<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd"> <!-- Author: Anders Lund <anders@alweb.dk> //--> <!-- Minor changes: Joseph Wenninger <jowenn@kde.org> //--> <!-- Full JavaScript 1.0 support by Whitehawk Stormchaser //--> <!-- ***** THIS FILE WAS GENERATED BY A SCRIPT - DO NOT EDIT ***** --> <language name="JavaScript/PHP" hidden="true" version="1.22" kateversion="2.4" section="Other" extensions="" mimetype="" indenter="cstyle" author="Anders Lund (anders@alweb.dk), Joseph Wenninger (jowenn@kde.org), Whitehawk Stormchaser (zerokode@gmx.net)" license=""> <highlighting> <list name="keywords"> <item> break </item> <item> case </item> <item> catch </item> <item> const </item> <item> continue </item> <item> debugger </item> <item> default </item> <item> delete </item> <item> do </item> <item> else </item> <item> finally </item> <item> for </item> <item> function </item> <item> if </item> <item> in </item> <item> instanceof </item> <item> new </item> <item> return </item> <item> switch </item> <item> this </item> <item> throw </item> <item> try </item> <item> typeof </item> <item> var </item> <item> void </item> <item> while </item> <item> with </item> </list> <list name="reserved"> <item> class </item> <item> enum </item> <item> export </item> <item> extends </item> <item> import </item> <item> super </item> <!-- The following keywords are reserved only in strict-mode --> <item> implements </item> <item> interface </item> <item> let </item> <item> package </item> <item> private </item> <item> protected </item> <item> public </item> <item> static </item> <item> yield </item> </list> <list name="primitives"> <item> Infinity </item> <item> NaN </item> <item> false </item> <item> null </item> <item> true </item> <item> undefined </item> </list> <contexts> <!-- Shebang: ("#!") Detect shebang and fallthrough to Normal --> <!-- Based on the similar clause from prolog.xml, which notes the following BUG: If the file starts with whitespace and a shebang on a line other than the first line, this rule will still match it as a shebang, even tough the shebang is only valid on the very first line. --> <context name="Shebang" lineEndContext="Normal" attribute="Syntax Error" fallthrough="true" fallthroughContext="Normal" > <IncludeRules context="FindPHP" /> <Detect2Chars column="0" char="#" char1="!" context="Comment" attribute="Comment" /> </context> <context attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#stay" name="Normal"> <IncludeRules context="FindPHP" /> <DetectSpaces/> <StringDetect attribute="Region Marker" context="region_marker" String="//BEGIN" beginRegion="Region1" /> <StringDetect attribute="Region Marker" context="region_marker" String="//END" endRegion="Region1" /> <Float attribute="Float" context="NoRegExp" /> <HlCOct attribute="Octal" context="NoRegExp" /> 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