/* * This file is part of the DOM implementation for KDE. * * Copyright (C) 2000 Peter Kelly (pmk@post.com) * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * */ #ifndef _XML_Tokenizer_h_ #define _XML_Tokenizer_h_ #include <tqxml.h> #include <tqptrlist.h> #include <tqptrstack.h> #include <tqvaluestack.h> #include <tqobject.h> #include "misc/loader_client.h" #include "misc/stringit.h" class TDEHTMLView; namespace tdehtml { class CachedObject; class CachedScript; } namespace DOM { class DocumentImpl; class NodeImpl; class HTMLScriptElementImpl; class DocumentImpl; class HTMLScriptElementImpl; } namespace tdehtml { class XMLHandler : public TQXmlDefaultHandler { public: XMLHandler(DOM::DocumentImpl *_doc, TDEHTMLView *_view); virtual ~XMLHandler(); // return the error protocol if parsing failed TQString errorProtocol(); // overloaded handler functions bool startDocument(); bool startElement(const TQString& namespaceURI, const TQString& localName, const TQString& qName, const TQXmlAttributes& atts); bool endElement(const TQString& namespaceURI, const TQString& localName, const TQString& qName); bool startCDATA(); bool endCDATA(); bool characters(const TQString& ch); bool comment(const TQString & ch); bool processingInstruction(const TQString &target, const TQString &data); // namespace handling, to workaround problem in QXML where some attributes // do not get the namespace resolved properly bool startPrefixMapping(const TQString& prefix, const TQString& uri); bool endPrefixMapping(const TQString& prefix); void fixUpNSURI(TQString& uri, const TQString& qname); TQMap<TQString, TQValueStack<TQString> > namespaceInfo; // from QXmlDeclHandler bool attributeDecl(const TQString &eName, const TQString &aName, const TQString &type, const TQString &valueDefault, const TQString &value); bool externalEntityDecl(const TQString &name, const TQString &publicId, const TQString &systemId); bool internalEntityDecl(const TQString &name, const TQString &value); // from QXmlDTDHandler bool notationDecl(const TQString &name, const TQString &publicId, const TQString &systemId); bool unparsedEntityDecl(const TQString &name, const TQString &publicId, const TQString &systemId, const TQString ¬ationName); bool enterText(); void exitText(); TQString errorString(); bool fatalError( const TQXmlParseException& exception ); unsigned long errorLine; unsigned long errorCol; private: void pushNode( DOM::NodeImpl *node ); DOM::NodeImpl *popNode(); DOM::NodeImpl *currentNode() const; private: TQString errorProt; DOM::DocumentImpl *m_doc; TDEHTMLView *m_view; TQPtrStack<DOM::NodeImpl> m_nodes; DOM::NodeImpl *m_rootNode; enum State { StateInit, StateDocument, StateQuote, StateLine, StateHeading, StateP }; State state; }; class Tokenizer : public TQObject { Q_OBJECT public: virtual void begin() = 0; // script output must be prepended, while new data // received during executing a script must be appended, hence the // extra bool to be able to distinguish between both cases. document.write() // always uses false, while tdehtmlpart uses true virtual void write( const TokenizerString &str, bool appendData) = 0; virtual void end() = 0; virtual void finish() = 0; virtual void setOnHold(bool /*_onHold*/) {} virtual bool isWaitingForScripts() const = 0; virtual bool isExecutingScript() const = 0; virtual void abort() {} virtual void setAutoClose(bool b=true) = 0; signals: void finishedParsing(); }; class XMLIncrementalSource : public TQXmlInputSource { public: XMLIncrementalSource(); virtual void fetchData(); virtual TQChar next(); virtual void setData( const TQString& str ); virtual void setData( const TQByteArray& data ); virtual TQString data(); void appendXML( const TQString& str ); void setFinished( bool ); private: TQString m_data; uint m_pos; const TQChar *m_unicode; bool m_finished; }; class XMLTokenizer : public Tokenizer, public tdehtml::CachedObjectClient { public: XMLTokenizer(DOM::DocumentImpl *, TDEHTMLView * = 0); virtual ~XMLTokenizer(); virtual void begin(); virtual void write( const TokenizerString &str, bool ); virtual void end(); virtual void finish(); virtual void setAutoClose(bool b=true) { tqWarning("XMLTokenizer::setAutoClose: stub."); (void)b; } // from CachedObjectClient void notifyFinished(tdehtml::CachedObject *finishedObj); virtual bool isWaitingForScripts() const; virtual bool isExecutingScript() const { return false; } protected: DOM::DocumentImpl *m_doc; TDEHTMLView *m_view; void executeScripts(); void addScripts(DOM::NodeImpl *n); TQPtrList<DOM::HTMLScriptElementImpl> m_scripts; TQPtrListIterator<DOM::HTMLScriptElementImpl> *m_scriptsIt; tdehtml::CachedScript *m_cachedScript; XMLHandler m_handler; TQXmlSimpleReader m_reader; XMLIncrementalSource m_source; bool m_noErrors; }; } // end namespace #endif