/* This file is part of the TDE libraries Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy Pearson This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef _TDEHARDWAREDEVICES_H #define _TDEHARDWAREDEVICES_H // TDE includes #include #include #include #include "tdelibs_export.h" // udev includes #include #include #include #include #include /** * Hardware Device Access and Monitoring Library * * @author Timothy Pearson */ namespace TDEGenericDeviceType { enum TDEGenericDeviceType { CPU, GPU, RAM, Mainboard, Disk, StorageController, Mouse, Keyboard, HID, Network, Printer, Scanner, Sound, IEEE1394, Camera, TextIO, Peripheral, Battery, Power, ThermalSensor, ThermalControl, OtherACPI, OtherUSB, OtherPeripheral, OtherSensor, Other }; }; namespace TDEDiskDeviceType { enum TDEDiskDeviceType { Floppy = 0x00000002, CDROM = 0x00000004, CDRW = 0x00000008, DVDROM = 0x00000010, DVDRAM = 0x00000020, DVDRW = 0x00000040, BDROM = 0x00000080, BDRW = 0x00000100, Zip = 0x00000200, Jaz = 0x00000400, Camera = 0x00000800, LUKS = 0x00001000, OtherCrypted = 0x00002000, CDAudio = 0x00004000, CDVideo = 0x00008000, DVDVideo = 0x00010000, BDVideo = 0x00020000, Flash = 0x00040000, USB = 0x00080000, Tape = 0x00100000, HDD = 0x00200000, Optical = 0x00400000, RAM = 0x00800000, Loop = 0x01000000, CompactFlash = 0x02000000, MemoryStick = 0x04000000, SmartMedia = 0x08000000, SDMMC = 0x10000000, Other = 0x80000000 }; inline TDEDiskDeviceType operator|(TDEDiskDeviceType a, TDEDiskDeviceType b) { return static_cast(static_cast(a) | static_cast(b)); } inline TDEDiskDeviceType operator&(TDEDiskDeviceType a, TDEDiskDeviceType b) { return static_cast(static_cast(a) & static_cast(b)); } inline TDEDiskDeviceType operator~(TDEDiskDeviceType a) { return static_cast(~static_cast(a)); } }; namespace TDEDiskDeviceStatus { enum TDEDiskDeviceStatus { Mountable = 0x00000001, Removable = 0x00000002, Inserted = 0x00000004, Blank = 0x00000008, Other = 0x80000000 }; inline TDEDiskDeviceStatus operator|(TDEDiskDeviceStatus a, TDEDiskDeviceStatus b) { return static_cast(static_cast(a) | static_cast(b)); } inline TDEDiskDeviceStatus operator&(TDEDiskDeviceStatus a, TDEDiskDeviceStatus b) { return static_cast(static_cast(a) & static_cast(b)); } inline TDEDiskDeviceStatus operator~(TDEDiskDeviceStatus a) { return static_cast(~static_cast(a)); } }; class TDECORE_EXPORT TDEGenericDevice { public: /** * Constructor. * @param Device type */ TDEGenericDevice(TDEGenericDeviceType::TDEGenericDeviceType dt, TQString dn=TQString::null); /** * Destructor. */ ~TDEGenericDevice(); /** * @return a TDEGenericDeviceType::TDEGenericDeviceType specifying the device type */ TDEGenericDeviceType::TDEGenericDeviceType type(); /** * @return a TQString with the device name, if any */ TQString &name(); /** * @param a TQString with the device name, if any */ void setName(TQString dn); /** * @return a TQString with the vendor name, if any */ TQString &vendorName(); /** * @param a TQString with the vendor name, if any */ void setVendorName(TQString vn); /** * @return a TQString with the vendor model, if any */ TQString &vendorModel(); /** * @param a TQString with the vendor model, if any */ void setVendorModel(TQString vm); /** * @return a TQString with the device bus name, if any */ TQString &deviceBus(); /** * @param a TQString with the device bus name, if any */ void setDeviceBus(TQString db); /** * @return a TQString with the system path, if any * * This method is non-portable, so be careful! */ TQString &systemPath(); /** * @param a TQString with the system path, if any * * This method is non-portable, so be careful! */ void setSystemPath(TQString sp); /** * @return a TQString with the system device node, if any * * This method is non-portable, so be careful! */ TQString &deviceNode(); /** * @param a TQString with the system device node, if any * * This method is non-portable, so be careful! */ void setDeviceNode(TQString sn); private: TDEGenericDeviceType::TDEGenericDeviceType m_deviceType; TQString m_deviceName; TQString m_systemPath; TQString m_deviceNode; TQString m_vendorName; TQString m_vendorModel; TQString m_deviceBus; }; class TDECORE_EXPORT TDEStorageDevice : public TDEGenericDevice { public: /** * Constructor. * @param Device type */ TDEStorageDevice(TDEGenericDeviceType::TDEGenericDeviceType dt, TQString dn=TQString::null); /** * Destructor. */ ~TDEStorageDevice(); /** * @return a TQString with the disk or partition label, if any */ TQString &diskLabel(); /** * @param a TQString with the disk or partition label, if any */ void setDiskLabel(TQString dn); /** * @return a TQString with the disk UUID, if any */ TQString &diskUUID(); /** * @param a TQString with the disk UUID, if any */ void setDiskUUID(TQString id); /** * @return an OR-ed combination of TDEDiskDeviceType::TDEDiskDeviceType type flags */ TDEDiskDeviceType::TDEDiskDeviceType diskType(); /** * @param an OR-ed combination of TDEDiskDeviceType::TDEDiskDeviceType type flags */ void setDiskType(TDEDiskDeviceType::TDEDiskDeviceType tf); /** * @return an OR-ed combination of TDEDiskDeviceStatus::TDEDiskDeviceStatus type flags */ TDEDiskDeviceStatus::TDEDiskDeviceStatus diskStatus(); /** * @param an OR-ed combination of TDEDiskDeviceStatus::TDEDiskDeviceStatus type flags */ void setDiskStatus(TDEDiskDeviceStatus::TDEDiskDeviceStatus st); /** * @return true if media inserted, false if no media available */ bool mediaInserted(); /** * @param a bool with the media status */ void setMediaInserted(bool inserted); /** * @return a TQString with the filesystem name, if any */ TQString &fileSystemName(); /** * @param a TQString with the filesystem name, if any */ void setFileSystemName(TQString fn); /** * @return a TQString with the filesystem usage string, if any */ TQString &fileSystemUsage(); /** * @param a TQString with the filesystem usage string, if any */ void setFileSystemUsage(TQString fu); /** * @return a TQString with the mount path, if mounted */ TQString mountPath(); private: TDEDiskDeviceType::TDEDiskDeviceType m_diskType; TDEDiskDeviceStatus::TDEDiskDeviceStatus m_diskStatus; TQString m_diskName; TQString m_diskUUID; TQString m_fileSystemName; TQString m_fileSystemUsage; bool m_mediaInserted; TQString m_mountPath; }; typedef TQPtrList TDEGenericHardwareList; class TDECORE_EXPORT TDEHardwareDevices : TQObject { Q_OBJECT public: /** * Constructor. */ TDEHardwareDevices(); /** * Destructor. */ ~TDEHardwareDevices(); /** * Query all hardware capabilities on all devices * This does not normally need to be called by an application, as * device detection is handled internally and automatically * * A call to this method immediately invalidates any TDEGenericHardwareList * structures returned by listAllPhysicalDevices() * * @return TRUE if successful */ bool queryHardwareInformation(); /** * List all hardware capabilities on all devices * @return TQPtrList containing all known hardware devices */ TQPtrList &listAllPhysicalDevices(); signals: void hardwareAdded(TDEGenericDevice); void hardwareRemoved(TDEGenericDevice); void mountTableModified(); private slots: void checkForHotPluggedHardware(); void checkForModifiedMounts(); private: TDEGenericDevice *classifyUnknownDevice(udev_device* dev); struct udev *m_udevStruct; struct udev_monitor *m_udevMonitorStruct; TDEGenericHardwareList m_deviceList; TQTimer* m_devScanTimer; TQTimer* m_mountScanTimer; }; #endif