/* vi: ts=8 sts=4 sw=4 * * $Id$ * * This file is part of the KDE project, module tdecore. * Copyright (C) 2000 Geert Jansen <jansen@kde.org> * Antonio Larrosa <larrosa@kde.org> * * This is free software; it comes under the GNU Library General * Public License, version 2. See the file "COPYING.LIB" for the * exact licensing terms. * * kicontheme.cpp: Lowlevel icon theme handling. */ #include <sys/stat.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <config.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqstringlist.h> #include <tqvaluelist.h> #include <tqmap.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <tqpixmapcache.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include <tqfileinfo.h> #include <tqdir.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> #include <tdeconfig.h> #include <ksimpleconfig.h> #include <kinstance.h> #include "kicontheme.h" class TDEIconThemePrivate { public: TQString example, screenshot; TQString linkOverlay, lockOverlay, zipOverlay, shareOverlay; bool hidden; TDESharedConfig::Ptr sharedConfig; }; /** * A subdirectory in an icon theme. */ class TDEIconThemeDir { public: TDEIconThemeDir(const TQString& dir, const TDEConfigBase *config); bool isValid() const { return mbValid; } TQString iconPath(const TQString& name) const; TQStringList iconList() const; TQString dir() const { return mDir; } TDEIcon::Context context() const { return mContext; } TDEIcon::Type type() const { return mType; } int size() const { return mSize; } int minSize() const { return mMinSize; } int maxSize() const { return mMaxSize; } int threshold() const { return mThreshold; } private: bool mbValid; TDEIcon::Type mType; TDEIcon::Context mContext; int mSize, mMinSize, mMaxSize; int mThreshold; TQString mDir; }; /*** TDEIconTheme ***/ TDEIconTheme::TDEIconTheme(const TQString& name, const TQString& appName) { d = new TDEIconThemePrivate; TQStringList icnlibs; TQStringList::ConstIterator it, itDir; TQStringList themeDirs; TQString cDir; // Applications can have local additions to the global "locolor" and // "hicolor" icon themes. For these, the _global_ theme description // files are used.. if (!appName.isEmpty() && ( name == "crystalsvg" || name== "hicolor" || name == "locolor" ) ) { icnlibs = TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("data"); for (it=icnlibs.begin(); it!=icnlibs.end(); ++it) { cDir = *it + appName + "/icons/" + name; if (TQFile::exists( cDir )) themeDirs += cDir + "/"; } } // Find the theme description file. These are always global. icnlibs = TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("icon"); icnlibs += TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("xdgdata-icon"); icnlibs += "/usr/share/pixmaps"; // These are not in the icon spec, but e.g. GNOME puts some icons there anyway. icnlibs += TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("xdgdata-pixmap"); for (it=icnlibs.begin(); it!=icnlibs.end(); ++it) { cDir = *it + name + "/"; if (TDEStandardDirs::exists(cDir)) { themeDirs += cDir; if (mDir.isEmpty() && (TDEStandardDirs::exists( cDir + "index.desktop") || TDEStandardDirs::exists( cDir + "index.theme"))) mDir = cDir; } } if (mDir.isEmpty()) { kdDebug(264) << "Icon theme " << name << " not found.\n"; return; } TQString fileName, mainSection; if(TQFile::exists(mDir + "index.desktop")) { fileName = mDir + "index.desktop"; mainSection="KDE Icon Theme"; } else { fileName = mDir + "index.theme"; mainSection="Icon Theme"; } // Use TDESharedConfig to avoid parsing the file many times, from each kinstance. // Need to keep a ref to it to make this useful d->sharedConfig = TDESharedConfig::openConfig( fileName, true /*readonly*/, false /*useKDEGlobals*/ ); TDEConfig& cfg = *d->sharedConfig; //was: KSimpleConfig cfg(fileName); cfg.setGroup(mainSection); mName = cfg.readEntry("Name"); mDesc = cfg.readEntry("Comment"); mDepth = cfg.readNumEntry("DisplayDepth", 32); mInherits = cfg.readListEntry("Inherits"); if ( name != "crystalsvg" ) for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = mInherits.begin(); it != mInherits.end(); ++it ) if ( *it == "default" || *it == "hicolor" ) *it="crystalsvg"; d->hidden = cfg.readBoolEntry("Hidden", false); d->example = cfg.readPathEntry("Example"); d->screenshot = cfg.readPathEntry("ScreenShot"); d->linkOverlay = cfg.readEntry("LinkOverlay", "link"); d->lockOverlay = cfg.readEntry("LockOverlay", "lock"); d->zipOverlay = cfg.readEntry("ZipOverlay", "application-vnd.tde.overlay.zip"); d->shareOverlay = cfg.readEntry("ShareOverlay","share"); TQStringList dirs = cfg.readPathListEntry("Directories"); mDirs.setAutoDelete(true); for (it=dirs.begin(); it!=dirs.end(); ++it) { cfg.setGroup(*it); for (itDir=themeDirs.begin(); itDir!=themeDirs.end(); ++itDir) { if (TDEStandardDirs::exists(*itDir + *it + "/")) { TDEIconThemeDir *dir = new TDEIconThemeDir(*itDir + *it, &cfg); if (!dir->isValid()) { kdDebug(264) << "Icon directory " << *itDir << " group " << *it << " not valid.\n"; delete dir; } else mDirs.append(dir); } } } // Expand available sizes for scalable icons to their full range int i; TQMap<int,TQValueList<int> > scIcons; for (TDEIconThemeDir *dir=mDirs.first(); dir!=0L; dir=mDirs.next()) { if ((dir->type() == TDEIcon::Scalable) && !scIcons.contains(dir->size())) { TQValueList<int> lst; for (i=dir->minSize(); i<=dir->maxSize(); i++) lst += i; scIcons[dir->size()] = lst; } } TQStringList groups; groups += "Desktop"; groups += "Toolbar"; groups += "MainToolbar"; groups += "Small"; groups += "Panel"; const int defDefSizes[] = { 32, 22, 22, 16, 32 }; cfg.setGroup(mainSection); for (it=groups.begin(), i=0; it!=groups.end(); ++it, i++) { mDefSize[i] = cfg.readNumEntry(*it + "Default", defDefSizes[i]); TQValueList<int> exp, lst = cfg.readIntListEntry(*it + "Sizes"); TQValueList<int>::ConstIterator it2; for (it2=lst.begin(); it2!=lst.end(); ++it2) { if (scIcons.contains(*it2)) exp += scIcons[*it2]; else exp += *it2; } mSizes[i] = exp; } } TDEIconTheme::~TDEIconTheme() { delete d; } bool TDEIconTheme::isValid() const { return !mDirs.isEmpty(); } bool TDEIconTheme::isHidden() const { return d->hidden; } TQString TDEIconTheme::example() const { return d->example; } TQString TDEIconTheme::screenshot() const { return d->screenshot; } TQString TDEIconTheme::linkOverlay() const { return d->linkOverlay; } TQString TDEIconTheme::lockOverlay() const { return d->lockOverlay; } TQString TDEIconTheme::zipOverlay() const { return d->zipOverlay; } TQString TDEIconTheme::shareOverlay() const { return d->shareOverlay; } int TDEIconTheme::defaultSize(TDEIcon::Group group) const { if ((group < 0) || (group >= TDEIcon::LastGroup)) { kdDebug(264) << "Illegal icon group: " << group << "\n"; return -1; } return mDefSize[group]; } TQValueList<int> TDEIconTheme::querySizes(TDEIcon::Group group) const { TQValueList<int> empty; if ((group < 0) || (group >= TDEIcon::LastGroup)) { kdDebug(264) << "Illegal icon group: " << group << "\n"; return empty; } return mSizes[group]; } TQStringList TDEIconTheme::queryIcons(int size, TDEIcon::Context context) const { int delta = 1000, dw; TQPtrListIterator<TDEIconThemeDir> dirs(mDirs); TDEIconThemeDir *dir; // Try to find exact match TQStringList result; for ( ; dirs.current(); ++dirs) { dir = dirs.current(); if ((context != TDEIcon::Any) && (context != dir->context())) continue; if ((dir->type() == TDEIcon::Fixed) && (dir->size() == size)) { result += dir->iconList(); continue; } if ((dir->type() == TDEIcon::Scalable) && (size >= dir->minSize()) && (size <= dir->maxSize())) { result += dir->iconList(); continue; } if ((dir->type() == TDEIcon::Threshold) && (abs(size-dir->size())<dir->threshold())) result+=dir->iconList(); } return result; dirs.toFirst(); // Find close match TDEIconThemeDir *best = 0L; for ( ; dirs.current(); ++dirs) { dir = dirs.current(); if ((context != TDEIcon::Any) && (context != dir->context())) continue; dw = dir->size() - size; if ((dw > 6) || (abs(dw) >= abs(delta))) continue; delta = dw; best = dir; } if (best == 0L) return TQStringList(); return best->iconList(); } TQStringList TDEIconTheme::queryIconsByContext(int size, TDEIcon::Context context) const { TQPtrListIterator<TDEIconThemeDir> dirs(mDirs); int dw; TDEIconThemeDir *dir; // We want all the icons for a given context, but we prefer icons // of size size . Note that this may (will) include duplicate icons //TQStringList iconlist[34]; // 33 == 48-16+1 TQStringList iconlist[128]; // 33 == 48-16+1 // Usually, only the 0, 6 (22-16), 10 (32-22), 16 (48-32 or 32-16), // 26 (48-22) and 32 (48-16) will be used, but who knows if someone // will make icon themes with different icon sizes. for ( ; dirs.current(); ++dirs) { dir = dirs.current(); if ((context != TDEIcon::Any) && (context != dir->context())) continue; dw = abs(dir->size() - size); iconlist[(dw<127)?dw:127]+=dir->iconList(); } TQStringList iconlistResult; for (int i=0; i<128; i++) iconlistResult+=iconlist[i]; return iconlistResult; } bool TDEIconTheme::hasContext(TDEIcon::Context context) const { TQPtrListIterator<TDEIconThemeDir> dirs(mDirs); TDEIconThemeDir *dir; for ( ; dirs.current(); ++dirs) { dir = dirs.current(); if ((context == TDEIcon::Any) || (context == dir->context())) return true; } return false; } TDEIcon TDEIconTheme::iconPath(const TQString& name, int size, TDEIcon::MatchType match) const { TDEIcon icon; TQString path; int delta = -1000, dw; TDEIconThemeDir *dir; dw = 1000; // shut up, gcc TQPtrListIterator<TDEIconThemeDir> dirs(mDirs); for ( ; dirs.current(); ++dirs) { dir = dirs.current(); if (match == TDEIcon::MatchExact) { if ((dir->type() == TDEIcon::Fixed) && (dir->size() != size)) continue; if ((dir->type() == TDEIcon::Scalable) && ((size < dir->minSize()) || (size > dir->maxSize()))) continue; if ((dir->type() == TDEIcon::Threshold) && (abs(dir->size()-size) > dir->threshold())) continue; } else { // dw < 0 means need to scale up to get an icon of the requested size if (dir->type() == TDEIcon::Fixed) { dw = dir->size() - size; } else if (dir->type() == TDEIcon::Scalable) { if (size < dir->minSize()) dw = dir->minSize() - size; else if (size > dir->maxSize()) dw = dir->maxSize() - size; else dw = 0; } else if (dir->type() == TDEIcon::Threshold) { if (size < dir->size() - dir->threshold()) dw = dir->size() - dir->threshold() - size; else if (size > dir->size() + dir->threshold()) dw = dir->size() + dir->threshold() - size; else dw = 0; } /* Skip this if we've found a closer one, unless it's a downscale, and we only had upscales befores. This is to avoid scaling up unless we have to, since that looks very ugly */ if (/*(abs(dw) >= abs(delta)) ||*/ (delta > 0 && dw < 0)) continue; } path = dir->iconPath(name); if (path.isEmpty()) continue; icon.path = path; icon.size = dir->size(); icon.type = dir->type(); icon.threshold = dir->threshold(); icon.context = dir->context(); // if we got in MatchExact that far, we find no better if (match == TDEIcon::MatchExact) return icon; else { delta = dw; if (delta==0) return icon; // We won't find a better match anyway } } return icon; } // static TQString *TDEIconTheme::_theme = 0L; // static TQStringList *TDEIconTheme::_theme_list = 0L; // static TQString TDEIconTheme::current() { // Static pointer because of unloading problems wrt DSO's. if (_theme != 0L) return *_theme; _theme = new TQString(); TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config(); TDEConfigGroupSaver saver(config, "Icons"); *_theme = config->readEntry("Theme",defaultThemeName()); if ( *_theme == TQString::fromLatin1("hicolor") ) *_theme = defaultThemeName(); /* if (_theme->isEmpty()) { if (TQPixmap::defaultDepth() > 8) *_theme = defaultThemeName(); else *_theme = TQString::fromLatin1("locolor"); }*/ return *_theme; } // static TQStringList TDEIconTheme::list() { // Static pointer because of unloading problems wrt DSO's. if (_theme_list != 0L) return *_theme_list; _theme_list = new TQStringList(); TQStringList icnlibs = TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("icon"); icnlibs += (TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("xdgdata-icon")); icnlibs += "/usr/share/pixmaps"; // These are not in the icon spec, but e.g. GNOME puts some icons there anyway. icnlibs += TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs("xdgdata-pixmap"); TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it=icnlibs.begin(); it!=icnlibs.end(); ++it) { TQDir dir(*it); if (!dir.exists()) continue; TQStringList lst = dir.entryList(TQDir::Dirs); TQStringList::ConstIterator it2; for (it2=lst.begin(); it2!=lst.end(); ++it2) { if ((*it2 == ".") || (*it2 == "..") || (*it2).startsWith("default.") ) continue; if (!TDEStandardDirs::exists(*it + *it2 + "/index.desktop") && !TDEStandardDirs::exists(*it + *it2 + "/index.theme")) continue; TDEIconTheme oink(*it2); if (!oink.isValid()) continue; if (!_theme_list->contains(*it2)) _theme_list->append(*it2); } } return *_theme_list; } // static void TDEIconTheme::reconfigure() { delete _theme; _theme=0L; delete _theme_list; _theme_list=0L; } // static TQString TDEIconTheme::defaultThemeName() { return TQString::fromLatin1("crystalsvg"); } /*** TDEIconThemeDir ***/ TDEIconThemeDir::TDEIconThemeDir(const TQString& dir, const TDEConfigBase *config) { mbValid = false; mDir = dir; mSize = config->readNumEntry("Size"); mMinSize = 1; // just set the variables to something mMaxSize = 50; // meaningful in case someone calls minSize or maxSize mType = TDEIcon::Fixed; if (mSize == 0) return; TQString tmp = config->readEntry("Context"); if (tmp == "Devices") mContext = TDEIcon::Device; else if (tmp == "MimeTypes") mContext = TDEIcon::MimeType; else if (tmp == "FileSystems") mContext = TDEIcon::FileSystem; else if (tmp == "Applications") mContext = TDEIcon::Application; else if (tmp == "Actions") mContext = TDEIcon::Action; else if (tmp == "Animations") mContext = TDEIcon::Animation; else if (tmp == "Categories") mContext = TDEIcon::Category; else if (tmp == "Emblems") mContext = TDEIcon::Emblem; else if (tmp == "Emotes") mContext = TDEIcon::Emote; else if (tmp == "International") mContext = TDEIcon::International; else if (tmp == "Places") mContext = TDEIcon::Place; else if (tmp == "Status") mContext = TDEIcon::StatusIcon; else { kdDebug(264) << "Invalid Context= line for icon theme: " << mDir << "\n"; return; } tmp = config->readEntry("Type"); if (tmp == "Fixed") mType = TDEIcon::Fixed; else if (tmp == "Scalable") mType = TDEIcon::Scalable; else if (tmp == "Threshold") mType = TDEIcon::Threshold; else { kdDebug(264) << "Invalid Type= line for icon theme: " << mDir << "\n"; return; } if (mType == TDEIcon::Scalable) { mMinSize = config->readNumEntry("MinSize", mSize); mMaxSize = config->readNumEntry("MaxSize", mSize); } else if (mType == TDEIcon::Threshold) mThreshold = config->readNumEntry("Threshold", 2); mbValid = true; } TQString TDEIconThemeDir::iconPath(const TQString& name) const { if (!mbValid) return TQString::null; TQString file = mDir + "/" + name; if (access(TQFile::encodeName(file), R_OK) == 0) return file; return TQString::null; } TQStringList TDEIconThemeDir::iconList() const { TQDir dir(mDir); #ifdef HAVE_LIBART TQStringList lst = dir.entryList("*.png;*.svg;*.svgz;*.xpm", TQDir::Files); #else TQStringList lst = dir.entryList("*.png;*.xpm", TQDir::Files); #endif TQStringList result; TQStringList::ConstIterator it; for (it=lst.begin(); it!=lst.end(); ++it) result += mDir + "/" + *it; return result; }