#!/usr/bin/perl # # Create a translation table countryname->iso-code from the entry.desktop # files in tdebase/l10n/*/ # # USAGE EXAMPLE: # ./createisomap.pl $TDEDIR/share/locale/l10n > countrytransl.map # # Don't laugh at me. I put this together with an old perl book, perl # being a language I've never used before. @entries = <$ARGV[0]/*/entry.desktop>; chomp @entries; foreach $entry (@entries) { local ( $entryiso, @entryfile, @mappings ); # print "--> $entry\n"; $entryiso = $entry; $entryiso =~ s/$ARGV[0]\///; $entryiso =~ s/\/entry\.desktop//; # print " $entryiso\n"; open (IN, $entry); @entryfile = <IN>; close IN; chomp @entryfile; foreach $entryfileline (@entryfile) { if ( $entryfileline =~ /^Name.*=(.*)$/ ) { # push (@mappings, $1 . "\t" . $entryiso ); print "$1\t$entryiso\n"; } } } # add some convenience entries which aren't part of the entry.desktop files print "Czech Republic\tcz\n";