/* This file is part of the KDE project * Copyright (C) 2012 Timothy Pearson * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation version 2. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #include #include "tdefile_elf.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "tdelficon.h" #include typedef KGenericFactory ElfFactory; K_EXPORT_COMPONENT_FACTORY(tdefile_elf, ElfFactory( "tdefile_elf" )) KElfPlugin::KElfPlugin(TQObject *parent, const char *name, const TQStringList &args) : KFilePlugin(parent, name, args) { const TQCString elfMimeTypes[]= { "application/x-executable", "application/x-pie-executable", "application/x-sharedlib" }; const int elfMimeTypesCount = sizeof(elfMimeTypes)/sizeof(elfMimeTypes[0]); for (int i = 0; i < elfMimeTypesCount; i++) { KFileMimeTypeInfo* info = addMimeTypeInfo(elfMimeTypes[i]); KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group = 0L; KFileMimeTypeInfo::GroupInfo* group2 = 0L; group = addGroupInfo(info, "Technical", i18n("Embedded Metadata")); group2 = addGroupInfo(info, "Icon", i18n("Embedded Icon(s)")); KFileMimeTypeInfo::ItemInfo* item; item = addItemInfo(group, "Name", i18n("Internal Name"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "Description", i18n("Description"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "License", i18n("License"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "Copyright", i18n("Copyright"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "Authors", i18n("Author(s)"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "Product", i18n("Product"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "Organization", i18n("Organization"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "Version", i18n("Version"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "DateTime", i18n("Compilation Date/Time"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "SystemIcon", i18n("Requested Icon"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "SCMModule", i18n("SCM Module"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "SCMRevision", i18n("SCM Revision"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group, "Notes", i18n("Comments"), TQVariant::String); item = addItemInfo(group2, "EmbeddedIcon", i18n("Icon Name(s)"), TQVariant::String); } } bool KElfPlugin::readInfo( KFileMetaInfo& info, uint what) { libr_icon *icon = NULL; libr_file *handle = NULL; libr_access_t access = LIBR_READ; if((handle = libr_open(const_cast(info.path().ascii()), access)) == NULL) { kdWarning() << "failed to open file" << info.path() << endl; return false; } KFileMetaInfoGroup group = appendGroup(info, "Technical"); KFileMetaInfoGroup group2 = appendGroup(info, "Icon"); appendItem(group, "Name", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_name")); appendItem(group, "Description", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_description")); appendItem(group, "License", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_license")); appendItem(group, "Copyright", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_copyright")); appendItem(group, "Authors", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_authors")); appendItem(group, "Product", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_product")); appendItem(group, "Organization", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_organization")); appendItem(group, "Version", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_version")); appendItem(group, "DateTime", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_datetime")); appendItem(group, "SystemIcon", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_sysicon")); appendItem(group, "SCMModule", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_scmmodule")); appendItem(group, "SCMRevision", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_scmrevision")); appendItem(group, "Notes", elf_get_resource(handle, ".metadata_notes")); TQString iconListing; iconentry *entry = NULL; iconlist icons; if(!get_iconlist(handle, &icons)) { // Failed to obtain a list of ELF icons } else { while((entry = get_nexticon(&icons, entry)) != NULL) { if (iconListing.isEmpty()) { iconListing = entry->name; } else { iconListing = iconListing.append("\n").append(entry->name); } break; } } appendItem(group2, "EmbeddedIcon", iconListing); libr_close(handle); return true; } #include "tdefile_elf.moc"