// -*- c-basic-offset: 2 -*-
/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
   Copyright (c) 1997,2001 Stephan Kulow <coolo@kde.org>
   Copyright (c) 1999 Preston Brown <pbrown@kde.org>
   Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Hans Petter Bieker <bieker@kde.org>
   Copyright (c) 2002 Lukas Tinkl <lukas@kde.org>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <config.h>

#include <stdlib.h> // getenv

#include <tqtextcodec.h>
#include <tqfile.h>
#include <tqprinter.h>
#include <tqdatetime.h>
#include <tqfileinfo.h>
#include <tqregexp.h>

#include "kcatalogue.h"
#include "tdeglobal.h"
#include "kstandarddirs.h"
#include "ksimpleconfig.h"
#include "kinstance.h"
#include "tdeconfig.h"
#include "kdebug.h"
#include "kcalendarsystem.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemfactory.h"
#include "tdelocale.h"

#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
#include <windows.h>

static const char * const SYSTEM_MESSAGES = "tdelibs";

static const char *maincatalogue = 0;

class TDELocalePrivate
  int weekStartDay;
  bool nounDeclension;
  bool dateMonthNamePossessive;
  TQStringList languageList;
  TQStringList catalogNames; // list of all catalogs (regardless of language)
  TQValueList<KCatalogue> catalogues; // list of all loaded catalogs, contains one instance per catalog name and language
  TQString encoding;
  TQTextCodec * codecForEncoding;
  TDEConfig * config;
  bool formatInited;
  int /*TQPrinter::PageSize*/ pageSize;
  TDELocale::MeasureSystem measureSystem;
  TQStringList langTwoAlpha;
  TDEConfig *languages;

  TQString calendarType;
  KCalendarSystem * calendar;
  bool utf8FileEncoding;
  TQString appName;
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
  char win32SystemEncoding[3+7]; //"cp " + lang ID
  bool useMainCatalogue;

static TDELocale *this_klocale = 0;

TDELocale::TDELocale( const TQString & catalog, TDEConfig * config )
  d = new TDELocalePrivate;
  d->config = config;
  d->languages = 0;
  d->calendar = 0;
  d->formatInited = false;


  TDEConfig *cfg = d->config;
  this_klocale = this;
  if (!cfg) cfg = TDEGlobal::instance()->config();
  this_klocale = 0;
  Q_ASSERT( cfg );

  d->appName = catalog;
  initLanguageList( cfg, config == 0);

TQString TDELocale::_initLanguage(TDEConfigBase *config)
  if (this_klocale)
     // ### HPB Why this cast??
     this_klocale->initLanguageList((TDEConfig *) config, true);
     // todo: adapt current catalog list: remove unused languages, insert main catalogs, if not already found
     return this_klocale->language();
  return TQString::null;

void TDELocale::initMainCatalogues(const TQString & catalog)
  // Use the first non-null string.
  TQString mainCatalogue = catalog;

  // don't use main catalogue if we're looking up .desktop translations
  if (mainCatalogue.contains("desktop") == 0 || mainCatalogue.contains("kdesktop") == 1) {
    if (maincatalogue) {
      mainCatalogue = TQString::fromLatin1(maincatalogue);

  if (mainCatalogue.isEmpty()) {
    kdDebug(173) << "TDELocale instance created called without valid "
                 << "catalog! Give an argument or call setMainCatalogue "
                 << "before init" << endl;
  else {
    // do not use insertCatalogue here, that would already trigger updateCatalogs
    d->catalogNames.append( mainCatalogue );   // application catalog
    if (mainCatalogue.contains("desktop") == 0 || mainCatalogue.contains("kdesktop") == 1) { //don't bother if we're looking up desktop translations
      d->catalogNames.append( SYSTEM_MESSAGES ); // always include tdelibs.mo
      d->catalogNames.append( "kio" );            // always include kio.mo
      d->catalogNames.append( "xdg-user-dirs" );
    updateCatalogues(); // evaluate this for all languages

void TDELocale::initLanguageList(TDEConfig * config, bool useEnv)
  TDEConfigGroupSaver saver(config, "Locale");

  m_country = config->readEntry( "Country" );
  if ( m_country.isEmpty() )
    m_country = defaultCountry();

  // Reset the list and add the new languages
  TQStringList languageList;
  if ( useEnv )
    languageList += TQStringList::split
      (':', TQFile::decodeName( ::getenv("TDE_LANG") ));

  languageList += config->readListEntry("Language", ':');

  // same order as setlocale use
  if ( useEnv )
      // HPB: Only run splitLocale on the environment variables..
      TQStringList langs;

      langs << TQFile::decodeName( ::getenv("LC_ALL") );
      langs << TQFile::decodeName( ::getenv("LC_MESSAGES") );
      langs << TQFile::decodeName( ::getenv("LANG") );

      for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = langs.begin();
	    it != langs.end();
	    ++it )
	  TQString ln, ct, chrset;
	  splitLocale(*it, ln, ct, chrset);

	  if (!ct.isEmpty()) {
	    langs.insert(it, ln + '_' + ct);
	    if (!chrset.isEmpty())
	      langs.insert(it, ln + '_' + ct + '.' + chrset);

          langs.insert(it, ln);

      languageList += langs;

  // now we have a language list -- let's use the first OK language
  setLanguage( languageList );

void TDELocale::initPluralTypes()
  for ( TQValueList<KCatalogue>::Iterator it = d->catalogues.begin();
    it != d->catalogues.end();
    ++it )
    TQString language = (*it).language();
    int pt = pluralType( language );
    (*it).setPluralType( pt );

int TDELocale::pluralType( const TQString & language )
  for ( TQValueList<KCatalogue>::ConstIterator it = d->catalogues.begin();
    it != d->catalogues.end();
    ++it )
    if ( ((*it).name() == SYSTEM_MESSAGES ) && ((*it).language() == language )) {
      return pluralType( *it );
  // tdelibs.mo does not seem to exist for this language
  return -1;

int TDELocale::pluralType( const KCatalogue& catalog )
    const char* pluralFormString =
    I18N_NOOP("_: Dear translator, please do not translate this string "
      "in any form, but pick the _right_ value out of "
      "NoPlural/TwoForms/French... If not sure what to do mail "
      "thd@kde.org and coolo@kde.org, they will tell you. "
      "Better leave that out if unsure, the programs will "
      "crash!!\nDefinition of PluralForm - to be set by the "
      "translator of tdelibs.po");
    TQString pf (catalog.translate( pluralFormString));
    if ( pf.isEmpty() ) {
      return -1;
	else if ( pf == "NoPlural" )
      return 0;
    else if ( pf == "TwoForms" )
      return 1;
    else if ( pf == "French" )
      return 2;
    else if ( pf == "OneTwoRest" )
      return 3;
    else if ( pf == "Russian" )
      return 4;
    else if ( pf == "Polish" )
      return 5;
    else if ( pf == "Slovenian" )
      return 6;
    else if ( pf == "Lithuanian" )
      return 7;
    else if ( pf == "Czech" )
      return 8;
    else if ( pf == "Slovak" )
      return 9;
    else if ( pf == "Maltese" )
      return 10;
    else if ( pf == "Arabic" )
      return 11;
    else if ( pf == "Balcan" )
      return 12;
    else if ( pf == "Macedonian" )
      return 13;
    else if ( pf == "Gaeilge" )
        return 14;
    else {
      kdWarning(173) << "Definition of PluralForm is none of "
		       << "NoPlural/"
		       << "TwoForms/"
		       << "French/"
		       << "OneTwoRest/"
		       << "Russian/"
		       << "Polish/"
		       << "Slovenian/"
		       << "Lithuanian/"
		       << "Czech/"
		       << "Slovak/"
		       << "Arabic/"
		       << "Balcan/"
               << "Macedonian/"
               << "Gaeilge/"
		       << "Maltese: " << pf << endl;

void TDELocale::doFormatInit() const
  if ( d->formatInited ) return;

  TDELocale * that = const_cast<TDELocale *>(this);

  d->formatInited = true;

void TDELocale::initFormat()
  TDEConfig *config = d->config;
  if (!config) config = TDEGlobal::instance()->config();
  Q_ASSERT( config );

  kdDebug(173) << "TDELocale::initFormat" << endl;

  // make sure the config files are read using the correct locale
  // ### Why not add a TDEConfigBase::setLocale( const TDELocale * )?
  // ### Then we could remove this hack
  TDELocale *lsave = TDEGlobal::_locale;
  TDEGlobal::_locale = this;

  TDEConfigGroupSaver saver(config, "Locale");

  KSimpleConfig entry(locate("locale",
                             .arg(m_country)), true);
  entry.setGroup("KCM Locale");

  // Numeric
#define readConfigEntry(key, default, save) \
  save = entry.readEntry(key, TQString::fromLatin1(default)); \
  save = config->readEntry(key, save);

#define readConfigNumEntry(key, default, save, type) \
  save = (type)entry.readNumEntry(key, default); \
  save = (type)config->readNumEntry(key, save);

#define readConfigBoolEntry(key, default, save) \
  save = entry.readBoolEntry(key, default); \
  save = config->readBoolEntry(key, save);

  readConfigEntry("DecimalSymbol", ".", m_decimalSymbol);
  readConfigEntry("ThousandsSeparator", ",", m_thousandsSeparator);
  m_thousandsSeparator.replace( TQString::fromLatin1("$0"), TQString() );
  //kdDebug(173) << "m_thousandsSeparator=" << m_thousandsSeparator << endl;

  readConfigEntry("PositiveSign", "", m_positiveSign);
  readConfigEntry("NegativeSign", "-", m_negativeSign);

  // Monetary
  readConfigEntry("CurrencySymbol", "$", m_currencySymbol);
  readConfigEntry("MonetaryDecimalSymbol", ".", m_monetaryDecimalSymbol);
  readConfigEntry("MonetaryThousandsSeparator", ",",
  m_monetaryThousandsSeparator.replace(TQString::fromLatin1("$0"), TQString());

  readConfigNumEntry("FracDigits", 2, m_fracDigits, int);
  readConfigBoolEntry("PositivePrefixCurrencySymbol", true,
  readConfigBoolEntry("NegativePrefixCurrencySymbol", true,
  readConfigNumEntry("PositiveMonetarySignPosition", (int)BeforeQuantityMoney,
		     m_positiveMonetarySignPosition, SignPosition);
  readConfigNumEntry("NegativeMonetarySignPosition", (int)ParensAround,
		     m_negativeMonetarySignPosition, SignPosition);

  // Date and time
  readConfigEntry("TimeFormat", "%H:%M:%S", m_timeFormat);
  readConfigEntry("DateFormat", "%A %d %B %Y", m_dateFormat);
  readConfigEntry("DateFormatShort", "%Y-%m-%d", m_dateFormatShort);
  readConfigNumEntry("WeekStartDay", 1, d->weekStartDay, int);

  // other
  readConfigNumEntry("PageSize", (int)TQPrinter::A4, d->pageSize, int);
  readConfigNumEntry("MeasureSystem", (int)Metric, d->measureSystem,
  readConfigEntry("CalendarSystem", "gregorian", d->calendarType);
  delete d->calendar;
  d->calendar = 0; // ### HPB Is this the correct place?

  //Precedence here is l10n / i18n / config file
  KSimpleConfig language(locate("locale",
                                .arg(m_language)), true);
  language.setGroup("KCM Locale");
#define read3ConfigBoolEntry(key, default, save) \
  save = entry.readBoolEntry(key, default); \
  save = language.readBoolEntry(key, save); \
  save = config->readBoolEntry(key, save);

  read3ConfigBoolEntry("NounDeclension", false, d->nounDeclension);
  read3ConfigBoolEntry("DateMonthNamePossessive", false,

  // end of hack
  TDEGlobal::_locale = lsave;

bool TDELocale::setCountry(const TQString & country)
  // Check if the file exists too??
  if ( country.isEmpty() )
    return false;

  m_country = country;

  d->formatInited = false;

  return true;

TQString TDELocale::catalogueFileName(const TQString & language,
				   const KCatalogue & catalog)
  TQString path = TQString::fromLatin1("%1/LC_MESSAGES/%2.mo")
    .arg( language )
    .arg( catalog.name() );

  TQString fileName = locate( "locale", path );
  if (fileName.isEmpty())
    fileName = locate( "locale-bundle", path );

  return fileName;

bool TDELocale::setLanguage(const TQString & language)
  if ( d->languageList.contains( language ) ) {
 	 d->languageList.remove( language );
  d->languageList.prepend( language ); // let us consider this language to be the most important one

  m_language = language; // remember main language for shortcut evaluation

  // important when called from the outside and harmless when called before populating the
  // catalog name list

  d->formatInited = false;

  return true; // Maybe the mo-files for this language are empty, but in principle we can speak all languages

bool TDELocale::setLanguage(const TQStringList & languages)
  TQStringList languageList( languages );
  // This list might contain
  // 1) some empty strings that we have to eliminate
  // 2) duplicate entries like in de:fr:de, where we have to keep the first occurrance of a language in order
  //    to preserve the order of precenence of the user => iterate backwards
  // 3) languages into which the application is not translated. For those languages we should not even load tdelibs.mo or kio.po.
  //    these langugage have to be dropped. Otherwise we get strange side effects, e.g. with Hebrew:
  //    the right/left switch for languages that write from
  //    right to left (like Hebrew or Arabic) is set in tdelibs.mo. If you only have tdelibs.mo
  //    but nothing from appname.mo, you get a mostly English app with layout from right to left.
  //    That was considered to be a bug by the Hebrew translators.
  for( TQStringList::Iterator it = languageList.fromLast();
    it != languageList.begin(); --it )
    // kdDebug() << "checking " << (*it) << endl;
    bool bIsTranslated = isApplicationTranslatedInto( *it );
    if ( languageList.contains(*it) > 1 || (*it).isEmpty() || (!bIsTranslated) ) {
      // kdDebug() << "removing " << (*it) << endl;
      it = languageList.remove( it );
  // now this has left the first element of the list unchecked.
  // The question why this is the case is left as an exercise for the reader...
  // Besides the list might have been empty all the way, so check that too.
  if ( languageList.begin() != languageList.end() ) {
     TQStringList::Iterator it = languageList.begin(); // now pointing to the first element
     // kdDebug() << "checking " << (*it) << endl;
     if( (*it).isEmpty() || !(isApplicationTranslatedInto( *it )) ) {
        // kdDebug() << "removing " << (*it) << endl;
     	languageList.remove( it ); // that's what the iterator was for...

  if ( languageList.isEmpty() ) {
	// user picked no language, so we assume he/she speaks English.
	languageList.append( defaultLanguage() );
  m_language = languageList.first(); // keep this for shortcut evaluations

  d->languageList = languageList; // keep this new list of languages to use
  d->langTwoAlpha.clear(); // Flush cache

  // important when called from the outside and harmless when called before populating the
  // catalog name list

  return true; // we found something. Maybe it's only English, but we found something

bool TDELocale::isApplicationTranslatedInto( const TQString & language)
  if ( language.isEmpty() ) {
    return false;

  if ( language == defaultLanguage() ) {
    // en_us is always "installed"
    return true;

  TQString appName = d->appName;
  if (maincatalogue) {
    appName = TQString::fromLatin1(maincatalogue);
  // sorry, catalogueFileName requires catalog object,k which we do not have here
  // path finding was supposed to be moved completely to KCatalogue. The interface cannot
  // be changed that far during deep freeze. So in order to fix the bug now, we have
  // duplicated code for file path evaluation. Cleanup will follow later. We could have e.g.
  // a static method in KCataloge that can translate between these file names.
  // a stat
  TQString sFileName = TQString::fromLatin1("%1/LC_MESSAGES/%2.mo")
    .arg( language )
    .arg( appName );
  // kdDebug() << "isApplicationTranslatedInto: filename " << sFileName << endl;

  TQString sAbsFileName = locate( "locale", sFileName );
  if (sAbsFileName.isEmpty())
    sAbsFileName = locate( "locale-bundle", sFileName );

  // kdDebug() << "isApplicationTranslatedInto: absname " << sAbsFileName << endl;
  return ! sAbsFileName.isEmpty();

void TDELocale::splitLocale(const TQString & aStr,
			  TQString & language,
			  TQString & country,
			  TQString & chrset)
  TQString str = aStr;

  // just in case, there is another language appended
  int f = str.find(':');
  if (f >= 0)

  country = TQString::null;
  chrset = TQString::null;
  language = TQString::null;

  f = str.find('.');
  if (f >= 0)
      chrset = str.mid(f + 1);

  f = str.find('_');
  if (f >= 0)
      country = str.mid(f + 1);

  language = str;

TQString TDELocale::language() const
  return m_language;

TQString TDELocale::country() const
  return m_country;

TQString TDELocale::monthName(int i, bool shortName) const
  if ( shortName )
    switch ( i )
      case 1:   return translate("January", "Jan");
      case 2:   return translate("February", "Feb");
      case 3:   return translate("March", "Mar");
      case 4:   return translate("April", "Apr");
      case 5:   return translate("May short", "May");
      case 6:   return translate("June", "Jun");
      case 7:   return translate("July", "Jul");
      case 8:   return translate("August", "Aug");
      case 9:   return translate("September", "Sep");
      case 10:  return translate("October", "Oct");
      case 11:  return translate("November", "Nov");
      case 12:  return translate("December", "Dec");
    switch (i)
      case 1:   return translate("January");
      case 2:   return translate("February");
      case 3:   return translate("March");
      case 4:   return translate("April");
      case 5:   return translate("May long", "May");
      case 6:   return translate("June");
      case 7:   return translate("July");
      case 8:   return translate("August");
      case 9:   return translate("September");
      case 10:  return translate("October");
      case 11:  return translate("November");
      case 12:  return translate("December");

  return TQString::null;

TQString TDELocale::monthNamePossessive(int i, bool shortName) const
  if ( shortName )
    switch ( i )
      case 1:   return translate("of January", "of Jan");
      case 2:   return translate("of February", "of Feb");
      case 3:   return translate("of March", "of Mar");
      case 4:   return translate("of April", "of Apr");
      case 5:   return translate("of May short", "of May");
      case 6:   return translate("of June", "of Jun");
      case 7:   return translate("of July", "of Jul");
      case 8:   return translate("of August", "of Aug");
      case 9:   return translate("of September", "of Sep");
      case 10:  return translate("of October", "of Oct");
      case 11:  return translate("of November", "of Nov");
      case 12:  return translate("of December", "of Dec");
    switch (i)
      case 1:   return translate("of January");
      case 2:   return translate("of February");
      case 3:   return translate("of March");
      case 4:   return translate("of April");
      case 5:   return translate("of May long", "of May");
      case 6:   return translate("of June");
      case 7:   return translate("of July");
      case 8:   return translate("of August");
      case 9:   return translate("of September");
      case 10:  return translate("of October");
      case 11:  return translate("of November");
      case 12:  return translate("of December");

  return TQString::null;

TQString TDELocale::weekDayName (int i, bool shortName) const
  return calendar()->weekDayName(i, shortName);

void TDELocale::insertCatalogue( const TQString & catalog )
  if ( !d->catalogNames.contains( catalog) ) {
    d->catalogNames.append( catalog );
  updateCatalogues( ); // evaluate the changed list and generate the neccessary KCatalog objects

void TDELocale::updateCatalogues( )
  // some changes have occured. Maybe we have learned or forgotten some languages.
  // Maybe the language precedence has changed.
  // Maybe we have learned or forgotten some catalog names.
  // Now examine the list of KCatalogue objects and change it according to the new circumstances.

  // this could be optimized: try to reuse old KCatalog objects, but remember that the order of
  // catalogs might have changed: e.g. in this fashion
  // 1) move all catalogs into a temporary list
  // 2) iterate over all languages and catalog names
  // 3.1) pick the catalog from the saved list, if it already exists
  // 3.2) else create a new catalog.
  // but we will do this later.

  for ( TQValueList<KCatalogue>::Iterator it = d->catalogues.begin();
	it != d->catalogues.end(); )
     it = d->catalogues.remove(it);

  // now iterate over all languages and all wanted catalog names and append or create them in the right order
  // the sequence must be e.g. nds/appname nds/tdelibs nds/tdeio de/appname de/tdelibs de/tdeio etc.
  // and not nds/appname de/appname nds/tdelibs de/tdelibs etc. Otherwise we would be in trouble with a language
  // sequende nds,en_US, de. In this case en_US must hide everything below in the language list.
  for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator itLangs =  d->languageList.begin();
	  itLangs != d->languageList.end(); ++itLangs)
    for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator itNames =  d->catalogNames.begin();
	itNames != d->catalogNames.end(); ++itNames)
      KCatalogue cat( *itNames, *itLangs ); // create Catalog for this name and this language
      d->catalogues.append( cat );
  initPluralTypes();  // evaluate the plural type for all languages and remember this in each KCatalogue

void TDELocale::removeCatalogue(const TQString &catalog)
  if ( d->catalogNames.contains( catalog )) {
    d->catalogNames.remove( catalog );
    if (TDEGlobal::_instance)
      updateCatalogues();  // walk through the KCatalogue instances and weed out everything we no longer need

void TDELocale::setActiveCatalogue(const TQString &catalog)
  if ( d->catalogNames.contains( catalog ) ) {
    d->catalogNames.remove( catalog );
	d->catalogNames.prepend( catalog );
	updateCatalogues();  // walk through the KCatalogue instances and adapt to the new order

  delete d->calendar;
  delete d->languages;
  delete d;
  d = 0L;

TQString TDELocale::translate_priv(const char *msgid,
				const char *fallback,
				const char **translated,
				int* pluralType ) const
  if ( pluralType) {
  	*pluralType = -1; // unless we find something more precise
  if (!msgid || !msgid[0])
      kdWarning() << "TDELocale: trying to look up \"\" in catalog. "
		   << "Fix the program" << endl;
      return TQString::null;

  if ( useDefaultLanguage() ) { // shortcut evaluation if en_US is main language: do not consult the catalogs
    return TQString::fromUtf8( fallback );

  for ( TQValueList<KCatalogue>::ConstIterator it = d->catalogues.begin();
	it != d->catalogues.end();
	++it )
	  // shortcut evaluation: once we have arrived at en_US (default language) we cannot consult
	  // the catalog as it will not have an assiciated mo-file. For this default language we can
	  // immediately pick the fallback string.
	  if ( (*it).language() == defaultLanguage() ) {
	  	return TQString::fromUtf8( fallback );

      const char * text = (*it).translate( msgid );

      if ( text )
	  // we found it
	  if (translated) {
	    *translated = text;
	  if ( pluralType) {
	  	*pluralType = (*it).pluralType(); // remember the plural type information from the catalog that was used
	  return TQString::fromUtf8( text );

  // Always use UTF-8 if the string was not found
  return TQString::fromUtf8( fallback );

TQString TDELocale::translate(const char* msgid) const
  return translate_priv(msgid, msgid);

TQString TDELocale::translate( const char *index, const char *fallback) const
  if (!index || !index[0] || !fallback || !fallback[0])
      kdDebug(173) << "TDELocale: trying to look up \"\" in catalog. "
		   << "Fix the program" << endl;
      return TQString::null;

  if ( useDefaultLanguage() )
    return TQString::fromUtf8( fallback );

  char *newstring = new char[strlen(index) + strlen(fallback) + 5];
  sprintf(newstring, "_: %s\n%s", index, fallback);
  // as copying TQString is very fast, it looks slower as it is ;/
  TQString r = translate_priv(newstring, fallback);
  delete [] newstring;

  return r;

static TQString put_n_in(const TQString &orig, unsigned long n)
  TQString ret = orig;
  int index = ret.find("%n");
  if (index == -1)
    return ret;
  ret.replace(index, 2, TQString::number(n));
  return ret;

#define EXPECT_LENGTH(x) \
   if (forms.count() != x) { \
      kdError() << "translation of \"" << singular << "\" doesn't contain " << x << " different plural forms as expected\n"; \
      return TQString( "BROKEN TRANSLATION %1" ).arg( singular ); }

TQString TDELocale::translate( const char *singular, const char *plural,
                            unsigned long n ) const
  if (!singular || !singular[0] || !plural || !plural[0])
      kdWarning() << "TDELocale: trying to look up \"\" in catalog. "
		   << "Fix the program" << endl;
      return TQString::null;

  char *newstring = new char[strlen(singular) + strlen(plural) + 6];
  sprintf(newstring, "_n: %s\n%s", singular, plural);
  // as copying TQString is very fast, it looks slower as it is ;/
  int pluralType = -1;
  TQString r = translate_priv(newstring, 0, 0, &pluralType);
  delete [] newstring;

  if ( r.isEmpty() || useDefaultLanguage() || pluralType == -1) {
    if ( n == 1 ) {
      return put_n_in( TQString::fromUtf8( singular ),  n );
	} else {
	  TQString tmp = TQString::fromUtf8( plural );
#ifndef NDEBUG
	  if (tmp.find("%n") == -1) {
			  kdDebug() << "the message for i18n should contain a '%n'! " << plural << endl;
      return put_n_in( tmp,  n );

  TQStringList forms = TQStringList::split( "\n", r, false );
  switch ( pluralType ) {
  case 0: // NoPlural
    return put_n_in( forms[0], n);
  case 1: // TwoForms
    if ( n == 1 )
      return put_n_in( forms[0], n);
      return put_n_in( forms[1], n);
  case 2: // French
    if ( n == 1 || n == 0 )
      return put_n_in( forms[0], n);
      return put_n_in( forms[1], n);
  case 3: // OneTwoRest
    if ( n == 1 )
      return put_n_in( forms[0], n);
    else if ( n == 2 )
      return put_n_in( forms[1], n);
      return put_n_in( forms[2], n);
  case 4: // Russian, corrected by mok
    if ( n%10 == 1  &&  n%100 != 11)
      return put_n_in( forms[0], n); // odin fail
    else if (( n%10 >= 2 && n%10 <=4 ) && (n%100<10 || n%100>20))
      return put_n_in( forms[1], n); // dva faila
      return put_n_in( forms[2], n); // desyat' failov
  case 5: // Polish
    if ( n == 1 )
      return put_n_in( forms[0], n);
    else if ( n%10 >= 2 && n%10 <=4 && (n%100<10 || n%100>=20) )
      return put_n_in( forms[1], n);
      return put_n_in( forms[2], n);
  case 6: // Slovenian
    if ( n%100 == 1 )
      return put_n_in( forms[1], n); // ena datoteka
    else if ( n%100 == 2 )
      return put_n_in( forms[2], n); // dve datoteki
    else if ( n%100 == 3 || n%100 == 4 )
      return put_n_in( forms[3], n); // tri datoteke
      return put_n_in( forms[0], n); // sto datotek
  case 7: // Lithuanian
    if ( n%10 == 0 || (n%100>=11 && n%100<=19) )
      return put_n_in( forms[2], n);
    else if ( n%10 == 1 )
      return put_n_in( forms[0], n);
      return put_n_in( forms[1], n);
  case 8: // Czech - use modern form which is equivalent to Slovak
  case 9: // Slovak
    if ( n == 1 )
      return put_n_in( forms[0], n);
    else if (( n >= 2 ) && ( n <= 4 ))
      return put_n_in( forms[1], n);
      return put_n_in( forms[2], n);
  case 10: // Maltese
    if ( n == 1 )
      return put_n_in( forms[0], n );
    else if ( ( n == 0 ) || ( n%100 > 0 && n%100 <= 10 ) )
      return put_n_in( forms[1], n );
    else if ( n%100 > 10 && n%100 < 20 )
      return put_n_in( forms[2], n );
      return put_n_in( forms[3], n );
  case 11: // Arabic
    if (n == 1)
      return put_n_in(forms[0], n);
    else if (n == 2)
      return put_n_in(forms[1], n);
    else if ( n < 11)
      return put_n_in(forms[2], n);
      return put_n_in(forms[3], n);
  case 12: // Balcan
     EXPECT_LENGTH( 3 );
     if (n != 11 && n % 10 == 1)
	return put_n_in(forms[0], n);
     else if (n / 10 != 1 && n % 10 >= 2 && n % 10 <= 4)
	return put_n_in(forms[1], n);
	return put_n_in(forms[2], n);
  case 13: // Macedonian
     if (n % 10 == 1)
	return put_n_in(forms[0], n);
     else if (n % 10 == 2)
	return put_n_in(forms[1], n);
	return put_n_in(forms[2], n);
  case 14: // Gaeilge
      if (n == 1)                       // "ceann amhain"
          return put_n_in(forms[0], n);
      else if (n == 2)                  // "dha cheann"
          return put_n_in(forms[1], n);
      else if (n < 7)                   // "%n cinn"
          return put_n_in(forms[2], n);
      else if (n < 11)                  // "%n gcinn"
          return put_n_in(forms[3], n);
      else                              // "%n ceann"
          return put_n_in(forms[4], n);
  kdFatal() << "The function should have been returned in another way\n";

  return TQString::null;

TQString TDELocale::translateQt( const char *context, const char *source,
			      const char *message) const
  if (!source || !source[0]) {
    kdWarning() << "TDELocale: trying to look up \"\" in catalog. "
		<< "Fix the program" << endl;
    return TQString::null;

  if ( useDefaultLanguage() ) {
    return TQString::null;

  char *newstring = 0;
  const char *translation = 0;
  TQString r;

  if ( message && message[0]) {
    char *newstring = new char[strlen(source) + strlen(message) + 5];
    sprintf(newstring, "_: %s\n%s", source, message);
    const char *translation = 0;
    // as copying TQString is very fast, it looks slower as it is ;/
    r = translate_priv(newstring, source, &translation);
    delete [] newstring;
    if (translation)
      return r;

  if ( context && context[0] && message && message[0]) {
    newstring = new char[strlen(context) + strlen(message) + 5];
    sprintf(newstring, "_: %s\n%s", context, message);
    // as copying TQString is very fast, it looks slower as it is ;/
    r = translate_priv(newstring, source, &translation);
    delete [] newstring;
    if (translation)
      return r;

  r = translate_priv(source, source, &translation);
  if (translation)
    return r;
  return TQString::null;

bool TDELocale::nounDeclension() const
  return d->nounDeclension;

bool TDELocale::dateMonthNamePossessive() const
  return d->dateMonthNamePossessive;

int TDELocale::weekStartDay() const
  return d->weekStartDay;

bool TDELocale::weekStartsMonday() const //deprecated
  return (d->weekStartDay==1);

TQString TDELocale::decimalSymbol() const
  return m_decimalSymbol;

TQString TDELocale::thousandsSeparator() const
  return m_thousandsSeparator;

TQString TDELocale::currencySymbol() const
  return m_currencySymbol;

TQString TDELocale::monetaryDecimalSymbol() const
  return m_monetaryDecimalSymbol;

TQString TDELocale::monetaryThousandsSeparator() const
  return m_monetaryThousandsSeparator;

TQString TDELocale::positiveSign() const
  return m_positiveSign;

TQString TDELocale::negativeSign() const
  return m_negativeSign;

int TDELocale::fracDigits() const
  return m_fracDigits;

bool TDELocale::positivePrefixCurrencySymbol() const
  return m_positivePrefixCurrencySymbol;

bool TDELocale::negativePrefixCurrencySymbol() const
  return m_negativePrefixCurrencySymbol;

TDELocale::SignPosition TDELocale::positiveMonetarySignPosition() const
  return m_positiveMonetarySignPosition;

TDELocale::SignPosition TDELocale::negativeMonetarySignPosition() const
  return m_negativeMonetarySignPosition;

static inline void put_it_in( TQChar *buffer, uint& index, const TQString &s )
  for ( uint l = 0; l < s.length(); l++ )
    buffer[index++] = s.at( l );

static inline void put_it_in( TQChar *buffer, uint& index, int number )
  buffer[index++] = number / 10 + '0';
  buffer[index++] = number % 10 + '0';

// insert (thousands)-"separator"s into the non-fractional part of str 
static void _insertSeparator(TQString &str, const TQString &separator,
			     const TQString &decimalSymbol)
  // leave fractional part untouched
  TQString mainPart = str.section(decimalSymbol, 0, 0);
  TQString fracPart = str.section(decimalSymbol, 1, 1,
  for (int pos = mainPart.length() - 3; pos > 0; pos -= 3)
    mainPart.insert(pos, separator);

  str = mainPart + fracPart;

TQString TDELocale::formatMoney(double num,
			     const TQString & symbol,
			     int precision) const
  // some defaults
  TQString currency = symbol.isNull()
    ? currencySymbol()
    : symbol;
  if (precision < 0) precision = fracDigits();

  // the number itself
  bool neg = num < 0;
  TQString res = TQString::number(neg?-num:num, 'f', precision);

  // Replace dot with locale decimal separator
  res.replace(TQChar('.'), monetaryDecimalSymbol());

  // Insert the thousand separators
  _insertSeparator(res, monetaryThousandsSeparator(), monetaryDecimalSymbol());

  // set some variables we need later
  int signpos = neg
    ? negativeMonetarySignPosition()
    : positiveMonetarySignPosition();
  TQString sign = neg
    ? negativeSign()
    : positiveSign();

  switch (signpos)
    case ParensAround:
      res.append (')');
    case BeforeQuantityMoney:
    case AfterQuantityMoney:
    case BeforeMoney:
    case AfterMoney:

  if (neg?negativePrefixCurrencySymbol():
      res.prepend(' ');
    } else {
      res.append (' ');
      res.append (currency);

  return res;

TQString TDELocale::formatMoney(const TQString &numStr) const
  return formatMoney(numStr.toDouble());

TQString TDELocale::formatNumber(double num, int precision) const
  if (precision == -1) precision = 2;
  // no need to round since TQString::number does this for us
  return formatNumber(TQString::number(num, 'f', precision), false, 0);

TQString TDELocale::formatLong(long num) const
  return formatNumber((double)num, 0);

TQString TDELocale::formatNumber(const TQString &numStr) const
  return formatNumber(numStr, true, 2);

// increase the digit at 'position' by one
static void _inc_by_one(TQString &str, int position)
  for (int i = position; i >= 0; i--)
      char last_char = str[i].latin1();
	case '0':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'1';
	case '1':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'2';
	case '2':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'3';
	case '3':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'4';
	case '4':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'5';
	case '5':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'6';
	case '6':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'7';
	case '7':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'8';
	case '8':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'9';
	case '9':
	  str[i] = (QChar)'0';
	  if (i == 0) str.prepend('1');
	case '.':

// Cut off if more digits in fractional part than 'precision'
static void _round(TQString &str, int precision)
  int decimalSymbolPos = str.find('.');

  if (decimalSymbolPos == -1)
    if (precision == 0)  return;
    else if (precision > 0) // add dot if missing (and needed)
	decimalSymbolPos = str.length() - 1;

  // fill up with more than enough zeroes (in case fractional part too short)
  str.append(TQString().fill('0', precision));

  // Now decide whether to round up or down
  char last_char = str[decimalSymbolPos + precision + 1].latin1();
  switch (last_char)
    case '0':
    case '1':
    case '2':
    case '3':
    case '4':
      // nothing to do, rounding down
    case '5':
    case '6':
    case '7':
    case '8':
    case '9':
      _inc_by_one(str, decimalSymbolPos + precision);

  decimalSymbolPos = str.find('.');
  str.truncate(decimalSymbolPos + precision + 1);
  // if precision == 0 delete also '.'
  if (precision == 0) str = str.section('.', 0, 0);

TQString TDELocale::formatNumber(const TQString &numStr, bool round,
			      int precision) const
  TQString tmpString = numStr;
  if ((round  && precision < 0)  ||
      ! TQRegExp("^[+-]?\\d+(\\.\\d+)*(e[+-]?\\d+)?$").exactMatch(tmpString))
    return numStr;

  // Skip the sign (for now)
  bool neg = (tmpString[0] == (QChar)'-');
  if (neg  ||  tmpString[0] == (QChar)'+') tmpString.remove(0, 1);

  // Split off exponential part (including 'e'-symbol)
  TQString mantString = tmpString.section('e', 0, 0,
  TQString expString = tmpString.section('e', 1, 1,
					TQString::SectionCaseInsensitiveSeps |

  if (round) _round(mantString, precision);
  // Replace dot with locale decimal separator
  mantString.replace(TQChar('.'), decimalSymbol());
  // Insert the thousand separators
  _insertSeparator(mantString, thousandsSeparator(), decimalSymbol());

  // How can we know where we should put the sign?
  return mantString +  expString;

TQString TDELocale::formatDate(const TQDate &pDate, bool shortFormat) const
  const TQString rst = shortFormat?dateFormatShort():dateFormat();

  TQString buffer;

  if ( ! pDate.isValid() ) return buffer;

  bool escape = false;

  int year = calendar()->year(pDate);
  int month = calendar()->month(pDate);

  for ( uint format_index = 0; format_index < rst.length(); ++format_index )
      if ( !escape )
	  if ( (TQChar(rst.at( format_index )).unicode()) == '%' )
	    escape = true;
	  switch ( TQChar(rst.at( format_index )).unicode() )
	    case '%':
	    case 'Y':
	      buffer.append(calendar()->yearString(pDate, false));
	    case 'y':
	      buffer.append(calendar()->yearString(pDate, true));
	    case 'n':
              buffer.append(calendar()->monthString(pDate, true));
	    case 'e':
              buffer.append(calendar()->dayString(pDate, true));
	    case 'm':
              buffer.append(calendar()->monthString(pDate, false));
	    case 'b':
	      if (d->nounDeclension && d->dateMonthNamePossessive)
		buffer.append(calendar()->monthNamePossessive(month, year, true));
		buffer.append(calendar()->monthName(month, year, true));
	    case 'B':
	      if (d->nounDeclension && d->dateMonthNamePossessive)
		buffer.append(calendar()->monthNamePossessive(month, year, false));
		buffer.append(calendar()->monthName(month, year, false));
	    case 'd':
              buffer.append(calendar()->dayString(pDate, false));
	    case 'a':
	      buffer.append(calendar()->weekDayName(pDate, true));
	    case 'A':
	      buffer.append(calendar()->weekDayName(pDate, false));
	  escape = false;
  return buffer;

void TDELocale::setMainCatalogue(const char *catalog)
  maincatalogue = catalog;

double TDELocale::readNumber(const TQString &_str, bool * ok) const
  TQString str = _str.stripWhiteSpace();
  bool neg = str.find(negativeSign()) == 0;
  if (neg)
    str.remove( 0, negativeSign().length() );

  /* will hold the scientific notation portion of the number.
     Example, with 2.34E+23, exponentialPart == "E+23"
  TQString exponentialPart;
  int EPos;

  EPos = str.find('E', 0, false);

  if (EPos != -1)
    exponentialPart = str.mid(EPos);
    str = str.left(EPos);

  int pos = str.find(decimalSymbol());
  TQString major;
  TQString minor;
  if ( pos == -1 )
    major = str;
      major = str.left(pos);
      minor = str.mid(pos + decimalSymbol().length());

  // Remove thousand separators
  int thlen = thousandsSeparator().length();
  int lastpos = 0;
  while ( ( pos = major.find( thousandsSeparator() ) ) > 0 )
    // e.g. 12,,345,,678,,922 Acceptable positions (from the end) are 5, 10, 15... i.e. (3+thlen)*N
    int fromEnd = major.length() - pos;
    if ( fromEnd % (3+thlen) != 0 // Needs to be a multiple, otherwise it's an error
        || pos - lastpos > 3 // More than 3 digits between two separators -> error
        || pos == 0          // Can't start with a separator
        || (lastpos>0 && pos-lastpos!=3))   // Must have exactly 3 digits between two separators
      if (ok) *ok = false;
      return 0.0;

    lastpos = pos;
    major.remove( pos, thlen );
  if (lastpos>0 && major.length()-lastpos!=3)   // Must have exactly 3 digits after the last separator
    if (ok) *ok = false;
    return 0.0;

  TQString tot;
  if (neg) tot = (QChar)'-';

  tot += major + '.' + minor + exponentialPart;

  return tot.toDouble(ok);

double TDELocale::readMoney(const TQString &_str, bool * ok) const
  TQString str = _str.stripWhiteSpace();
  bool neg = false;
  bool currencyFound = false;
  TQString symbol = currencySymbol();
  // First try removing currency symbol from either end
  int pos = str.find(symbol);
  if ( pos == 0 || pos == (int) str.length()-symbol.length() )
      str = str.stripWhiteSpace();
      currencyFound = true;
  if (str.isEmpty())
      if (ok) *ok = false;
      return 0;
  // Then try removing negative sign from either end
  // (with a special case for parenthesis)
  if (negativeMonetarySignPosition() == ParensAround)
      if (str[0] == (QChar)'(' && str[str.length()-1] == (QChar)')')
	  neg = true;
      int i1 = str.find(negativeSign());
      if ( i1 == 0 || i1 == (int) str.length()-1 )
	  neg = true;
  if (neg) str = str.stripWhiteSpace();

  // Finally try again for the currency symbol, if we didn't find
  // it already (because of the negative sign being in the way).
  if ( !currencyFound )
      pos = str.find(symbol);
      if ( pos == 0 || pos == (int) str.length()-symbol.length() )
	  str = str.stripWhiteSpace();

  // And parse the rest as a number
  pos = str.find(monetaryDecimalSymbol());
  TQString major;
  TQString minior;
  if (pos == -1)
    major = str;
      major = str.left(pos);
      minior = str.mid(pos + monetaryDecimalSymbol().length());

  // Remove thousand separators
  int thlen = monetaryThousandsSeparator().length();
  int lastpos = 0;
  while ( ( pos = major.find( monetaryThousandsSeparator() ) ) > 0 )
    // e.g. 12,,345,,678,,922 Acceptable positions (from the end) are 5, 10, 15... i.e. (3+thlen)*N
    int fromEnd = major.length() - pos;
    if ( fromEnd % (3+thlen) != 0 // Needs to be a multiple, otherwise it's an error
        || pos - lastpos > 3 // More than 3 digits between two separators -> error
        || pos == 0          // Can't start with a separator
        || (lastpos>0 && pos-lastpos!=3))   // Must have exactly 3 digits between two separators
      if (ok) *ok = false;
      return 0.0;
    lastpos = pos;
    major.remove( pos, thlen );
  if (lastpos>0 && major.length()-lastpos!=3)   // Must have exactly 3 digits after the last separator
    if (ok) *ok = false;
    return 0.0;

  TQString tot;
  if (neg) tot = (QChar)'-';
  tot += major + '.' + minior;
  return tot.toDouble(ok);

 * helper function to read integers
 * @param str
 * @param pos the position to start at. It will be updated when we parse it.
 * @return the integer read in the string, or -1 if no string
static int readInt(const TQString &str, uint &pos)
  if (!str.at(pos).isDigit()) return -1;
  int result = 0;
  for (; str.length() > pos && str.at(pos).isDigit(); pos++)
      result *= 10;
      result += str.at(pos).digitValue();

  return result;

TQDate TDELocale::readDate(const TQString &intstr, bool* ok) const
  TQDate date;
  date = readDate(intstr, ShortFormat, ok);
  if (date.isValid()) return date;
  return readDate(intstr, NormalFormat, ok);

TQDate TDELocale::readDate(const TQString &intstr, ReadDateFlags flags, bool* ok) const
  TQString fmt = ((flags & ShortFormat) ? dateFormatShort() : dateFormat()).simplifyWhiteSpace();
  return readDate( intstr, fmt, ok );

TQDate TDELocale::readDate(const TQString &intstr, const TQString &fmt, bool* ok) const
  //kdDebug() << "TDELocale::readDate intstr=" << intstr << " fmt=" << fmt << endl;
  TQString str = intstr.simplifyWhiteSpace().lower();
  int day = -1, month = -1;
  // allow the year to be omitted if not in the format
  int year = calendar()->year(TQDate::currentDate());
  uint strpos = 0;
  uint fmtpos = 0;

  int iLength; // Temporary variable used when reading input

  bool error = false;

  while (fmt.length() > fmtpos && str.length() > strpos && !error)

    TQChar c = fmt.at(fmtpos++);

    if (c != (QChar)'%') {
      if (c.isSpace() && str.at(strpos).isSpace())
      else if (c != str.at(strpos++))
        error = true;
      int j;
      // remove space at the beginning
      if (str.length() > strpos && str.at(strpos).isSpace())

      c = fmt.at(fmtpos++);
      switch (c)
	case 'a':
	case 'A':

          error = true;
	  j = 1;
	  while (error && (j < 8)) {
	    TQString s = calendar()->weekDayName(j, c == (QChar)'a').lower();
	    int len = s.length();
	    if (str.mid(strpos, len) == s)
	      strpos += len;
              error = false;
	case 'b':
	case 'B':

          error = true;
	  if (d->nounDeclension && d->dateMonthNamePossessive) {
	    j = 1;
	    while (error && (j < 13)) {
	      TQString s = calendar()->monthNamePossessive(j, year, c == (QChar)'b').lower();
	      int len = s.length();
	      if (str.mid(strpos, len) == s) {
	        month = j;
	        strpos += len;
                error = false;
	  j = 1;
	  while (error && (j < 13)) {
	    TQString s = calendar()->monthName(j, year, c == (QChar)'b').lower();
	    int len = s.length();
	    if (str.mid(strpos, len) == s) {
	      month = j;
	      strpos += len;
              error = false;
	case 'd':
	case 'e':
	  day = calendar()->dayStringToInteger(str.mid(strpos), iLength);
	  strpos += iLength;

	  error = iLength <= 0;

	case 'n':
	case 'm':
	  month = calendar()->monthStringToInteger(str.mid(strpos), iLength);
	  strpos += iLength;

	  error = iLength <= 0;

	case 'Y':
	case 'y':
	  year = calendar()->yearStringToInteger(str.mid(strpos), iLength);
	  strpos += iLength;

	  error = iLength <= 0;

  /* for a match, we should reach the end of both strings, not just one of
     them */
  if ( fmt.length() > fmtpos || str.length() > strpos )
    error = true;

  //kdDebug(173) << "TDELocale::readDate day=" << day << " month=" << month << " year=" << year << endl;
  if ( year != -1 && month != -1 && day != -1 && !error)
    if (ok) *ok = true;

    TQDate result;
    calendar()->setYMD(result, year, month, day);

    return result;
    if (ok) *ok = false;
    return TQDate(); // invalid date

TQTime TDELocale::readTime(const TQString &intstr, bool *ok) const
  TQTime _time;
  _time = readTime(intstr, WithSeconds, ok);
  if (_time.isValid()) return _time;
  return readTime(intstr, WithoutSeconds, ok);

TQTime TDELocale::readTime(const TQString &intstr, ReadTimeFlags flags, bool *ok) const
  TQString str = intstr.simplifyWhiteSpace().lower();
  TQString Format = timeFormat().simplifyWhiteSpace();
  if (flags & WithoutSeconds)

  int hour = -1, minute = -1;
  int second = ( (flags & WithoutSeconds) == 0 ) ? -1 : 0; // don't require seconds
  bool g_12h = false;
  bool pm = false;
  uint strpos = 0;
  uint Formatpos = 0;

  while (Format.length() > Formatpos || str.length() > strpos)
      if ( !(Format.length() > Formatpos && str.length() > strpos) ) goto error;

      TQChar c = Format.at(Formatpos++);

      if (c != (QChar)'%')
	  if (c.isSpace())
	  else if (c != str.at(strpos++))
	    goto error;

      // remove space at the beginning
      if (str.length() > strpos && str.at(strpos).isSpace())

      c = Format.at(Formatpos++);
      switch (c)
	case 'p':
	    TQString s;
	    s = translate("pm").lower();
	    int len = s.length();
	    if (str.mid(strpos, len) == s)
		pm = true;
		strpos += len;
		s = translate("am").lower();
		len = s.length();
		if (str.mid(strpos, len) == s) {
		  pm = false;
		  strpos += len;
		  goto error;

	case 'k':
	case 'H':
	  g_12h = false;
	  hour = readInt(str, strpos);
	  if (hour < 0 || hour > 23)
	    goto error;


	case 'l':
	case 'I':
	  g_12h = true;
	  hour = readInt(str, strpos);
	  if (hour < 1 || hour > 12)
	    goto error;


	case 'M':
	  minute = readInt(str, strpos);
	  if (minute < 0 || minute > 59)
	    goto error;


	case 'S':
	  second = readInt(str, strpos);
	  if (second < 0 || second > 59)
	    goto error;

  if (g_12h) {
    hour %= 12;
    if (pm) hour += 12;

  if (ok) *ok = true;
  return TQTime(hour, minute, second);

  if (ok) *ok = false;
  // ######## KDE4: remove this
  return TQTime(-1, -1, -1); // return invalid date if it didn't work

//BIC: merge with below
TQString TDELocale::formatTime(const TQTime &pTime, bool includeSecs) const
  return formatTime( pTime, includeSecs, false );

TQString TDELocale::formatTime(const TQTime &pTime, bool includeSecs, bool isDuration) const
  const TQString rst = timeFormat();

  // only "pm/am" here can grow, the rest shrinks, but
  // I'm rather safe than sorry
  TQChar *buffer = new TQChar[rst.length() * 3 / 2 + 30];

  uint index = 0;
  bool escape = false;
  int number = 0;

  for ( uint format_index = 0; format_index < rst.length(); format_index++ )
      if ( !escape )
	  if ( (TQChar(rst.at( format_index )).unicode()) == '%' )
	    escape = true;
	    buffer[index++] = rst.at( format_index );
	  switch ( TQChar(rst.at( format_index )).unicode() )
	    case '%':
	      buffer[index++] = (QChar)'%';
	    case 'H':
	      put_it_in( buffer, index, pTime.hour() );
	    case 'I':
	      if ( isDuration )
	          put_it_in( buffer, index, pTime.hour() );
	          put_it_in( buffer, index, ( pTime.hour() + 11) % 12 + 1 );
	    case 'M':
	      put_it_in( buffer, index, pTime.minute() );
	    case 'S':
	      if (includeSecs)
		put_it_in( buffer, index, pTime.second() );
	      else if ( index > 0 )
		  // we remove the separator sign before the seconds and
		  // assume that works everywhere
	    case 'k':
	      number = pTime.hour();
	    case 'l':
	      // to share the code
	      if ( (TQChar(rst.at( format_index )).unicode()) == 'l' )
		number = isDuration ? pTime.hour() : (pTime.hour() + 11) % 12 + 1;
	      if ( number / 10 )
		buffer[index++] = number / 10 + '0';
	      buffer[index++] = number % 10 + '0';
	    case 'p':
	      if ( !isDuration )
		TQString s;
		if ( pTime.hour() >= 12 )
		  put_it_in( buffer, index, translate("pm") );
		  put_it_in( buffer, index, translate("am") );
	      buffer[index++] = rst.at( format_index );
	  escape = false;
  TQString ret( buffer, index );
  delete [] buffer;
  if ( isDuration ) // eliminate trailing-space due to " %p"
    return ret.stripWhiteSpace();
    return ret;

bool TDELocale::use12Clock() const
  if ((timeFormat().contains(TQString::fromLatin1("%I")) > 0) ||
      (timeFormat().contains(TQString::fromLatin1("%l")) > 0))
    return true;
    return false;

TQString TDELocale::languages() const
  return d->languageList.join( TQString::fromLatin1(":") );

TQStringList TDELocale::languageList() const
  return d->languageList;

TQString TDELocale::formatDateTime(const TQDateTime &pDateTime,
				bool shortFormat,
				bool includeSeconds) const
  return translate("concatenation of dates and time", "%1 %2")
    .arg( formatDate( TQT_TQDATE_OBJECT(pDateTime.date()), shortFormat ) )
    .arg( formatTime( TQT_TQTIME_OBJECT(pDateTime.time()), includeSeconds ) );

TQString i18n(const char* text)
  register TDELocale *instance = TDEGlobal::locale();
  if (instance)
    return instance->translate(text);
  return TQString::fromUtf8(text);

TQString i18n(const char* index, const char *text)
  register TDELocale *instance = TDEGlobal::locale();
  if (instance)
    return instance->translate(index, text);
  return TQString::fromUtf8(text);

TQString i18n(const char* singular, const char* plural, unsigned long n)
  register TDELocale *instance = TDEGlobal::locale();
  if (instance)
    return instance->translate(singular, plural, n);
  if (n == 1)
    return put_n_in(TQString::fromUtf8(singular), n);
    return put_n_in(TQString::fromUtf8(plural), n);

void TDELocale::initInstance()
  if (TDEGlobal::_locale)

  TDEInstance *app = TDEGlobal::instance();
  if (app) {
    TDEGlobal::_locale = new TDELocale(TQString::fromLatin1(app->instanceName()));

    // only do this for the global instance
    kdDebug(173) << "no app name available using TDELocale - nothing to do\n";

TQString TDELocale::langLookup(const TQString &fname, const char *rtype)
  TQStringList search;

  // assemble the local search paths
  const TQStringList localDoc = TDEGlobal::dirs()->resourceDirs(rtype);

  // look up the different languages
  for (int id=localDoc.count()-1; id >= 0; --id)
      TQStringList langs = TDEGlobal::locale()->languageList();
      langs.append( "en" );
      langs.remove( defaultLanguage() );
      TQStringList::ConstIterator lang;
      for (lang = langs.begin(); lang != langs.end(); ++lang)

  // try to locate the file
  TQStringList::Iterator it;
  for (it = search.begin(); it != search.end(); ++it)
      kdDebug(173) << "Looking for help in: " << *it << endl;

      TQFileInfo info(*it);
      if (info.exists() && info.isFile() && info.isReadable())
	return *it;

  return TQString::null;

bool TDELocale::useDefaultLanguage() const
  return language() == defaultLanguage();

void TDELocale::initEncoding(TDEConfig *)
  const int mibDefault = 4; // ISO 8859-1

  // This all made more sense when we still had the EncodingEnum config key.
  setEncoding( TQTextCodec::codecForLocale()->mibEnum() );

  if ( !d->codecForEncoding )
      kdWarning(173) << " Defaulting to ISO 8859-1 encoding." << endl;

  Q_ASSERT( d->codecForEncoding );

void TDELocale::initFileNameEncoding(TDEConfig *)
  // If the following environment variable is set, assume all filenames
  // are in UTF-8 regardless of the current C locale.
  d->utf8FileEncoding = getenv("TDE_UTF8_FILENAMES") != 0;
  if (d->utf8FileEncoding)
  // Otherwise, stay with QFile's default filename encoding functions
  // which, on Unix platforms, use the locale's codec.

#ifdef USE_QT3
TQCString TDELocale::encodeFileNameUTF8( const TQString & fileName )
#endif // USE_QT3
#ifdef USE_QT4
QByteArray TDELocale::encodeFileNameUTF8( const QString & fileName )
#endif // USE_QT4
  return TQString(fileName).utf8();

#ifdef USE_QT3
TQString TDELocale::decodeFileNameUTF8( const TQCString & localFileName )
#endif // USE_QT3
#ifdef USE_QT4
QString TDELocale::decodeFileNameUTF8( const QByteArray & localFileName )
#endif // USE_QT4
  return TQString::fromUtf8(localFileName);

void TDELocale::setDateFormat(const TQString & format)
  m_dateFormat = format.stripWhiteSpace();

void TDELocale::setDateFormatShort(const TQString & format)
  m_dateFormatShort = format.stripWhiteSpace();

void TDELocale::setDateMonthNamePossessive(bool possessive)
  d->dateMonthNamePossessive = possessive;

void TDELocale::setTimeFormat(const TQString & format)
  m_timeFormat = format.stripWhiteSpace();

void TDELocale::setWeekStartsMonday(bool start) //deprecated
  if (start)
    d->weekStartDay = 1;
    d->weekStartDay = 7;

void TDELocale::setWeekStartDay(int day)
  if (day>7 || day<1)
    d->weekStartDay = 1; //Monday is default
    d->weekStartDay = day;

TQString TDELocale::dateFormat() const
  return m_dateFormat;

TQString TDELocale::dateFormatShort() const
  return m_dateFormatShort;

TQString TDELocale::timeFormat() const
  return m_timeFormat;

void TDELocale::setDecimalSymbol(const TQString & symbol)
  m_decimalSymbol = symbol.stripWhiteSpace();

void TDELocale::setThousandsSeparator(const TQString & separator)
  // allow spaces here
  m_thousandsSeparator = separator;

void TDELocale::setPositiveSign(const TQString & sign)
  m_positiveSign = sign.stripWhiteSpace();

void TDELocale::setNegativeSign(const TQString & sign)
  m_negativeSign = sign.stripWhiteSpace();

void TDELocale::setPositiveMonetarySignPosition(SignPosition signpos)
  m_positiveMonetarySignPosition = signpos;

void TDELocale::setNegativeMonetarySignPosition(SignPosition signpos)
  m_negativeMonetarySignPosition = signpos;

void TDELocale::setPositivePrefixCurrencySymbol(bool prefix)
  m_positivePrefixCurrencySymbol = prefix;

void TDELocale::setNegativePrefixCurrencySymbol(bool prefix)
  m_negativePrefixCurrencySymbol = prefix;

void TDELocale::setFracDigits(int digits)
  m_fracDigits = digits;

void TDELocale::setMonetaryThousandsSeparator(const TQString & separator)
  // allow spaces here
  m_monetaryThousandsSeparator = separator;

void TDELocale::setMonetaryDecimalSymbol(const TQString & symbol)
  m_monetaryDecimalSymbol = symbol.stripWhiteSpace();

void TDELocale::setCurrencySymbol(const TQString & symbol)
  m_currencySymbol = symbol.stripWhiteSpace();

int TDELocale::pageSize() const
  return d->pageSize;

void TDELocale::setPageSize(int pageSize)
  // #### check if it's in range??
  d->pageSize = pageSize;

TDELocale::MeasureSystem TDELocale::measureSystem() const
  return d->measureSystem;

void TDELocale::setMeasureSystem(MeasureSystem value)
  d->measureSystem = value;

TQString TDELocale::defaultLanguage()
  return TQString::fromLatin1("en_US");

TQString TDELocale::defaultCountry()
  return TQString::fromLatin1("C");

const char * TDELocale::encoding() const
#ifdef Q_WS_WIN
  if (0==qstrcmp("System", codecForEncoding()->name()))
    //win32 returns "System" codec name here but KDE apps expect a real name:
    strcpy(d->win32SystemEncoding, "cp ");
      LOCALE_IDEFAULTANSICODEPAGE, d->win32SystemEncoding+3, sizeof(d->win32SystemEncoding)-3-1 ))
      return d->win32SystemEncoding;
  return codecForEncoding()->name();

int TDELocale::encodingMib() const
  return codecForEncoding()->mibEnum();

int TDELocale::fileEncodingMib() const
  if (d->utf8FileEncoding)
     return 106;
  return codecForEncoding()->mibEnum();

TQTextCodec * TDELocale::codecForEncoding() const
  return d->codecForEncoding;

bool TDELocale::setEncoding(int mibEnum)
  TQTextCodec * codec = TQTextCodec::codecForMib(mibEnum);
  if (codec)
    d->codecForEncoding = codec;

  return codec != 0;

TQStringList TDELocale::languagesTwoAlpha() const
  if (d->langTwoAlpha.count())
     return d->langTwoAlpha;

  const TQStringList &origList = languageList();

  TQStringList result;

  TDEConfig config(TQString::fromLatin1("language.codes"), true, false);

  for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = origList.begin();
	it != origList.end();
	++it )
      TQString lang = *it;
      TQStringList langLst;
      if (config.hasKey( lang ))
         langLst = config.readListEntry( lang );
         int i = lang.find('_');
         if (i >= 0)
         langLst << lang;

      for ( TQStringList::ConstIterator langIt = langLst.begin();
	    langIt != langLst.end();
	    ++langIt )
	  if ( !(*langIt).isEmpty() && !result.contains( *langIt ) )
	    result += *langIt;
  d->langTwoAlpha = result;
  return result;

TQStringList TDELocale::allLanguagesTwoAlpha() const
  if (!d->languages)
    d->languages = new TDEConfig("all_languages", true, false, "locale");

  return d->languages->groupList();

TQString TDELocale::twoAlphaToLanguageName(const TQString &code) const
  if (!d->languages)
    d->languages = new TDEConfig("all_languages", true, false, "locale");

  TQString groupName = code;
  const int i = groupName.find('_');
  groupName.replace(0, i, groupName.left(i).lower());

  return d->languages->readEntry("Name");

TQStringList TDELocale::allCountriesTwoAlpha() const
  TQStringList countries;
  TQStringList paths = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources("locale", "l10n/*/entry.desktop");
  for(TQStringList::ConstIterator it = paths.begin();
      it != paths.end(); ++it)
    TQString code = (*it).mid((*it).length()-16, 2);
    if (code != "/C")
  return countries;

TQString TDELocale::twoAlphaToCountryName(const TQString &code) const
  TDEConfig cfg("l10n/"+code.lower()+"/entry.desktop", true, false, "locale");
  cfg.setGroup("KCM Locale");
  return cfg.readEntry("Name");

void TDELocale::setCalendar(const TQString & calType)

  d->calendarType = calType;

  delete d->calendar;
  d->calendar = 0;

TQString TDELocale::calendarType() const

  return d->calendarType;

const KCalendarSystem * TDELocale::calendar() const

  // Check if it's the correct calendar?!?
  if ( !d->calendar )
    d->calendar = KCalendarSystemFactory::create( d->calendarType, this );

  return d->calendar;

TDELocale::TDELocale(const TDELocale & rhs)
  d = new TDELocalePrivate;

  *this = rhs;

TDELocale & TDELocale::operator=(const TDELocale & rhs)
  // Numbers and money
  m_decimalSymbol = rhs.m_decimalSymbol;
  m_thousandsSeparator = rhs.m_thousandsSeparator;
  m_currencySymbol = rhs.m_currencySymbol;
  m_monetaryDecimalSymbol = rhs.m_monetaryDecimalSymbol;
  m_monetaryThousandsSeparator = rhs.m_monetaryThousandsSeparator;
  m_positiveSign = rhs.m_positiveSign;
  m_negativeSign = rhs.m_negativeSign;
  m_fracDigits = rhs.m_fracDigits;
  m_positivePrefixCurrencySymbol = rhs.m_positivePrefixCurrencySymbol;
  m_negativePrefixCurrencySymbol = rhs.m_negativePrefixCurrencySymbol;
  m_positiveMonetarySignPosition = rhs.m_positiveMonetarySignPosition;
  m_negativeMonetarySignPosition = rhs.m_negativeMonetarySignPosition;

  // Date and time
  m_timeFormat = rhs.m_timeFormat;
  m_dateFormat = rhs.m_dateFormat;
  m_dateFormatShort = rhs.m_dateFormatShort;

  m_language = rhs.m_language;
  m_country = rhs.m_country;

  // the assignment operator works here
  *d = *rhs.d;
  d->languages = 0; // Don't copy languages
  d->calendar = 0; // Don't copy the calendar

  return *this;

bool TDELocale::setCharset(const TQString & ) { return true; }
TQString TDELocale::charset() const { return TQString::fromLatin1("UTF-8"); }

// KDE4: remove
#if 0
void nothing() { i18n("&Next"); }