#!/usr/bin/perl if ( @ARGV != 1 ) { print STDERR "Missing arg: filename\n"; exit 1; } $file = $ARGV[0]; $file =~ /^(.*)\.[^\.]*$/; $filebase = $1; $file_h = "$filebase.h"; $file_cpp = "$filebase.cpp"; $kcfgc = $file . "c"; $cmd = "./kconfig_compiler $file $kcfgc"; #print "CMD $cmd\n"; if ( system( $cmd ) != 0 ) { print STDERR "Unable to run kconfig_compiler\n"; exit 1; } checkfile( $file_h ); checkfile( $file_cpp ); exit 0; sub checkfile() { my $file = shift; $file =~ /\/([^\/]*)$/; my $filename = $1; print "Checking '$filename':\n"; my @ref; if ( !open( REF, "$file.ref" ) ) { print STDERR "Unable to open $file.ref\n"; exit 1; } while( <REF> ) { push @ref, $_; } close REF; if ( !open( READ, $filename ) ) { print STDERR "Unable to open $filename\n"; exit 1; } $error = 0; $i = 0; $line = 1; while( <READ> ) { $out = $_; $ref = @ref[$i++]; if ( $out ne $ref ) { $error++; print " Line $line: Expected : $ref"; print " Line $line: Compiler output : $out"; } $line++; } close READ; if ( $error > 0 ) { print "\n FAILED: $error errors found.\n"; if ( $error > 5 ) { system( "diff -u $file.ref $filename" ); } exit 1; } else { print " OK\n"; } }