<localization language="da">
<!-- Notes for translators:
 1. Do not translate `&...;' (unless you know the mechanism).
 2. In the strings ("..."), you can use the following notations, apart from Unicode,
    ISO entities (e.g. &oacute;), slashed
    ISO names (e.g. \latin-small-letter-o-with-acute;), or \U-XXXX
    where X is an upper case hexadecimal, and XXXX is the Unicode
    value for the character (e.g. \U-00F3).
<gentext key="Danish" text="Dansk"/>
<gentext key="Default" text="Standard"/>
<gentext key="Documentation.by" text="Dokumentation ved"/>
<gentext key="LastUpdated" text="Sidst opdateret"/>
<gentext key="Version" text="Udgave"/>
<gentext key="home-url" text="http://www.trinitydesktop.org/"/>
<gentext key="logo-alt" text="K skrivebordsmilj&oslash;-logo"/>