/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (C) 2003 - 2005 Anders Lund <anders@alweb.dk>
   Copyright (C) 2001-2004 Christoph Cullmann <cullmann@kde.org>
   Copyright (C) 2001 Charles Samuels <charles@kde.org>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include "katecmds.h"

#include "katedocument.h"
#include "kateview.h"
#include "kateconfig.h"
#include "kateautoindent.h"
#include "katetextline.h"
#include "katefactory.h"
#include "katejscript.h"
#include "katerenderer.h"

#include "../interfaces/katecmd.h"

#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include <kshellcompletion.h>

#include <tqregexp.h>

//BEGIN CoreCommands
// syncs a config flag in the document with a boolean value
static void setDocFlag( KateDocumentConfig::ConfigFlags flag, bool enable,
                  KateDocument *doc )
  doc->config()->setConfigFlags( flag, enable );

// this returns wheather the string s could be converted to
// a bool value, one of on|off|1|0|true|false. the argument val is
// set to the extracted value in case of success
static bool getBoolArg( TQString s, bool *val  )
  bool res( false );
  s = s.lower();
  res = (s == "on" || s == "1" || s == "true");
  if ( res )
    *val = true;
    return true;
  res = (s == "off" || s == "0" || s == "false");
  if ( res )
    *val = false;
    return true;
  return false;

TQStringList KateCommands::CoreCommands::cmds()
  TQStringList l;
  l << "indent" << "unindent" << "cleanindent"
    << "comment" << "uncomment" << "goto" << "kill-line"
    << "set-tab-width" << "set-replace-tabs" << "set-show-tabs"
    << "set-remove-trailing-space"
    << "set-indent-spaces" << "set-indent-width" << "set-mixed-indent"
    << "set-indent-mode" << "set-auto-indent"
    << "set-line-numbers" << "set-folding-markers" << "set-icon-border"
    << "set-wrap-cursor"
    << "set-word-wrap" << "set-word-wrap-column"
    << "set-replace-tabs-save" << "set-remove-trailing-space-save"
    << "set-highlight" << "run-myself" << "set-show-indent";
  return l;

bool KateCommands::CoreCommands::exec(Kate::View *view,
                            const TQString &_cmd,
                            TQString &errorMsg)
#define KCC_ERR(s) { errorMsg=s; return false; }
  // cast it hardcore, we know that it is really a kateview :)
  KateView *v = (KateView*) view;

  if ( ! v )
    KCC_ERR( i18n("Could not access view") );

  //create a list of args
  TQStringList args( TQStringList::split( TQRegExp("\\s+"), _cmd ) );
  TQString cmd ( args.first() );
  args.remove( args.first() );

  // ALL commands that takes no arguments.
  if ( cmd == "indent" )
    return true;
  else if ( cmd == "run-myself" )
#ifndef Q_WS_WIN //todo
    return KateFactory::self()->jscript()->execute(v, v->doc()->text(), errorMsg);
    return 0;
  else if ( cmd == "unindent" )
    return true;
  else if ( cmd == "cleanindent" )
    return true;
  else if ( cmd == "comment" )
    return true;
  else if ( cmd == "uncomment" )
    return true;
  else if ( cmd == "kill-line" )
    return true;
  else if ( cmd == "set-indent-mode" )
    bool ok(false);
    int val ( args.first().toInt( &ok ) );
    if ( ok )
      if ( val < 0 )
        KCC_ERR( i18n("Mode must be at least 0.") );
      v->doc()->config()->setIndentationMode( val );
      v->doc()->config()->setIndentationMode( KateAutoIndent::modeNumber( args.first() ) );
    return true;
  else if ( cmd == "set-highlight" )
    TQString val = TQString(_cmd.section( ' ', 1 )).lower();
    for ( uint i=0; i < v->doc()->hlModeCount(); i++ )
      if ( v->doc()->hlModeName( i ).lower() == val )
        v->doc()->setHlMode( i );
        return true;
    KCC_ERR( i18n("No such highlight '%1'").arg( args.first() ) );

  // ALL commands that takes exactly one integer argument.
  else if ( cmd == "set-tab-width" ||
            cmd == "set-indent-width" ||
            cmd == "set-word-wrap-column" ||
            cmd == "goto" )
    // find a integer value > 0
    if ( ! args.count() )
      KCC_ERR( i18n("Missing argument. Usage: %1 <value>").arg( cmd ) );
    bool ok;
    int val ( args.first().toInt( &ok ) );
    if ( !ok )
      KCC_ERR( i18n("Failed to convert argument '%1' to integer.")
                .arg( args.first() ) );

    if ( cmd == "set-tab-width" )
      if ( val < 1 )
        KCC_ERR( i18n("Width must be at least 1.") );
      v->setTabWidth( val );
    else if ( cmd == "set-indent-width" )
      if ( val < 1 )
        KCC_ERR( i18n("Width must be at least 1.") );
      v->doc()->config()->setIndentationWidth( val );
    else if ( cmd == "set-word-wrap-column" )
      if ( val < 2 )
        KCC_ERR( i18n("Column must be at least 1.") );
      v->doc()->setWordWrapAt( val );
    else if ( cmd == "goto" )
      if ( val < 1 )
        KCC_ERR( i18n("Line must be at least 1") );
      if ( (uint)val > v->doc()->numLines() )
        KCC_ERR( i18n("There is not that many lines in this document") );
      v->gotoLineNumber( val - 1 );
    return true;

  // ALL commands that takes 1 boolean argument.
  else if ( cmd == "set-icon-border" ||
            cmd == "set-folding-markers" ||
            cmd == "set-line-numbers" ||
            cmd == "set-replace-tabs" ||
            cmd == "set-remove-trailing-space" ||
            cmd == "set-show-tabs" ||
            cmd == "set-indent-spaces" ||
            cmd == "set-mixed-indent" ||
            cmd == "set-word-wrap" ||
            cmd == "set-wrap-cursor" ||
            cmd == "set-replace-tabs-save" ||
            cmd == "set-remove-trailing-space-save" ||
            cmd == "set-show-indent" )
    if ( ! args.count() )
      KCC_ERR( i18n("Usage: %1 on|off|1|0|true|false").arg( cmd ) );
    bool enable;
    if ( getBoolArg( args.first(), &enable ) )
      if ( cmd == "set-icon-border" )
        v->setIconBorder( enable );
      else if (cmd == "set-folding-markers")
        v->setFoldingMarkersOn( enable );
      else if ( cmd == "set-line-numbers" )
        v->setLineNumbersOn( enable );
      else if ( cmd == "set-show-indent" )
        v->renderer()->setShowIndentLines( enable );
      else if ( cmd == "set-replace-tabs" )
        setDocFlag( KateDocumentConfig::cfReplaceTabsDyn, enable, v->doc() );
      else if ( cmd == "set-remove-trailing-space" )
        setDocFlag( KateDocumentConfig::cfRemoveTrailingDyn, enable, v->doc() );
      else if ( cmd == "set-show-tabs" )
        setDocFlag( KateDocumentConfig::cfShowTabs, enable, v->doc() );
      else if ( cmd == "set-indent-spaces" )
        setDocFlag( KateDocumentConfig::cfSpaceIndent, enable, v->doc() );
      else if ( cmd == "set-mixed-indent" )
        // this is special, in that everything is set up -- space-indent is enabled,
        // and a indent-width is set if it is 0 (to tabwidth/2)
        setDocFlag( KateDocumentConfig::cfMixedIndent, enable, v->doc() );
        if ( enable )
          setDocFlag(  KateDocumentConfig::cfSpaceIndent, enable, v->doc() );
          if ( ! v->doc()->config()->indentationWidth() )
            v->doc()->config()->setIndentationWidth( v->tabWidth()/2 );
      else if ( cmd == "set-word-wrap" )
        v->doc()->setWordWrap( enable );
      else if ( cmd == "set-remove-trailing-space-save" )
        setDocFlag( KateDocumentConfig::cfRemoveSpaces, enable, v->doc() );
      else if ( cmd == "set-wrap-cursor" )
        setDocFlag( KateDocumentConfig::cfWrapCursor, enable, v->doc() );

      return true;
      KCC_ERR( i18n("Bad argument '%1'. Usage: %2 on|off|1|0|true|false")
               .arg( args.first() ).arg( cmd ) );

  // unlikely..
  KCC_ERR( i18n("Unknown command '%1'").arg(cmd) );

KCompletion *KateCommands::CoreCommands::completionObject( const TQString &cmd, Kate::View *view )
  if ( cmd == "set-highlight" )
    KateView *v = (KateView*)view;
    TQStringList l;
    for ( uint i = 0; i < v->doc()->hlModeCount(); i++ )
      l << v->doc()->hlModeName( i );

    KateCmdShellCompletion *co = new KateCmdShellCompletion();
    co->setItems( l );
    co->setIgnoreCase( true );
    return co;
  return 0L;
//END CoreCommands

//BEGIN SedReplace
static void replace(TQString &s, const TQString &needle, const TQString &with)
  int pos=0;
  while (1)
    pos=s.find(needle, pos);
    if (pos==-1) break;
    s.replace(pos, needle.length(), with);


static int backslashString(const TQString &haystack, const TQString &needle, int index)
  int len=haystack.length();
  int searchlen=needle.length();
  bool evenCount=true;
  while (index<len)
    if (haystack[index]=='\\')
    {  // isn't a slash
      if (!evenCount)
        if (haystack.mid(index, searchlen)==needle)
          return index-1;


  return -1;

// exchange "\t" for the actual tab character, for example
static void exchangeAbbrevs(TQString &str)
  // the format is (findreplace)*[nullzero]
  const char *magic="a\x07t\tn\n";

  while (*magic)
    int index=0;
    char replace=magic[1];
    while ((index=backslashString(str, TQChar(*magic), index))!=-1)
      str.replace(index, 2, TQChar(replace));

int KateCommands::SedReplace::sedMagic( KateDocument *doc, int &line,
                                        const TQString &find, const TQString &repOld, const TQString &delim,
                                        bool noCase, bool repeat,
                                        uint startcol, int endcol )
  KateTextLine *ln = doc->kateTextLine( line );
  if ( ! ln || ! ln->length() ) return 0;

  // HANDLING "\n"s in PATTERN
  // * Create a list of patterns, splitting PATTERN on (unescaped) "\n"
  // * insert $s and ^s to match line ends/beginnings
  // * When matching patterhs after the first one, replace \N with the captured
  //   text.
  // * If all patterns in the list match sequentiel lines, there is a match, so
  // * remove line/start to line + patterns.count()-1/patterns.last.length
  // * handle capatures by putting them in one list.
  // * the existing insertion is fine, including the line calculation.

  TQStringList patterns = TQStringList::split( TQRegExp("(^\\\\n|(?![^\\\\])\\\\n)"), find, true );

  if ( patterns.count() > 1 )
    for ( uint i = 0; i < patterns.count(); i++ )
      if ( i < patterns.count() - 1 )
      if ( i )

       kdDebug(13025)<<"patterns["<<i<<"] ="<<patterns[i]<<endl;

  TQRegExp matcher(patterns[0], noCase);

  uint len;
  int matches = 0;

  while ( ln->searchText( startcol, matcher, &startcol, &len ) )

    if ( endcol >= 0  && startcol + len > (uint)endcol )


    TQString rep=repOld;

    // now set the backreferences in the replacement
    TQStringList backrefs=matcher.capturedTexts();
    int refnum=1;

    TQStringList::Iterator i = backrefs.begin();

    for (; i!=backrefs.end(); ++i)
      // I need to match "\\" or "", but not "\"
      TQString number=TQString::number(refnum);

      int index=0;
      while (index!=-1)
        index=backslashString(rep, number, index);
        if (index>=0)
          rep.replace(index, 2, *i);


    replace(rep, "\\\\", "\\");
    replace(rep, "\\" + delim, delim);

    doc->removeText( line, startcol, line, startcol + len );
    doc->insertText( line, startcol, rep );

    // TODO if replace contains \n,
    // change the line number and
    // check for text that needs be searched behind the last inserted newline.
    int lns = rep.contains('\n');
    if ( lns )
      line += lns;

      if ( doc->lineLength( line ) > 0 && ( endcol < 0 || (uint)endcol  >= startcol + len ) )
      //  if ( endcol  >= startcol + len )
          endcol -= (startcol + len);
          uint sc = rep.length() - rep.findRev('\n') - 1;
        matches += sedMagic( doc, line, find, repOld, delim, noCase, repeat, sc, endcol );

    if (!repeat) break;

    // sanity check -- avoid infinite loops eg with %s,.*,,g ;)
    uint ll = ln->length();
    if ( ! ll || startcol > ll )

  return matches;

bool KateCommands::SedReplace::exec (Kate::View *view, const TQString &cmd, TQString &msg)
   kdDebug(13025)<<"SedReplace::execCmd( "<<cmd<<" )"<<endl;

  TQRegExp delim("^[$%]?s\\s*([^\\w\\s])");
  if ( delim.search( cmd ) < 0 ) return false;

  bool fullFile=cmd[0]=='%';
  bool noCase=cmd[cmd.length()-1]=='i' || cmd[cmd.length()-2]=='i';
  bool repeat=cmd[cmd.length()-1]=='g' || cmd[cmd.length()-2]=='g';
  bool onlySelect=cmd[0]=='$';

  TQString d = delim.cap(1);
   kdDebug(13025)<<"SedReplace: delimiter is '"<<d<<"'"<<endl;

  TQRegExp splitter( TQString("^[$%]?s\\s*")  + d + "((?:[^\\\\\\" + d + "]|\\\\.)*)\\" + d +"((?:[^\\\\\\" + d + "]|\\\\.)*)\\" + d + "[ig]{0,2}$" );
  if (splitter.search(cmd)<0) return false;

  TQString find=splitter.cap(1);
   kdDebug(13025)<< "SedReplace: find=" << find.latin1() <<endl;

  TQString replace=splitter.cap(2);
   kdDebug(13025)<< "SedReplace: replace=" << replace.latin1() <<endl;

   if ( find.contains("\\n") )
     msg = i18n("Sorry, but Kate is not able to replace newlines, yet");
     return false;

  KateDocument *doc = ((KateView*)view)->doc();
  if ( ! doc ) return false;


  int res = 0;

  if (fullFile)
    uint numLines=doc->numLines();
    for (int line=0; (uint)line < numLines; line++)
      res += sedMagic( doc, line, find, replace, d, !noCase, repeat );
      if ( ! repeat && res ) break;
  else if (onlySelect)
    int startline = doc->selStartLine();
    uint startcol = doc->selStartCol();
    int endcol = -1;
    do {
      if ( startline == doc->selEndLine() )
        endcol = doc->selEndCol();

      res += sedMagic( doc, startline, find, replace, d, !noCase, repeat, startcol, endcol );

      /*if ( startcol )*/ startcol = 0;

    } while ( (int)startline <= doc->selEndLine() );
  else // just this line
    int line=view->cursorLine();
    res += sedMagic(doc, line, find, replace, d, !noCase, repeat);

  msg = i18n("1 replacement done", "%n replacements done",res );


  return true;
//END SedReplace

//BEGIN Character
bool KateCommands::Character::exec (Kate::View *view, const TQString &_cmd, TQString &)
  TQString cmd = _cmd;

  // hex, octal, base 9+1
  TQRegExp num("^char *(0?x[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4}|0[0-7]{1,6}|[0-9]{1,3})$");
  if (num.search(cmd)==-1) return false;


  // identify the base

  unsigned short int number=0;
  int base=10;
  if (cmd[0]=='x' || cmd.left(2)=="0x")
    cmd.replace(TQRegExp("^0?x"), "");
  else if (cmd[0]=='0')
  bool ok;
  number=cmd.toUShort(&ok, base);
  if (!ok || number==0) return false;
  if (number<=255)
    char buf[2];
  { // do the unicode thing
    TQChar c(number);
    view->insertText(TQString(&c, 1));

  return true;
//END Character

//BEGIN Date
bool KateCommands::Date::exec (Kate::View *view, const TQString &cmd, TQString &)
  if (cmd.left(4) != "date")
    return false;

  if (TQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(cmd.mid(5, cmd.length()-5)).length() > 0)
    view->insertText(TQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString(cmd.mid(5, cmd.length()-5)));
    view->insertText(TQDateTime::currentDateTime().toString("yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss"));

  return true;
//END Date

// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on;