<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <!-- ==================================================================== MATLAB syntax highlighting file for the KDE editors Kate and Kwrite ==================================================================== works (at least) for MATLAB versions 5.3, 6.0, 6.1, 6.5, 6.5sp1 works with Kate 2.2 and with Kwrite 4.2 (KDE 3.2) This file works only for syntactically correct MATLAB code. For incorrect code, the behaviour is undefined. One exception is made: Incomplete strings with missing closing delimiter are highlighted separately, just as in the native editor of MATLAB does. Highlighting errors never propagate across line breaks. Most of this XML file is straight and simple. Only the character ' (') needs nontrivial treatment, since it is both a postfix operator indicating complex conjugate transpose (adjoint) and a string delimiter. It is an adjoint operator in the following positions: 1) immediately after an identifier (variable, function, but not keyword) 2) immediately after a number literal 3) immediately after the closing parenthesis ), ] and } 4) immediately after a simple transpose operator .' 5) immediately after another adjoint operator ' In all other cases it is a string delimiter. This is implemented using look-ahead regexps. If one of the entities in the above cases 1-4 (identifier, number literal, ...) matches and look-ahead shows that it is followed by a ', the entity is highlighted and control is passed to the special context _adjoint, whose sole purpose is to correctly highlight a series of ' (thus covering case 5 as well). _adjoint immediately returns to the default context _normal. MATLAB number literals are different from those in C and similar languages: a) All numbers literals are doubles. There is no distinction between float and int. b) There is no notation of hex or oct base integers. c) The symbols i or j may be attached to a number to indicate a multiplication with the imaginary unit. MATLAB identifiers have to start with a letter followed by any number of letters, digits and underscores. There is a small number of reserved keywords, which cannot be the target of an assignment. All other identifiers (including all of the many 100s of MATLAB commands) can be redefined. Consequently, only the reserved keywords are highlighted. At the end of the XML file, there is MATLAB testing code for developers. Change log: 19-Nov-03 Created from scratch. 08-Mar-04 Small corrections. Added default colors of MATLAB editor. 25-Jan-09 Addedd basic support for OOP (Matlab 2008) (by Leonardo Finetti) Author: Stefan Stoll, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Zurich Co-author: Leonardo Finetti, www.finex.org --> <!DOCTYPE language SYSTEM "language.dtd"> <language name="Matlab" version="1.30" kateversion="2.2" section="Scientific" extensions="*.m;*.M" mimetype="text/mfile" casesensitive="1"> <highlighting> <!-- Reserved keywords in MATLAB --> <list name="KeywordsList"> <item> break </item> <item> case </item> <item> catch </item> <item> classdef </item> <item> continue </item> <item> else </item> <item> elseif </item> <item> end </item> <item> for </item> <item> function </item> <item> global </item> <item> if </item> <item> otherwise </item> <item> parfor </item> <item> persistent </item> <item> return </item> <item> spmd </item> <item> switch </item> <item> try </item> <item> while </item> <item> methods </item> <item> properties </item> <item> events </item> </list> <contexts> <context name="_normal" attribute="Normal Text" lineEndContext="#pop"> <!-- Look-ahead for adjoint ' after variable, number literal, closing braces and .' --> <RegExpr context="_adjoint" attribute="Variable" String="[a-zA-Z]\w*(?=')" /> <RegExpr context="_adjoint" attribute="Number" String="(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?[ij]?(?=')" /> <RegExpr context="_adjoint" attribute="Delimiter" String="[\)\]}](?=')" /> <RegExpr context="_adjoint" attribute="Operator" String="\.'(?=')" /> <!-- If ' is not the adjoint operator, it starts a string or an unterminated string --> <RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="String" String="'[^']*(''[^']*)*'(?=[^']|$)" /> <RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="Incomplete String" String="'[^']*(''[^']*)*" /> <!-- Handling of keywords, comments, system commands, identifiers, numbers and braces --> <keyword context="#stay" attribute="Keyword" String="KeywordsList" /> <RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="Comment" String="%.*$" /> <RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="System" String="!.*$" /> <RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="Variable" String="[a-zA-Z]\w*" /> <RegExpr context="#stay" attribute="Number" String="(\d+(\.\d+)?|\.\d+)([eE][+-]?\d+)?[ij]?" /> <AnyChar context="#stay" attribute="Delimiter" String="()[]{}"/> <!-- Three and two-character operators --> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String="..."/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String="=="/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String="~="/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String="<="/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String=">="/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String="&&"/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String="||"/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String=".*"/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String=".^"/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String="./"/> <StringDetect context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String=".'"/> <!-- Single-character operators --> <AnyChar context="#stay" attribute="Operator" String="*+-/\&|<>~^=,;:@"/> </context> <!-- Context entered after encountering an ' adjoint operator --> <context name="_adjoint" attribute="Operator" lineEndContext="#pop"> <RegExpr context="#pop" attribute="Operator" String="'+" /> </context> </contexts> <itemDatas> <itemData name="Normal Text" defStyleNum="dsNormal" /> <itemData name="Variable" defStyleNum="dsNormal" /> <itemData name="Operator" defStyleNum="dsNormal"/> <itemData name="Number" defStyleNum="dsFloat" /> <itemData name="Delimiter" defStyleNum="dsNormal" /> <itemData name="String" defStyleNum="dsString" color="#b20000"/> <itemData name="System" defStyleNum="dsBaseN" color="#b28c00"/> <itemData name="Incomplete String" defStyleNum="dsChar" color="#a020f0"/> <itemData name="Keyword" defStyleNum="dsNormal" color="#0000ff"/> <itemData name="Comment" defStyleNum="dsComment" color="#009900"/> </itemDatas> <!-- MATLAB 6.5 default color scheme keywords #0000ff comments #228b22 strings #b20000 unterminated strings #a020f0 system commands #b28c00 errors #ff0000 all others #000000 --> </highlighting> <general> <comments> <comment name="singleLine" start="% " /> </comments> <keywords casesensitive="1" weakDeliminator=""/> </general> </language> <!-- %%===================================================== % MATLAB test code for Kate/Kwrite syntax highlighting %%===================================================== % Numbers _____________________________________________ 5, 5.5, .1, 0.1, 0.4e5, 1.2e-5, 5i, 5.3i, 6j, .345+3i 5', 5.5', .1', 0.1', 0.4e5', 1.2e-5', 5i', 5.3i', 6j', .345+3i' % Operators ___________________________________________ % relational operators 'asdf'~=4, c<=4, d>=4, a<b, a>b, a==b, b||c, b&&c % elementwise arithmetic operators a.^b, a.*b a./b, 1:4:5 % single-character binary arithmetic a+3, a-3, a*2, a^3, a/3, a\3, a|b, a&b % unary operators a = ~g; g = @sfdgdsf(sdfsd,345); g.' + 1i.' - ('asdf').' % separators and delimiter (asd),[sadf];{asdf},;;,;;;() % continuation a = 1+ ... 2; % Strings and adjoint _________________________________ % incomplete strings 'string 'str'' 'str''ing % complete strings 'string' % simple string '''' % string containing ' 'str''ing' % one string containing ' 'string' 'string' % two strings 'asdf' 'asdf''' variable % two strings and a variable 'asdf''asdf'' fsgdfg' + (asdf)' - 'asdf'.' + []''''.';'' 'sadf'.' % string transpose % adjoint {'asdf'}' + 1 ('asdf')' + 1 ['asdf']' + 1 '' var''' % empty string, var with >1 adjoints [5]'*{5}'*('asd')'.'+(5)'*6'*asdf'*asdf'.' % many adjoints A'*B + 1 % adjoint A.'*B + 1 % transpose A.'.'*B + 1 % double transpose A'.' + 1 % adjoint, then transpose A.'' % transpose, then adjoint % System command ______________________________________ !hostname !cp * /tmp % Reserved keywords ___________________________________ function, persistent, global switch, case, otherwise if, else, elseif try, catch for, while, break, continue end, return function, FUNCTION, Function % case sensitive! -->