 * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE.
 * Copyright (C) 1999 Lars Knoll (knoll@kde.org)
 *           (C) 1999 Antti Koivisto (koivisto@kde.org)
 *           (C) 2005 Maksim Orlovich (maksim@kde.org)
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "html/html_tableimpl.h"
#include "html/html_miscimpl.h"
#include "html/html_formimpl.h"
#include "html/html_documentimpl.h"

#include "misc/htmlhashes.h"
#include "dom/dom_node.h"

using namespace DOM;

#include <kdebug.h>

HTMLBaseFontElementImpl::HTMLBaseFontElementImpl(DocumentImpl *doc)
    : HTMLElementImpl(doc)


NodeImpl::Id HTMLBaseFontElementImpl::id() const
    return ID_BASEFONT;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------

struct CollectionCache: public NodeListImpl::Cache
    static Cache* make() { return new CollectionCache; }

    TQDict<TQValueList<NodeImpl*> > nameCache;

    CollectionCache(): nameCache(127)

    virtual void clear(DocumentImpl* doc)
        //qDeletaAll here in Qt4

HTMLCollectionImpl::HTMLCollectionImpl(NodeImpl *_base, int _type):
    NodeListImpl(_base, _type, CollectionCache::make)
    type = _type;

bool HTMLCollectionImpl::nodeMatches(NodeImpl *current, bool& deep) const
    if ( current->nodeType() != Node::ELEMENT_NODE )
        deep = false;
        return false;

    bool check = false;
    HTMLElementImpl *e = static_cast<HTMLElementImpl *>(current);
    case DOC_IMAGES:
        if(e->id() == ID_IMG)
            check = true;
    case DOC_SCRIPTS:
        if(e->id() == ID_SCRIPT)
            check = true;
    case DOC_FORMS:
        if(e->id() == ID_FORM)
            check = true;
    case DOC_LAYERS:
        if(e->id() == ID_LAYER || e->id() == ID_ILAYER)
            check = true;
        if(e->id() == ID_TBODY)
            check = true;
        else if(e->id() == ID_TABLE)
            deep = false;
    case TR_CELLS:
        if(e->id() == ID_TD || e->id() == ID_TH)
            check = true;
        else if(e->id() == ID_TABLE)
            deep = false;
    case TABLE_ROWS:
        if(e->id() == ID_TR)
            check = true;
        else if(e->id() == ID_TABLE)
            deep = false;
        if(e->id() == ID_OPTION)
            check = true;
    case MAP_AREAS:
        if(e->id() == ID_AREA)
            check = true;
    case DOC_APPLETS:   // all OBJECT and APPLET elements
        if(e->id() == ID_OBJECT || e->id() == ID_APPLET || e->id() == ID_EMBED)
            check = true;
    case DOC_LINKS:     // all A _and_ AREA elements with a value for href
        if(e->id() == ID_A || e->id() == ID_AREA)
                check = true;
    case DOC_ANCHORS:      // all A elements with a value for name and/or id
        if(e->id() == ID_A) {
            if(e->hasID() || !e->getAttribute(ATTR_NAME).isNull())
                check = true;
    case DOC_ALL:      // "all" elements
        check = true;
    case NODE_CHILDREN: // first-level children
        check = true;
        deep = false;
        kdDebug( 6030 ) << "Error in HTMLCollection, wrong tagId!" << endl;

    return check;

bool HTMLCollectionImpl::checkForNameMatch(NodeImpl *node, const DOMString &name) const
    if ( node->nodeType() != Node::ELEMENT_NODE )
        return false;

    HTMLElementImpl *e = static_cast<HTMLElementImpl *>(node);

    //If ID matches, this is definitely a match
    if (e->getAttribute(ATTR_ID) == name)
        return true;

    //Despite what the DOM spec says, neither IE nor Gecko actually
    //care to prefer IDs. Instead, they just match everything
    //that has ID or a name for nodes that have a name.
    //Except for the form elements collection, Gecko always returns
    //just one item. IE is more complex: its namedItem
    //and call notation access return everything that matches,
    //but the subscript notation is sometimes different.
    //For now, we try to match IE, but without the subscript
    //oddness, which I don't understand -- Maks.

    bool checkName;
    switch (e->id())
        case ID_A:
        case ID_APPLET:
        case ID_BUTTON:
        case ID_EMBED:
        case ID_FORM:
        case ID_IMG:
        case ID_INPUT:
        case ID_MAP:
        case ID_META:
        case ID_OBJECT:
        case ID_SELECT:
        case ID_TEXTAREA:
        case ID_FRAME:
        case ID_IFRAME:
        case ID_FRAMESET:
            checkName = true;
            checkName = false;

    if (checkName)
       return e->getAttribute(ATTR_NAME) == name;
       return false;

NodeImpl *HTMLCollectionImpl::item ( unsigned long index ) const
    //Most of the time, we just go in normal document order
    if (type != TABLE_ROWS)
        return NodeListImpl::item(index);

    //For table.rows, we first need to check header, then bodies, then footer.
    //we pack any extra headers/footer with bodies. This matches IE, and
    //means doing the usual thing with length is right
    const HTMLTableElementImpl* table = static_cast<const HTMLTableElementImpl*>(m_refNode);

    long                          sectionIndex;
    HTMLTableSectionElementImpl*  section;

    NodeImpl* found = 0;
    if (table->findRowSection(index, section, sectionIndex)) {
        HTMLCollectionImpl rows(section, TSECTION_ROWS);
        found = rows.item(sectionIndex);

    m_cache->current.node = found; //namedItem needs this.
    m_cache->position     = index;
    return found;

unsigned long HTMLCollectionImpl::calcLength(NodeImpl *start) const
    if (type != TABLE_ROWS)
        return NodeListImpl::calcLength(start);

    unsigned length = 0;
    const HTMLTableElementImpl* table = static_cast<const HTMLTableElementImpl*>(m_refNode);
    for (NodeImpl* kid = table->firstChild(); kid; kid = kid->nextSibling()) {
        HTMLCollectionImpl rows(kid, TSECTION_ROWS);
        length += rows.length();
    return length;

NodeImpl *HTMLCollectionImpl::firstItem() const
    return item(0);

NodeImpl *HTMLCollectionImpl::nextItem() const
    //### this assumes this is called immediately after nextItem --
    //it this sane?
    return item(m_cache->position + 1);

NodeImpl *HTMLCollectionImpl::namedItem( const DOMString &name ) const
    //Reset the position. The invariant is that nextNamedItem will start looking
    //from the current position.

    return nextNamedItem(name);

NodeImpl *HTMLCollectionImpl::nextNamedItem( const DOMString &name ) const
    while (NodeImpl* candidate = m_cache->current.node)
        //Always advance, for next call
        if (checkForNameMatch(candidate, name))
            return candidate;
    return 0;

TQValueList<NodeImpl*> HTMLCollectionImpl::namedItems( const DOMString &name ) const
    TQString key = name.string();

    //We use a work-conserving design for the name cache presently -- only
    //remember stuff about elements we were asked for.
    CollectionCache* cache = static_cast<CollectionCache*>(m_cache);
    if (TQValueList<NodeImpl*>* info = cache->nameCache.find(key)) {
        return *info;
    else {
        TQValueList<NodeImpl*>* newInfo = new TQValueList<NodeImpl*>;

        NodeImpl* match = namedItem(name);
        while (match) {
            match = nextNamedItem(name);

        cache->nameCache.insert(key, newInfo);
        return *newInfo;

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

HTMLFormCollectionImpl::HTMLFormCollectionImpl(NodeImpl* _base)
    : HTMLCollectionImpl(_base, FORM_ELEMENTS), currentNamePos(0), currentNameImgPos(0)

NodeImpl *HTMLFormCollectionImpl::item( unsigned long index ) const

    unsigned int dist = index;
    unsigned int strt = 0;
    if (m_cache->current.index && m_cache->position <= index)
        dist = index - m_cache->position;
        strt = m_cache->current.index;

    TQPtrList<HTMLGenericFormElementImpl>& l = static_cast<HTMLFormElementImpl*>( m_refNode )->formElements;
    for (unsigned i = strt; i < l.count(); i++)
        if (l.at( i )->isEnumeratable())
            if (dist == 0)
                //Found it!
                m_cache->position      = index;
                m_cache->current.index = i;
                return l.at( i );
    return 0;

unsigned long HTMLFormCollectionImpl::calcLength(NodeImpl *start) const
    unsigned length = 0;
    TQPtrList<HTMLGenericFormElementImpl> l = static_cast<HTMLFormElementImpl*>( start )->formElements;
    for ( unsigned i = 0; i < l.count(); i++ )
        if ( l.at( i )->isEnumeratable() )
    return length;

NodeImpl *HTMLFormCollectionImpl::namedItem( const DOMString &name ) const
    currentNamePos    = 0;
    currentNameImgPos = 0;
    foundInput        = false;
    return nextNamedItem(name);

NodeImpl *HTMLFormCollectionImpl::nextNamedItem( const DOMString &name ) const
    TQPtrList<HTMLGenericFormElementImpl>& l = static_cast<HTMLFormElementImpl*>( m_refNode )->formElements;

    //Go through the list, trying to find the appropriate named form element.
    for ( ; currentNamePos < l.count(); ++currentNamePos )
        HTMLGenericFormElementImpl* el = l.at(currentNamePos);
        if (el->isEnumeratable() &&
             ((el->getAttribute(ATTR_ID)   == name) ||
              (el->getAttribute(ATTR_NAME) == name)))
            ++currentNamePos; //Make next call start after this
            foundInput = true;//No need to look for img
            return el;

    //If we got this far, we may need to start looking through the images,
    //but only if no input tags were matched
    if (foundInput) return 0;

    TQPtrList<HTMLImageElementImpl>& il = static_cast<HTMLFormElementImpl*>( m_refNode )->imgElements;
    for ( ; currentNameImgPos < il.count(); ++currentNameImgPos )
        HTMLImageElementImpl* el = il.at(currentNameImgPos);
        if ((el->getAttribute(ATTR_ID)   == name) ||
            (el->getAttribute(ATTR_NAME) == name))
            ++currentNameImgPos; //Make next call start after this
            return el;

    return 0;

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
HTMLMappedNameCollectionImpl::HTMLMappedNameCollectionImpl(NodeImpl* _base, int _type, const DOMString& _name):
    HTMLCollectionImpl(_base, NodeListImpl::UNCACHEABLE), name(_name)
    type = _type; //We pass uncacheable to collection, but need our own type internally.

bool HTMLMappedNameCollectionImpl::nodeMatches(NodeImpl *current, bool& deep) const
    if ( current->nodeType() != Node::ELEMENT_NODE )
        deep = false;
        return false;

    HTMLElementImpl *e = static_cast<HTMLElementImpl *>(current);

    return matchesName(e, type, name);

bool HTMLMappedNameCollectionImpl::matchesName( ElementImpl* el, int type, const DOMString& name )
    switch (el->id())
    case ID_IMG:
    case ID_FORM:
        //Under document. these require non-empty name to see the element
        if (type == DOCUMENT_NAMED_ITEMS && el->getAttribute(ATTR_NAME).isNull())
            return false;
        //Otherwise, fallthrough
    case ID_OBJECT:
    case ID_EMBED:
    case ID_APPLET:
    case ID_LAYER:
        if (el->getAttribute(ATTR_NAME) == name || el->getAttribute(ATTR_ID) == name)
            return true;
            return false;
        return false;