/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (C) 1998 Sven Radej <sven@lisa.exp.univie.ac.at>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <tqtimer.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqmap.h>

#include <tdelibs_export.h>

#define kdirwatch KSimpleDirWatch::self()

class KSimpleDirWatchPrivate;

  * KSimpleDirWatch is a basic copy of KDirWatch
  * but with the TDEIO linking requirement removed
  * Watch directories and files for changes.
  * The watched directories or files don't have to exist yet.
  * When a watched directory is changed, i.e. when files therein are
  * created or deleted, KSimpleDirWatch will emit the signal dirty().
  * When a watched, but previously not existing directory gets created,
  * KSimpleDirWatch will emit the signal created().
  * When a watched directory gets deleted, KSimpleDirWatch will emit the
  * signal deleted(). The directory is still watched for new
  * creation.
  * When a watched file is changed, i.e. attributes changed or written
  * to, KSimpleDirWatch will emit the signal dirty().
  * Scanning of particular directories or files can be stopped temporarily
  * and restarted. The whole class can be stopped and restarted.
  * Directories and files can be added/removed from the list in any state.
  * The implementation uses the FAM service when available;
  * if FAM is not available, the DNOTIFY functionality is used on LINUX.
  * As a last resort, a regular polling for change of modification times
  * is done; the polling interval is a global config option:
  * DirWatch/PollInterval and DirWatch/NFSPollInterval for NFS mounted
  * directories.
  * @see self()
  * @short Class for watching directory and file changes.
  * @author Sven Radej <sven@lisa.exp.univie.ac.at>
class TDEIO_EXPORT KSimpleDirWatch : public TQObject
    * Constructor.
    * Scanning begins immediately when a dir/file watch
    * is added.
    * @param parent the parent of the TQObject (or 0 for parent-less KDataTools)
    * @param name the name of the TQObject, can be 0
   KSimpleDirWatch (TQObject* parent = 0, const char* name = 0);

    * Destructor.
    * Stops scanning and cleans up.

    * Adds a directory to be watched.
    * The directory does not have to exist. When @p watchFiles is
    * false (the default), the signals dirty(), created(), deleted()
    * can be emitted, all for the watched directory.
    * When @p watchFiles is true, all files in the watched directory
    * are watched for changes, too. Thus, the signals dirty(),
    * created(), deleted() can be emitted.
    * @param path the path to watch
    * @param watchFiles if true, the KSimpleDirWatch will also watch files - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
    * @param recursive if true, all sub directories are also watched - NOT IMPLEMENTED YET
   void addDir(const TQString& path, 
	       bool watchFiles = false, bool recursive = false);

    * Adds a file to be watched.
    * @param file the file to watch
   void addFile(const TQString& file);

    * Returns the time the directory/file was last changed.
    * @param path the file to check
    * @return the date of the last modification
   TQDateTime ctime(const TQString& path);

    * Removes a directory from the list of scanned directories.
    * If specified path is not in the list this does nothing.
    * @param path the path of the dir to be removed from the list
   void removeDir(const TQString& path);

    * Removes a file from the list of watched files.
    * If specified path is not in the list this does nothing.
    * @param file the file to be removed from the list
   void removeFile(const TQString& file);

    * Stops scanning the specified path.
    * The @p path is not deleted from the interal just, it is just skipped.
    * Call this function when you perform an huge operation
    * on this directory (copy/move big files or many files). When finished,
    * call restartDirScan(path).
    * @param path the path to skip
    * @return true if the @p path is being watched, otherwise false
    * @see restartDirScanning()
   bool stopDirScan(const TQString& path);

    * Restarts scanning for specified path.
    * Resets ctime. It doesn't notify
    * the change (by emitted a signal), since the ctime value is reset.
    * Call it when you are finished with big operations on that path,
    * @em and when @em you have refreshed that path. 
    * @param path the path to restart scanning
    * @return true if the @p path is being watched, otherwise false
    * @see stopDirScanning()
   bool restartDirScan(const TQString& path);

    * Starts scanning of all dirs in list.
    * @param notify If true, all changed directories (since 
    * stopScan() call) will be notified for refresh. If notify is
    * false, all ctimes will be reset (except those who are stopped,
    * but only if @p skippedToo is false) and changed dirs won't be
    * notified. You can start scanning even if the list is
    * empty. First call should be called with @p false or else all 
    * directories 
    * in list will be notified.  
    * @param skippedToo if true, the skipped directoris (scanning of which was
    * stopped with stopDirScan() ) will be reset and notified
    * for change. Otherwise, stopped directories will continue to be
    * unnotified.
   void startScan( bool notify=false, bool skippedToo=false );

    * Stops scanning of all directories in internal list.
    * The timer is stopped, but the list is not cleared.
   void stopScan();

    * Is scanning stopped?
    * After creation of a KSimpleDirWatch instance, this is false.
    * @return true when scanning stopped
   bool isStopped() { return _isStopped; }

    * Check if a directory is being watched by this KSimpleDirWatch instance
    * @param path the directory to check
    * @return true if the directory is being watched
   bool contains( const TQString& path ) const;

    * Dump statistic information about all KSimpleDirWatch instances.
    * This checks for consistency, too.
   static void statistics();

    * Emits created().
    * @param path the path of the file or directory
   void setCreated( const TQString &path );
    * Emits dirty().
    * @param path the path of the file or directory
   void setDirty( const TQString &path );
    * Emits deleted().
    * @param path the path of the file or directory
   void setDeleted( const TQString &path );

   enum Method { FAM, DNotify, Stat, INotify };
    * Returns the preferred internal method to
    * watch for changes.
    * @since 3.2
   Method internalMethod();

    * The KSimpleDirWatch instance usually globally used in an application.
    * It is automatically deleted when the application exits.
    * However, you can create an arbitrary number of KSimpleDirWatch instances
    * aside from this one - for those you have to take care of memory management.
    * This function returns an instance of KSimpleDirWatch. If there is none, it
    * will be created.
    * @return a KSimpleDirWatch instance
   static KSimpleDirWatch* self();
    * Returns true if there is an instance of KSimpleDirWatch.
    * @return true if there is an instance of KSimpleDirWatch.
    * @see KSimpleDirWatch::self()
    * @since 3.1
   static bool exists();


    * Emitted when a watched object is changed.
    * For a directory this signal is emitted when files
    * therein are created or deleted.
    * For a file this signal is emitted when its size or attributes change.
    * When you watch a directory, changes in the size or attributes of
    * contained files may or may not trigger this signal to be emitted
    * depending on which backend is used by KSimpleDirWatch.
    * The new ctime is set before the signal is emitted.
    * @param path the path of the file or directory
   void dirty (const TQString &path);

    * Emitted when a file or directory is created.
    * @param path the path of the file or directory
   void created (const TQString &path );
    * Emitted when a file or directory is deleted.
    * The object is still watched for new creation.
    * @param path the path of the file or directory
   void deleted (const TQString &path );
   bool _isStopped;
   KSimpleDirWatchPrivate *d;
   static KSimpleDirWatch* s_pSelf;
