<!-- These entities should be translated, but NOT CHANGED, NOR EXTENDED.
     For language-specific extensions, use user.entities.
     Translate everything between quotes, except names of general 
     entities (&...;). -->

<!ENTITY kappname "this application">
<!-- Entities to fill in slots in docbook version of FDL notice.
     The default values of the parameter entities is IGNORE. -->
<!ENTITY FDLISTitles "LIST THEIR TITLES"><!-- keep capitals -->
<!ENTITY FDLInvariantSections "the Invariant Sections being &FDLISTitles;">
<!ENTITY FDLInvariantSections "no Invariant Sections">
<!ENTITY FDLFCTTitles "LIST"><!-- keep capitals -->
<!ENTITY FDLFrontCoverText "the Front-Cover Texts being &FDLFCTTitles;">
<!ENTITY FDLFrontCoverText "no Front-Cover Texts">
<!ENTITY FDLBCTTitles "LIST THEIR TITLES"><!-- keep capitals -->
<!ENTITY FDLBackCoverText "the Back-Cover Texts being &FDLBCTTitles;">
<!ENTITY FDLBackCoverText "no Back-Cover Texts">