/* This file is part of the TDE libraries Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy Pearson <kb9vqf@pearsoncomputing.net> (C) 2013 Golubev Alexander <fatzer2@gmail.com> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "tdebacklightdevice.h" #include <unistd.h> #include <tqfile.h> #include "config.h" // uPower #if defined(WITH_TDEHWLIB_DAEMONS) #include <tqdbusdata.h> #include <tqdbusmessage.h> #include <tqdbusproxy.h> #include <tqdbusvariant.h> #include <tqdbusconnection.h> #endif // defined(WITH_TDEHWLIB_DAEMONS) TDEBacklightDevice::TDEBacklightDevice(TDEGenericDeviceType::TDEGenericDeviceType dt, TQString dn) : TDEGenericDevice(dt, dn) { } TDEBacklightDevice::~TDEBacklightDevice() { } TDEDisplayPowerLevel::TDEDisplayPowerLevel TDEBacklightDevice::powerLevel() { return m_powerLevel; } void TDEBacklightDevice::internalSetPowerLevel(TDEDisplayPowerLevel::TDEDisplayPowerLevel pl) { m_powerLevel = pl; } void TDEBacklightDevice::internalSetMaximumRawBrightness(int br) { m_maximumBrightness = br; } void TDEBacklightDevice::internalSetCurrentRawBrightness(int br) { m_currentBrightness = br; } int TDEBacklightDevice::brightnessSteps() { return m_maximumBrightness + 1; } double TDEBacklightDevice::brightnessPercent() { return (((m_currentBrightness*1.0)/m_maximumBrightness)*100.0); } bool TDEBacklightDevice::canSetBrightness() { TQString brightnessnode = systemPath() + "/brightness"; int rval = access (brightnessnode.ascii(), W_OK); if (rval == 0) { return TRUE; } #ifdef WITH_TDEHWLIB_DAEMONS { TQT_DBusConnection dbusConn = TQT_DBusConnection::addConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::SystemBus); if (dbusConn.isConnected()) { TQT_DBusProxy hardwareControl("org.trinitydesktop.hardwarecontrol", "/org/trinitydesktop/hardwarecontrol", "org.trinitydesktop.hardwarecontrol.Brightness", dbusConn); if (hardwareControl.canSend()) { // can set brightness? TQValueList<TQT_DBusData> params; params << TQT_DBusData::fromString(brightnessnode); TQT_DBusMessage reply = hardwareControl.sendWithReply("CanSetBrightness", params); if (reply.type() == TQT_DBusMessage::ReplyMessage && reply.count() == 1) { return reply[0].toBool(); } } } } #endif // WITH_TDEHWLIB_DAEMONS return FALSE; } int TDEBacklightDevice::rawBrightness() { return m_currentBrightness; } void TDEBacklightDevice::setRawBrightness(int br) { bool setRawBrightnessDone = FALSE; TQString brightnessnode = systemPath() + "/brightness"; TQString brightnessCommand = TQString("%1").arg(br); TQFile file( brightnessnode ); if ( file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { TQTextStream stream( &file ); stream << brightnessCommand; file.close(); setRawBrightnessDone = TRUE; } #ifdef WITH_TDEHWLIB_DAEMONS if ( !setRawBrightnessDone ) { TQT_DBusConnection dbusConn = TQT_DBusConnection::addConnection(TQT_DBusConnection::SystemBus); if (dbusConn.isConnected()) { TQT_DBusProxy hardwareControl("org.trinitydesktop.hardwarecontrol", "/org/trinitydesktop/hardwarecontrol", "org.trinitydesktop.hardwarecontrol.Brightness", dbusConn); if (hardwareControl.canSend()) { // set brightness TQValueList<TQT_DBusData> params; params << TQT_DBusData::fromString(brightnessnode) << TQT_DBusData::fromString(brightnessCommand); TQT_DBusMessage reply = hardwareControl.sendWithReply("SetBrightness", params); if (reply.type() == TQT_DBusMessage::ReplyMessage) { setRawBrightnessDone = TRUE; } } } } #endif // WITH_TDEHWLIB_DAEMONS } #include "tdebacklightdevice.moc"