/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (C) 2003 Jesse Yurkovich <yurkjes@iit.edu>
   Copyright (C) 2004 >Anders Lund <anders@alweb.dk> (KateVarIndent class)
   Copyright (C) 2005 Dominik Haumann <dhdev@gmx.de> (basic support for config page)

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "kateautoindent.h"
#include "kateautoindent.moc"

#include "kateconfig.h"
#include "katehighlight.h"
#include "katefactory.h"
#include "katejscript.h"
#include "kateview.h"

#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kpopupmenu.h>

#include <cctype>

//BEGIN KateAutoIndent

KateAutoIndent *KateAutoIndent::createIndenter (KateDocument *doc, uint mode)
  if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imNormal)
    return new KateNormalIndent (doc);
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imCStyle)
    return new KateCSmartIndent (doc);
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imPythonStyle)
    return new KatePythonIndent (doc);
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imXmlStyle)
    return new KateXmlIndent (doc);
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imCSAndS)
    return new KateCSAndSIndent (doc);
  else if ( mode == KateDocumentConfig::imVarIndent )
    return new KateVarIndent ( doc );
//  else if ( mode == KateDocumentConfig::imScriptIndent)
//    return new KateScriptIndent ( doc );

  return new KateAutoIndent (doc);

TQStringList KateAutoIndent::listModes ()
  TQStringList l;

  l << modeDescription(KateDocumentConfig::imNone);
  l << modeDescription(KateDocumentConfig::imNormal);
  l << modeDescription(KateDocumentConfig::imCStyle);
  l << modeDescription(KateDocumentConfig::imPythonStyle);
  l << modeDescription(KateDocumentConfig::imXmlStyle);
  l << modeDescription(KateDocumentConfig::imCSAndS);
  l << modeDescription(KateDocumentConfig::imVarIndent);
//  l << modeDescription(KateDocumentConfig::imScriptIndent);

  return l;

TQString KateAutoIndent::modeName (uint mode)
  if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imNormal)
    return TQString ("normal");
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imCStyle)
    return TQString ("cstyle");
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imPythonStyle)
    return TQString ("python");
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imXmlStyle)
    return TQString ("xml");
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imCSAndS)
    return TQString ("csands");
  else if ( mode  == KateDocumentConfig::imVarIndent )
    return TQString( "varindent" );
//  else if ( mode  == KateDocumentConfig::imScriptIndent )
//    return TQString( "scriptindent" );

  return TQString ("none");

TQString KateAutoIndent::modeDescription (uint mode)
  if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imNormal)
    return i18n ("Normal");
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imCStyle)
    return i18n ("C Style");
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imPythonStyle)
    return i18n ("Python Style");
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imXmlStyle)
    return i18n ("XML Style");
  else if (mode == KateDocumentConfig::imCSAndS)
    return i18n ("S&S C Style");
  else if ( mode == KateDocumentConfig::imVarIndent )
    return i18n("Variable Based Indenter");
//  else if ( mode == KateDocumentConfig::imScriptIndent )
//    return i18n("JavaScript Indenter");

  return i18n ("None");

uint KateAutoIndent::modeNumber (const TQString &name)
  if (modeName(KateDocumentConfig::imNormal) == name)
    return KateDocumentConfig::imNormal;
  else if (modeName(KateDocumentConfig::imCStyle) == name)
    return KateDocumentConfig::imCStyle;
  else if (modeName(KateDocumentConfig::imPythonStyle) == name)
    return KateDocumentConfig::imPythonStyle;
  else if (modeName(KateDocumentConfig::imXmlStyle) == name)
    return KateDocumentConfig::imXmlStyle;
  else if (modeName(KateDocumentConfig::imCSAndS) == name)
    return KateDocumentConfig::imCSAndS;
  else if ( modeName( KateDocumentConfig::imVarIndent ) == name )
    return KateDocumentConfig::imVarIndent;
//  else if ( modeName( KateDocumentConfig::imScriptIndent ) == name )
//    return KateDocumentConfig::imScriptIndent;

  return KateDocumentConfig::imNone;

bool KateAutoIndent::hasConfigPage (uint mode)
//  if ( mode == KateDocumentConfig::imScriptIndent )
//    return true;

  return false;

IndenterConfigPage* KateAutoIndent::configPage(TQWidget *parent, uint mode)
//  if ( mode == KateDocumentConfig::imScriptIndent )
//    return new ScriptIndentConfigPage(parent, "script_indent_config_page");

  return 0;

KateAutoIndent::KateAutoIndent (KateDocument *_doc)
: TQObject(), doc(_doc)
KateAutoIndent::~KateAutoIndent ()

//END KateAutoIndent

//BEGIN KateViewIndentAction
KateViewIndentationAction::KateViewIndentationAction(KateDocument *_doc, const TQString& text, TQObject* parent, const char* name)
       : KActionMenu (text, parent, name), doc(_doc)

void KateViewIndentationAction::slotAboutToShow()
  TQStringList modes = KateAutoIndent::listModes ();

  popupMenu()->clear ();
  for (uint z=0; z<modes.size(); ++z)
    popupMenu()->insertItem ( '&' + KateAutoIndent::modeDescription(z).replace('&', "&&"), this, TQT_SLOT(setMode(int)), 0,  z);

  popupMenu()->setItemChecked (doc->config()->indentationMode(), true);

void KateViewIndentationAction::setMode (int mode)
//END KateViewIndentationAction

//BEGIN KateNormalIndent

KateNormalIndent::KateNormalIndent (KateDocument *_doc)
 : KateAutoIndent (_doc)
  // if highlighting changes, update attributes
  connect(_doc, TQT_SIGNAL(hlChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(updateConfig()));

KateNormalIndent::~KateNormalIndent ()

void KateNormalIndent::updateConfig ()
  KateDocumentConfig *config = doc->config();

  useSpaces   = config->configFlags() & KateDocument::cfSpaceIndent || config->configFlags() & KateDocumentConfig::cfReplaceTabsDyn;
  mixedIndent = useSpaces && config->configFlags() & KateDocumentConfig::cfMixedIndent;
  keepProfile = config->configFlags() & KateDocument::cfKeepIndentProfile;
  tabWidth    = config->tabWidth();
  indentWidth = useSpaces? config->indentationWidth() : tabWidth;

  commentAttrib = 255;
  doxyCommentAttrib = 255;
  regionAttrib = 255;
  symbolAttrib = 255;
  alertAttrib = 255;
  tagAttrib = 255;
  wordAttrib = 255;
  keywordAttrib = 255;
  normalAttrib = 255;
  extensionAttrib = 255;
  preprocessorAttrib = 255;
  stringAttrib = 255;
  charAttrib = 255;

  KateHlItemDataList items;
  doc->highlight()->getKateHlItemDataListCopy (0, items);

  for (uint i=0; i<items.count(); i++)
    TQString name = items.at(i)->name;
    if (name.find("Comment") != -1 && commentAttrib == 255)
      commentAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Region Marker") != -1 && regionAttrib == 255)
      regionAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Symbol") != -1 && symbolAttrib == 255)
      symbolAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Alert") != -1)
      alertAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Comment") != -1 && commentAttrib != 255 && doxyCommentAttrib == 255)
      doxyCommentAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Tags") != -1 && tagAttrib == 255)
      tagAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Word") != -1 && wordAttrib == 255)
      wordAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Keyword") != -1 && keywordAttrib == 255)
      keywordAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Normal") != -1 && normalAttrib == 255)
      normalAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Extensions") != -1 && extensionAttrib == 255)
      extensionAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Preprocessor") != -1 && preprocessorAttrib == 255)
      preprocessorAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("String") != -1 && stringAttrib == 255)
      stringAttrib = i;
    else if (name.find("Char") != -1 && charAttrib == 255)
      charAttrib = i;

bool KateNormalIndent::isBalanced (KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end, TQChar open, TQChar close, uint &pos) const
  int parenOpen = 0;
  bool atLeastOne = false;
  bool getNext = false;

  pos = doc->plainKateTextLine(begin.line())->firstChar();

  // Iterate one-by-one finding opening and closing chars
  // Assume that open and close are 'Symbol' characters
  while (begin < end)
    TQChar c = begin.currentChar();
    if (begin.currentAttrib() == symbolAttrib)
      if (c == open)
        if (!atLeastOne)
          atLeastOne = true;
          getNext = true;
          pos = measureIndent(begin) + 1;
      else if (c == close)
    else if (getNext && !c.isSpace())
      getNext = false;
      pos = measureIndent(begin);

    if (atLeastOne && parenOpen <= 0)
      return true;

    if (!begin.moveForward(1))

  return (atLeastOne) ? false : true;

bool KateNormalIndent::skipBlanks (KateDocCursor &cur, KateDocCursor &max, bool newline) const
  int curLine = cur.line();
  if (newline)

  if (cur >= max)
    return false;

    uchar attrib = cur.currentAttrib();
    const TQString hlFile = doc->highlight()->hlKeyForAttrib( attrib );

    if (attrib != commentAttrib && attrib != regionAttrib && attrib != alertAttrib && attrib != preprocessorAttrib && !hlFile.endsWith("doxygen.xml"))
      TQChar c = cur.currentChar();
      if (!c.isNull() && !c.isSpace())

    if (!cur.moveForward(1))
      // not able to move forward, so set cur to max
      cur = max;
    // Make sure col is 0 if we spill into next line  i.e. count the '\n' as a character
    if (curLine != cur.line())
      if (!newline)
      curLine = cur.line();
  } while (cur < max);

  if (cur > max)
    cur = max;
  return true;

uint KateNormalIndent::measureIndent (KateDocCursor &cur) const
  // We cannot short-cut by checking for useSpaces because there may be
  // tabs in the line despite this setting.

  return doc->plainKateTextLine(cur.line())->cursorX(cur.col(), tabWidth);

TQString KateNormalIndent::tabString(uint pos) const
  TQString s;
  pos = kMin (pos, 80U); // sanity check for large values of pos

  if (!useSpaces || mixedIndent)
    while (pos >= tabWidth)
      s += '\t';
      pos -= tabWidth;
  while (pos > 0)
    s += ' ';
  return s;

void KateNormalIndent::processNewline (KateDocCursor &begin, bool /*needContinue*/)
  int line = begin.line() - 1;
  int pos = begin.col();

  while ((line > 0) && (pos < 0)) // search a not empty text line
    pos = doc->plainKateTextLine(--line)->firstChar();

  if (pos > 0)
    TQString filler = doc->text(line, 0, line, pos);
    doc->insertText(begin.line(), 0, filler);


//BEGIN KateCSmartIndent

KateCSmartIndent::KateCSmartIndent (KateDocument *doc)
:  KateNormalIndent (doc),
    allowSemi (false),
    processingBlock (false)
  kdDebug(13030)<<"CREATING KATECSMART INTDETER"<<endl;

KateCSmartIndent::~KateCSmartIndent ()


void KateCSmartIndent::processLine (KateDocCursor &line)
  kdDebug(13030)<<"PROCESSING LINE "<<line.line()<<endl;
  KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(line.line());

  int firstChar = textLine->firstChar();
  // Empty line is worthless ... but only when doing more than 1 line
  if (firstChar == -1 && processingBlock)

  uint indent = 0;

  // TODO Here we do not check for beginning and ending comments ...
  TQChar first = textLine->getChar(firstChar);
  TQChar last = textLine->getChar(textLine->lastChar());

  if (first == '}')
    indent = findOpeningBrace(line);
  else if (first == ')')
    indent = findOpeningParen(line);
  else if (first == '{')
    // If this is the first brace, we keep the indent at 0
    KateDocCursor temp(line.line(), firstChar, doc);
    if (!firstOpeningBrace(temp))
      indent = calcIndent(temp, false);
  else if (first == ':')
    // Initialization lists (handle c++ and c#)
    int pos = findOpeningBrace(line);
    if (pos == 0)
      indent = indentWidth;
      indent = pos + (indentWidth * 2);
  else if (last == ':')
    if (textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "case") ||
        textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "default") ||
        textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "public") ||
        textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "private") ||
        textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "protected") ||
        textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "signals") ||
        textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "Q_SIGNALS") ||
        textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "Q_SLOTS") ||
        textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "slots"))
      indent = findOpeningBrace(line) + indentWidth;
  else if (first == '*')
    if (last == '/')
      int lineEnd = textLine->lastChar();
      if (lineEnd > 0 && textLine->getChar(lineEnd - 1) == '*')
        indent = findOpeningComment(line);
        if (textLine->attribute(firstChar) == doxyCommentAttrib)
      KateDocCursor temp = line;
      if (textLine->attribute(firstChar) == doxyCommentAttrib)
        indent = calcIndent(temp, false) + 1;
        indent = calcIndent(temp, true);
  else if (first == '#')
    // c# regions
    if (textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "#region") ||
        textLine->stringAtPos (firstChar, "#endregion"))
      KateDocCursor temp = line;
      indent = calcIndent(temp, true);
    // Everything else ...
    if (first == '/' && last != '/')

    KateDocCursor temp = line;
    indent = calcIndent(temp, true);
    if (indent == 0)
      KateNormalIndent::processNewline(line, true);

  // Slightly faster if we don't indent what we don't have to
  if (indent != measureIndent(line) || first == '}' || first == '{' || first == '#')
    doc->removeText(line.line(), 0, line.line(), firstChar);
    TQString filler = tabString(indent);
    if (indent > 0) doc->insertText(line.line(), 0, filler);
    if (!processingBlock) line.setCol(filler.length());

void KateCSmartIndent::processSection (const KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end)
  kdDebug(13030)<<"PROCESS SECTION"<<endl;
  KateDocCursor cur = begin;
  TQTime t;

  processingBlock = (end.line() - cur.line() > 0) ? true : false;

  while (cur.line() <= end.line())
    processLine (cur);
    if (!cur.gotoNextLine())

  processingBlock = false;
  kdDebug(13030) << "+++ total: " << t.elapsed() << endl;

bool KateCSmartIndent::handleDoxygen (KateDocCursor &begin)
  // Factor out the rather involved Doxygen stuff here ...
  int line = begin.line();
  int first = -1;
  while ((line > 0) && (first < 0))
    first = doc->plainKateTextLine(--line)->firstChar();

  if (first >= 0)
    KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(line);
    bool insideDoxygen = false;
    bool justAfterDoxygen = false;
    if (textLine->attribute(first) == doxyCommentAttrib || textLine->attribute(textLine->lastChar()) == doxyCommentAttrib)
      const int last = textLine->lastChar();
      if (last <= 0 || !(justAfterDoxygen = textLine->stringAtPos(last-1, "*/")))
        insideDoxygen = true;
      if (justAfterDoxygen)
        justAfterDoxygen &= textLine->string().find("/**") < 0;
      while (textLine->attribute(first) != doxyCommentAttrib && first <= textLine->lastChar())
      if (textLine->stringAtPos(first, "//"))
        return false;

    // Align the *'s and then go ahead and insert one too ...
    if (insideDoxygen)
      textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(begin.line());
      first = textLine->firstChar();
      int indent = findOpeningComment(begin);
      TQString filler = tabString (indent);

      bool doxygenAutoInsert = doc->config()->configFlags() & KateDocumentConfig::cfDoxygenAutoTyping;

      if ( doxygenAutoInsert &&
           ((first < 0) || (!textLine->stringAtPos(first, "*/") && !textLine->stringAtPos(first, "*"))))
        filler = filler + " * ";

      doc->removeText (begin.line(), 0, begin.line(), first);
      doc->insertText (begin.line(), 0, filler);

      return true;
    // Align position with beginning of doxygen comment. Otherwise the
    // indentation is one too much.
    else if (justAfterDoxygen)
      textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(begin.line());
      first = textLine->firstChar();
      int indent = findOpeningComment(begin);
      TQString filler = tabString (indent);

      doc->removeText (begin.line(), 0, begin.line(), first);
      doc->insertText (begin.line(), 0, filler);

      return true;

  return false;

void KateCSmartIndent::processNewline (KateDocCursor &begin, bool needContinue)
  if (!handleDoxygen (begin))
    KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(begin.line());
    bool inMiddle = textLine->firstChar() > -1;

    int indent = calcIndent (begin, needContinue);

    if (indent > 0 || inMiddle)
      TQString filler = tabString (indent);
      doc->insertText (begin.line(), 0, filler);

      // Handles cases where user hits enter at the beginning or middle of text
      if (inMiddle)
      KateNormalIndent::processNewline (begin, needContinue);

    if (begin.col() < 0)

 * Returns true when the given attribute matches any "colon influence immune"
 * attribute
 * @param indenter indenter
 * @param attr1 attribute of previous char
 * @param attr2 attribute of char preceding previous char
 * @param prev1 previous character (0 if none)
 * @param prev2 character preceding previous character (0 if none)
static inline bool isColonImmune(const KateNormalIndent &indenter,
                                 uchar attr1, uchar attr2,
                                 TQChar prev1, TQChar prev2)
  return attr1 == indenter.preprocessorAttrib
      // FIXME: no way to discriminate against multiline comment and single
      // line comment. Therefore, using prev? is futile.
      || attr1 == indenter.commentAttrib /*&& prev2 != '*' && prev1 != '/'*/
      || attr1 == indenter.doxyCommentAttrib
      || attr1 == indenter.stringAttrib && (attr2 != indenter.stringAttrib
         || (prev1 != '"' || prev2 == '\\' && attr2 == indenter.charAttrib))
      || prev1 == '\'' && attr1 != indenter.charAttrib;

 * Returns true when the colon is allowed to reindent the current line
 * @param indenter current indenter
 * @param line current line
 * @param curCol column of most recently input character
static inline bool colonPermitsReindent(const KateNormalIndent &indenter,
                                        const KateTextLine::Ptr &line,
                                        int curCol
  const TQString txt = line->string(0,curCol);
  // do we have any significant preceding colon?
  for (int pos = 0; (pos = txt.find(':', pos)) >= 0; pos++) {
    if (line->attribute(pos) == indenter.symbolAttrib)
      // yes, it has already contributed to this line's indentation, don't
      // indent again
      return false;

  // otherwise, check whether this colon is not within an influence
  // immune attribute range
  return !isColonImmune(indenter, line->attribute(curCol - 1),
                        line->attribute(curCol - 2),
                        txt[curCol - 1], txt[curCol - 2]);

void KateCSmartIndent::processChar(TQChar c)
  // You may be curious about 'n' among the triggers:
  // It is used to discriminate C#'s #region/#endregion which are indented
  // against normal preprocessing statements which aren't indented.
  static const TQString triggers("}{)/:#n");
  static const TQString firstTriggers("}{)/:#");
  static const TQString lastTriggers(":n");
  if (triggers.find(c) < 0)

  KateView *view = doc->activeView();
  int curCol = view->cursorColumnReal() - 1;
  KateDocCursor begin(view->cursorLine(), 0, doc);

  KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(begin.line());
  const TQChar curChar = textLine->getChar(curCol);
  const int first = textLine->firstChar();
  const TQChar firstChar = textLine->getChar(first);

#if 0 // nice try
  // Only indent on symbols or preprocessing directives -- never on
  // anything else
  kdDebug() << "curChar " << curChar << " curCol " << curCol << " textlen " << textLine->length() << " a " << textLine->attribute( curCol ) << " sym " << symbolAttrib << " pp " << preprocessorAttrib << endl;
  if (!(((curChar == '#' || curChar == 'n')
         && textLine->attribute( curCol ) == preprocessorAttrib)
        || textLine->attribute( curCol ) == symbolAttrib)
  kdDebug() << "curChar " << curChar << endl;

  if (c == 'n')
    if (firstChar != '#' || textLine->string(curCol-5, 5) != TQString::fromLatin1("regio"))

  if ( c == '/' )
    // dominik: if line is "* /", change it to "*/"
    if ( textLine->attribute( begin.col() ) == doxyCommentAttrib )
      // if the first char exists and is a '*', and the next non-space-char
      // is already the just typed '/', concatenate it to "*/".
      if ( first != -1
           && firstChar == '*'
           && textLine->nextNonSpaceChar( first+1 ) == view->cursorColumnReal()-1 )
        doc->removeText( view->cursorLine(), first+1, view->cursorLine(), view->cursorColumnReal()-1);

    // ls: never have comments change the indentation.

  // ls: only reindent line if the user actually expects it
  // I. e. take action on single braces on line or last colon, but inhibit
  // any reindentation if any of those characters appear amidst some section
  // of the line
  const TQChar lastChar = textLine->getChar(textLine->lastChar());
  int pos;
  if (((c == firstChar && firstTriggers.find(firstChar) >= 0)
        || (c == lastChar && lastTriggers.find(lastChar) >= 0))
      && (c != ':' || colonPermitsReindent(*this, textLine, curCol)))

uint KateCSmartIndent::calcIndent(KateDocCursor &begin, bool needContinue)
  KateTextLine::Ptr textLine;
  KateDocCursor cur = begin;

  uint anchorIndent = 0;
  int anchorPos = 0;
  int parenCount = 0;  // Possibly in a multiline for stmt.  Used to skip ';' ...
  bool found = false;
  bool isSpecial = false;
  bool potentialAnchorSeen = false;
  bool isArg = false;            // ...arg,<newline>
  bool parenthesizedArg = false; // ...(arg,<newline>

  //kdDebug(13030) << "calcIndent begin line:" << begin.line() << " col:" << begin.col() << endl;

  // Find Indent Anchor Point
  while (cur.gotoPreviousLine())
    isSpecial = found = false;
    textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(cur.line());

    // Skip comments and handle cases like if (...) { stmt;
    int pos = textLine->lastChar();
    int openCount = 0;
    int otherAnchor = -1;
      if (textLine->attribute(pos) == symbolAttrib)
        TQChar tc = textLine->getChar (pos);
        if ((tc == ';' || tc == ':' || tc == ',') && otherAnchor == -1 && parenCount <= 0) {
          otherAnchor = pos, potentialAnchorSeen = true;
          isArg = tc == ',';
        } else if (tc == ')')
        else if (tc == '(')
          parenCount--, parenthesizedArg = isArg, potentialAnchorSeen = true;
        else if (tc == '}')
        else if (tc == '{')
          openCount++, potentialAnchorSeen = true;
          if (openCount == 1)
    } while (--pos >= textLine->firstChar());

    if (openCount != 0 || otherAnchor != -1)
      found = true;
      TQChar c;
      if (openCount > 0)
        c = '{';
      else if (openCount < 0)
        c = '}';
      else if (otherAnchor >= 0)
        c = textLine->getChar (otherAnchor);

      int specialIndent = 0;
      if (c == ':' && needContinue)
        TQChar ch;
        specialIndent = textLine->firstChar();
        if (textLine->stringAtPos(specialIndent, "case"))
          ch = textLine->getChar(specialIndent + 4);
        else if (textLine->stringAtPos(specialIndent, "default"))
          ch = textLine->getChar(specialIndent + 7);
        else if (textLine->stringAtPos(specialIndent, "public"))
          ch = textLine->getChar(specialIndent + 6);
        else if (textLine->stringAtPos(specialIndent, "private"))
          ch = textLine->getChar(specialIndent + 7);
        else if (textLine->stringAtPos(specialIndent, "protected"))
          ch = textLine->getChar(specialIndent + 9);
        else if (textLine->stringAtPos(specialIndent, "signals"))
          ch = textLine->getChar(specialIndent + 7);
        else if (textLine->stringAtPos(specialIndent, "Q_SIGNALS"))
          ch = textLine->getChar(specialIndent + 9);
        else if (textLine->stringAtPos(specialIndent, "slots"))
          ch = textLine->getChar(specialIndent + 5);
        else if (textLine->stringAtPos(specialIndent, "Q_SLOTS"))
          ch = textLine->getChar(specialIndent + 7);

        if (ch.isNull() || (!ch.isSpace() && ch != '(' && ch != ':'))

        KateDocCursor lineBegin = cur;
        specialIndent = measureIndent(lineBegin);
        isSpecial = true;

      // Move forward past blank lines
      KateDocCursor skip = cur;
      bool result = skipBlanks(skip, begin, true);

      anchorPos = skip.col();
      anchorIndent = measureIndent(skip);

      //kdDebug(13030) << "calcIndent anchorPos:" << anchorPos << " anchorIndent:" << anchorIndent << " at line:" << skip.line() << endl;

      // Accept if it's before requested position or if it was special
      if (result && skip < begin)
        cur = skip;
      else if (isSpecial)
        anchorIndent = specialIndent;

      // Are these on a line by themselves? (i.e. both last and first char)
      if ((c == '{' || c == '}') && textLine->getChar(textLine->firstChar()) == c)
        cur.setCol(anchorPos = textLine->firstChar());
        anchorIndent = measureIndent (cur);

  // treat beginning of document as anchor position
  if (cur.line() == 0 && cur.col() == 0 && potentialAnchorSeen)
    found = true;

  if (!found)
    return 0;

  uint continueIndent = (needContinue) ? calcContinue (cur, begin) : 0;
  //kdDebug(13030) << "calcIndent continueIndent:" << continueIndent << endl;

  // Move forward from anchor and determine last known reference character
  // Braces take precedance over others ...
  textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(cur.line());
  TQChar lastChar = textLine->getChar (anchorPos);
  int lastLine = cur.line();
  if (lastChar == '#' || lastChar == '[')
    // Never continue if # or [ is encountered at this point here
    // A fail-safe really... most likely an #include, #region, or a c# attribute
    continueIndent = 0;

  int openCount = 0;
  while (cur.validPosition() && cur < begin)
    if (!skipBlanks(cur, begin, true))
      return isArg && !parenthesizedArg ? begin.col() : 0;

    TQChar tc = cur.currentChar();
    //kdDebug(13030) << "  cur.line:" << cur.line() << " cur.col:" << cur.col() << " currentChar '" << tc << "' " << textLine->attribute(cur.col()) << endl;
    if (cur == begin || tc.isNull())

    if (!tc.isSpace() && cur < begin)
      uchar attrib = cur.currentAttrib();
      if (tc == '{' && attrib == symbolAttrib)
      else if (tc == '}' && attrib == symbolAttrib)

      lastChar = tc;
      lastLine = cur.line();
  if (openCount > 0) // Open braces override
    lastChar = '{';

  uint indent = 0;
  //kdDebug(13030) << "calcIndent lastChar '" << lastChar << "'" << endl;

  if (lastChar == '{' || (lastChar == ':' && isSpecial && needContinue))
    indent = anchorIndent + indentWidth;
  else if (lastChar == '}')
    indent = anchorIndent;
  else if (lastChar == ';')
    indent = anchorIndent + ((allowSemi && needContinue) ? continueIndent : 0);
  else if (lastChar == ',' || lastChar == '(')
    textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(lastLine);
    KateDocCursor start(lastLine, textLine->firstChar(), doc);
    KateDocCursor finish(lastLine, textLine->lastChar() + 1, doc);
    uint pos = 0;

    if (isBalanced(start, finish, TQChar('('), TQChar(')'), pos) && false)
      indent = anchorIndent;
      // TODO: Config option. If we're below 48, go ahead and line them up
      indent = ((pos < 48) ? pos : anchorIndent + (indentWidth * 2));
  else if (!lastChar.isNull())
    if (anchorIndent != 0)
      indent = anchorIndent + continueIndent;
      indent = continueIndent;

  return indent;

uint KateCSmartIndent::calcContinue(KateDocCursor &start, KateDocCursor &end)
  KateDocCursor cur = start;

  bool needsBalanced = true;
  bool isFor = false;
  allowSemi = false;

  KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(cur.line());

  // Handle cases such as  } while (s ... by skipping the leading symbol
  if (textLine->attribute(cur.col()) == symbolAttrib)
    skipBlanks(cur, end, false);

  if (textLine->getChar(cur.col()) == '}')
    skipBlanks(cur, end, true);
    if (cur.line() != start.line())
      textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(cur.line());

    if (textLine->stringAtPos(cur.col(), "else"))
      cur.setCol(cur.col() + 4);
      return indentWidth * 2;

    needsBalanced = false;
  else if (textLine->stringAtPos(cur.col(), "else"))
    cur.setCol(cur.col() + 4);
    needsBalanced = false;
    int next = textLine->nextNonSpaceChar(cur.col());
    if (next >= 0 && textLine->stringAtPos(next, "if"))
      cur.setCol(next + 2);
      needsBalanced = true;
  else if (textLine->stringAtPos(cur.col(), "if"))
    cur.setCol(cur.col() + 2);
  else if (textLine->stringAtPos(cur.col(), "do"))
    cur.setCol(cur.col() + 2);
    needsBalanced = false;
  else if (textLine->stringAtPos(cur.col(), "for"))
    cur.setCol(cur.col() + 3);
    isFor = true;
  else if (textLine->stringAtPos(cur.col(), "while"))
    cur.setCol(cur.col() + 5);
  else if (textLine->stringAtPos(cur.col(), "switch"))
    cur.setCol(cur.col() + 6);
  else if (textLine->stringAtPos(cur.col(), "using"))
    cur.setCol(cur.col() + 5);
    return indentWidth * 2;

  uint openPos = 0;
  if (needsBalanced && !isBalanced (cur, end, TQChar('('), TQChar(')'), openPos))
    allowSemi = isFor;
    if (openPos > 0)
      return (openPos - textLine->firstChar());
      return indentWidth * 2;

  // Check if this statement ends a line now
  skipBlanks(cur, end, false);
  if (cur == end)
    return indentWidth;

  if (skipBlanks(cur, end, true))
    if (cur == end)
      return indentWidth;
      return indentWidth + calcContinue(cur, end);

  return 0;

uint KateCSmartIndent::findOpeningBrace(KateDocCursor &start)
  KateDocCursor cur = start;
  int count = 1;

  // Move backwards 1 by 1 and find the opening brace
  // Return the indent of that line
  while (cur.moveBackward(1))
    if (cur.currentAttrib() == symbolAttrib)
      TQChar ch = cur.currentChar();
      if (ch == '{')
      else if (ch == '}')

      if (count == 0)
        KateDocCursor temp(cur.line(), doc->plainKateTextLine(cur.line())->firstChar(), doc);
        return measureIndent(temp);

  return 0;

bool KateCSmartIndent::firstOpeningBrace(KateDocCursor &start)
  KateDocCursor cur = start;

  // Are we the first opening brace at this level?
    if (cur.currentAttrib() == symbolAttrib)
      TQChar ch = cur.currentChar();
      if (ch == '{')
        return false;
      else if (ch == '}' && cur.col() == 0)

  return true;

uint KateCSmartIndent::findOpeningParen(KateDocCursor &start)
  KateDocCursor cur = start;
  int count = 1;

  // Move backwards 1 by 1 and find the opening (
  // Return the indent of that line
  while (cur.moveBackward(1))
    if (cur.currentAttrib() == symbolAttrib)
      TQChar ch = cur.currentChar();
      if (ch == '(')
      else if (ch == ')')

      if (count == 0)
        return measureIndent(cur);

  return 0;

uint KateCSmartIndent::findOpeningComment(KateDocCursor &start)
  KateDocCursor cur = start;

  // Find the line with the opening /* and return the proper indent
    KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(cur.line());

    int pos = textLine->string().find("/*", false);
    if (pos >= 0)
      KateDocCursor temp(cur.line(), pos, doc);
      return measureIndent(temp);

  } while (cur.gotoPreviousLine());

  return 0;


//BEGIN KatePythonIndent

TQRegExp KatePythonIndent::endWithColon = TQRegExp( "^[^#]*:\\s*(#.*)?$" );
TQRegExp KatePythonIndent::stopStmt = TQRegExp( "^\\s*(break|continue|raise|return|pass)\\b.*" );
TQRegExp KatePythonIndent::blockBegin = TQRegExp( "^\\s*(class|def|if|elif|else|for|while|try)\\b.*" );

KatePythonIndent::KatePythonIndent (KateDocument *doc)
: KateNormalIndent (doc)
KatePythonIndent::~KatePythonIndent ()

void KatePythonIndent::processNewline (KateDocCursor &begin, bool /*newline*/)
  int prevLine = begin.line() - 1;
  int prevPos = begin.col();

  while ((prevLine > 0) && (prevPos < 0)) // search a not empty text line
    prevPos = doc->plainKateTextLine(--prevLine)->firstChar();

  int prevBlock = prevLine;
  int prevBlockPos = prevPos;
  int extraIndent = calcExtra (prevBlock, prevBlockPos, begin);

  int indent = doc->plainKateTextLine(prevBlock)->cursorX(prevBlockPos, tabWidth);
  if (extraIndent == 0)
    if (!stopStmt.exactMatch(doc->plainKateTextLine(prevLine)->string()))
      if (endWithColon.exactMatch(doc->plainKateTextLine(prevLine)->string()))
        indent += indentWidth;
        indent = doc->plainKateTextLine(prevLine)->cursorX(prevPos, tabWidth);
    indent += extraIndent;

  if (indent > 0)
    TQString filler = tabString (indent);
    doc->insertText (begin.line(), 0, filler);

int KatePythonIndent::calcExtra (int &prevBlock, int &pos, KateDocCursor &end)
  int nestLevel = 0;
  bool levelFound = false;
  while ((prevBlock > 0))
    if (blockBegin.exactMatch(doc->plainKateTextLine(prevBlock)->string()))
      if ((!levelFound && nestLevel == 0) || (levelFound && nestLevel - 1 <= 0))
        pos = doc->plainKateTextLine(prevBlock)->firstChar();

      nestLevel --;
    else if (stopStmt.exactMatch(doc->plainKateTextLine(prevBlock)->string()))
      nestLevel ++;
      levelFound = true;


  KateDocCursor cur (prevBlock, pos, doc);
  TQChar c;
  int extraIndent = 0;
  while (cur.line() < end.line())
    c = cur.currentChar();

    if (c == '(')
      extraIndent += indentWidth;
    else if (c == ')')
      extraIndent -= indentWidth;
    else if (c == ':')
    else if (c == '\'' || c == '"' )
      traverseString( c, cur, end );

    if (c.isNull() || c == '#')

  return extraIndent;

void KatePythonIndent::traverseString( const TQChar &stringChar, KateDocCursor &cur, KateDocCursor &end )
    TQChar c;
    bool escape = false;

    c = cur.currentChar();
    while ( ( c != stringChar || escape ) && cur.line() < end.line() )
      if ( escape )
        escape = false;
      else if ( c == '\\' )
        escape = !escape;

      c = cur.currentChar();


//BEGIN KateXmlIndent

/* Explanation

The XML indenter simply inherits the indentation of the previous line,
with the first line starting at 0 (of course!). For each element that
is opened on the previous line, the indentation is increased by one
level; for each element that is closed, it is decreased by one.

We also have a special case of opening an element on one line and then
entering attributes on the following lines, in which case we would like
to see the following layout:
<elem attr="..."
      blah="..." />

<x><a href="..."
      title="..." />

This is accomplished by checking for lines that contain an unclosed open


const TQRegExp KateXmlIndent::startsWithCloseTag("^[ \t]*</");
const TQRegExp KateXmlIndent::unclosedDoctype("<!DOCTYPE[^>]*$");

KateXmlIndent::KateXmlIndent (KateDocument *doc)
: KateNormalIndent (doc)

KateXmlIndent::~KateXmlIndent ()

void KateXmlIndent::processNewline (KateDocCursor &begin, bool /*newline*/)

void KateXmlIndent::processChar (TQChar c)
  if(c != '/') return;

  // only alter lines that start with a close element
  KateView *view = doc->activeView();
  TQString text = doc->plainKateTextLine(view->cursorLine())->string();
  if(text.find(startsWithCloseTag) == -1) return;

  // process it

void KateXmlIndent::processLine (KateDocCursor &line)
  processLine (line.line());

void KateXmlIndent::processSection (const KateDocCursor &start, const KateDocCursor &end)
  KateDocCursor cur (start);
  int endLine = end.line();

  do {
    if(!cur.gotoNextLine()) break;
  } while(cur.line() < endLine);

void KateXmlIndent::getLineInfo (uint line, uint &prevIndent, int &numTags,
  uint &attrCol, bool &unclosedTag)
  prevIndent = 0;
  int firstChar;
  KateTextLine::Ptr prevLine = 0;

  // get the indentation of the first non-empty line
  while(true) {
    prevLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(line);
    if( (firstChar = prevLine->firstChar()) < 0) {
      if(!line--) return;
  prevIndent = prevLine->cursorX(prevLine->firstChar(), tabWidth);
  TQString text = prevLine->string();

  // special case:
  // <a>
  // </a>              <!-- indentation *already* decreased -->
  // requires that we discount the </a> from the number of closed tags
  if(text.find(startsWithCloseTag) != -1) ++numTags;

  // count the number of open and close tags
  int lastCh = 0;
  uint pos, len = text.length();
  bool seenOpen = false;
  for(pos = 0; pos < len; ++pos) {
    int ch = text.at(pos).unicode();
    switch(ch) {
      case '<':
        seenOpen = true;
        unclosedTag = true;
        attrCol = pos;

      // don't indent because of DOCTYPE, comment, CDATA, etc.
      case '!':
        if(lastCh == '<') --numTags;

      // don't indent because of xml decl or PI
      case '?':
        if(lastCh == '<') --numTags;

      case '>':
        if(!seenOpen) {
          // we are on a line like the second one here:
          // <element attr="val"
          //          other="val">
          // so we need to set prevIndent to the indent of the first line
          // however, we need to special case "<!DOCTYPE" because
          // it's not an open tag

          prevIndent = 0;

          for(uint backLine = line; backLine; ) {
            // find first line with an open tag
            KateTextLine::Ptr x = doc->plainKateTextLine(--backLine);
            if(x->string().find('<') == -1) continue;

            // recalculate the indent
            if(x->string().find(unclosedDoctype) != -1) --numTags;
            getLineInfo(backLine, prevIndent, numTags, attrCol, unclosedTag);
        if(lastCh == '/') --numTags;
        unclosedTag = false;

      case '/':
        if(lastCh == '<') numTags -= 2; // correct for '<', above
    lastCh = ch;

  if(unclosedTag) {
    // find the start of the next attribute, so we can align with it
    do {
      lastCh = text.at(++attrCol).unicode();
    }while(lastCh && lastCh != ' ' && lastCh != '\t');

    while(lastCh == ' ' || lastCh == '\t') {
      lastCh = text.at(++attrCol).unicode();

    attrCol = prevLine->cursorX(attrCol, tabWidth);

uint KateXmlIndent::processLine (uint line)
  KateTextLine::Ptr kateLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(line);
  if(!kateLine) return 0; // sanity check

  // get details from previous line
  uint prevIndent = 0, attrCol = 0;
  int numTags = 0;
  bool unclosedTag = false; // for aligning attributes

  if(line) {
    getLineInfo(line - 1, prevIndent, numTags, attrCol, unclosedTag);

  // compute new indent
  int indent = 0;
  if(unclosedTag) indent = attrCol;
  else  indent = prevIndent + numTags * indentWidth;
  if(indent < 0) indent = 0;

  // unindent lines that start with a close tag
  if(kateLine->string().find(startsWithCloseTag) != -1) {
    indent -= indentWidth;
  if(indent < 0) indent = 0;

  // apply new indent
  doc->removeText(line, 0, line, kateLine->firstChar());
  TQString filler = tabString(indent);
  doc->insertText(line, 0, filler);

  return filler.length();


//BEGIN KateCSAndSIndent

KateCSAndSIndent::KateCSAndSIndent (KateDocument *doc)
:  KateNormalIndent (doc)

void KateCSAndSIndent::updateIndentString()
  if( useSpaces )
    indentString.fill( ' ', indentWidth );
    indentString = '\t';

KateCSAndSIndent::~KateCSAndSIndent ()

void KateCSAndSIndent::processLine (KateDocCursor &line)
  KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(line.line());

  if (!textLine)


  const int oldCol = line.col();
  TQString whitespace = calcIndent(line);
  // strip off existing whitespace
  int oldIndent = textLine->firstChar();
  if ( oldIndent < 0 )
    oldIndent = doc->lineLength( line.line() );
  if( oldIndent > 0 )
    doc->removeText(line.line(), 0, line.line(), oldIndent);
  // add correct amount
  doc->insertText(line.line(), 0, whitespace);

  // try to preserve the cursor position in the line
  if ( int(oldCol + whitespace.length()) >= oldIndent )
    line.setCol( oldCol + whitespace.length() - oldIndent );
    line.setCol( 0 );

void KateCSAndSIndent::processSection (const KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end)
  TQTime t; t.start();
  for( KateDocCursor cur = begin; cur.line() <= end.line(); )
    processLine (cur);
    if (!cur.gotoNextLine())
  kdDebug(13030) << "+++ total: " << t.elapsed() << endl;

 * Returns the first @p chars characters of @p line, converted to whitespace.
 * If @p convert is set to false, characters at and after the first non-whitespace
 * character are removed, not converted.
static TQString initialWhitespace(const KateTextLine::Ptr &line, int chars, bool convert = true)
  TQString text = line->string(0, chars);
  if( (int)text.length() < chars )
    TQString filler; filler.fill(' ',chars - text.length());
    text += filler;
  for( uint n = 0; n < text.length(); ++n )
    if( text[n] != '\t' && text[n] != ' ' )
      if( !convert )
        return text.left( n );
      text[n] = ' ';
  return text;

TQString KateCSAndSIndent::findOpeningCommentIndentation(const KateDocCursor &start)
  KateDocCursor cur = start;

  // Find the line with the opening /* and return the indentation of it
    KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(cur.line());

    int pos = textLine->string().findRev("/*");
    // FIXME: /* inside /* is possible. This screws up in that case...
    if (pos >= 0)
      return initialWhitespace(textLine, pos);
  } while (cur.gotoPreviousLine());

  // should never happen.
  kdWarning( 13030 ) << " in a comment, but can't find the start of it" << endl;
  return TQString::null;

bool KateCSAndSIndent::handleDoxygen (KateDocCursor &begin)
  // Look backwards for a nonempty line
  int line = begin.line();
  int first = -1;
  while ((line > 0) && (first < 0))
    first = doc->plainKateTextLine(--line)->firstChar();

  // no earlier nonempty line
  if (first < 0)
    return false;

  KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(line);

  // if the line doesn't end with a doxygen comment (that's not closed)
  // and doesn't start with a doxygen comment (that's not closed), we don't care.
  // note that we do need to check the start of the line, or lines ending with, say, @brief aren't
  // recognised.
  if ( !(textLine->attribute(textLine->lastChar()) == doxyCommentAttrib && !textLine->endingWith("*/")) &&
       !(textLine->attribute(textLine->firstChar()) == doxyCommentAttrib && !textLine->string().contains("*/")) )
    return false;

  // our line is inside a doxygen comment. align the *'s and then maybe insert one too ...
  textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(begin.line());
  first = textLine->firstChar();
  TQString indent = findOpeningCommentIndentation(begin);

  bool doxygenAutoInsert = doc->config()->configFlags() & KateDocumentConfig::cfDoxygenAutoTyping;

  // starts with *: indent one space more to line up *s
  if ( first >= 0 && textLine->stringAtPos(first, "*") )
    indent = indent + " ";
  // does not start with *: insert one if user wants that
  else if ( doxygenAutoInsert )
    indent = indent + " * ";
  // user doesn't want * inserted automatically: put in spaces?
  //  indent = indent + "   ";

  doc->removeText (begin.line(), 0, begin.line(), first);
  doc->insertText (begin.line(), 0, indent);

  return true;

 * @brief User pressed enter. Line has been split; begin is on the new line.
 * @param begin Three unrelated variables: the new line number, where the first
 *              non-whitespace char was on the previous line, and the document.
 * @param needContinue Something to do with indenting the current line; always true.
void KateCSAndSIndent::processNewline (KateDocCursor &begin, bool /*needContinue*/)
  // in a comment, add a * doxygen-style.
  if( handleDoxygen(begin) )

  // TODO: if the user presses enter in the middle of a label, maybe the first half of the
  //  label should be indented?

  // where the cursor actually is...
  int cursorPos = doc->plainKateTextLine( begin.line() )->firstChar();
  if ( cursorPos < 0 )
    cursorPos = doc->lineLength( begin.line() );
  begin.setCol( cursorPos );

  processLine( begin );

 * Does the line @p line start with a label?
 * @note May also return @c true if the line starts in a continuation.
bool KateCSAndSIndent::startsWithLabel( int line )
  // Get the current line.
  KateTextLine::Ptr indentLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(line);
  const int indentFirst = indentLine->firstChar();

  // Not entirely sure what this check does.
  int attrib = indentLine->attribute(indentFirst);
  if (attrib != 0 && attrib != keywordAttrib && attrib != normalAttrib && attrib != extensionAttrib)
    return false;

  // Get the line text.
  const TQString lineContents = indentLine->string();
  const int indentLast = indentLine->lastChar();
  bool whitespaceFound = false;
  for ( int n = indentFirst; n <= indentLast; ++n )
    // Get the character as latin1. Can't use TQChar::isLetterOrNumber()
    // as that includes non 0-9 numbers.
    char c = lineContents[n].latin1();
    if ( c == ':' )
      // See if the next character is ':' - if so, skip to the character after it.
      if ( n < lineContents.length() - 1 )
        if ( lineContents[n+1].latin1() == ':' )
          n += 2;
      // Right this is the relevent ':'.
      if ( n == indentFirst)
        // Just a line with a : on it.
        return false;
      // It is a label of some kind!
      return true;
    if (isspace(c))
      if (!whitespaceFound)
        if (lineContents.mid(indentFirst, n - indentFirst) == "case")
          return true;
        else if (lineContents.mid(indentFirst, n - indentFirst) == "class")
          return false;
        whitespaceFound = true;
    // All other characters don't indent.
    else if ( !isalnum(c) && c != '_' )
      return false;
  return false;

template<class T> T min(T a, T b) { return (a < b) ? a : b; }

int KateCSAndSIndent::lastNonCommentChar( const KateDocCursor &line )
  KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine( line.line() );
  TQString str = textLine->string();

  // find a possible start-of-comment
  int p = -2; // so the first find starts at position 0
  do p = str.find( "//", p + 2 );
  while ( p >= 0 && textLine->attribute(p) != commentAttrib && textLine->attribute(p) != doxyCommentAttrib );

  // no // found? use whole string
  if ( p < 0 )
    p = str.length();

  // ignore trailing blanks. p starts one-past-the-end.
  while( p > 0 && str[p-1].isSpace() ) --p;
  return p - 1;

bool KateCSAndSIndent::inForStatement( int line )
  // does this line end in a for ( ...
  // with no closing ) ?
  int parens = 0, semicolons = 0;
  for ( ; line >= 0; --line )
    KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(line);
    const int first = textLine->firstChar();
    const int last = textLine->lastChar();

    // look backwards for a symbol: (){};
    // match ()s, {...; and }...; => not in a for
    // ; ; ; => not in a for
    // ( ; and ( ; ; => a for
    for ( int curr = last; curr >= first; --curr )
      if ( textLine->attribute(curr) != symbolAttrib )

      switch( textLine->getChar(curr) )
      case ';':
        if( ++semicolons > 2 )
          return false;
      case '{': case '}':
        return false;
      case ')':
      case '(':
        if( --parens < 0 )
          return true;
  // no useful symbols before the ;?
  // not in a for then
  return false;

// is the start of the line containing 'begin' in a statement?
bool KateCSAndSIndent::inStatement( const KateDocCursor &begin )
  // if the current line starts with an open brace, it's not a continuation.
  // this happens after a function definition (which is treated as a continuation).
  KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(begin.line());
  const int first = textLine->firstChar();
  // note that if we're being called from processChar the attribute has not yet been calculated
  // should be reasonably safe to assume that unattributed {s are symbols; if the { is in a comment
  // we don't want to touch it anyway.
  const int attrib = textLine->attribute(first);
  if( first >= 0 && (attrib == 0 || attrib == symbolAttrib) && textLine->getChar(first) == '{' )
    return false;

  int line;
  for ( line = begin.line() - 1; line >= 0; --line )
    textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(line);
    const int first = textLine->firstChar();
    if ( first == -1 )

    // starts with #: in a comment, don't care
    // outside a comment: preprocessor, don't care
    if ( textLine->getChar( first ) == '#' )
    KateDocCursor currLine = begin;
    currLine.setLine( line );
    const int last = lastNonCommentChar( currLine );
    if ( last < first )

    // HACK: if we see a comment, assume boldly that this isn't a continuation.
    //       detecting comments (using attributes) is HARD, since they may have
    //       embedded alerts, or doxygen stuff, or just about anything. this is
    //       wrong, and needs fixing. note that only multi-line comments and
    //       single-line comments continued with \ are affected.
    const int attrib = textLine->attribute(last);
    if ( attrib == commentAttrib || attrib == doxyCommentAttrib )
      return false;

    char c = textLine->getChar(last);

    // brace => not a continuation.
    if ( attrib == symbolAttrib && c == '{' || c == '}' )
      return false;

    // ; => not a continuation, unless in a for (;;)
    if ( attrib == symbolAttrib && c == ';' )
      return inForStatement( line );

    // found something interesting. maybe it's a label?
    if ( attrib == symbolAttrib && c == ':' )
      // the : above isn't necessarily the : in the label, eg in
      // case 'x': a = b ? c :
      // this will say no continuation incorrectly. but continued statements
      // starting on a line with a label at the start is Bad Style (tm).
      if( startsWithLabel( line ) )
        // either starts with a label or a continuation. if the current line
        // starts in a continuation, we're still in one. if not, this was
        // a label, so we're not in one now. so continue to the next line
        // upwards.

    // any other character => in a continuation
    return true;
  // no non-comment text found before here - not a continuation.
  return false;

TQString KateCSAndSIndent::continuationIndent( const KateDocCursor &begin )
  if( !inStatement( begin ) )
    return TQString::null;
  return indentString;

 * Figure out how indented the line containing @p begin should be.
TQString KateCSAndSIndent::calcIndent (const KateDocCursor &begin)
  KateTextLine::Ptr currLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(begin.line());
  int currLineFirst = currLine->firstChar();

  // if the line starts inside a comment, no change of indentation.
  // FIXME: this unnecessarily copies the current indentation over itself.
  // FIXME: on newline, this should copy from the previous line.
  if ( currLineFirst >= 0 &&
       (currLine->attribute(currLineFirst) == commentAttrib ||
        currLine->attribute(currLineFirst) == doxyCommentAttrib) )
    return currLine->string( 0, currLineFirst );

  // if the line starts with # (but isn't a c# region thingy), no indentation at all.
  if( currLineFirst >= 0 && currLine->getChar(currLineFirst) == '#' )
    if( !currLine->stringAtPos( currLineFirst+1, TQString::fromLatin1("region") ) &&
        !currLine->stringAtPos( currLineFirst+1, TQString::fromLatin1("endregion") ) )
      return TQString::null;

  /* Strategy:
   * Look for an open bracket or brace, or a keyword opening a new scope, whichever comes latest.
   * Found a brace: indent one tab in.
   * Found a bracket: indent to the first non-white after it.
   * Found a keyword: indent one tab in. for try, catch and switch, if newline is set, also add
   *                  an open brace, a newline, and indent two tabs in.
  KateDocCursor cur = begin;
  int pos, openBraceCount = 0, openParenCount = 0;
  bool lookingForScopeKeywords = true;
  const char * const scopeKeywords[] = { "for", "do", "while", "if", "else" };
  const char * const blockScopeKeywords[] = { "try", "catch", "switch" };

  while (cur.gotoPreviousLine())
    KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(cur.line());
    const int lastChar = textLine->lastChar();
    const int firstChar = textLine->firstChar();

    // look through line backwards for interesting characters
    for( pos = lastChar; pos >= firstChar; --pos )
      if (textLine->attribute(pos) == symbolAttrib)
        char tc = textLine->getChar (pos);
        switch( tc )
          case '(': case '[':
            if( ++openParenCount > 0 )
              return calcIndentInBracket( begin, cur, pos );
          case ')': case ']': openParenCount--; break;
          case '{':
            if( ++openBraceCount > 0 )
              return calcIndentInBrace( begin, cur, pos );
          case '}': openBraceCount--; lookingForScopeKeywords = false; break;
          case ';':
            if( openParenCount == 0 )
              lookingForScopeKeywords = false;

      // if we've not had a close brace or a semicolon yet, and we're at the same parenthesis level
      // as the cursor, and we're at the start of a scope keyword, indent from it.
      if ( lookingForScopeKeywords && openParenCount == 0 &&
           textLine->attribute(pos) == keywordAttrib &&
           (pos == 0 || textLine->attribute(pos-1) != keywordAttrib ) )
        #define ARRLEN( array ) ( sizeof(array)/sizeof(array[0]) )
        for( uint n = 0; n < ARRLEN(scopeKeywords); ++n )
          if( textLine->stringAtPos(pos, TQString::fromLatin1(scopeKeywords[n]) ) )
            return calcIndentAfterKeyword( begin, cur, pos, false );
        for( uint n = 0; n < ARRLEN(blockScopeKeywords); ++n )
          if( textLine->stringAtPos(pos, TQString::fromLatin1(blockScopeKeywords[n]) ) )
            return calcIndentAfterKeyword( begin, cur, pos, true );
        #undef ARRLEN

  // no active { in file.
  return TQString::null;

TQString KateCSAndSIndent::calcIndentInBracket(const KateDocCursor &indentCursor, const KateDocCursor &bracketCursor, int bracketPos)
  KateTextLine::Ptr indentLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(indentCursor.line());
  KateTextLine::Ptr bracketLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(bracketCursor.line());

  // FIXME: hard-coded max indent to bracket width - use a kate variable
  // FIXME: expand tabs first...
  if ( bracketPos > 48 )
    // how far to indent? we could look back for a brace or keyword, 2 from that.
    // as it is, we just indent one more than the line with the ( on it.
    // the potential problem with this is when
    //   you have code ( which does          <-- continuation + start of func call
    //     something like this );            <-- extra indentation for func call
    // then again (
    //   it works better than (
    //     the other method for (
    //       cases like this )));
    // consequently, i think this method wins.
    return indentString + initialWhitespace( bracketLine, bracketLine->firstChar() );

  const int indentLineFirst = indentLine->firstChar();

  int indentTo;
  const int attrib = indentLine->attribute(indentLineFirst);
  if( indentLineFirst >= 0 && (attrib == 0 || attrib == symbolAttrib) &&
      ( indentLine->getChar(indentLineFirst) == ')' || indentLine->getChar(indentLineFirst) == ']' ) )
    // If the line starts with a close bracket, line it up
    indentTo = bracketPos;
    // Otherwise, line up with the text after the open bracket
    indentTo = bracketLine->nextNonSpaceChar( bracketPos + 1 );
    if( indentTo == -1 )
      indentTo = bracketPos + 2;
  return initialWhitespace( bracketLine, indentTo );

TQString KateCSAndSIndent::calcIndentAfterKeyword(const KateDocCursor &indentCursor, const KateDocCursor &keywordCursor, int keywordPos, bool blockKeyword)
  KateTextLine::Ptr keywordLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(keywordCursor.line());
  KateTextLine::Ptr indentLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(indentCursor.line());

  TQString whitespaceToKeyword = initialWhitespace( keywordLine, keywordPos, false );
  if( blockKeyword ) {
    // FIXME: we could add the open brace and subsequent newline here since they're definitely needed.

  // If the line starts with an open brace, don't indent...
  int first = indentLine->firstChar();
  // if we're being called from processChar attribute won't be set
  const int attrib = indentLine->attribute(first);
  if( first >= 0 && (attrib == 0 || attrib == symbolAttrib) && indentLine->getChar(first) == '{' )
    return whitespaceToKeyword;

  // don't check for a continuation. rules are simple here:
  // if we're in a non-compound statement after a scope keyword, we indent all lines
  // once. so:
  // if ( some stuff
  //      goes here )
  //   apples, and         <-- continuation here is ignored. but this is Bad Style (tm) anyway.
  //   oranges too;
  return indentString + whitespaceToKeyword;

TQString KateCSAndSIndent::calcIndentInBrace(const KateDocCursor &indentCursor, const KateDocCursor &braceCursor, int bracePos)
  KateTextLine::Ptr braceLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(braceCursor.line());
  const int braceFirst = braceLine->firstChar();

  TQString whitespaceToOpenBrace = initialWhitespace( braceLine, bracePos, false );

  // if the open brace is the start of a namespace, don't indent...
  // FIXME: this is an extremely poor heuristic. it looks on the line with
  //        the { and the line before to see if they start with a keyword
  //        beginning 'namespace'. that's 99% of usage, I'd guess.
    if( braceFirst >= 0 && braceLine->attribute(braceFirst) == keywordAttrib &&
        braceLine->stringAtPos( braceFirst, TQString::fromLatin1( "namespace" ) ) )
      return continuationIndent(indentCursor) + whitespaceToOpenBrace;

    if( braceCursor.line() > 0 )
      KateTextLine::Ptr prevLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(braceCursor.line() - 1);
      int firstPrev = prevLine->firstChar();
      if( firstPrev >= 0 && prevLine->attribute(firstPrev) == keywordAttrib &&
          prevLine->stringAtPos( firstPrev, TQString::fromLatin1( "namespace" ) ) )
        return continuationIndent(indentCursor) + whitespaceToOpenBrace;

  KateTextLine::Ptr indentLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(indentCursor.line());
  const int indentFirst = indentLine->firstChar();

  // if the line starts with a close brace, don't indent...
  if( indentFirst >= 0 && indentLine->getChar(indentFirst) == '}' )
    return whitespaceToOpenBrace;

  // if : is the first character (and not followed by another :), this is the start
  // of an initialization list, or a continuation of a ?:. either way, indent twice.
  if ( indentFirst >= 0 && indentLine->attribute(indentFirst) == symbolAttrib &&
       indentLine->getChar(indentFirst) == ':' && indentLine->getChar(indentFirst+1) != ':' )
    return indentString + indentString + whitespaceToOpenBrace;

  const bool continuation = inStatement(indentCursor);
  // if the current line starts with a label, don't indent...
  if( !continuation && startsWithLabel( indentCursor.line() ) )
    return whitespaceToOpenBrace;

  // the normal case: indent once for the brace, again if it's a continuation
  TQString continuationIndent = continuation ? indentString : TQString::null;
  return indentString + continuationIndent + whitespaceToOpenBrace;

void KateCSAndSIndent::processChar(TQChar c)
  // 'n' trigger is for c# regions.
  static const TQString triggers("}{)]/:;#n");
  if (triggers.find(c) == -1)

  // for historic reasons, processChar doesn't get a cursor
  // to work on. so fabricate one.
  KateView *view = doc->activeView();
  KateDocCursor begin(view->cursorLine(), 0, doc);

  KateTextLine::Ptr textLine = doc->plainKateTextLine(begin.line());
  if ( c == 'n' )
    int first = textLine->firstChar();
    if( first < 0 || textLine->getChar(first) != '#' )

  if ( textLine->attribute( begin.col() ) == doxyCommentAttrib )
    // dominik: if line is "* /", change it to "*/"
    if ( c == '/' )
      int first = textLine->firstChar();
      // if the first char exists and is a '*', and the next non-space-char
      // is already the just typed '/', concatenate it to "*/".
      if ( first != -1
           && textLine->getChar( first ) == '*'
           && textLine->nextNonSpaceChar( first+1 ) == view->cursorColumnReal()-1 )
        doc->removeText( view->cursorLine(), first+1, view->cursorLine(), view->cursorColumnReal()-1);

    // anders: don't change the indent of doxygen lines here.



//BEGIN KateVarIndent
class KateVarIndentPrivate {
    TQRegExp reIndentAfter, reIndent, reUnindent;
    TQString triggers;
    uint couples;
    uchar coupleAttrib;

KateVarIndent::KateVarIndent( KateDocument *doc )
: KateNormalIndent( doc )
  d = new KateVarIndentPrivate;
  d->reIndentAfter = TQRegExp( doc->variable( "var-indent-indent-after" ) );
  d->reIndent = TQRegExp( doc->variable( "var-indent-indent" ) );
  d->reUnindent = TQRegExp( doc->variable( "var-indent-unindent" ) );
  d->triggers = doc->variable( "var-indent-triggerchars" );
  d->coupleAttrib = 0;

  slotVariableChanged( "var-indent-couple-attribute", doc->variable( "var-indent-couple-attribute" ) );
  slotVariableChanged( "var-indent-handle-couples", doc->variable( "var-indent-handle-couples" ) );

  // update if a setting is changed
  connect( doc, TQT_SIGNAL(variableChanged( const TQString&, const TQString&) ),
           this, TQT_SLOT(slotVariableChanged( const TQString&, const TQString& )) );

  delete d;

void KateVarIndent::processNewline ( KateDocCursor &begin, bool /*needContinue*/ )
  // process the line left, as well as the one entered
  KateDocCursor left( begin.line()-1, 0, doc );
  processLine( left );
  processLine( begin );

void KateVarIndent::processChar ( TQChar c )
  // process line if the c is in our list, and we are not in comment text
  if ( d->triggers.contains( c ) )
    KateTextLine::Ptr ln = doc->plainKateTextLine( doc->activeView()->cursorLine() );
    if ( ln->attribute( doc->activeView()->cursorColumn()-1 ) == commentAttrib )

    KateView *view = doc->activeView();
    KateDocCursor begin( view->cursorLine(), 0, doc );
    kdDebug(13030)<<"variable indenter: process char '"<<c<<", line "<<begin.line()<<endl;
    processLine( begin );

void KateVarIndent::processLine ( KateDocCursor &line )
  TQString indent; // store the indent string here

  // find the first line with content that is not starting with comment text,
  // and take the position from that
  int ln = line.line();
  int pos = -1;
  KateTextLine::Ptr ktl = doc->plainKateTextLine( ln );
  if ( ! ktl ) return; // no line!?

  // skip blank lines, except for the cursor line
  KateView *v = doc->activeView();
  if ( (ktl->firstChar() < 0) && (!v || (int)v->cursorLine() != ln ) )

  int fc;
  if ( ln > 0 )

    ktl = doc->plainKateTextLine( --ln );
    fc = ktl->firstChar();
    if ( ktl->attribute( fc ) != commentAttrib )
      pos = fc;
  while ( (ln > 0) && (pos < 0) ); // search a not empty text line

  if ( pos < 0 )
    pos = 0;
    pos = ktl->cursorX( pos, tabWidth );

  int adjustment = 0;

  // try 'couples' for an opening on the above line first. since we only adjust by 1 unit,
  // we only need 1 match.
  if ( d->couples & Parens && coupleBalance( ln, '(', ')' ) > 0 )
  else if ( d->couples & Braces && coupleBalance( ln, '{', '}' ) > 0 )
  else if ( d->couples & Brackets && coupleBalance( ln, '[', ']' ) > 0 )

  // Try 'couples' for a closing on this line first. since we only adjust by 1 unit,
  // we only need 1 match. For unindenting, we look for a closing character
  // *at the beginning of the line*
  // NOTE Assume that a closing brace with the configured attribute on the start
  // of the line is closing.
  // When acting on processChar, the character isn't highlighted. So I could
  // either not check, assuming that the first char *is* meant to close, or do a
  // match test if the attrib is 0. How ever, doing that is
  // a potentially huge job, if the match is several hundred lines away.
  // Currently, the check is done.
    KateTextLine::Ptr tl = doc->plainKateTextLine( line.line() );
    int i = tl->firstChar();
    if ( i > -1 )
      TQChar ch = tl->getChar( i );
      uchar at = tl->attribute( i );
      kdDebug(13030)<<"attrib is "<<at<<endl;
      if ( d->couples & Parens && ch == ')'
           && ( at == d->coupleAttrib
                || (! at && hasRelevantOpening( KateDocCursor( line.line(), i, doc ) ))
      else if ( d->couples & Braces && ch == '}'
                && ( at == d->coupleAttrib
                     || (! at && hasRelevantOpening( KateDocCursor( line.line(), i, doc ) ))
      else if ( d->couples & Brackets && ch == ']'
                && ( at == d->coupleAttrib
                     || (! at && hasRelevantOpening( KateDocCursor( line.line(), i, doc ) ))
#define ISCOMMENTATTR(attr) (attr==commentAttrib||attr==doxyCommentAttrib)
#define ISCOMMENT (ISCOMMENTATTR(ktl->attribute(ktl->firstChar()))||ISCOMMENTATTR(ktl->attribute(matchpos)))
  // check if we should indent, unless the line starts with comment text,
  // or the match is in comment text
  kdDebug(13030)<<"variable indenter: starting indent: "<<pos<<endl;
  // check if the above line indicates that we shuld add indentation
  int matchpos = 0;
  if ( ktl && ! d->reIndentAfter.isEmpty()
       && (matchpos = d->reIndentAfter.search( doc->textLine( ln ) )) > -1
       && ! ISCOMMENT )

  // else, check if this line should indent unless ...
  ktl = doc->plainKateTextLine( line.line() );
  if ( ! d->reIndent.isEmpty()
         && (matchpos = d->reIndent.search( doc->textLine( line.line() ) )) > -1
         && ! ISCOMMENT )

  // else, check if the current line indicates if we should remove indentation unless ...
  if ( ! d->reUnindent.isEmpty()
       && (matchpos = d->reUnindent.search( doc->textLine( line.line() ) )) > -1
       && ! ISCOMMENT )

  kdDebug(13030)<<"variable indenter: adjusting by "<<adjustment<<" units"<<endl;

  if ( adjustment > 0 )
    pos += indentWidth;
  else if ( adjustment < 0 )
    pos -= indentWidth;

  ln = line.line();
  fc = doc->plainKateTextLine( ln )->firstChar();

  // dont change if there is no change.
  // ### should I actually compare the strings?
  // FIXME for some odd reason, the document gets marked as changed
  //       even if we don't change it !?
  if ( fc == pos )

  if ( fc > 0 )
    doc->removeText (ln, 0, ln, fc );

  if ( pos > 0 )
    indent = tabString( pos );

  if ( pos > 0 )
    doc->insertText (ln, 0, indent);

  // try to restore cursor ?
  line.setCol( pos );

void KateVarIndent::processSection (const KateDocCursor &begin, const KateDocCursor &end)
  KateDocCursor cur = begin;
  while (cur.line() <= end.line())
    processLine (cur);
    if (!cur.gotoNextLine())

void KateVarIndent::slotVariableChanged( const TQString &var, const TQString &val )
  if ( ! var.startsWith("var-indent") )

  if ( var == "var-indent-indent-after" )
    d->reIndentAfter.setPattern( val );
  else if ( var == "var-indent-indent" )
    d->reIndent.setPattern( val );
  else if ( var == "var-indent-unindent" )
    d->reUnindent.setPattern( val );
  else if ( var == "var-indent-triggerchars" )
    d->triggers = val;
  else if ( var == "var-indent-handle-couples" )
    d->couples = 0;
    TQStringList l = TQStringList::split( " ", val );
    if ( l.contains("parens") ) d->couples |= Parens;
    if ( l.contains("braces") ) d->couples |= Braces;
    if ( l.contains("brackets") ) d->couples |= Brackets;
  else if ( var == "var-indent-couple-attribute" )
    //read a named attribute of the config.
    KateHlItemDataList items;
    doc->highlight()->getKateHlItemDataListCopy (0, items);

    for (uint i=0; i<items.count(); i++)
      if ( items.at(i)->name.section( ':', 1 ) == val )
        d->coupleAttrib = i;

int KateVarIndent::coupleBalance ( int line, const TQChar &open, const TQChar &close ) const
  int r = 0;

  KateTextLine::Ptr ln = doc->plainKateTextLine( line );
  if ( ! ln || ! ln->length() ) return 0;

  for ( uint z=0; z < ln->length(); z++ )
    TQChar c = ln->getChar( z );
    if ( ln->attribute(z) == d->coupleAttrib )
      kdDebug(13030)<<z<<", "<<c<<endl;
      if (c == open)
      else if (c == close)
  return r;

bool KateVarIndent::hasRelevantOpening( const KateDocCursor &end ) const
  KateDocCursor cur = end;
  int count = 1;

  TQChar close = cur.currentChar();
  TQChar opener;
  if ( close == '}' ) opener = '{';
  else if ( close = ')' ) opener = '(';
  else if (close = ']' ) opener = '[';
  else return false;

  //Move backwards 1 by 1 and find the opening partner
  while (cur.moveBackward(1))
    if (cur.currentAttrib() == d->coupleAttrib)
      TQChar ch = cur.currentChar();
      if (ch == opener)
      else if (ch == close)

      if (count == 0)
        return true;

  return false;

//END KateVarIndent

//BEGIN KateScriptIndent
KateScriptIndent::KateScriptIndent( KateDocument *doc )
  : KateNormalIndent( doc )
    m_script=KateFactory::self()->indentScript ("script-indent-c1-test");


void KateScriptIndent::processNewline( KateDocCursor &begin, bool needContinue )
  kdDebug(13030) << "processNewline" << endl;
  KateView *view = doc->activeView();

  if (view)
    TQString errorMsg;

    TQTime t;
    kdDebug(13030)<<"calling m_script.processChar"<<endl;
    if( !m_script.processNewline( view, begin, needContinue , errorMsg ) )
      kdDebug(13030) << "Error in script-indent: " << errorMsg << endl;
    kdDebug(13030) << "ScriptIndent::TIME in ms: " << t.elapsed() << endl;

void KateScriptIndent::processChar( TQChar c )
  kdDebug(13030) << "processChar" << endl;
  KateView *view = doc->activeView();

  if (view)
    TQString errorMsg;

    TQTime t;
    kdDebug(13030)<<"calling m_script.processChar"<<endl;
    if( !m_script.processChar( view, c , errorMsg ) )
      kdDebug(13030) << "Error in script-indent: " << errorMsg << endl;
    kdDebug(13030) << "ScriptIndent::TIME in ms: " << t.elapsed() << endl;

void KateScriptIndent::processLine (KateDocCursor &line)
  kdDebug(13030) << "processLine" << endl;
  KateView *view = doc->activeView();

  if (view)
    TQString errorMsg;

    TQTime t;
    kdDebug(13030)<<"calling m_script.processLine"<<endl;
    if( !m_script.processLine( view, line , errorMsg ) )
      kdDebug(13030) << "Error in script-indent: " << errorMsg << endl;
    kdDebug(13030) << "ScriptIndent::TIME in ms: " << t.elapsed() << endl;
//END KateScriptIndent

//BEGIN ScriptIndentConfigPage, THIS IS ONLY A TEST! :)
#include <tqlabel.h>
ScriptIndentConfigPage::ScriptIndentConfigPage ( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
  : IndenterConfigPage(parent, name)
  TQLabel* hello = new TQLabel("Hello world! Dummy for testing purpose.", this);

ScriptIndentConfigPage::~ScriptIndentConfigPage ()

void ScriptIndentConfigPage::apply ()
  kdDebug(13030) << "ScriptIndentConfigPagE::apply() was called, save config options now!" << endl;
//END ScriptIndentConfigPage

// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;