    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

    file: docwordcompletion.cpp

    KTextEditor plugin to autocompletion with document words.
    Copyright Anders Lund <anders.lund@lund.tdcadsl.dk>, 2003

    The following completion methods are supported:
    * Completion with bigger matching words in
      either direction (backward/forward).
    * NOT YET Pop up a list of all bigger matching words in document

//BEGIN includes
#include "docwordcompletion.h"

#include <tdetexteditor/document.h>
#include <tdetexteditor/viewcursorinterface.h>
#include <tdetexteditor/editinterface.h>
#include <tdetexteditor/variableinterface.h>

#include <tdeapplication.h>
#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <kdialog.h>
#include <kgenericfactory.h>
#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <tdeaction.h>
#include <knotifyclient.h>
#include <tdeparts/part.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>

#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqdict.h>
#include <tqspinbox.h>
#include <tqlabel.h>
#include <tqlayout.h>
#include <tqhbox.h>
#include <tqwhatsthis.h>
#include <tqcheckbox.h>

// #include <kdebug.h>

//BEGIN DocWordCompletionPlugin
K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY( tdetexteditor_docwordcompletion, KGenericFactory<DocWordCompletionPlugin>( "tdetexteditor_docwordcompletion" ) )
DocWordCompletionPlugin::DocWordCompletionPlugin( TQObject *parent,
                            const char* name,
                            const TQStringList& /*args*/ )
	: KTextEditor::Plugin ( (KTextEditor::Document*) parent, name )

void DocWordCompletionPlugin::readConfig()
  TDEConfig *config = kapp->config();
  config->setGroup( "DocWordCompletion Plugin" );
  m_treshold = config->readNumEntry( "treshold", 3 );
  m_autopopup = config->readBoolEntry( "autopopup", true );

void DocWordCompletionPlugin::writeConfig()
  TDEConfig *config = kapp->config();
  config->setGroup("DocWordCompletion Plugin");
  config->writeEntry("autopopup", m_autopopup );
  config->writeEntry("treshold", m_treshold );

void DocWordCompletionPlugin::addView(KTextEditor::View *view)
  DocWordCompletionPluginView *nview = new DocWordCompletionPluginView (m_treshold, m_autopopup, view, "Document word completion");
  m_views.append (nview);

void DocWordCompletionPlugin::removeView(KTextEditor::View *view)
  for (uint z=0; z < m_views.count(); z++)
    if (m_views.at(z)->parentClient() == view)
       DocWordCompletionPluginView *nview = m_views.at(z);
       m_views.remove (nview);
       delete nview;

KTextEditor::ConfigPage* DocWordCompletionPlugin::configPage( uint, TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
  return new DocWordCompletionConfigPage( this, parent, name );

TQString DocWordCompletionPlugin::configPageName( uint ) const
  return i18n("Word Completion Plugin");

TQString DocWordCompletionPlugin::configPageFullName( uint ) const
  return i18n("Configure the Word Completion Plugin");

// FIXME provide sucn a icon
       TQPixmap DocWordCompletionPlugin::configPagePixmap( uint, int size ) const
  return UserIcon( "kte_wordcompletion", size );

//BEGIN DocWordCompletionPluginView
struct DocWordCompletionPluginViewPrivate
  uint line, col;       // start position of last match (where to search from)
  uint cline, ccol;     // cursor position
  uint lilen;           // length of last insertion
  TQString last;         // last word we were trying to match
  TQString lastIns;      // latest applied completion
  TQRegExp re;           // hrm
  TDEToggleAction *autopopup; // for accessing state
  uint treshold;        // the required length of a word before popping up the completion list automatically
  int directionalPos;   // be able to insert "" at the correct time

DocWordCompletionPluginView::DocWordCompletionPluginView( uint treshold, bool autopopup, KTextEditor::View *view, const char *name )
  : TQObject( view, name ),
    KXMLGUIClient( view ),
    m_view( view ),
    d( new DocWordCompletionPluginViewPrivate )
  d->treshold = treshold;
  view->insertChildClient( this );
  setInstance( KGenericFactory<DocWordCompletionPlugin>::instance() );

  (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Reuse Word Above"), CTRL+Key_8, this,
    TQT_SLOT(completeBackwards()), actionCollection(), "doccomplete_bw" );
  (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Reuse Word Below"), CTRL+Key_9, this,
    TQT_SLOT(completeForwards()), actionCollection(), "doccomplete_fw" );
  (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Pop Up Completion List"), 0, this,
    TQT_SLOT(popupCompletionList()), actionCollection(), "doccomplete_pu" );
  (void) new TDEAction( i18n("Shell Completion"), 0, this,
    TQT_SLOT(shellComplete()), actionCollection(), "doccomplete_sh" );
  d->autopopup = new TDEToggleAction( i18n("Automatic Completion Popup"), 0, this,
    TQT_SLOT(toggleAutoPopup()), actionCollection(), "enable_autopopup" );

  d->autopopup->setChecked( autopopup );


  KTextEditor::VariableInterface *vi = KTextEditor::variableInterface( view->document() );
  if ( vi )
    TQString e = vi->variable("wordcompletion-autopopup");
    if ( ! e.isEmpty() )
      d->autopopup->setEnabled( e == "true" );

    connect( view->document(), TQT_SIGNAL(variableChanged(const TQString &, const TQString &)),
             this, TQT_SLOT(slotVariableChanged(const TQString &, const TQString &)) );

void DocWordCompletionPluginView::settreshold( uint t )
  d->treshold = t;

void DocWordCompletionPluginView::completeBackwards()
  complete( false );

void DocWordCompletionPluginView::completeForwards()

// Pop up the editors completion list if applicable
void DocWordCompletionPluginView::popupCompletionList( TQString w )
  if ( w.isEmpty() )
    w = word();
  if ( w.isEmpty() )

  KTextEditor::CodeCompletionInterface *cci = codeCompletionInterface( m_view );
  cci->showCompletionBox( allMatches( w ), w.length() );

void DocWordCompletionPluginView::toggleAutoPopup()
  if ( d->autopopup->isChecked() ) {
    if ( ! connect( m_view->document(), TQT_SIGNAL(charactersInteractivelyInserted(int ,int ,const TQString&)),
         this, TQT_SLOT(autoPopupCompletionList()) ))
      connect( m_view->document(), TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(autoPopupCompletionList()) );
  } else {
    disconnect( m_view->document(), TQT_SIGNAL(textChanged()), this, TQT_SLOT(autoPopupCompletionList()) );
    disconnect( m_view->document(), TQT_SIGNAL(charactersInteractivelyInserted(int ,int ,const TQString&)),
                this, TQT_SLOT(autoPopupCompletionList()) );


// for autopopup FIXME - don't pop up if reuse word is inserting
void DocWordCompletionPluginView::autoPopupCompletionList()
  if ( ! m_view->hasFocus() ) return;
  TQString w = word();
  if ( w.length() >= d->treshold )
      popupCompletionList( w );

// Contributed by <brain@hdsnet.hu>
void DocWordCompletionPluginView::shellComplete()
    // setup
  KTextEditor::EditInterface * ei = KTextEditor::editInterface(m_view->document());
    // find the word we are typing
  uint cline, ccol;
  viewCursorInterface(m_view)->cursorPositionReal(&cline, &ccol);
  TQString wrd = word();
  if (wrd.isEmpty())

  TQValueList < KTextEditor::CompletionEntry > matches = allMatches(wrd);
  if (matches.size() == 0)
  TQString partial = findLongestUnique(matches);
  if (partial.length() == wrd.length())
    KTextEditor::CodeCompletionInterface * cci = codeCompletionInterface(m_view);
    cci->showCompletionBox(matches, wrd.length());
    partial.remove(0, wrd.length());
    ei->insertText(cline, ccol, partial);

// Do one completion, searching in the desired direction,
// if possible
void DocWordCompletionPluginView::complete( bool fw )
  // setup
  KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei = KTextEditor::editInterface( m_view->document() );
  // find the word we are typing
  uint cline, ccol;
  viewCursorInterface( m_view )->cursorPositionReal( &cline, &ccol );
  TQString wrd = word();
  if ( wrd.isEmpty() )

  int inc = fw ? 1 : -1;

  /* IF the current line is equal to the previous line
     AND the position - the length of the last inserted string
          is equal to the old position
     AND the lastinsertedlength last characters of the word is
          equal to the last inserted string
  if ( cline == d-> cline &&
          ccol - d->lilen == d->ccol &&
          wrd.endsWith( d->lastIns ) )
    // this is a repeted activation

    // if we are back to where we started, reset.
    if ( ( fw && d->directionalPos == -1 ) ||
         ( !fw && d->directionalPos == 1 ) )
      if ( d->lilen )
        ei->removeText( d->cline, d->ccol, d->cline, d->ccol + d->lilen );

      d->lastIns = "";
      d->lilen = 0;
      d->line = d->cline;
      d->col = d->ccol;
      d->directionalPos = 0;


    if ( fw )
      d->col += d->lilen;

    ccol = d->ccol;
    wrd = d->last;

    d->directionalPos += inc;
    d->cline = cline;
    d->ccol = ccol;
    d->last = wrd;
    d->lastIns = "";
    d->line = cline;
    d->col = ccol - wrd.length();
    d->lilen = 0;
    d->directionalPos = inc;

  d->re.setPattern( "\\b" + wrd + "(\\w+)" );
  int pos ( 0 );
  TQString ln = ei->textLine( d->line );

  while ( true )
    pos = fw ?
      d->re.search( ln, d->col ) :
      d->re.searchRev( ln, d->col );

    if ( pos > -1 ) // we matched a word
      TQString m = d->re.cap( 1 );
      if ( m != d->lastIns )
        // we got good a match! replace text and return.
        if ( d->lilen )
          ei->removeText( d->cline, d->ccol, d->cline, d->ccol + d->lilen );
        ei->insertText( d->cline, d->ccol, m );

        d->lastIns = m;
        d->lilen = m.length();
        d->col = pos; // for next try


      // equal to last one, continue
        d->col = pos; // for next try

        if ( fw )
          d->col += d->re.matchedLength();

          if ( pos == 0 )
            if ( d->line > 0 )
              d->line += inc;
              ln = ei->textLine( d->line );
              d->col = ln.length();


    else  // no match
      if ( (! fw && d->line == 0 ) || ( fw && d->line >= (uint)ei->numLines() ) )

      d->line += inc;

      ln = ei->textLine( d->line );
      d->col = fw ? 0 : ln.length();
  } // while true

// Contributed by <brain@hdsnet.hu>
TQString DocWordCompletionPluginView::findLongestUnique(const TQValueList < KTextEditor::CompletionEntry > &matches)
  TQString partial = matches.front().text;
  TQValueList < KTextEditor::CompletionEntry >::const_iterator i = matches.begin();
  for (++i; i != matches.end(); ++i)
    if (!(*i).text.startsWith(partial))
      while(partial.length() > 0)
        partial.remove(partial.length() - 1, 1);
        if ((*i).text.startsWith(partial))
      if (partial.length() == 0)
        return TQString();

  return partial;

// Return the string to complete (the letters behind the cursor)
TQString DocWordCompletionPluginView::word()
  uint cline, ccol;
  viewCursorInterface( m_view )->cursorPositionReal( &cline, &ccol );
  if ( ! ccol ) return TQString::null; // no word
  KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei = KTextEditor::editInterface( m_view->document() );
  d->re.setPattern( "\\b(\\w+)$" );
  if ( d->re.searchRev(
        ei->text( cline, 0, cline, ccol )
        ) < 0 )
    return TQString::null; // no word
  return d->re.cap( 1 );

// Scan throught the entire document for possible completions,
// ignoring any dublets
TQValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> DocWordCompletionPluginView::allMatches( const TQString &word )
  TQValueList<KTextEditor::CompletionEntry> l;
  uint i( 0 );
  int pos( 0 );
  d->re.setPattern( "\\b("+word+"\\w+)" );
  TQString s, m;
  KTextEditor::EditInterface *ei = KTextEditor::editInterface( m_view->document() );
  TQDict<int> seen; // maybe slow with > 17 matches
  int sawit(1);    // to ref for the dict
  uint cline, ccol;// needed to avoid constructing a word at cursor position
  viewCursorInterface( m_view )->cursorPositionReal( &cline, &ccol );

  while( i < ei->numLines() )
    s = ei->textLine( i );
    pos = 0;
    while ( pos >= 0 )
      pos = d->re.search( s, pos );
      if ( pos >= 0 )
        // do not construct a new word!
        if ( i == cline && pos + word.length() == ccol )
          pos += word.length();

        m = d->re.cap( 1 );
        if ( ! seen[ m ] ) {
          seen.insert( m, &sawit );
          KTextEditor::CompletionEntry e;
          e.text = m;
          l.append( e );
        pos += d->re.matchedLength();
  return l;

void DocWordCompletionPluginView::slotVariableChanged( const TQString &var, const TQString &val )
  if ( var == "wordcompletion-autopopup" )
    d->autopopup->setEnabled( val == "true" );
  else if ( var == "wordcompletion-treshold" )
    d->treshold = val.toInt();

//BEGIN DocWordCompletionConfigPage
DocWordCompletionConfigPage::DocWordCompletionConfigPage( DocWordCompletionPlugin *completion, TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
  : KTextEditor::ConfigPage( parent, name )
  , m_completion( completion )
  TQVBoxLayout *lo = new TQVBoxLayout( this );
  lo->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );

  cbAutoPopup = new TQCheckBox( i18n("Automatically &show completion list"), this );
  lo->addWidget( cbAutoPopup );

  TQHBox *hb = new TQHBox( this );
  hb->setSpacing( KDialog::spacingHint() );
  lo->addWidget( hb );
  TQLabel *l = new TQLabel( i18n(
      "Translators: This is the first part of two strings wich will comprise the "
      "sentence 'Show completions when a word is at least N characters'. The first "
      "part is on the right side of the N, which is represented by a spinbox "
      "widget, followed by the second part: 'characters long'. Characters is a "
      "ingeger number between and including 1 and 30. Feel free to leave the "
      "second part of the sentence blank if it suits your language better. ",
      "Show completions &when a word is at least"), hb );
  sbAutoPopup = new TQSpinBox( 1, 30, 1, hb );
  l->setBuddy( sbAutoPopup );
  lSbRight = new TQLabel( i18n(
      "This is the second part of two strings that will comprise teh sentence "
      "'Show completions when a word is at least N characters'",
      "characters long."), hb );

  TQWhatsThis::add( cbAutoPopup, i18n(
      "Enable the automatic completion list popup as default. The popup can "
      "be disabled on a view basis from the 'Tools' menu.") );
  TQWhatsThis::add( sbAutoPopup, i18n(
      "Define the length a word should have before the completion list "
      "is displayed.") );

  cbAutoPopup->setChecked( m_completion->autoPopupEnabled() );
  sbAutoPopup->setValue( m_completion->treshold() );


void DocWordCompletionConfigPage::apply()
  m_completion->setAutoPopupEnabled( cbAutoPopup->isChecked() );
  m_completion->setTreshold( sbAutoPopup->value() );

void DocWordCompletionConfigPage::reset()
  cbAutoPopup->setChecked( m_completion->autoPopupEnabled() );
  sbAutoPopup->setValue( m_completion->treshold() );

void DocWordCompletionConfigPage::defaults()
  cbAutoPopup->setChecked( true );
  sbAutoPopup->setValue( 3 );

//END DocWordCompletionConfigPage

#include "docwordcompletion.moc"
// kate: space-indent on; indent-width 2; replace-tabs on; mixed-indent off;