   Copyright (c) 2003 Hans Petter Bieker <bieker@kde.org>
       Calendar conversion routines based on Hdate v6, by Amos
       Shapir 1978 (rev. 1985, 1992)

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

// Derived hebrew kde calendar class

#include <tdelocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>

#include "kcalendarsystemhebrew.h"

static int hebrewDaysElapsed(int y);
static TQString num2heb(int num, bool includeMillenium);

class h_date
  int hd_day;
  int hd_mon;
  int hd_year;
  int hd_dw;
  int hd_flg;

 * compute general date structure from hebrew date
static class h_date * hebrewToGregorian(int y, int m, int d)
  static class h_date h;
  int s;

  y -= 3744;
  s = hebrewDaysElapsed(y);
  d += s;
  s = hebrewDaysElapsed(y + 1) - s;    /* length of year */

  if (s > 365 && m > 6 )
    d += 30;
  d += (59 * (m - 1) + 1) / 2;  /* regular months */
  /* special cases */
  if (s % 10 > 4 && m > 2)  /* long Heshvan */
  if (s % 10 < 4 && m > 3)  /* short Kislev */
  // ### HPB: Broken in leap years
  //if (s > 365 && m > 6)  /* leap year */
  //  d += 30;
  d -= 6002;

  y = (d + 36525) * 4 / 146097 - 1;
  d -= y / 4 * 146097 + (y % 4) * 36524;
  y *= 100;

  /* compute year */
  s = (d + 366)*4/1461-1;
  d -= s/4*1461 + (s % 4)*365;
  y += s;
  /* compute month */
  m = (d + 245)*12/367-7;
  d -= m*367/12-30;
  if (++m >= 12) {
    m -= 12;
  h.hd_day = d;
  h.hd_mon = m;
  h.hd_year = y;

 * compute date structure from no. of days since 1 Tishrei 3744
static class h_date * gregorianToHebrew(int y, int m, int d)
  static class h_date h;
  int s;

  if ((m -= 2) <= 0) {
    m += 12;
  /* no. of days, Julian calendar */
  d += 365*y + y/4 + 367*m/12 + 5968;
  /* Gregorian calendar */
  d -= y/100-y/400-2;
  h.hd_dw = (d + 1) % 7;

  /* compute the year */
  y += 16;
  s = hebrewDaysElapsed(y);
  m = hebrewDaysElapsed(y + 1);
  while(d >= m) {  /* computed year was underestimated */
    s = m;
    m = hebrewDaysElapsed(y + 1);
  d -= s;
  s = m-s;  /* size of current year */
  y += 3744;

  h.hd_flg = s % 10-4;

  /* compute day and month */
  if (d >= s-236) {  /* last 8 months are regular */
    d -= s-236;
    m = d*2/59;
    d -= (m*59 + 1)/2;
    m += 4;
    if (s > 365 && m <= 5)  /* Adar of Meuberet */
      m += 8;
  } else {
    /* first 4 months have 117-119 days */
    s = 114 + s % 10;
    m = d * 4 / s;
    d -= (m * s + 3) / 4;

  h.hd_day = d;
  h.hd_mon = m;
  h.hd_year = y;

static TQString num2heb(int num, bool includeMillenium)
  const TQChar decade[] = {0x05D8, 0x05D9, 0x05DB, 0x05DC, 0x05DE,
                          0x05E0, 0x05E1, 0x05E2, 0x05E4, 0x05E6};
  TQString result;

  if (num < 1 || num > 9999)
    return TQString::number(num);

  if (num >= 1000) {
    if (includeMillenium || num % 1000 == 0)
      result += TQChar(0x05D0 - 1 + num / 1000);
    num %= 1000;
  if (num >= 100) {
    while (num >= 500) {
      result += TQChar(0x05EA);
      num -= 400;
    result += TQChar(0x05E7 - 1 + num / 100);
    num %= 100;
  if (num >= 10) {
    if (num == 15 || num == 16)
      num -= 9;
    result += decade[num / 10];
    num %= 10;
  if (num > 0)
    result += TQChar(0x05D0 - 1 + num);

  if (result.length() == 1)
    result += "'";
    result.insert(result.length() - 1, '\"');

  return result;

/* constants, in 1/18th of minute */
static const int HOUR = 1080;
static const int DAY = 24*HOUR;
static const int WEEK = 7*DAY;
#define M(h,p) ((h)*HOUR+p)
#define MONTH (DAY+M(12,793))

 * @internal
 * no. of days in y years
static int hebrewDaysElapsed(int y)
  int m, nm, dw, s, l;

  l = y * 7 + 1;  // no. of leap months
  m = y*12+l/19;  // total no. of months
  l %= 19;
  nm = m*MONTH+M(1+6,779); // molad new year 3744 (16BC) + 6 hours
  s = m*28+nm/DAY-2;

  nm %= WEEK;
  dw = nm/DAY;
  nm %= DAY;

  // special cases of Molad Zaken
  if (l < 12 && dw == 3 && nm >= M(9 + 6,204) ||
   l < 7 && dw == 2 && nm>=M(15+6,589))
  /* ADU */
  if (dw == 1 || dw == 4 || dw == 6)
  return s;

 * @internal
 * true if long Cheshvan
static int long_cheshvan(int year)
  TQDate first, last;
  class h_date *gd;

  gd = hebrewToGregorian(year, 1, 1);
  first.setYMD(gd->hd_year, gd->hd_mon + 1, gd->hd_day + 1);

  gd = hebrewToGregorian(year + 1, 1, 1);
  last.setYMD(gd->hd_year, gd->hd_mon + 1, gd->hd_day + 1);

  return (first.daysTo(last) % 10 == 5);

 * @internal
 * true if short Kislev
static int short_kislev(int year)
  TQDate first, last;
  class h_date * gd;

  gd = hebrewToGregorian(year, 1, 1);
  first.setYMD(gd->hd_year, gd->hd_mon + 1, gd->hd_day + 1);

  gd = hebrewToGregorian(year + 1, 1, 1);
  last.setYMD(gd->hd_year, gd->hd_mon + 1, gd->hd_day + 1);

  return (first.daysTo(last) % 10 == 3);

static bool is_leap_year(int year)
  return ((((7 * year) + 1) % 19) < 7);

// Ok
KCalendarSystemHebrew::KCalendarSystemHebrew(const TDELocale * locale)
  : KCalendarSystem(locale)

// Ok

// Ok
static class h_date * toHebrew(const TQDate & date)
  class h_date *sd;
  sd = gregorianToHebrew(date.year(), date.month(), date.day());
  return sd;

// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::year(const TQDate& date) const
  class h_date *sd = toHebrew(date);
  return sd->hd_year;

// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::monthsInYear( const TQDate & date ) const
  if ( is_leap_year( year(date) ) )
    return 13;
    return 12;

// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::weeksInYear(int year) const
  TQDate temp;
  setYMD(temp, year, 1, 1);  // don't pass an uninitialized TQDate to
                             // monthsInYear in the next call
  setYMD(temp, year, monthsInYear(temp), hndays(monthsInYear(temp), year) );

  int nWeekNumber = weekNumber(temp);
  if(nWeekNumber == 1)  // last week belongs to next year
    temp = TQT_TQDATE_OBJECT(temp.addDays(-7));
    nWeekNumber = weekNumber(temp);

  return nWeekNumber;

int KCalendarSystemHebrew::weekNumber(const TQDate& date, int * yearNum) const
  TQDate firstDayWeek1, lastDayOfYear;
  int y = year(date);
  int week;
  int weekDay1, dayOfWeek1InYear;

  // let's guess 1st day of 1st week
  setYMD(firstDayWeek1, y, 1, 1);
  weekDay1 = dayOfWeek(firstDayWeek1);

  // iso 8601: week 1  is the first containing thursday and week starts on
  // monday
  if (weekDay1 > 4 /*Thursday*/)
    firstDayWeek1 = addDays(firstDayWeek1 , 7 - weekDay1 + 1); // next monday

  dayOfWeek1InYear = dayOfYear(firstDayWeek1);

  if ( dayOfYear(date) < dayOfWeek1InYear ) // our date in prev year's week
    if ( yearNum )
      *yearNum = y - 1;
    return weeksInYear(y - 1);

  // let's check if its last week belongs to next year
  setYMD(lastDayOfYear, y + 1, 1, 1);
  lastDayOfYear = addDays(lastDayOfYear, -1);
  if ( (dayOfYear(date) >= daysInYear(date) - dayOfWeek(lastDayOfYear) + 1)
       // our date is in last week
       && dayOfWeek(lastDayOfYear) < 4) // 1st week in next year has thursday
      if ( yearNum )
        *yearNum = y + 1;
      week = 1;
   if( weekDay1 < 5 ) // To calculate properly the number of weeks
                     //  from day a to x let's make a day 1 of week
      firstDayWeek1 = addDays( firstDayWeek1, -( weekDay1 - 1));

   week = firstDayWeek1.daysTo(date) / 7 + 1;

  return week;

// Ok
TQString KCalendarSystemHebrew::monthName(const TQDate& date,
                                        bool shortName) const
  return monthName(month(date), year(date), shortName);

// Ok
TQString KCalendarSystemHebrew::monthNamePossessive(const TQDate& date,
                                                  bool shortName) const
  return monthNamePossessive(month(date), year(date), shortName);

// ### Fixme
TQString KCalendarSystemHebrew::monthName(int month, int year, bool /*shortName*/) const
  if ( month < 1 )
    return TQString::null;
  if ( is_leap_year(year) )
    if ( month > 13 )
      return TQString::null;
  else if ( month > 12 )
      return TQString::null;

  // We must map conversion algorithm month index to real index
  if( month == 6 && is_leap_year(year) )
    month = 13; /*Adar I*/
  else if ( month == 7 && is_leap_year(year) )
    month = 14; /*Adar II*/
  else if ( month > 7 && is_leap_year(year) )
    month--; //Because of Adar II

  case 1:
    return locale()->translate("Tishrey");
  case 2:
    return locale()->translate("Heshvan");
  case 3:
    return locale()->translate("Kislev");
  case 4:
    return locale()->translate("Tevet");
  case 5:
    return locale()->translate("Shvat");
  case 6:
    return locale()->translate("Adar");
  case 7:
    return locale()->translate("Nisan");
  case 8:
    return locale()->translate("Iyar");
  case 9:
    return locale()->translate("Sivan");
  case 10:
    return locale()->translate("Tamuz");
  case 11:
    return locale()->translate("Av");
  case 12:
    return locale()->translate("Elul");
  case 13:
    return locale()->translate("Adar I");
  case 14:
    return locale()->translate("Adar II");

  return TQString::null;

// ### Fixme
TQString KCalendarSystemHebrew::monthNamePossessive(int month, int year,
                                                  bool shortName) const
  return "of " + monthName(month, year, shortName);

bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::setYMD(TQDate & date, int y, int m, int d) const
  if( y < minValidYear() || y > maxValidYear() )
    return false;
  if( m < 1 || m > (is_leap_year(y) ? 13 : 12) )
    return false;
  if( d < 1 || d > hndays(m,y) )
    return false;

  class h_date * gd = hebrewToGregorian( y, m, d );

  return date.setYMD(gd->hd_year, gd->hd_mon + 1, gd->hd_day + 1);

TQString KCalendarSystemHebrew::weekDayName(int day, bool shortName) const
  return KCalendarSystem::weekDayName(day, shortName);

// Ok
TQString KCalendarSystemHebrew::weekDayName(const TQDate& date,
                                          bool shortName) const
  return weekDayName(dayOfWeek(date), shortName);

// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::dayOfWeek(const TQDate& date) const
  class h_date *sd = toHebrew(date);
  if ( sd->hd_dw == 0 )
    return 7;
    return (sd->hd_dw);

// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::dayOfYear(const TQDate & date) const
  TQDate first;
  setYMD(first, year(date), 1, 1);

  return first.daysTo(date) + 1;

int KCalendarSystemHebrew::daysInMonth(const TQDate& date) const
  return hndays(month(date), year(date));

int KCalendarSystemHebrew::hndays(int mon, int year) const
  if ( mon == 6 && is_leap_year(year) )
    mon = 13; /*Adar I*/
  else if ( mon == 7 && is_leap_year(year) )
    mon = 14; /*Adar II*/
  else if ( mon > 7 && is_leap_year(year) )
    mon--; //Because of Adar II

  if( mon == 8 /*IYYAR*/ || mon == 10 /*TAMUZ*/ ||
    mon == 12 /*ELUL*/ || mon == 4 /*TEVET*/ ||
    mon == 14 /*ADAR 2*/||
    ( mon == 6 /*ADAR*/ && !is_leap_year(year)) ||
    (mon ==  2 /*CHESHVAN*/ && !long_cheshvan(year)) ||
    (mon == 3 /*KISLEV*/ && short_kislev(year)))
    return 29;
    return 30;

// Ok
// Min valid year that may be converted to QDate
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::minValidYear() const
  TQDate date(1753, 1, 1);

  return year(date);

// Ok
// Max valid year that may be converted to QDate
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::maxValidYear() const
  TQDate date(8000, 1, 1);

  return year(date);

// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::day(const TQDate& date) const
  class h_date *sd = toHebrew(date);

  return sd->hd_day;

// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::month(const TQDate& date) const
  class h_date *sd = toHebrew(date);

  int month = sd->hd_mon;
  if ( is_leap_year( sd->hd_year ) )
    if( month == 13 /*AdarI*/ )
       month = 6;
    else if( month == 14 /*AdarII*/ )
       month = 7;
    else if ( month > 6 && month < 13 )

  return month;

// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::daysInYear(const TQDate & date) const
  TQDate first, last;
  setYMD(first, year(date), 1, 1); // 1 Tishrey
  setYMD(last, year(date) + 1, 1, 1); // 1 Tishrey the year later

  return first.daysTo(last);

// Ok
int KCalendarSystemHebrew::weekDayOfPray() const
  return 6; // saturday

// Ok
TQDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::addDays( const TQDate & date, int ndays ) const
  return TQT_TQDATE_OBJECT(date.addDays( ndays ));

// Ok
TQDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::addMonths( const TQDate & date, int nmonths ) const
  TQDate result = date;

  while ( nmonths > 0 )
    result = addDays(result, daysInMonth(result));

  while ( nmonths < 0 )
    // get the number of days in the previous month to be consistent with
    // addMonths where nmonths > 0
    int nDaysInMonth = daysInMonth(addDays(result, -day(result)));
    result = addDays(result, -nDaysInMonth);

  return result;

// Ok
TQDate KCalendarSystemHebrew::addYears( const TQDate & date, int nyears ) const
  TQDate result = date;
  int y = year(date) + nyears;

  setYMD( result, y, month(date), day(date) );

  return result;

// Ok
TQString KCalendarSystemHebrew::calendarName() const
  return TQString::fromLatin1("hebrew");

// Ok
bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLunar() const
  return false;

// Ok
bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isLunisolar() const
  return true;

// Ok
bool KCalendarSystemHebrew::isSolar() const
  return false;

TQString KCalendarSystemHebrew::dayString(const TQDate & pDate, bool bShort) const
  TQString sResult;

  // Only use hebrew numbers if the hebrew setting is selected
  if (locale()->language() == TQString::fromLatin1("he"))
    sResult = num2heb(day(pDate), false);
    sResult = KCalendarSystem::dayString(pDate, bShort);

  return sResult;

TQString KCalendarSystemHebrew::yearString(const TQDate & pDate, bool bShort) const
  TQString sResult;

  // Only use hebrew numbers if the hebrew setting is selected
  if (locale()->language() == TQString::fromLatin1("he"))
    sResult = num2heb(year(pDate), !bShort);
    sResult = KCalendarSystem::yearString(pDate, bShort);

  return sResult;

static int heb2num(const TQString& str, int & iLength) {
  TQChar c;
  TQString s = str;
  int result = 0;
  iLength = 0;
  int decadeValues[14] = {10, 20, 20, 30, 40, 40, 50,
                          50, 60, 70, 80, 80, 90, 90};

  uint pos;
  for (pos = 0 ; pos < s.length() ; pos++)
    c = s[pos];
    if (s.length() > pos && (s[pos + 1] == TQChar('\'') ||
                             s[pos + 1] == TQChar('\"')))
      s.remove(pos + 1, 1);

    if (c >= TQChar(0x05D0) && c <= TQChar(0x05D7))
      if (s.length() > pos && s[pos + 1] >= TQChar(0x05D0) &&
          s[pos + 1] <= TQChar(0x05EA))
        result += (c.unicode() - 0x05D0 + 1) * 1000;
        result += c.unicode() - 0x05D0 + 1;
    else if (c == TQChar(0x05D8))
      if (s.length() > pos && s[pos + 1] >= TQChar(0x05D0) &&
          s[pos + 1] <= TQChar(0x05EA) && s[pos + 1] != TQChar(0x05D5) &&
          s[pos + 1] != TQChar(0x05D6))
        result += 9000;
        result += 9;
    else if (c >= TQChar(0x05D9) && c <= TQChar(0x05E6))
      if (s.length() > pos && s[pos + 1] >= TQChar(0x05D9))
        return -1;
        result += decadeValues[c.unicode() - 0x05D9];
    else if (c >= TQChar(0x05E7) && c <= TQChar(0x05EA))
      result += (c.unicode() - 0x05E7 + 1) * 100;

  iLength += pos;

  return result;

int KCalendarSystemHebrew::dayStringToInteger(const TQString & sNum, int & iLength) const
  int iResult;
  if (locale()->language() == "he")
    iResult= heb2num(sNum, iLength);
    iResult = KCalendarSystem::yearStringToInteger(sNum, iLength);

  return iResult;

int KCalendarSystemHebrew::yearStringToInteger(const TQString & sNum, int & iLength) const
  int iResult;
  if (locale()->language() == "he")
    iResult = heb2num(sNum, iLength);
    iResult = KCalendarSystem::yearStringToInteger(sNum, iLength);
  if (iResult < 1000)
    iResult += 5000; // assume we're in the 6th millenium (y6k bug)

  return iResult;