/* * copyright : (C) 2001-2002 by Richard Moore * License : This file is released under the terms of the LGPL, version 2. * email : rich@kde.org */ #include <tqobjectlist.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> #include <ksystemtray.h> #include <kwin.h> #include "kwindowinfo.h" #include "kwindowinfo.moc" static const int UNSPECIFIED_TIMEOUT = -1; static const int DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT = 3000; KWindowInfo::KWindowInfo( TQWidget *parent, const char *name ) : TQObject( parent, name ), win( parent ), autoDel( false ) { } KWindowInfo::~KWindowInfo() { } void KWindowInfo::showMessage( TQWidget *window, const TQString &text, int timeout ) { KWindowInfo *info = new KWindowInfo( window ); info->autoDel = true; info->message( text, timeout ); if ( timeout == 0 ) delete info; } void KWindowInfo::showMessage( TQWidget *window, const TQString &text, const TQPixmap &pix, int timeout ) { KWindowInfo *info = new KWindowInfo( window ); info->autoDel = true; info->message( text, pix, timeout ); } void KWindowInfo::message( const TQString &text ) { message( text, TQPixmap(), UNSPECIFIED_TIMEOUT ); } void KWindowInfo::message( const TQString &text, const TQPixmap &pix ) { message( text, pix, UNSPECIFIED_TIMEOUT ); } void KWindowInfo::message( const TQString &text, int timeout ) { message( text, TQPixmap(), timeout ); } void KWindowInfo::message( const TQString &text, const TQPixmap &pix, int timeout ) { if ( timeout != 0 ) save(); display( text, pix ); if ( timeout < 0 ) timeout = DEFAULT_MESSAGE_TIMEOUT; if ( timeout != 0 ) TQTimer::singleShot( timeout, this, TQT_SLOT( restore() ) ); } void KWindowInfo::permanent( const TQString &text ) { #ifdef Q_WS_X11 oldMiniIcon = KWin::icon( win->winId(), 16, 16, true ); oldIcon = KWin::icon( win->winId(), 34, 34, false ); if ( oldIcon.isNull() ) oldIcon = KWin::icon( win->winId(), 32, 32, true ); #endif permanent( text, oldIcon ); } void KWindowInfo::permanent( const TQString &text, const TQPixmap &pix ) { if ( !oldText.isNull() ) { TQObjectList *l = queryList( TQTIMER_OBJECT_NAME_STRING ); TQObjectListIt it( *l ); TQObject *obj; while ( (obj = it.current()) != 0 ) { ++it; delete obj; } delete l; } oldText = TQString::null; display( text, pix ); } void KWindowInfo::display( const TQString &text, const TQPixmap &pix ) { TQPixmap icon; if ( pix.isNull() ) icon.load( "bell.png" ); else icon = pix; if ( win->inherits( "KSystemTray" ) ) { KSystemTray *tray = static_cast<KSystemTray *>( win ); tray->setPixmap( icon ); TQToolTip::add( tray, text ); return; } win->setCaption( text ); win->setIcon( icon ); #ifdef Q_WS_X11 KWin::setIcons( win->winId(), icon, icon ); #endif } void KWindowInfo::save() { if ( !oldText.isNull() ) return; if ( win->inherits( "KSystemTray" ) ) { KSystemTray *tray = static_cast<KSystemTray *>( win ); oldIcon = *(tray->pixmap()); oldText = TQToolTip::textFor( tray ); return; } oldText = win->caption(); #ifdef Q_WS_X11 oldMiniIcon = KWin::icon( win->winId(), 16, 16, true ); oldIcon = KWin::icon( win->winId(), 34, 34, false ); if ( oldIcon.isNull() ) oldIcon = KWin::icon( win->winId(), 32, 32, true ); #endif if ( oldIcon.isNull() ) { const TQPixmap *px = win->icon(); if ( px ) oldIcon = *px; else oldIcon.resize( 0, 0 ); } } void KWindowInfo::restore() { if ( win->inherits( "KSystemTray" ) ) { KSystemTray *tray = static_cast<KSystemTray *>( win ); tray->setPixmap( oldIcon ); TQToolTip::add( tray, oldText ); oldText = TQString::null; return; } win->setIcon( oldIcon ); #ifdef Q_WS_X11 KWin::setIcons( win->winId(), oldIcon, oldMiniIcon ); #endif win->setCaption( oldText ); oldText = TQString::null; if ( autoDel ) delete this; }