/* This file is part of libtdeabc. Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KABC_ADDRESS_H #define KABC_ADDRESS_H #include <tqmap.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tdelibs_export.h> // template tags for address formatting localization #define KABC_FMTTAG_realname TQString("%n") #define KABC_FMTTAG_REALNAME TQString("%N") #define KABC_FMTTAG_company TQString("%cm") #define KABC_FMTTAG_COMPANY TQString("%CM") #define KABC_FMTTAG_pobox TQString("%p") #define KABC_FMTTAG_street TQString("%s") #define KABC_FMTTAG_STREET TQString("%S") #define KABC_FMTTAG_zipcode TQString("%z") #define KABC_FMTTAG_location TQString("%l") #define KABC_FMTTAG_LOCATION TQString("%L") #define KABC_FMTTAG_region TQString("%r") #define KABC_FMTTAG_REGION TQString("%R") #define KABC_FMTTAG_newline TQString("\\n") #define KABC_FMTTAG_condcomma TQString("%,") #define KABC_FMTTAG_condwhite TQString("%w") #define KABC_FMTTAG_purgeempty TQString("%0") namespace TDEABC { /** @short Postal address information. This class represents information about a postal address. */ class KABC_EXPORT Address { friend KABC_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream &, const Address & ); friend KABC_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream &, Address & ); public: /** List of addresses. */ typedef TQValueList<Address> List; typedef TQValueList<int> TypeList; /** Address types: @li @p Dom - domestic @li @p Intl - international @li @p Postal - postal @li @p Parcel - parcel @li @p Home - home address @li @p Work - address at work @li @p Pref - preferred address */ enum Type { Dom = 1, Intl = 2, Postal = 4, Parcel = 8, Home = 16, Work = 32, Pref = 64 }; /** Constructor that creates an empty Address, which is initialized with a unique id (see id()). */ Address(); /** This is like Address() just above, with the difference that you can specify the type. */ Address( int ); bool operator==( const Address & ) const; bool operator!=( const Address & ) const; /** Returns true, if the address is empty. */ bool isEmpty() const; /** Clears all entries of the address. */ void clear(); /** Sets the unique id. */ void setId( const TQString & ); /* Returns the unique id. */ TQString id() const; /** Sets the type of address. See enum for definiton of types. @param type type, can be a bitwise or of multiple types. */ void setType( int type ); /** Returns the type of address. Can be a bitwise or of multiple types. */ int type() const; /** Returns a translated string of all types the address has. */ TQString typeLabel() const; /** Sets the post office box. */ void setPostOfficeBox( const TQString & ); /** Returns the post office box. */ TQString postOfficeBox() const; /** Returns the translated label for post office box field. */ static TQString postOfficeBoxLabel(); /** Sets the extended address information. */ void setExtended( const TQString & ); /** Returns the extended address information. */ TQString extended() const; /** Returns the translated label for extended field. */ static TQString extendedLabel(); /** Sets the street (including number). */ void setStreet( const TQString & ); /** Returns the street. */ TQString street() const; /** Returns the translated label for street field. */ static TQString streetLabel(); /** Sets the locality, e.g. city. */ void setLocality( const TQString & ); /** Returns the locality. */ TQString locality() const; /** Returns the translated label for locality field. */ static TQString localityLabel(); /** Sets the region, e.g. state. */ void setRegion( const TQString & ); /** Returns the region. */ TQString region() const; /** Returns the translated label for region field. */ static TQString regionLabel(); /** Sets the postal code. */ void setPostalCode( const TQString & ); /** Returns the postal code. */ TQString postalCode() const; /** Returns the translated label for postal code field. */ static TQString postalCodeLabel(); /** Sets the country. */ void setCountry( const TQString & ); /** Returns the country. */ TQString country() const; /** Returns the translated label for country field. */ static TQString countryLabel(); /** Sets the delivery label. This is the literal text to be used as label. */ void setLabel( const TQString & ); /** Returns the delivery label. */ TQString label() const; /** Returns the translated label for delivery label field. */ static TQString labelLabel(); /** Returns the list of available types. */ static TypeList typeList(); /** Returns the translated label for a special type. */ static TQString typeLabel( int type ); /** Used for debug output. */ void dump() const; /** Returns this address formatted according to the country-specific address formatting rules. The formatting rules applied depend on either the addresses {@link #country country} field, or (if the latter is empty) on the system country setting. If companyName is provided, an available business address format will be preferred. @param realName the formatted name of the contact @param orgaName the name of the organization or company @return the formatted address (containing newline characters) */ TQString formattedAddress( const TQString &realName=TQString::null , const TQString &orgaName=TQString::null ) const; /** Returns ISO code for a localized country name. Only localized country names will be understood. This might be replaced by a TDELocale method in the future. @param cname name of the country @return two digit ISO code */ static TQString countryToISO( const TQString &cname ); /** Returns a localized country name for a ISO code. This might be replaced by a TDELocale method in the future. @param ISOname two digit ISO code @return localized name of the country @since 3.2 */ static TQString ISOtoCountry( const TQString &ISOname ); private: /** Parses a snippet of an address template @param tsection the template string to be parsed @param result TQString reference in which the result will be stored @return true if at least one tag evaluated positively, else false */ bool parseAddressTemplateSection( const TQString &tsection , TQString &result , const TQString &realName , const TQString &orgaName ) const; /** Finds the balanced closing bracket starting from the opening bracket at pos in tsection. @return position of closing bracket, -1 for unbalanced brackets */ int findBalancedBracket( const TQString &tsection, int pos ) const; bool mEmpty; TQString mId; int mType; TQString mPostOfficeBox; TQString mExtended; TQString mStreet; TQString mLocality; TQString mRegion; TQString mPostalCode; TQString mCountry; TQString mLabel; static TQMap<TQString, TQString> *mISOMap; }; KABC_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator<<( TQDataStream &, const Address & ); KABC_EXPORT TQDataStream &operator>>( TQDataStream &, Address & ); } #endif