRoot - JavaCast - JSStringFormat - LCase - Left - Len - ListAppend - ListChangeDelims - ListContains - ListContainsNoCase - ListDeleteAt - ListFind - ListFindNoCase - ListFirst - ListGetAt - ListInsertAt - ListLast - ListLen - ListPrepend - ListQualify - ListRest - ListSetAt - ListSort - ListToArray - ListValueCount - ListValueCountNoCase - LJustify - Log - Log10 - LSCurrencyFormat - LSDateFormat - LSEuroCurrencyFormat - LSIsCurrency - LSIsDate - LSIsNumeric - LSNumberFormat - LSParseCurrency - LSParseDateTime - LSParseEuroCurrency - LSParseNumber - LSTimeFormat - LTrim - Max - Mid - Min - Minute - Month - MonthAsString - Now - NumberFormat - ParagraphFormat - ParameterExists - ParseDateTime - Pi - PreserveSingleQuotes - Quarter - QueryAddColumn - QueryAddRow - QueryNew - QuerySetCell - QuotedValueList - Rand - Randomize - RandRange - REFind - REFindNoCase - RemoveChars - RepeatString - Replace - ReplaceList - ReplaceNoCase - REReplace - REReplaceNoCase - Reverse - Right - RJustify - Round - RTrim - Second - SetEncoding - SetLocale - SetProfileString - SetVariable - Sgn - Sin - SpanExcluding - SpanIncluding - Sqr - StripCR - StructAppend - StructClear - StructCopy - StructCount - StructDelete - StructFind - StructFindKey - StructFindValue - StructGet - StructInsert - StructIsEmpty - StructKeyArray - StructKeyExists - StructKeyList - StructNew - StructSort - StructUpdate - Tan - TimeFormat - ToBase64 - ToBinary - ToString - Trim - UCase - URLDecode - URLEncodedFormat - URLSessionFormat - Val - ValueList - Week - WriteOutput - XmlChildPos - XmlElemNew - XmlFormat - XmlNew - XmlParse - XmlSearch - XmlTransform - Year - YesNoFormat + Abs + ACos + ArrayAppend + ArrayAvg + ArrayClear + ArrayDeleteAt + ArrayInsertAt + ArrayIsEmpty + ArrayLen + ArrayMax + ArrayMin + ArrayNew + ArrayPrepend + ArrayResize + ArraySet + ArraySort + ArraySum + ArraySwap + ArrayToList + Asc + ASin + Atn + BitAnd + BitMaskClear + BitMaskRead + BitMaskSet + BitNot + BitOr + BitSHLN + BitSHRN + BitXor + Ceiling + Chr + CJustify + Compare + CompareNoCase + Cos + CreateDate + CreateDateTime + CreateObject + CreateODBCDate + CreateODBCDateTime + CreateODBCTime + CreateTime + CreateTimeSpan + CreateUUID + DateAdd + DateCompare + DateConvert + DateDiff + DateFormat + DatePart + Day + DayOfWeek + DayOfWeekAsString + DayOfYear + DaysInMonth + DaysInYear + DE + DecimalFormat + DecrementValue + Decrypt + DeleteClientVariable + DirectoryExists + DollarFormat + Duplicate + Encrypt + Evaluate + Exp + ExpandPath + FileExists + Find + FindNoCase + FindOneOf + FirstDayOfMonth + Fix + FormatBaseN + GetAuthUser + GetBaseTagData + GetBaseTagList + GetBaseTemplatePath + GetClientVariablesList + GetCurrentTemplatePath + GetDirectoryFromPath + GetException + GetFileFromPath + GetFunctionList + GetHttpRequestData + GetHttpTimeString + GetK2ServerDocCount + GetK2ServerDocCountLimit + GetLocale + GetMetaData + GetMetricData + GetPageContext + GetProfileSections + GetProfileString + GetServiceSettings + GetTempDirectory + GetTempFile + GetTemplatePath + GetTickCount + GetTimeZoneInfo + GetToken + Hash + Hour + HTMLCodeFormat + HTMLEditFormat + IIf + IncrementValue + InputBaseN + Insert + Int + IsArray + IsBinary + IsBoolean + IsCustomFunction + IsDate + IsDebugMode + IsDefined + IsK2ServerABroker + IsK2ServerDocCountExceeded + IsK2ServerOnline + IsLeapYear + IsNumeric + IsNumericDate + IsObject + IsQuery + IsSimpleValue + IsStruct + IsUserInRole + IsWDDX + IsXmlDoc + IsXmlElement + IsXmlRoot + JavaCast + JSStringFormat + LCase + Left + Len + ListAppend + ListChangeDelims + ListContains + ListContainsNoCase + ListDeleteAt + ListFind + ListFindNoCase + ListFirst + ListGetAt + ListInsertAt + ListLast + ListLen + ListPrepend + ListQualify + ListRest + ListSetAt + ListSort + ListToArray + ListValueCount + ListValueCountNoCase + LJustify + Log + Log10 + LSCurrencyFormat + LSDateFormat + LSEuroCurrencyFormat + LSIsCurrency + LSIsDate + LSIsNumeric + LSNumberFormat + LSParseCurrency + LSParseDateTime + LSParseEuroCurrency + LSParseNumber + LSTimeFormat + LTrim + Max + Mid + Min + Minute + Month + MonthAsString + Now + NumberFormat + ParagraphFormat + ParameterExists + ParseDateTime + Pi + PreserveSingleQuotes + Quarter + QueryAddColumn + QueryAddRow + QueryNew + QuerySetCell + QuotedValueList + Rand + Randomize + RandRange + REFind + REFindNoCase + RemoveChars + RepeatString + Replace + ReplaceList + ReplaceNoCase + REReplace + REReplaceNoCase + Reverse + Right + RJustify + Round + RTrim + Second + SetEncoding + SetLocale + SetProfileString + SetVariable + Sgn + Sin + SpanExcluding + SpanIncluding + Sqr + StripCR + StructAppend + StructClear + StructCopy + StructCount + StructDelete + StructFind + StructFindKey + StructFindValue + StructGet + StructInsert + StructIsEmpty + StructKeyArray + StructKeyExists + StructKeyList + StructNew + StructSort + StructUpdate + Tan + TimeFormat + ToBase64 + ToBinary + ToString + Trim + UCase + URLDecode + URLEncodedFormat + URLSessionFormat + Val + ValueList + Week + WriteOutput + XmlChildPos + XmlElemNew + XmlFormat + XmlNew + XmlParse + XmlSearch + XmlTransform + Year + YesNoFormat -- cgit v1.2.1