################################################# # # (C) 2010-2011 Serghei Amelian # serghei (DOT) amelian (AT) gmail.com # # Improvements and feedback are welcome # # This file is released under GPL >= 2 # ################################################# ##### set project version ######################## include( TDEVersion ) cmake_minimum_required( VERSION ${TDE_CMAKE_MINIMUM_VERSION} ) tde_set_project_version( ) ##### general package setup ##################### project( tdelibs ) set( PACKAGE tdelibs ) ##### include essential cmake modules ########### include( FindPkgConfig ) include( CheckIncludeFile ) include( CheckIncludeFiles ) include( CheckSymbolExists ) include( CheckFunctionExists ) include( CheckCSourceCompiles ) include( CheckCXXSourceCompiles ) include( CheckTypeSize ) include( CheckCSourceRuns ) include( CheckLibraryExists ) include( CheckStructHasMember ) ##### include our cmake modules ################# include( TDEMacros ) include( TDESetupPaths ) ##### setup and find essential stuff ############ tde_setup_paths( ) tde_setup_architecture_flags( ) enable_testing( ) find_package( TQt ) list( APPEND TDECORE_LIBRARY_DIRS ${TQT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) ##### add apidox targets ############ add_custom_target( apidox COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E env "TQTDOCDIR=/usr/share/tqt3/doc/html" ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/admin/doxygen.sh --no-modulename ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} COMMAND find ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/apidocs -name '*.html' | xargs -r sed -i 's|${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/apidocs|${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/en/${PROJECT_NAME}-apidocs|g' COMMAND find ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/apidocs -name '*.tag' | xargs -r sed -i 's|${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/|${PROJECT_NAME}/|g' WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR} ) add_custom_target( install-apidox COMMAND ${CMAKE_COMMAND} -E echo Apidox installed in ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/en/${PROJECT_NAME}-apidocs ) install( CODE " if( EXISTS ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/apidocs ) file( INSTALL ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/apidocs/ DESTINATION ${HTML_INSTALL_DIR}/en/${PROJECT_NAME}-apidocs PATTERN doxygen_sqlite3.db EXCLUDE PATTERN installdox-slow EXCLUDE ) endif()" ) ##### user requested OPTIONs #################### option( WITH_ALL_OPTIONS "Enable all OPTIONal support" OFF ) option( TDE_MALLOC "Use own malloc implementation" OFF ) option( TDE_MALLOC_DEBUG "Enable debugging in fast malloc" OFF ) option( TDE_MALLOC_FULL "Make alloc as fast as possible" OFF ) option( WITH_ARTS "Build with aRts" ON ) option( WITH_ALSA "Enable ALSA support" ON ) option( WITH_LIBART "Enable libart support (for SVG icons)" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_LIBIDN "Enable support for libidn" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_SSL "Enable support for SSL" ON ) option( WITH_CUPS "Enable CUPS support" ON ) option( WITH_IMAGETOPS_BINARY "Enable installation of imagetops binary" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_LUA "Enable LUA support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_TIFF "Enable tiff support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_JASPER "Enable jasper (jpeg2k) support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_WEBP "Enable WebP support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_OPENEXR "Enable openexr support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_UTEMPTER "Use utempter for utmp management" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_AVAHI "Enable AVAHI support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_ELFICON "Enable ELF embedded icon support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_PCRE2 "Enable pcre2 regex support for kjs" ON ) option( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY "Enable fvisibility and fvisibility-inlines-hidden" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_INOTIFY "Enable inotify support for tdeio" ON ) option( WITH_GAMIN "Enable FAM/GAMIN support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_TDEHWLIB "Enable TDE hwlib globally" ON ) option( WITH_TDEHWLIB_DAEMONS "Enable daemons for TDE hwlib" ${WITH_TDEHWLIB} ) option( WITH_DEVKITPOWER "Enable DeviceKit Power support" OFF ) option( WITH_LOGINDPOWER "Enable Logind/Systemd Power support" OFF ) option( WITH_UPOWER "Enable uPower support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_UDISKS "Enable uDisks support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_UDISKS2 "Enable uDisks2 support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_UDEVIL "Enable udevil support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_CONSOLEKIT "Enable ConsoleKit support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_NETWORK_MANAGER_BACKEND "Enable network-manager support" OFF ) option( WITH_SUDO_TDESU_BACKEND "Use sudo as backend for tdesu (default is su)" OFF ) option( WITH_OLD_XDG_STD "Use the pre R14.0.0 XDG standard where both TDE and KDE are recognized in desktop files" OFF ) option( WITH_PCSC "Enable PC/SC SmartCard support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_PKCS "Enable PKCS support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_CRYPTSETUP "Enable cryptsetup support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_LZMA "Enable support for LZMA/XZ" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_LIBBFD "Enable pretty backtraces with libbfd from GNU binutils" OFF ) option( WITH_XRANDR "Build the tderandr library" ON ) option( WITH_XCOMPOSITE "Enable xcomposite support" ON ) option( WITH_MITSHM "Use MIT-SHM for pixmap loading/saving" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_KDE4_MENU_SUFFIX "Add [KDE4] tag to KDE4 menu items" OFF ) option( WITH_ISPELL "Enable ispell support" ON ) option( WITH_ASPELL "Enable aspell support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_HSPELL "Enable hspell support" ${WITH_ALL_OPTIONS} ) option( WITH_TDEICONLOADER_DEBUG "Enable debugging in TDEIconLoader class" OFF ) ##### set PKG_CONFIG_PATH ####################### set( ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH} "${PKG_CONFIG_PATH}:${PKGCONFIG_INSTALL_DIR}:${LIB_INSTALL_DIR}/pkgconfig:$ENV{PKG_CONFIG_PATH}" ) ##### check for CPU architecture ################ ### FIXME fast malloc is also available on x86_64 architecture? if( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} MATCHES "i?86" OR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} STREQUAL "x86_64" ) set( TDE_MALLOC_X86 1 ) message( STATUS "Found x86 architecture" ) else( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} MATCHES "i?86" OR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} STREQUAL "x86_64" ) if( TDE_MALLOC ) message( FATAL_ERROR "\nKDE fast malloc is available only on x86 architecture" ) endif( TDE_MALLOC ) endif( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} MATCHES "i?86" OR ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR} STREQUAL "x86_64" ) ##### check for operating system ################ if( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux" ) set( TDEINIT_SETUID 1 ) set( TDEINIT_OOM_PROTECT 1 ) endif( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "Linux" ) ##### get the system's default path for libraries tde_save_and_set( CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX "/usr" ) include( GNUInstallDirs OPTIONAL ) if( CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR ) set( SYSTEM_LIBDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR}" ) else( ) set( SYSTEM_LIBDIR "lib${LIB_SUFFIX}" ) endif( ) tde_restore( CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX ) ##### check for compiler capabilities ########### include( CheckCXXCompilerFlag ) check_cxx_compiler_flag( -Woverloaded-virtual WOVERLOADED_VIRTUAL ) if( WOVERLOADED_VIRTUAL ) set( WOVERLOADED_VIRTUAL -Woverloaded-virtual ) endif( WOVERLOADED_VIRTUAL ) check_cxx_compiler_flag( -fno-builtin NO_BUILTIN ) if( NO_BUILTIN ) endif( NO_BUILTIN ) ##### system checks ############################# include(TestBigEndian) test_big_endian(WORDS_BIGENDIAN) tde_setup_largefiles( ) tde_save_and_set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/libltdl ) check_include_file( "ltdl.h" HAVE_LTDL_H ) if( NOT HAVE_LTDL_H ) tde_message_fatal( "ltdl.h is required, but not found on your system" ) endif( ) tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ) check_include_file( "alloca.h" HAVE_ALLOCA_H ) check_include_file( "arpa/nameser8_compat.h" HAVE_ARPA_NAMESER8_COMPAT_H ) check_include_file( "awe_voice.h" HAVE_AWE_VOICE_H ) check_include_file( "Carbon/Carbon.h" HAVE_CARBON_CARBON_H ) check_include_file( "crt_externs.h" HAVE_CRT_EXTERNS_H ) check_include_file( "ctype.h" HAVE_CTYPE_H ) check_include_file( "dirent.h" HAVE_DIRENT_H ) check_include_file( "dld.h" HAVE_DLD_H ) check_include_file( "dlfcn.h" HAVE_DLFCN_H ) check_include_file( "dl.h" HAVE_DL_H ) check_include_files( "sys/types.h;sys/dl.h" HAVE_SYS_DL_H ) check_include_file( "float.h" HAVE_FLOAT_H ) check_include_file( "fstab.h" HAVE_FSTAB_H ) check_include_file( "ieeefp.h" HAVE_IEEEFP_H ) check_include_file( "inttypes.h" HAVE_INTTYPES_H ) check_include_file( "libutil.h" HAVE_LIBUTIL_H ) check_include_file( "limits.h" HAVE_LIMITS_H ) check_include_file( "linux/awe_voice.h" HAVE_LINUX_AWE_VOICE_H ) check_include_file( "locale.h" HAVE_LOCALE_H ) check_include_file( "machine/soundcard.h" HAVE_MACHINE_SOUNDCARD_H ) check_include_file( "malloc.h" HAVE_MALLOC_H ) check_include_file( "memory.h" HAVE_MEMORY_H ) check_include_file( "mntent.h" HAVE_MNTENT_H ) check_include_file( "sys/mntent.h" HAVE_SYS_MNTENT_H ) check_include_file( "ndir.h" HAVE_NDIR_H ) check_include_file( "netinet/in.h" HAVE_NETINET_IN_H ) check_include_file( "net/if.h" HAVE_NET_IF_H ) if( NOT HAVE_NET_IF_H ) find_path( NET_IF_PATH "net/if.h" ) if( NET_IF_PATH ) set( HAVE_NET_IF_H "1" ) endif( ) endif( ) check_include_file( "paths.h" HAVE_PATHS_H ) check_include_file( "pty.h" HAVE_PTY_H ) check_include_file( "stdint.h" HAVE_STDINT_H ) check_include_file( "stdio.h" HAVE_STDIO_H ) check_include_file( "stdlib.h" HAVE_STDLIB_H ) check_include_file( "strings.h" HAVE_STRINGS_H ) check_include_file( "string.h" HAVE_STRING_H ) check_include_file( "sysent.h" HAVE_SYSENT_H ) check_include_file( "sys/acl.h" HAVE_SYS_ACL_H ) check_include_file( "sys/dir.h" HAVE_SYS_DIR_H ) check_include_file( "sys/filio.h" HAVE_SYS_FILIO_H ) check_include_file( "sys/mman.h" HAVE_SYS_MMAN_H ) check_include_file( "sys/mntent.h" HAVE_SYS_MNTENT_H ) check_include_files( "stdio.h;sys/mnttab.h" HAVE_SYS_MNTTAB_H ) check_include_file( "sys/mount.h" HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H ) if( NOT HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H ) find_path( SYS_MOUNT_PATH "sys/mount.h" ) if( SYS_MOUNT_PATH ) set( HAVE_SYS_MOUNT_H "1" ) endif( ) endif( ) check_include_file( "sys/ndir.h" HAVE_SYS_NDIR_H ) check_include_file( "sys/param.h" HAVE_SYS_PARAM_H ) check_include_file( "sys/prctl.h" HAVE_SYS_PRCTL_H ) check_include_file( "sys/select.h" HAVE_SYS_SELECT_H ) check_include_file( "sys/soundcard.h" HAVE_SYS_SOUNDCARD_H ) check_include_file( "sys/stat.h" HAVE_SYS_STAT_H ) check_include_file( "sys/stropts.h" HAVE_SYS_STROPTS_H ) check_include_file( "sys/types.h" HAVE_SYS_TYPES_H ) check_include_file( "sys/ucred.h" HAVE_SYS_UCRED_H ) if( NOT HAVE_SYS_UCRED_H ) find_path( SYS_UCRED_PATH "sys/ucred.h" ) if( SYS_UCRED_PATH ) set( HAVE_SYS_UCRED_H 1 ) endif( ) endif( ) check_include_file( "ucred.h" HAVE_UCRED_H ) if( NOT HAVE_UCRED_H ) find_path( UCRED_PATH "ucred.h" ) if( UCRED_PATH ) set( HAVE_UCRED_H 1 ) endif() endif() check_include_file( "sys/xattr.h" HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H ) check_include_file( "termios.h" HAVE_TERMIOS_H ) check_include_file( "termio.h" HAVE_TERMIO_H ) check_include_file( "unistd.h" HAVE_UNISTD_H ) check_include_file( "util.h" HAVE_UTIL_H ) check_include_file( "values.h" HAVE_VALUES_H ) # FIXME I'm not sure if test TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME are correct check_include_file( "sys/time.h" HAVE_SYS_TIME_H ) check_include_file( "time.h" HAVE_TIME_H ) if( HAVE_SYS_TIME_H AND HAVE_TIME_H ) set( TIME_WITH_SYS_TIME 1 ) endif( HAVE_SYS_TIME_H AND HAVE_TIME_H ) if( HAVE_SYS_ACL_H ) check_include_file( "acl/libacl.h" HAVE_ACL_LIBACL_H ) if( HAVE_ACL_LIBACL_H ) check_library_exists( acl acl_init "" HAVE_ACL_INIT ) if( HAVE_ACL_INIT AND HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H ) set( USE_POSIX_ACL 1 ) set( HAVE_NON_POSIX_ACL_EXTENSIONS 1 ) set( ACL_LIBRARIES acl attr ) endif( HAVE_ACL_INIT AND HAVE_SYS_XATTR_H ) else( HAVE_ACL_LIBACL_H ) check_library_exists( c acl_init "" HAVE_ACL_INIT ) if( HAVE_ACL_INIT ) set( USE_POSIX_ACL 1 ) set( ACL_LIBRARIES c ) endif( HAVE_ACL_INIT ) endif( HAVE_ACL_LIBACL_H ) endif( HAVE_SYS_ACL_H ) check_include_file( "valgrind/memcheck.h" HAVE_VALGRIND_MEMCHECK_H ) check_include_file( "values.h" HAVE_VALUES_H ) check_include_file( "X11/extensions/shape.h" HAVE_X11_EXTENSIONS_SHAPE_H ) check_include_file( "/usr/src/sys/gnu/i386/isa/sound/awe_voice.h" HAVE__USR_SRC_SYS_GNU_I386_ISA_SOUND_AWE_VOICE_H ) check_include_file( "/usr/src/sys/i386/isa/sound/awe_voice.h" HAVE__USR_SRC_SYS_I386_ISA_SOUND_AWE_VOICE_H ) check_function_exists( random HAVE_RANDOM ) check_symbol_exists( random "stdlib.h" HAVE_RANDOM_PROTO ) check_function_exists( srandom HAVE_SRANDOM ) check_symbol_exists( srandom "stdlib.h" HAVE_SRANDOM_PROTO ) check_function_exists( seteuid HAVE_SETEUID ) check_function_exists( setegid HAVE_SETEGID ) check_function_exists( gethostname HAVE_GETHOSTNAME ) check_symbol_exists( gethostname "unistd.h" HAVE_GETHOSTNAME_PROTO ) check_function_exists( vsnprintf HAVE_VSNPRINTF ) check_function_exists( snprintf HAVE_SNPRINTF ) check_function_exists( setenv HAVE_SETENV ) check_symbol_exists( setenv "stdlib.h" HAVE_SETENV_PROTO ) check_function_exists( unsetenv HAVE_UNSETENV ) check_symbol_exists( unsetenv "stdlib.h" HAVE_UNSETENV_PROTO ) check_function_exists( mkdtemp HAVE_MKDTEMP ) check_symbol_exists( mkdtemp "stdlib.h" HAVE_MKDTEMP_PROTO ) check_function_exists( mkstemp HAVE_MKSTEMP ) check_symbol_exists( mkstemp "stdlib.h" HAVE_MKSTEMP_PROTO ) check_function_exists( mkstemps HAVE_MKSTEMPS ) check_symbol_exists( mkstemps "stdlib.h;unistd.h" HAVE_MKSTEMPS_PROTO ) check_function_exists( initgroups HAVE_INITGROUPS ) check_symbol_exists( initgroups "grp.h;unistd.h" HAVE_INITGROUPS_PROTO ) check_function_exists( strlcat HAVE_STRLCAT ) check_symbol_exists( strlcat "string.h" HAVE_STRLCAT_PROTO ) check_function_exists( strlcpy HAVE_STRLCPY ) check_symbol_exists( strlcpy "string.h" HAVE_STRLCPY_PROTO ) check_symbol_exists( S_ISSOCK "sys/stat.h" HAVE_S_ISSOCK ) check_symbol_exists( gethostbyname2 "netdb.h" HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME2 ) check_symbol_exists( gethostbyname2_r "netdb.h" HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME2_R ) check_symbol_exists( gethostbyname_r "netdb.h" HAVE_GETHOSTBYNAME_R ) check_symbol_exists( gai_strerror "sys/types.h;sys/socket.h;netdb.h" HAVE_GAI_STRERROR ) check_symbol_exists( getaddrinfo "sys/types.h;sys/socket.h;netdb.h" HAVE_GETADDRINFO ) if ( CMAKE_MAJOR_VERSION LESS "3" ) check_symbol_exists( backtrace "execinfo.h" HAVE_BACKTRACE ) if ( HAVE_BACKTRACE ) set ( Backtrace_LIBRARY "" ) set ( Backtrace_HEADER "execinfo.h" ) endif () else () find_package( Backtrace ) if ( Backtrace_FOUND ) set ( HAVE_BACKTRACE 1 ) else () set ( Backtrace_LIBRARY "" ) set ( Backtrace_HEADER "" ) endif () endif () check_cxx_source_compiles( "#include int main() { abi::__cxa_demangle(0, 0, 0, 0); return 0; }" HAVE_ABI_CXA_DEMANGLE ) # Some declarations are needed by demangle.h (libiberty.h) and/or bfd.h but we # will check them uncondionally # See WITH_LIBBFD also see binutils bugs 14243 and 14072 # NOTE: those headers use HAVE_DECL_* names but we would follow our macro # naming style check_symbol_exists( basename "libgen.h" HAVE_BASENAME_PROTO ) check_symbol_exists( ffs "string.h" HAVE_FFS_PROTO ) check_symbol_exists( asprintf "stdio.h" HAVE_ASPRINTF_PROTO ) check_symbol_exists( vasprintf "stdio.h" HAVE_VASPRINTF_PROTO ) check_symbol_exists( snprintf "stdio.h" HAVE_SNPRINTF_PROTO ) check_symbol_exists( vsnprintf "stdarg.h;stdio.h" HAVE_VSNPRINTF_PROTO ) check_symbol_exists( strvercmp "string.h" HAVE_STRVERCMP_PROTO ) check_function_exists( usleep HAVE_USLEEP ) check_symbol_exists( usleep "unistd.h" HAVE_USLEEP_PROTO ) if (HAVE_ALLOCA_H ) check_symbol_exists( alloca "alloca.h" HAVE_ALLOCA ) else (HAVE_ALLOCA_H ) check_symbol_exists( alloca "stdlib.h" HAVE_ALLOCA ) endif (HAVE_ALLOCA_H ) if( ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME} STREQUAL "OpenBSD" ) set( HAVE_ALLOCA 1 ) endif( ) check_function_exists( getmntinfo HAVE_GETMNTINFO ) if( HAVE_GETMNTINFO ) check_cxx_source_compiles(" #include #include int main(){ struct statvfs *mntbufp; int flags; return getmntinfo(&mntbufp, flags); }" GETMNTINFO_USES_STATVFS ) endif( HAVE_GETMNTINFO ) check_function_exists( getnameinfo HAVE_GETNAMEINFO ) check_function_exists( getpagesize HAVE_GETPAGESIZE ) check_function_exists( getpeereid HAVE_GETPEEREID ) check_function_exists( getpeerucred HAVE_GETPEERUCRED ) check_function_exists( getpeername HAVE_GETPEERNAME ) check_function_exists( getprotobyname_r HAVE_GETPROTOBYNAME_R ) check_function_exists( getpt HAVE_GETPT ) check_function_exists( getservbyname_r HAVE_GETSERVBYNAME_R ) check_symbol_exists( getservbyname_r "netdb.h" HAVE_DECL_GETSERVBYNAME_R ) check_function_exists( getservbyport_r HAVE_GETSERVBYPORT_R ) check_function_exists( getsockname HAVE_GETSOCKNAME ) check_function_exists( getsockopt HAVE_GETSOCKOPT ) check_function_exists( gettimeofday HAVE_GETTIMEOFDAY ) check_function_exists( grantpt HAVE_GRANTPT ) check_function_exists( if_nametoindex HAVE_IF_NAMETOINDEX ) check_function_exists( index HAVE_INDEX) check_function_exists( inet_ntop HAVE_INET_NTOP ) check_function_exists( inet_pton HAVE_INET_PTON ) check_function_exists( setfsent HAVE_SETFSENT ) check_function_exists( setgroups HAVE_SETGROUPS ) check_function_exists( setlocale HAVE_SETLOCALE ) check_function_exists( setmntent HAVE_SETMNTENT ) check_function_exists( setpriority HAVE_SETPRIORITY ) check_function_exists( freeaddrinfo HAVE_FREEADDRINFO ) check_function_exists( strtoll HAVE_STRTOLL ) check_function_exists( socket HAVE_SOCKET ) check_function_exists( strfmon HAVE_STRFMON ) check_function_exists( stpcpy HAVE_STPCPY ) check_function_exists( readdir_r HAVE_READDIR_R ) check_function_exists( tcgetattr HAVE_TCGETATTR ) check_function_exists( tcsetattr HAVE_TCSETATTR ) check_function_exists( strcasecmp HAVE_STRCASECMP ) check_function_exists( strchr HAVE_STRCHR ) check_function_exists( strcmp HAVE_STRCMP ) check_function_exists( strrchr HAVE_STRRCHR ) check_function_exists( posix_openpt HAVE_POSIX_OPENPT ) check_function_exists( ptsname HAVE_PTSNAME ) check_function_exists( unlockpt HAVE_UNLOCKPT ) check_function_exists( _getpty HAVE__GETPTY ) check_function_exists( __argz_count HAVE___ARGZ_COUNT ) check_function_exists( __argz_next HAVE___ARGZ_NEXT ) check_function_exists( __argz_stringify HAVE___ARGZ_STRINGIFY ) check_function_exists( sendfile HAVE_SENDFILE ) set( SENDFILE_LIBRARIES "" ) if( NOT HAVE_SENDFILE) check_library_exists( sendfile sendfile "" HAVE_SENDFILE_LIB ) if( HAVE_SENDFILE_LIB ) set( HAVE_SENDFILE 1 ) set( SENDFILE_LIBRARIES sendfile ) endif( HAVE_SENDFILE_LIB ) endif() check_function_exists( rindex HAVE_RINDEX ) check_function_exists( putenv HAVE_PUTENV ) check_function_exists( poll HAVE_POLL ) check_function_exists( madvise HAVE_MADVISE ) check_function_exists( getgroups HAVE_GETGROUPS ) check_symbol_exists( posix_fadvise "fcntl.h" HAVE_FADVISE ) check_function_exists( getcwd HAVE_GETCWD ) tde_save_and_set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_DL_LIBS} ) check_function_exists( dlopen HAVE_LIBDL ) check_function_exists( dlerror HAVE_DLERROR ) tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) check_function_exists( crypt HAVE_CRYPT ) if( NOT HAVE_CRYPT ) check_library_exists( crypt crypt "" HAVE_CRYPT_LIB ) if( HAVE_CRYPT_LIB ) set( HAVE_CRYPT 1 ) set( CRYPT_LIBRARIES crypt ) endif( HAVE_CRYPT_LIB ) endif( NOT HAVE_CRYPT ) if( NOT HAVE_CRYPT ) check_library_exists( c crypt "" HAVE_CRYPT_LIBC ) if( HAVE_CRYPT_LIBC ) set( HAVE_CRYPT 1 ) set( CRYPT_LIBRARIES c ) endif( HAVE_CRYPT_LIBC ) endif( NOT HAVE_CRYPT ) check_function_exists( mmap HAVE_MMAP ) check_function_exists( munmap HAVE_MUNMAP ) check_type_size( "char*" SIZEOF_CHAR_P ) check_type_size( "int" SIZEOF_INT ) check_type_size( "long" SIZEOF_LONG ) check_type_size( "short" SIZEOF_SHORT ) check_type_size( "size_t" SIZEOF_SIZE_T ) check_type_size( "unsigned long" SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG ) set( CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES "netdb.h" ) check_type_size( "struct addrinfo" STRUCT_ADDRINFO ) set( CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES "netinet/in.h" ) check_type_size( "struct sockaddr_in6" STRUCT_SOCKADDR_IN6 ) check_struct_has_member( "struct sockaddr_in6" sin6_scope_id "sys/types.h;sys/socket.h;netinet/in.h" HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_IN6_SIN6_SCOPE_ID ) check_struct_has_member( "struct sockaddr" sa_len "sys/types.h;sys/socket.h;netinet/in.h" HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_SA_LEN ) check_struct_has_member( "struct sockaddr_un" sun_len "sys/types.h;sys/un.h" HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_UN_SUN_LEN ) set( CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES "sys/socket.h" ) check_type_size( "struct ucred" STRUCT_UCRED ) check_struct_has_member( "struct sockaddr_in" sin_len "sys/types.h;sys/socket.h;netinet/in.h" HAVE_STRUCT_SOCKADDR_IN_SIN_LEN ) unset( CMAKE_EXTRA_INCLUDE_FILES ) check_c_source_compiles(" #include #ifndef __GNU_LIBRARY__ #error #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { return 0; } " _GNU_SOURCE ) check_c_source_compiles(" #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { revoke(\"/dev/tty\"); return 0; } " HAVE_REVOKE ) check_c_source_runs(" #include #include #include #include int main() { struct addrinfo hint, *res; int err; memset(&hint, 0, sizeof(hint)); hint.ai_family = AF_INET; hint.ai_protocol = 0; hint.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hint.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; err = getaddrinfo(0, \"18300\", &hint, &res); /* kxmlrpc tries this */ if (err != 0 || res == 0 || res->ai_family != AF_INET) return 1; return 0; }" HAVE_GOOD_GETADDRINFO ) if( NOT HAVE_GOOD_GETADDRINFO ) set( HAVE_BROKEN_GETADDRINFO 1 ) endif( NOT HAVE_GOOD_GETADDRINFO ) # save CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES set( bak_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ) check_symbol_exists( res_init "sys/types.h;netinet/in.h;arpa/nameser.h;resolv.h" HAVE_RES_INIT_PROTO ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES resolv ) check_c_source_compiles(" #include #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { res_init(); return 0; } " HAVE_RES_INIT ) if( HAVE_RES_INIT ) set( RESOLV_LIBRARIES resolv ) endif( HAVE_RES_INIT) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES util ) if( HAVE_PTY_H ) set( USE_OPENPTY_H pty.h ) elseif( HAVE_UTIL_H ) set( USE_OPENPTY_H util.h ) elseif( HAVE_LIBUTIL_H ) set( USE_OPENPTY_H libutil.h ) endif( ) if( USE_OPENPTY_H ) check_c_source_runs(" #include <${USE_OPENPTY_H}> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { int master_fd, slave_fd; int result; result = openpty(&master_fd, &slave_fd, 0, 0, 0); return 0; }" HAVE_OPENPTY ) endif( ) if( HAVE_OPENPTY ) set( LIB_UTIL util ) endif( ) # restore CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${bak_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ) unset( bak_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) #### set tdesu backend ########################## if( WITH_SUDO_TDESU_BACKEND ) set( DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_COMMAND sudo CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE ) else() set( DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_COMMAND su CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE ) endif() find_file( TDESU_BACKEND ${DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_COMMAND} PATHS ENV PATH ) if( TDESU_BACKEND-NOTFOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "${DEFAULT_SUPER_USER_COMMAND} was chosen as tdesu backend, but was not found in path." ) endif( TDESU_BACKEND-NOTFOUND ) #### set some constants ######################### if( NOT "${TDEDIR}" ) if( DEFINED ENV{TDEDIR} ) set( TDEDIR "$ENV{TDEDIR}" ) else( ) set( TDEDIR "${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}" ) endif( ) endif( ) set( KDE_COMPILER_VERSION "${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID} ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_VERSION}" ) set( KDE_COMPILING_OS "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}" ) set( LTDL_OBJDIR \".\" ) set( KDELIBSUFF "${LIB_SUFFIX}" ) set( kde_socklen_t socklen_t ) if( WITH_TDEHWLIB ) set( __TDE_HAVE_TDEHWLIB 1 ) endif( WITH_TDEHWLIB ) ##### check for magic ########################### set( MAGIC_LIBRARIES magic ) check_library_exists( ${MAGIC_LIBRARIES} magic_load "" HAVE_LIBMAGIC ) if( HAVE_LIBMAGIC ) check_library_exists( ${MAGIC_LIBRARIES} magic_getpath "" HAVE_LIBMAGIC_GETPATH ) if( NOT HAVE_LIBMAGIC_GETPATH ) execute_process( COMMAND file --version OUTPUT_VARIABLE LIBMAGIC_VERSION ERROR_VARIABLE LIBMAGIC_VERSION ) string(REGEX REPLACE ".*magic file from ([^ \n]*).*" "\\1" LIBMAGIC_PATH ${LIBMAGIC_VERSION} ) message( STATUS "libmagick default path ${LIBMAGIC_PATH}" ) endif( NOT HAVE_LIBMAGIC_GETPATH ) else( HAVE_LIBMAGIC ) tde_message_fatal( "libmagic is required, but not found on your system" ) endif( HAVE_LIBMAGIC ) ##### check for utempter ######################## if( WITH_UTEMPTER ) check_include_file( utempter.h HAVE_UTEMPTER_H ) check_library_exists( utempter addToUtmp "" HAVE_ADDTOUTEMP ) if( NOT DEFINED UTEMPTER_HELPER ) message( STATUS "Looking for utempter helper" ) find_program( UTEMPTER_HELPER utempter PATHS /usr/lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}/utempter /usr/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/utempter /usr/libexec/utempter /usr/libexec /usr/sbin /usr/local/lib/${CMAKE_LIBRARY_ARCHITECTURE}/utempter /usr/local/lib${LIB_SUFFIX}/utempter /usr/local/libexec/utempter /usr/local/libexec /usr/local/sbin ) if( UTEMPTER_HELPER ) message( STATUS "Looking for utempter helper - found" ) else( ) message( STATUS "Looking for utempter helper - not found" ) endif( ) endif( ) if( HAVE_UTEMPTER_H AND HAVE_ADDTOUTEMP AND UTEMPTER_HELPER ) set( HAVE_UTEMPTER 1 ) set( UTEMPTER_LIBRARY utempter ) else( ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nutempter are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( ) endif( ) ##### check for zlib ############################ find_package( ZLIB ) if( NOT ZLIB_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nzlib are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT ZLIB_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LIBZ 1 ) #### check for bzip2 ############################ find_package( BZip2 ) if( NOT BZIP2_FOUND ) # FIXME I'm not sure if bzip2 are required; maybe is OPTIONal? message(FATAL_ERROR "\nbzip2 are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT BZIP2_FOUND ) set( HAVE_BZIP2_SUPPORT 1 ) if( BZIP2_NEED_PREFIX ) set( NEED_BZ2_PREFIX 1 ) endif( BZIP2_NEED_PREFIX ) ##### check for lzma/xz ######################### if( WITH_LZMA ) pkg_search_module( LZMA liblzma ) if( NOT LZMA_FOUND ) find_path( LZMA_INCLUDE_DIR lzma.h ) find_library( LZMA_LIBRARY lzma ) if( LZMA_LIBRARY AND LZMA_INCLUDE_DIR ) message( STATUS "Found LZMA: ${LZMA_LIBRARY}" ) set( LZMA_FOUND 1 ) set( LZMA_INCLUDE_DIRS ${LZMA_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( LZMA_LIBRARIES lzma ) endif( LZMA_LIBRARY AND LZMA_INCLUDE_DIR ) endif( NOT LZMA_FOUND ) check_library_exists( lzma lzma_code "" LZMA_CODE_FOUND ) if( NOT LZMA_FOUND OR NOT LZMA_CODE_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "LZMA is requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LZMA_FOUND OR NOT LZMA_CODE_FOUND ) set( HAVE_XZ_SUPPORT 1 ) endif( WITH_LZMA ) ##### check for pcsc ############################ if( WITH_TDEHWLIB AND WITH_PCSC ) pkg_search_module( PCSCLITE libpcsclite ) if( NOT PCSCLITE_FOUND ) find_path( PCSCLITE_INCLUDE_DIR pcsclite.h HINTS /usr/include/PCSC ) find_library( PCSCLITE_LIBRARY NAMES pcsclite libpcsclite PCSC ) if( PCSCLITE_LIBRARY AND PCSCLITE_INCLUDE_DIR ) message( STATUS "Found PCSCLITE: ${PCSCLITE_LIBRARY}" ) set( PCSCLITE_FOUND 1 ) set( PCSCLITE_INCLUDE_DIRS ${PCSCLITE_INCLUDE_DIR} ) set( PCSCLITE_LIBRARIES ${PCSCLITE_LIBRARY} ) endif( PCSCLITE_LIBRARY AND PCSCLITE_INCLUDE_DIR ) endif( NOT PCSCLITE_FOUND ) if( NOT PCSCLITE_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "PCSCLITE is requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT PCSCLITE_FOUND ) set( HAVE_PCSC_SUPPORT 1 ) endif( WITH_TDEHWLIB AND WITH_PCSC ) ##### check for pkcs ############################ if( WITH_TDEHWLIB AND WITH_PKCS ) pkg_search_module( LIBPKCS11-HELPER libpkcs11-helper-1 ) if( NOT LIBPKCS11-HELPER_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nPKCS support was requested, but libpkcs11-helper-1 was not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBPKCS11-HELPER_FOUND ) find_library( OPENSC_PKCS11_PROVIDER_LIBRARY NAMES opensc-pkcs11.so ) if( OPENSC_PKCS11_PROVIDER_LIBRARY ) set( OPENSC_PKCS11_PROVIDER_FOUND 1 ) message( STATUS "Found OpenSC PKCS11 provider: ${OPENSC_PKCS11_PROVIDER_LIBRARY}" ) endif( OPENSC_PKCS11_PROVIDER_LIBRARY ) if( NOT OPENSC_PKCS11_PROVIDER_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "PKCS is requested, but no OpenSC PKCS11 provider was found on your system" ) endif( NOT OPENSC_PKCS11_PROVIDER_FOUND ) pkg_search_module( SSL openssl ) if( SSL_FOUND ) set( HAVE_PKCS 1 ) endif( ) endif( ) ##### check for pkcs ############################ if( WITH_TDEHWLIB AND WITH_CRYPTSETUP ) pkg_search_module( LIBCRYPTSETUP libcryptsetup ) if( NOT LIBCRYPTSETUP_FOUND ) find_library( LIBCRYPTSETUP_LIBRARY cryptsetup ) if( NOT LIBCRYPTSETUP_LIBRARY ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\ncryptsetup support was requested, but libcryptsetup was not found on your system" ) endif ( NOT LIBCRYPTSETUP_LIBRARY ) set( LIBCRYPTSETUP_LIBRARIES ${LIBCRYPTSETUP_LIBRARY} ) endif( NOT LIBCRYPTSETUP_FOUND ) set( HAVE_CRYPTSETUP 1 ) if ( HAVE_CRYPTSETUP ) # save CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES set( bak_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${LIBCRYPTSETUP_LIBRARIES} ) check_c_source_compiles(" #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { crypt_keyslot_info status = CRYPT_SLOT_ACTIVE; return 0; } " HAVE_NEW_CRYPTSETUP ) check_c_source_compiles(" #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { crypt_get_type(NULL); return 0; } " HAVE_CRYPTSETUP_GET_TYPE ) # restore CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${bak_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ) unset( bak_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) endif( ) if ( NOT HAVE_NEW_CRYPTSETUP ) set( CRYPTSETUP_OLD_API 1 ) endif( ) endif( ) ##### check for jpeg ############################ find_package( JPEG ) if( NOT JPEG_FOUND ) # FIXME I think jpeg support must be required message(FATAL_ERROR "\njpeg are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT JPEG_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LIBJPEG 1 ) ##### check for png ############################# find_package( PNG ) if( NOT PNG_FOUND ) # FIXME I think png support must be required message(FATAL_ERROR "\npng are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT PNG_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LIBPNG 1 ) ##### check for tiff ############################ if( WITH_TIFF ) pkg_search_module( TIFF libtiff-4 ) if( NOT TIFF_FOUND ) find_package( TIFF ) endif( NOT TIFF_FOUND ) if( NOT TIFF_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\ntiff are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT TIFF_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LIBTIFF 1) endif( WITH_TIFF ) ##### check for jasper ########################## if( WITH_JASPER ) find_package( Jasper ) if( NOT JASPER_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\njasper are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT JASPER_FOUND ) set( HAVE_JASPER 1 ) endif( WITH_JASPER ) ##### check for webp ############################ if( WITH_WEBP ) pkg_search_module( WEBP libwebp ) if( WEBP_FOUND ) set( HAVE_WEBP 1 ) else ( NOT WEBP_FOUND ) check_include_file( "webp/decode.h" HAVE_WEBP_DECODE_H) if ( HAVE_WEBP_DECODE_H ) check_library_exists( webp WebPGetInfo "" HAVE_WEBP__WEBPGETINFO ) check_library_exists( webp WebPDecodeARGBInto "" HAVE_WEBP__WEBPDECODEARGBINTO ) check_library_exists( webp WebPDecodeBGRAInto "" HAVE_WEBP__WEBPDECODEBGRAINTO ) if( HAVE_WEBP__WEBPGETINFO AND HAVE_WEBP__WEBPDECODEARGBINTO AND HAVE_WEBP__WEBPDECODEBGRAINTO ) set( HAVE_WEBP 1 ) endif( ) endif( HAVE_WEBP_DECODE_H ) endif( WEBP_FOUND ) if ( HAVE_WEBP ) set( WEBP_LIBRARIES webp ) message( STATUS "WebP support enabled" ) else ( NOT HAVE_WEBP ) tde_message_fatal( "WebP support requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( HAVE_WEBP) endif( WITH_WEBP ) ##### check for openexr ######################### if( WITH_OPENEXR ) pkg_search_module( OPENEXR OpenEXR ) if( NOT OPENEXR_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nopenexr are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT OPENEXR_FOUND ) set( HAVE_EXR 1 ) endif( WITH_OPENEXR ) ##### check for freetype2 ####################### pkg_search_module( FREETYPE freetype2 ) if( NOT FREETYPE_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nfreetype2 are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT FREETYPE_FOUND ) set( TDEINIT_USE_FONTCONFIG 1 ) ##### check for fontconfig ###################### pkg_search_module( FONTCONFIG fontconfig ) if( NOT FONTCONFIG_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nfontconfig are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT FONTCONFIG_FOUND ) ##### check for Xrandr ########################## if( WITH_XRANDR ) pkg_search_module( XRANDR xrandr>=1.2 ) if( XRANDR_FOUND ) set( XRANDR_SUPPORT 1 ) else( XRANDR_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "xrandr support was required, but not found on your system" ) endif( XRANDR_FOUND ) endif( WITH_XRANDR ) ##### check for xrender ######################### pkg_search_module( XRENDER xrender ) if( XRENDER_FOUND ) set( HAVE_XRENDER 1 ) list( APPEND TDECORE_LIBRARY_DIRS ${XRENDER_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) else( XRENDER_FOUND) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nxrender support is required, but not found on your system" ) endif( XRENDER_FOUND ) ##### check for xcomposite ######################### if( WITH_XCOMPOSITE ) pkg_search_module( XCOMPOSITE xcomposite ) if( XCOMPOSITE_FOUND ) set( HAVE_XCOMPOSITE 1 ) else( WITH_XCOMPOSITE ) tde_message_fatal( "xcomposite support was requested, but xcomposite was not found on your system" ) endif( XCOMPOSITE_FOUND ) endif( WITH_XCOMPOSITE ) ##### check for mit-shm extension ################## if( WITH_MITSHM ) tde_save_and_set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS "-include X11/Xlib.h" ) check_include_file( "X11/extensions/XShm.h" HAVE_MITSHM ) tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_FLAGS ) if( NOT HAVE_MITSHM ) tde_message_fatal( "XShm extension is required, but was not found on your system" ) endif( NOT HAVE_MITSHM ) endif( WITH_MITSHM ) ##### check for xext ############################### if( HAVE_XRENDER OR WITH_XCOMPOSITE OR WITH_XRANDR OR HAVE_X11_EXTENSIONS_SHAPE_H OR WITH_MITSHM ) # xext (tdecore, tdeui, tderandr, tdestyles/keramik) pkg_search_module( XEXT xext ) if( NOT XEXT_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "xext is required, but was not found on your system" ) endif( ) endif( HAVE_XRENDER OR WITH_XCOMPOSITE OR WITH_XRANDR OR HAVE_X11_EXTENSIONS_SHAPE_H OR WITH_MITSHM ) ##### check for libxml-2.0 ###################### pkg_search_module( LIBXML2 libxml-2.0 ) if( NOT LIBXML2_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nlibxml-2.0 are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBXML2_FOUND ) ##### check for libxslt ###################### pkg_search_module( LIBXSLT libxslt ) if( NOT LIBXSLT_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nlibxslt are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBXSLT_FOUND ) ##### check for glib-2.0 & friends ############## pkg_search_module( GLIB2 glib-2.0 ) if( NOT GLIB2_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "glib-2.0 are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( ) pkg_search_module( GOBJECT2 gobject-2.0 ) if( NOT GLIB2_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "gobject-2.0 are required, but not found on your system" ) endif( ) ##### check for ALSA ############################ # FIXME I propose to drop support for very old ALSA versions (i.e 0.5) if( WITH_ALSA ) find_package( ALSA ) if( NOT ALSA_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nALSA support are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT ALSA_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LIBASOUND2 1 ) # FIXME I'm not sure if order is correct check_include_file( "alsa/asoundlib.h" HAVE_ALSA_ASOUNDLIB_H ) if( NOT HAVE_ALSA_ASOUNDLIB_H ) check_include_file( "sys/asoundlib.h" HAVE_SYS_ASOUNDLIB_H ) endif( NOT HAVE_ALSA_ASOUNDLIB_H ) endif( WITH_ALSA ) ##### check for aRts ############################ if( WITH_ARTS ) pkg_search_module( ARTS arts ) if( ARTS_FOUND ) set( ARTS_MCOPIDL_EXECUTABLE ${ARTS_PREFIX}/bin/mcopidl ) else( ARTS_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\naRts are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( ARTS_FOUND ) else( WITH_ARTS ) set( WITHOUT_ARTS 1 ) endif( WITH_ARTS ) ##### check for Xft ############################# string( REGEX REPLACE ".*;([^;]*qt-mt);.*" "\\1" TQT_MT ";${TQT_LIBRARIES};" ) if( TQT_MT ) pkg_search_module( TQT_MT ${TQT_MT} ) tde_save_and_set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES "${TQT_MT_LIBRARIES}" ) check_library_exists( tqt-mt XftInit "" TDEINIT_USE_XFT ) tde_restore( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) endif( TQT_MT ) if( TDEINIT_USE_XFT ) pkg_search_module( XFT xft ) if( NOT XFT_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "Xft is required, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT XFT_FOUND ) endif( TDEINIT_USE_XFT ) ##### check for libart ########################## if( WITH_LIBART ) pkg_search_module( LIBART libart-2.0 ) if( NOT LIBART_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nlibart-2.0 support are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBART_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LIBART 1 ) list( APPEND TDECORE_LIBRARY_DIRS ${LIBART_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) endif( WITH_LIBART ) ##### check for libidn ########################## if( WITH_LIBIDN ) pkg_search_module( LIBIDN libidn ) if( NOT LIBIDN_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nlibidn support are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBIDN_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LIBIDN 1 ) check_include_file( "idna.h" HAVE_IDNA_H ) check_include_file( "punycode.h" HAVE_PUNYCODE_H ) check_include_file( "stringprep.h" HAVE_STRINGPREP_H ) list( APPEND TDECORE_LIBRARY_DIRS ${LIBIDN_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) endif( WITH_LIBIDN ) ##### check for libbfq ########################## if( WITH_LIBBFD ) check_library_exists( bfd bfd_init "" HAVE_LIBBFD ) if( NOT HAVE_LIBBFD ) tde_message_fatal( "libbfd support is requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT HAVE_LIBBFD ) set( LIBBFD_LIBRARIES bfd ) check_include_file( "demangle.h" HAVE_DEMANGLE_H ) endif( WITH_LIBBFD ) ##### check for openssl ######################### if( WITH_SSL ) pkg_search_module( SSL openssl ) if( NOT SSL_FOUND ) check_include_file( openssl/ssl.h HAVE_OPENSSL_H ) check_library_exists( ssl OPENSSL_init_ssl "" HAVE_LIBSSL_11 ) if( NOT HAVE_LIBSSL_11 ) check_library_exists( ssl SSL_library_init "" HAVE_LIBSSL ) endif( ) check_library_exists( crypto EVP_EncryptInit_ex "" HAVE_LIBCRYPTO ) if( HAVE_OPENSSL_H AND (HAVE_LIBSSL_11 OR HAVE_LIBSSL) AND HAVE_LIBCRYPTO ) set( SSL_FOUND 1 CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE ) find_file( OPENSSLV_H openssl/opensslv.h ) file( STRINGS "${OPENSSLV_H}" SSL_VERSION REGEX "#[ \t]*define[ \t]*OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT" ) string( REGEX REPLACE "# *define[ \t]*OPENSSL_VERSION_TEXT[ \t]*\"[^0-9 ]* *([^ ]*).*" "\\1" SSL_VERSION "${SSL_VERSION}" ) set( SSL_VERSION "${SSL_VERSION}" CACHE INTERNAL "" FORCE ) message( STATUS "Found OpenSSL: version ${SSL_VERSION}" ) endif( HAVE_OPENSSL_H AND (HAVE_LIBSSL_11 OR HAVE_LIBSSL) AND HAVE_LIBCRYPTO ) endif( NOT SSL_FOUND ) if( NOT SSL_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "SSL support is requested, but openssl not found on your system" ) endif( NOT SSL_FOUND ) set( KSSL_HAVE_SSL 1 ) set( HAVE_SSL 1 ) endif( WITH_SSL ) ##### check for cups ############################ # FIXME CUPS must be at least 1.1.9 if( WITH_CUPS ) find_package( Cups ) if( NOT CUPS_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nCUPS support are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT CUPS_FOUND ) set( HAVE_CUPS 1 ) # FIXME if CUPS is at least 1.1.20, doesn't have password caching set( HAVE_CUPS_NO_PWD_CACHE 1 ) # save CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES set( bak_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ) set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${CUPS_LIBRARIES} ) check_c_source_compiles(" #include #include #include int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { ipp_attribute_t *attr = 0; ippGetName(attr); return 0; } " HAVE_CUPS_1_6 ) # restore CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES set( CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ${bak_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES} ) unset( bak_CMAKE_REQUIRED_LIBRARIES ) endif( WITH_CUPS ) ##### check for LUA ############################# if( WITH_LUA ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nLUA support are not ready yet" ) pkg_search_module( LUA lua ) if( NOT LUA_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nLUA support are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LUA_FOUND ) set( HAVE_LUA 1 ) endif( WITH_LUA ) ##### check for avahi ########################### if( WITH_AVAHI ) pkg_search_module( AVAHI_TQT avahi-tqt ) pkg_search_module( AVAHI_CLIENT avahi-client ) if( NOT AVAHI_TQT_FOUND OR NOT AVAHI_CLIENT_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "avahi support is requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT AVAHI_TQT_FOUND OR NOT AVAHI_CLIENT_FOUND ) if( NOT AVAHI_CLIENT_VERSION VERSION_LESS "0.6" ) set( AVAHI_API_0_6 1 ) endif( ) set( HAVE_DNSSD 1 ) endif( ) ##### check for libr ########################### # WARNING # before altering the LIBR_VERSION check, # please ensure that nothing changed in the # duplicated data definitions present in # tdeio/tdeio/tdefileitem.cpp if( WITH_ELFICON ) pkg_search_module( LIBR libr ) if( NOT LIBR_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nelficon support was requested, but libr was not found on your system" ) endif( NOT LIBR_FOUND ) if( "${LIBR_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "0.6" ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nelficon support was requested, but the libr version on your system may not be compatible with TDE" ) endif( "${LIBR_VERSION}" VERSION_LESS "0.6" ) set( HAVE_ELFICON 1 ) endif( ) ##### check for pcre2 ########################### if( WITH_PCRE2 ) pkg_check_modules( LIBPCRE2 libpcre2-8 libpcre2-posix ) if( NOT LIBPCRE2_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "pcre2 support was requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( ) set( HAVE_PCRE2POSIX 1 ) endif( ) ##### check for dbus and set files location ##### tde_setup_dbus( dbus-1-tqt ) list( APPEND TDECORE_LIBRARY_DIRS ${DBUS_TQT_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) ##### Add '[KDE4]' to KDE4 menu items ######### if( WITH_KDE4_MENU_SUFFIX ) set( KDE4_MENU_SUFFIX 1 ) endif ( WITH_KDE4_MENU_SUFFIX ) ##### check for gcc visibility support ######### if( WITH_GCC_VISIBILITY ) tde_setup_gcc_visibility( ) endif( ) ##### check for inotify ########################### if( WITH_INOTIFY ) check_include_file( "inotify.h" INOTIFY_FOUND ) check_include_file( "sys/inotify.h" INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) if( NOT INOTIFY_FOUND ) if( NOT INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\ninotify support was requested, but inotify was not found on your system" ) endif( NOT INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) endif( NOT INOTIFY_FOUND ) if( INOTIFY_FOUND ) set( HAVE_INOTIFY 1 ) endif( INOTIFY_FOUND ) if( INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) set( HAVE_INOTIFY 1 ) set( HAVE_SYS_INOTIFY 1 ) endif( INOTIFY_SYS_FOUND ) endif( ) ##### check for FAM/GAMIN ########################## if( WITH_GAMIN ) check_include_file( "fam.h" HAVE_FAM_H ) if( HAVE_FAM_H ) pkg_search_module( GAMIN gamin ) if( GAMIN_FOUND ) set( HAVE_FAM 1 ) list( APPEND TDECORE_LIBRARY_DIRS ${GAMIN_LIBRARY_DIRS} ) else( GAMIN_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nfam/gamin support was requested, but gamin was not found on your system" ) endif( GAMIN_FOUND ) else( HAVE_FAM_H ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nfam/gamin support was requested, but fam was not found on your system" ) endif( HAVE_FAM_H ) endif( WITH_GAMIN ) ##### check for ispell ########################## if( WITH_ISPELL ) if( NOT ISPELL_LIBDIR ) find_program( ISPELL_EXECUTABLE NAMES ispell DOC "path to the ispell executable" ) if( ISPELL_EXECUTABLE ) execute_process ( COMMAND ${ISPELL_EXECUTABLE} -vv COMMAND awk "$1 == \"LIBDIR\" && $2 == \"=\" {gsub(/\"/, \"\", $3); print $3;}" OUTPUT_VARIABLE ISPELL_LIBDIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) if ( ISPELL_LIBDIR ) set ( ISPELL_LIBDIR "${ISPELL_LIBDIR}" CACHE PATH "ispell lib directory contains dictionaries" ) else ( ISPELL_LIBDIR ) unset ( ISPELL_LIBDIR ) endif ( ISPELL_LIBDIR ) endif( ISPELL_EXECUTABLE ) endif ( NOT ISPELL_LIBDIR ) endif( WITH_ISPELL ) ##### check for aspell ########################## if( WITH_ASPELL ) find_package( ASPELL ) if( NOT ASPELL_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nASPELL support are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT ASPELL_FOUND ) if( NOT ASPELL_DATADIR ) find_program( PSPELL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE NAMES pspell-config DOC "path to the pspell-config executable" ) if( PSPELL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE ) execute_process ( COMMAND ${PSPELL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE} --pkgdatadir OUTPUT_VARIABLE ASPELL_DATADIR OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE) endif( PSPELL_CONFIG_EXECUTABLE ) endif( NOT ASPELL_DATADIR ) endif( WITH_ASPELL ) if( NOT ASPELL_DATADIR ) set ( ASPELL_DATADIR "/usr/lib/aspell" ) endif( NOT ASPELL_DATADIR ) set ( ASPELL_DATADIR "${ASPELL_DATADIR}" CACHE PATH "aspell data directory" ) ##### check for hspell ########################## if( WITH_HSPELL ) find_package( HSPELL ) if( NOT HSPELL_FOUND ) message(FATAL_ERROR "\nHSPELL support are requested, but not found on your system" ) endif( NOT HSPELL_FOUND ) endif( WITH_HSPELL ) ####" default spell checker ##################### set( DEFAULT_SPELL_CHECKER "ISPELL" CACHE STRING "default spell checker" ) if( NOT WITH_${DEFAULT_SPELL_CHECKER} ) tde_message_fatal( "Spell checker selected as default (${DEFAULT_SPELL_CHECKER}) is not enabled to build." ) endif() #### Check for libnm ############################ if( WITH_NETWORK_MANAGER_BACKEND ) pkg_search_module( LIBNM libnm ) if( NOT LIBNM_FOUND ) tde_message_fatal( "libnm was requested but it was not found on your system." ) endif( NOT LIBNM_FOUND ) pkg_get_variable( NM_VPN_SERVICE_DIR libnm vpnservicedir ) if( "${NM_VPN_SERVICE_DIR}" STREQUAL "" ) set( NM_VPN_SERVICE_DIR "/usr/lib/NetworkManager/VPN" ) endif( "${NM_VPN_SERVICE_DIR}" STREQUAL "" ) endif( WITH_NETWORK_MANAGER_BACKEND ) ##### enable TDEIconLoader debugging ############ if ( WITH_TDEICONLOADER_DEBUG ) set ( TDEICONLOADER_DEBUG 1 ) endif ( WITH_TDEICONLOADER_DEBUG ) ##### find tools path ########################### if( NOT WIN32 AND NOT ICEAUTH_PATH ) find_program( ICEAUTH_PATH iceauth ) if( ${ICEAUTH_PATH} STREQUAL "ICEAUTH_PATH-NOTFOUND" ) tde_message_fatal( "iceauth command was not found in path." ) endif() message( STATUS "Found iceauth: ${ICEAUTH_PATH}" ) endif( NOT WIN32 AND NOT ICEAUTH_PATH ) ##### find the rgb.txt file message( STATUS "Looking for rgb.txt" ) find_file( PATH_RGB rgb.txt PATHS /usr/share/X11 /usr/X11R6/lib/X11 /usr/openwin/lib/X11 ) if( PATH_RGB ) message( STATUS "Found rgb.txt file: ${PATH_RGB}" ) set( X11_RGBFILE "${PATH_RGB}" ) endif() ##### Look for xmllint find_program( XMLLINT_EXE xmllint ) if( XMLLINT_EXE ) set( XMLLINT "${XMLLINT_EXE}" ) message( STATUS "Found xmllint: ${XMLLINT}" ) endif() ##### write configure files ##################### configure_file( config.h.cmake config.h ) configure_file( tdecore/tdemacros.h.cmake tdecore/tdemacros.h ) configure_file( kjs/global.h.in kjs/global.h ) configure_file( tdeio/kssl/ksslconfig.h.cmake tdeio/kssl/ksslconfig.h ) configure_file( kdoctools/checkXML.cmake kdoctools/checkXML ) ##### tools ##################################### set( KDE3_DCOPIDL_EXECUTABLE dcopidl ) set( KDE3_DCOPIDLNG_EXECUTABLE perl -I"${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dcop/dcopidlng" "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/dcop/dcopidlng/kalyptus" --allow_k_dcop_accessors -f dcopidl ) set( KDE3_DCOPIDL2CPP_EXECUTABLE dcopidl2cpp ) set( KDE3_MEINPROC_EXECUTABLE meinproc ) set( KDE3_KCFGC_EXECUTABLE tdeconfig_compiler ) ##### global compiler settings ################## add_definitions( -DHAVE_CONFIG_H ) set( CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS "${CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS} ${TQT_CXX_FLAGS}" ) set( CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--no-undefined" ) set( CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS "${CMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS} -Wl,--no-undefined" ) ##### headers ################################### install( FILES tde.pot DESTINATION ${INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR} ) ##### pkg-config ################################# execute_process( COMMAND awk "/^#define TDE_VERSION_MAJOR/,/^#define TDE_VERSION_RELEASE/{ v[++i]=$3 }; END { print v[1]\".\"v[2]\".\"v[3] };" INPUT_FILE ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/tdecore/tdeversion.h OUTPUT_VARIABLE TDE_RELEASE_NUM OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) configure_file( tdelibs.pc.cmake tdelibs.pc @ONLY ) install( FILES ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/tdelibs.pc DESTINATION ${PKGCONFIG_INSTALL_DIR} ) ##### read source metadata ###################### set( TDE_VERSION "${TDE_RELEASE_NUM}" ) tde_read_src_metadata() ##### subdirectories ############################ if( WITH_ELFICON ) add_subdirectory( tdelfeditor ) endif( WITH_ELFICON ) add_subdirectory( dcop ) add_subdirectory( libltdl ) add_subdirectory( kglib ) add_subdirectory( tdefx ) add_subdirectory( tdecore ) add_subdirectory( tdeunittest ) add_subdirectory( tdeui ) add_subdirectory( tdesu ) add_subdirectory( kjs ) add_subdirectory( tdewallet ) add_subdirectory( tdeio ) add_subdirectory( kded ) # FIXME this directory/target doesn't exists # add_subdirectory( kded_post ) add_subdirectory( kdoctools ) add_subdirectory( doc ) add_subdirectory( tdeparts ) add_subdirectory( tdeutils ) add_subdirectory( tdespell2 ) add_subdirectory( tdemdi ) add_subdirectory( tdeinit ) add_subdirectory( tdeprint ) add_subdirectory( kab ) add_subdirectory( tderesources ) add_subdirectory( tdeabc ) add_subdirectory( arts ) add_subdirectory( interfaces ) add_subdirectory( kate ) add_subdirectory( tdecert ) tde_conditional_add_subdirectory( WITH_XRANDR tderandr ) add_subdirectory( tdehtml ) add_subdirectory( tdemarkdown ) add_subdirectory( tdecmshell ) add_subdirectory( tdeconf_update ) add_subdirectory( tdewidgets ) add_subdirectory( kimgio ) add_subdirectory( tdeioslave ) add_subdirectory( tdestyles ) add_subdirectory( libtdemid ) add_subdirectory( libtdescreensaver ) add_subdirectory( networkstatus ) add_subdirectory( tdenewstuff ) add_subdirectory( tdersync ) add_subdirectory( licenses ) add_subdirectory( dnssd ) add_subdirectory( pics ) add_subdirectory( mimetypes ) add_subdirectory( tdefile-plugins ) ##### install import cmake modules ############### tde_install_export( )