From ffe8a83e053396df448e9413828527613ca3bd46 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: tpearson Use this combo box to select the printer to which you want to print."
" Initially (if you run KDEPrint for the first time), you may only find the "
" KDE special printers (which save"
@@ -134,11 +134,11 @@ KPrintDialog::KPrintDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
" can be made through a selection in the drop-down menu at bottom of this dialog when "
" fully expanded). This button opens a dialog where you can make decisions"
" regarding all supported print job options."
" This button reduces the list of visible printers"
" to a shorter, more convenient, pre-defined list. This is particularly useful in enterprise environments"
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ KPrintDialog::KPrintDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
" 'selective view list' will make all printers dissappear from the "
" view. (To re-enable all printers, just click this button again.) This button starts the KDE Add Printer Wizard. Use the Wizard (with \"CUPS\" or \"RLPR\") to add locally"
" defined printers to your system.
Here you can enter any command that would also print for you in " " a konsole window.
" " Example:a2ps -P <printername> --medium=A3." "
This button shows or hides additional printing options.
This button starts a new dialog where you can adjust various" " settings of your printing system. Amongst them:" "
If you enable this checkbox, the printing dialog" " stays open after you hit the Print button.
" "This is" @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ KPrintDialog::KPrintDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name) " the other) to have it finished more quickly.
" "This button calls the \"File Open / Browse Directories\" dialog to allow you" " to select a file for printing. Note, that " "
Note: (Button is only visible if the checkbox for "
@@ -262,98 +262,98 @@ KPrintDialog::KPrintDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
// widget creation
- QGroupBox *m_pbox = new QGroupBox(0,Qt::Vertical,i18n("Printer"), this);
- d->m_type = new QLabel(m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_type, whatsThisPrinterType);
- d->m_state = new QLabel(m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_state, whatsThisPrinterState);
- d->m_comment = new QLabel(m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_comment, whatsThisPrinterComment);
- d->m_location = new QLabel(m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_location, whatsThisLocationLabel);
+ QGroupBox *m_pbox = new TQGroupBox(0,Qt::Vertical,i18n("Printer"), this);
+ d->m_type = new TQLabel(m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_type, whatsThisPrinterType);
+ d->m_state = new TQLabel(m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_state, whatsThisPrinterState);
+ d->m_comment = new TQLabel(m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_comment, whatsThisPrinterComment);
+ d->m_location = new TQLabel(m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_location, whatsThisLocationLabel);
d->m_printers = new TreeComboBox(m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_printers, whatsThisPrinterSelect);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_printers, whatsThisPrinterSelect);
- QLabel *m_printerlabel = new QLabel(i18n("&Name:"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(m_printerlabel, whatsThisPrinterSelect);
- QLabel *m_statelabel = new QLabel(i18n("Status", "State:"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(m_statelabel, whatsThisPrinterState);
- QLabel *m_typelabel = new QLabel(i18n("Type:"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(m_typelabel, whatsThisPrinterType);
- QLabel *m_locationlabel = new QLabel(i18n("Location:"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(m_locationlabel, whatsThisLocationLabel);
- QLabel *m_commentlabel = new QLabel(i18n("Comment:"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(m_commentlabel, whatsThisPrinterComment);
+ QLabel *m_printerlabel = new TQLabel(i18n("&Name:"), m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(m_printerlabel, whatsThisPrinterSelect);
+ QLabel *m_statelabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Status", "State:"), m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(m_statelabel, whatsThisPrinterState);
+ QLabel *m_typelabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Type:"), m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(m_typelabel, whatsThisPrinterType);
+ QLabel *m_locationlabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Location:"), m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(m_locationlabel, whatsThisLocationLabel);
+ QLabel *m_commentlabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Comment:"), m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(m_commentlabel, whatsThisPrinterComment);
d->m_properties = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("P&roperties"), "edit"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add( d->m_properties, whatsThisPrintJobProperties);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->m_properties, whatsThisPrintJobProperties);
d->m_options = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("System Op&tions"), "kdeprint_configmgr"), this);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_options,whatsThisSystemOptions);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_options,whatsThisSystemOptions);
d->m_default = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("Set as &Default"), "kdeprint_defaultsoft"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_default,whatsThisSetDefaultPrinter);
- d->m_filter = new QPushButton(m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_default,whatsThisSetDefaultPrinter);
+ d->m_filter = new TQPushButton(m_pbox);
- d->m_filter->setMinimumSize(QSize(d->m_printers->minimumHeight(),d->m_printers->minimumHeight()));
+ d->m_filter->setMinimumSize(TQSize(d->m_printers->minimumHeight(),d->m_printers->minimumHeight()));
- QToolTip::add(d->m_filter, i18n("Toggle selective view on printer list"));
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_filter, whatsThisPrinterFilter);
- d->m_wizard = new QPushButton(m_pbox);
+ TQToolTip::add(d->m_filter, i18n("Toggle selective view on printer list"));
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_filter, whatsThisPrinterFilter);
+ d->m_wizard = new TQPushButton(m_pbox);
- d->m_wizard->setMinimumSize(QSize(d->m_printers->minimumHeight(),d->m_printers->minimumHeight()));
- QToolTip::add(d->m_wizard, i18n("Add printer..."));
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_wizard, whatsThisAddPrinterWizard);
+ d->m_wizard->setMinimumSize(TQSize(d->m_printers->minimumHeight(),d->m_printers->minimumHeight()));
+ TQToolTip::add(d->m_wizard, i18n("Add printer..."));
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_wizard, whatsThisAddPrinterWizard);
d->m_ok = new KPushButton(KGuiItem(i18n("&Print"), "fileprint"), this);
- QWhatsThis::add( d->m_ok, whatsThisPrintButton);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->m_ok, whatsThisPrintButton);
d->m_ok->setEnabled( false );
QPushButton *m_cancel = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::cancel(), this);
- QWhatsThis::add(m_cancel, whatsThisCancelButton);
- d->m_preview = new QCheckBox(i18n("Previe&w"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_preview, whatsThisPreviewCheckBox);
- d->m_filelabel = new QLabel(i18n("O&utput file:"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_filelabel,whatsThisOutputFileLabel);
- d->m_file = new KURLRequester(QDir::homeDirPath()+"/", m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_file,whatsThisOutputFileLineedit);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(m_cancel, whatsThisCancelButton);
+ d->m_preview = new TQCheckBox(i18n("Previe&w"), m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_preview, whatsThisPreviewCheckBox);
+ d->m_filelabel = new TQLabel(i18n("O&utput file:"), m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_filelabel,whatsThisOutputFileLabel);
+ d->m_file = new KURLRequester(TQDir::homeDirPath()+"/", m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_file,whatsThisOutputFileLineedit);
- d->m_cmdlabel = new QLabel(i18n("Print co&mmand:"), m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add( d->m_cmdlabel, whatsThisExternalPrintCommand);
+ d->m_cmdlabel = new TQLabel(i18n("Print co&mmand:"), m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->m_cmdlabel, whatsThisExternalPrintCommand);
- d->m_cmd = new QLineEdit(m_pbox);
- QWhatsThis::add( d->m_cmd, whatsThisExternalPrintCommand);
+ d->m_cmd = new TQLineEdit(m_pbox);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->m_cmd, whatsThisExternalPrintCommand);
- d->m_dummy = new QVBox(this);
+ d->m_dummy = new TQVBox(this);
d->m_plugin = new PluginComboBox(this);
d->m_extbtn = new KPushButton(this);
- QToolTip::add(d->m_extbtn, i18n("Show/hide advanced options"));
- QWhatsThis::add(d->m_extbtn, whatsThisOptions);
- d->m_persistent = new QCheckBox(i18n("&Keep this dialog open after printing"), this);
- QWhatsThis::add( d->m_persistent, whatsThisKeepDialogOpenCheckbox);
+ TQToolTip::add(d->m_extbtn, i18n("Show/hide advanced options"));
+ TQWhatsThis::add(d->m_extbtn, whatsThisOptions);
+ d->m_persistent = new TQCheckBox(i18n("&Keep this dialog open after printing"), this);
+ TQWhatsThis::add( d->m_persistent, whatsThisKeepDialogOpenCheckbox);
QPushButton *m_help = new KPushButton(KStdGuiItem::help(), this);
- QWhatsThis::add( m_help, whatsThisHelpButton);
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_printers, d->m_filter );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_filter, d->m_wizard );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_wizard, d->m_properties );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_properties, d->m_preview );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_preview, d->m_file );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_file, d->m_cmd );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_plugin, d->m_persistent );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_persistent, d->m_extbtn );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_extbtn, d->m_options );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_options, m_help );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( m_help, d->m_ok );
- QWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_ok, m_cancel );
+ TQWhatsThis::add( m_help, whatsThisHelpButton);
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_printers, d->m_filter );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_filter, d->m_wizard );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_wizard, d->m_properties );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_properties, d->m_preview );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_preview, d->m_file );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_file, d->m_cmd );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_plugin, d->m_persistent );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_persistent, d->m_extbtn );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_extbtn, d->m_options );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_options, m_help );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( m_help, d->m_ok );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->m_ok, m_cancel );
// layout creation
- QVBoxLayout *l1 = new QVBoxLayout(this, 10, 10);
+ QVBoxLayout *l1 = new TQVBoxLayout(this, 10, 10);
- QHBoxLayout *l2 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 10);
+ QHBoxLayout *l2 = new TQHBoxLayout(0, 0, 10);
@@ -361,17 +361,17 @@ KPrintDialog::KPrintDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
- QGridLayout *l3 = new QGridLayout(m_pbox->layout(),3,3,7);
+ QGridLayout *l3 = new TQGridLayout(m_pbox->layout(),3,3,7);
- QGridLayout *l4 = new QGridLayout(0, 5, 2, 0, 5);
+ QGridLayout *l4 = new TQGridLayout(0, 5, 2, 0, 5);
- QHBoxLayout *ll4 = new QHBoxLayout(0, 0, 3);
+ QHBoxLayout *ll4 = new TQHBoxLayout(0, 0, 3);
@@ -382,7 +382,7 @@ KPrintDialog::KPrintDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
- QVBoxLayout *l5 = new QVBoxLayout(0, 0, 10);
+ QVBoxLayout *l5 = new TQVBoxLayout(0, 0, 10);
@@ -396,19 +396,19 @@ KPrintDialog::KPrintDialog(QWidget *parent, const char *name)
// connections
- connect(d->m_ok,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(accept()));
- connect(m_cancel,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(reject()));
- connect(d->m_properties,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(slotProperties()));
- connect(d->m_default,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(slotSetDefault()));
- connect(d->m_printers,SIGNAL(activated(int)),SLOT(slotPrinterSelected(int)));
- connect(d->m_options,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(slotOptions()));
- connect(d->m_wizard,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(slotWizard()));
- connect(d->m_extbtn, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotExtensionClicked()));
- connect(d->m_filter, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), SLOT(slotToggleFilter(bool)));
- connect(m_help, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(slotHelp()));
- connect(d->m_file, SIGNAL(urlSelected(const QString&)), SLOT(slotOutputFileSelected(const QString&)));
- connect( d->m_file, SIGNAL( openFileDialog( KURLRequester* ) ), SLOT( slotOpenFileDialog() ) );
- connect( KMFactory::self()->manager(), SIGNAL( updatePossible( bool ) ), SLOT( slotUpdatePossible( bool ) ) );
+ connect(d->m_ok,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),TQT_SLOT(accept()));
+ connect(m_cancel,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),TQT_SLOT(reject()));
+ connect(d->m_properties,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),TQT_SLOT(slotProperties()));
+ connect(d->m_default,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),TQT_SLOT(slotSetDefault()));
+ connect(d->m_printers,TQT_SIGNAL(activated(int)),TQT_SLOT(slotPrinterSelected(int)));
+ connect(d->m_options,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),TQT_SLOT(slotOptions()));
+ connect(d->m_wizard,TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()),TQT_SLOT(slotWizard()));
+ connect(d->m_extbtn, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotExtensionClicked()));
+ connect(d->m_filter, TQT_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), TQT_SLOT(slotToggleFilter(bool)));
+ connect(m_help, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), TQT_SLOT(slotHelp()));
+ connect(d->m_file, TQT_SIGNAL(urlSelected(const TQString&)), TQT_SLOT(slotOutputFileSelected(const TQString&)));
+ connect( d->m_file, TQT_SIGNAL( openFileDialog( KURLRequester* ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotOpenFileDialog() ) );
+ connect( KMFactory::self()->manager(), TQT_SIGNAL( updatePossible( bool ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotUpdatePossible( bool ) ) );
d->b_optionsEnabled = kapp->authorize("print/options") && kapp->authorize("print/selection");
d->b_propertiesEnabled = kapp->authorize("print/properties") && kapp->authorize("print/selection");
@@ -473,28 +473,28 @@ void KPrintDialog::setFlags(int f)
d->m_wizard->setEnabled((mgr->hasManagement() && (mgr->printerOperationMask() & KMManager::PrinterCreation)));
-void KPrintDialog::setDialogPages(QPtrList