/* This file is part of the KDE project
   Copyright (C) 1999 Kurt Granroth <granroth@kde.org>
   Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Torben Weis <weis@kde.org>

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Library General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
   along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
   the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
   Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include <tqregexp.h>
#include <tqfile.h>

#include <kbookmarkbar.h>
#include <kbookmarkdrag.h>

#include <kbookmarkmenu.h>
#include <kdebug.h>

#include <tdetoolbar.h>
#include <tdetoolbarbutton.h>

#include <tdeconfig.h>
#include <tdepopupmenu.h>

#include "kbookmarkdrag.h"
#include "kbookmarkmenu_p.h"
#include "kbookmarkdombuilder.h"

#include "dptrtemplate.h"

#include <tqapplication.h>

class KBookmarkBarPrivate : public dPtrTemplate<KBookmarkBar, KBookmarkBarPrivate>
    TQPtrList<TDEAction> m_actions;
    bool m_readOnly;
    KBookmarkManager* m_filteredMgr;
    TDEToolBar* m_sepToolBar;
    int m_sepIndex;
    bool m_atFirst;
    TQString m_dropAddress;
    TQString m_highlightedAddress;
    KBookmarkBarPrivate() {
        m_readOnly = false;
        m_filteredMgr = 0;
        m_sepToolBar = 0;
        m_sepIndex = -1;
        m_atFirst = false;
template<> TQPtrDict<KBookmarkBarPrivate>* dPtrTemplate<KBookmarkBar, KBookmarkBarPrivate>::d_ptr = 0;

KBookmarkBarPrivate* KBookmarkBar::dptr() const
    return KBookmarkBarPrivate::d( this );

// usage of KXBELBookmarkImporterImpl is just plain evil, but it reduces code dup. so...
class ToolbarFilter : public KXBELBookmarkImporterImpl
    ToolbarFilter() : m_visible(false) { ; }
    void filter( const KBookmarkGroup &grp ) { traverse(grp); }
    virtual void visit( const KBookmark & );
    virtual void visitEnter( const KBookmarkGroup & );
    virtual void visitLeave( const KBookmarkGroup & );
    bool m_visible;
    KBookmarkGroup m_visibleStart;

KBookmarkBar::KBookmarkBar( KBookmarkManager* mgr,
                            KBookmarkOwner *_owner, TDEToolBar *_toolBar,
                            TDEActionCollection *coll,
                            TQObject *parent, const char *name )
    : TQObject( parent, name ), m_pOwner(_owner), m_toolBar(_toolBar),
      m_actionCollection( coll ), m_pManager(mgr)
    m_lstSubMenus.setAutoDelete( true );

    m_toolBar->setAcceptDrops( true );
    m_toolBar->installEventFilter( this ); // for drops

    dptr()->m_actions.setAutoDelete( true );

    connect( mgr, TQT_SIGNAL( changed(const TQString &, const TQString &) ),
             TQT_SLOT( slotBookmarksChanged(const TQString &) ) );

    KBookmarkGroup toolbar = getToolbar();
    fillBookmarkBar( toolbar );

TQString KBookmarkBar::parentAddress()
    return dptr()->m_filteredMgr ? TQString::null : m_pManager->toolbar().address();

#define CURRENT_TOOLBAR() ( \
    dptr()->m_filteredMgr ? dptr()->m_filteredMgr->root()  \
                          : m_pManager->toolbar() )

#define CURRENT_MANAGER() ( \
    dptr()->m_filteredMgr ? dptr()->m_filteredMgr  \
                          : m_pManager )

KBookmarkGroup KBookmarkBar::getToolbar()
    if ( KBookmarkSettings::self()->m_filteredtoolbar )
        if ( !dptr()->m_filteredMgr ) {
            dptr()->m_filteredMgr = KBookmarkManager::createTempManager();
        } else {
            KBookmarkGroup bkRoot = dptr()->m_filteredMgr->root();
            TQValueList<KBookmark> bks;
            for (KBookmark bm = bkRoot.first(); !bm.isNull(); bm = bkRoot.next(bm))
                bks << bm;
            for ( TQValueListConstIterator<KBookmark> it = bks.begin(); it != bks.end(); ++it )
                bkRoot.deleteBookmark( (*it) );
        ToolbarFilter filter;
        KBookmarkDomBuilder builder( dptr()->m_filteredMgr->root(),
                                     dptr()->m_filteredMgr );
        builder.connectImporter( &filter );
        filter.filter( m_pManager->root() );

    return CURRENT_TOOLBAR();


void KBookmarkBar::clear()
    TQPtrListIterator<TDEAction> it( dptr()->m_actions );
    for (; it.current(); ++it ) {

void KBookmarkBar::slotBookmarksChanged( const TQString & group )
    KBookmarkGroup tb = getToolbar(); // heavy for non cached toolbar version
    kdDebug(7043) << "slotBookmarksChanged( " << group << " )" << endl;

    if ( tb.isNull() )

    if ( KBookmark::commonParent(group, tb.address()) == group  // Is group a parent of tb.address?
         || KBookmarkSettings::self()->m_filteredtoolbar )
        fillBookmarkBar( tb );
        // Iterate recursively into child menus
        TQPtrListIterator<KBookmarkMenu> it( m_lstSubMenus );
        for (; it.current(); ++it )
            it.current()->slotBookmarksChanged( group );

void KBookmarkBar::fillBookmarkBar(KBookmarkGroup & parent)
    if (parent.isNull())

    for (KBookmark bm = parent.first(); !bm.isNull(); bm = parent.next(bm))
        TQString text = bm.text();
        text.replace( '&', "&&" );
        if (!bm.isGroup())
            if ( bm.isSeparator() )
                TDEAction *action = new KBookmarkAction( text, bm.icon(), 0, m_actionCollection, 0 );
                connect(action, TQT_SIGNAL( activated ( TDEAction::ActivationReason, TQt::ButtonState )),
                        this, TQT_SLOT( slotBookmarkSelected( TDEAction::ActivationReason, TQt::ButtonState ) ));

                action->setProperty( "url", bm.url().url() );
                action->setProperty( "address", bm.address() );

                action->setToolTip( bm.url().pathOrURL() );


                dptr()->m_actions.append( action );
            TDEActionMenu *action = new KBookmarkActionMenu( text, bm.icon(),
            action->setProperty( "address", bm.address() );
            action->setProperty( "readOnly", dptr()->m_readOnly );
            action->setDelayed( false );

            // this flag doesn't have any UI yet
            TDEGlobal::config()->setGroup( "Settings" );
            bool addEntriesBookmarkBar = TDEGlobal::config()->readBoolEntry("AddEntriesBookmarkBar",true);

            KBookmarkMenu *menu = new KBookmarkMenu(CURRENT_MANAGER(), m_pOwner, action->popupMenu(),
                                                    m_actionCollection, false, addEntriesBookmarkBar,
            connect(menu, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShowContextMenu(const KBookmark &, TQPopupMenu * ) ),
                    this, TQT_SIGNAL( aboutToShowContextMenu(const KBookmark &, TQPopupMenu * ) ));
            connect(menu, TQT_SIGNAL( openBookmark( const TQString &, TQt::ButtonState) ),
                    this, TQT_SIGNAL( openBookmark( const TQString &, TQt::ButtonState) ));
            m_lstSubMenus.append( menu );

            dptr()->m_actions.append( action );

void KBookmarkBar::setReadOnly(bool readOnly)
    dptr()->m_readOnly = readOnly;

bool KBookmarkBar::isReadOnly() const
    return dptr()->m_readOnly;

void KBookmarkBar::slotBookmarkSelected( TDEAction::ActivationReason /*reason*/, TQt::ButtonState state )
    if (!m_pOwner) return; // this view doesn't handle bookmarks...

    const TDEAction* action = dynamic_cast<const TDEAction *>(sender());
        const TQString & url = sender()->property("url").toString();
        emit openBookmark( url, state );

void KBookmarkBar::slotBookmarkSelected()
    slotBookmarkSelected(TDEAction::ToolBarActivation, Qt::NoButton);

static const int const_sepId = -9999; // FIXME this is ugly,
                                      // surely there is another
                                      // way of doing this...

static void removeTempSep(KBookmarkBarPrivate* p)
    if (p->m_sepToolBar) {
        p->m_sepToolBar = 0; // needed?

static TDEAction* findPluggedAction(TQPtrList<TDEAction> actions, TDEToolBar *tb, int id)
    TQPtrListIterator<TDEAction> it( actions );
    for (; (*it); ++it )
        if ((*it)->isPlugged(tb, id))
            return (*it);
    return 0;

 * Handle a TQDragMoveEvent event on a toolbar drop
 * @return the address of the bookmark to be dropped after/before
 *         else a TQString::null if event should be ignored
 * @param pos the current TQDragMoveEvent position
 * @param the toolbar
 * @param actions the list of actions plugged into the bar
 * @param atFirst bool reference, when true the position before the
 *        returned action was dropped on
static TQString handleToolbarDragMoveEvent(
    KBookmarkBarPrivate *p, TDEToolBar *tb, TQPoint pos, TQPtrList<TDEAction> actions,
    bool &atFirst, KBookmarkManager *mgr
) {
    Q_UNUSED( mgr );
    Q_ASSERT( actions.isEmpty() || (tb == dynamic_cast<TDEToolBar*>(actions.first()->container(0))) );
    p->m_sepToolBar = tb;

    int index = 0;
    TDEToolBarButton* b;

    b = dynamic_cast<TDEToolBarButton*>(tb->childAt(pos));
    TDEAction *a = 0;
    TQString address;
    atFirst = false;

    if (b)
        index = tb->itemIndex(b->id());
        TQRect r = b->geometry();
        if (pos.x() < ((r.left() + r.right())/2))
            // if in first half of button then
            // we jump to previous index
            if ( index == 0 )
                atFirst = true;
            else {
                b = tb->getButton(tb->idAt(index));
    else if (actions.isEmpty())
        atFirst = true;
        index = 0;
        // we skip the action related stuff
        // and do what it should have...
        // FIXME - here we want to get the
        // parent address of the bookmark
        // bar itself and return that + "/0"
        p->m_sepIndex = 0;
        goto skipact;
    else // (!b)
        index = actions.count() - 1;
        b = tb->getButton(tb->idAt(index));
        // if !b and not past last button, we didn't find button
        if (pos.x() <= b->geometry().left())
            goto skipact; // TODO - rename

    if ( !b )
        return TQString::null; // TODO Make it works for that case

    a = findPluggedAction(actions, tb, b->id());
    address = a->property("address").toString();
    p->m_sepIndex = index + (atFirst ? 0 : 1);

#if 0
    { // ugly workaround to fix the goto scoping problems...
        KBookmark bk = mgr->findByAddress( address );
        if (bk.isGroup()) // TODO - fix this ****!!!, manhatten distance should be used!!!
            kdDebug() << "kbookmarkbar:: popping up " << bk.text() << endl;
            KBookmarkActionMenu *menu = dynamic_cast<KBookmarkActionMenu*>(a);

    tb->insertLineSeparator(p->m_sepIndex, const_sepId);
    return address;

// TODO - document!!!!
static TDEAction* handleToolbarMouseButton(TQPoint pos, TQPtrList<TDEAction> actions,
	                                     KBookmarkManager * /*mgr*/, TQPoint & pt)
    TDEAction *act = actions.first();
    if (!act) {
        return 0;

    TDEToolBar *tb = dynamic_cast<TDEToolBar*>(act->container(0));

    TDEToolBarButton *b;
    b = dynamic_cast<TDEToolBarButton*>(tb->childAt(pos));
    if (!b)
        return 0;

    TDEAction *a = 0;
    a = findPluggedAction(actions, tb, b->id());
    pt = tb->mapToGlobal(pos);

    return a;

// TODO    *** drop improvements ***
// open submenus on drop interactions

// TODO    *** generic rmb improvements ***
// don't *ever* show the rmb on press, always relase, possible???

class KBookmarkBarRMBAssoc : public dPtrTemplate<KBookmarkBar, RMB> { };
template<> TQPtrDict<RMB>* dPtrTemplate<KBookmarkBar, RMB>::d_ptr = 0;

static RMB* rmbSelf(KBookmarkBar *m) { return KBookmarkBarRMBAssoc::d(m); }

void RMB::begin_rmb_action(KBookmarkBar *self)
    RMB *s = rmbSelf(self);
    s->recv = self;
    s->m_parentAddress = self->parentAddress();
    s->s_highlightedAddress = self->dptr()->m_highlightedAddress; // rename in RMB
    s->m_pManager = self->m_pManager;
    s->m_pOwner = self->m_pOwner;
    s->m_parentMenu = 0;

void KBookmarkBar::slotRMBActionEditAt( int val )
{ RMB::begin_rmb_action(this); rmbSelf(this)->slotRMBActionEditAt( val ); }

void KBookmarkBar::slotRMBActionProperties( int val )
{ RMB::begin_rmb_action(this); rmbSelf(this)->slotRMBActionProperties( val ); }

void KBookmarkBar::slotRMBActionInsert( int val )
{ RMB::begin_rmb_action(this); rmbSelf(this)->slotRMBActionInsert( val ); }

void KBookmarkBar::slotRMBActionRemove( int val )
{ RMB::begin_rmb_action(this); rmbSelf(this)->slotRMBActionRemove( val ); }

void KBookmarkBar::slotRMBActionCopyLocation( int val )
{ RMB::begin_rmb_action(this); rmbSelf(this)->slotRMBActionCopyLocation( val ); }

bool KBookmarkBar::eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e )
    if (dptr()->m_readOnly || dptr()->m_filteredMgr) // note, we assume m_pManager in various places,
                                                     // this shouldn't really be the case
        return false; // todo: make this limit the actions

    if ( (e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease) || (e->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress) ) // FIXME, which one?
        TQMouseEvent *mev = (TQMouseEvent*)e;

        TQPoint pt;
        TDEAction *_a;

        // FIXME, see how this holds up on an empty toolbar
        _a = handleToolbarMouseButton( mev->pos(), dptr()->m_actions, m_pManager, pt );
        if (_a && mev->button() == Qt::RightButton)
            dptr()->m_highlightedAddress = _a->property("address").toString();
            KBookmark bookmark = m_pManager->findByAddress( dptr()->m_highlightedAddress );
            TDEPopupMenu *pm = new TDEPopupMenu;
            rmbSelf(this)->fillContextMenu( pm, dptr()->m_highlightedAddress, 0 );
            emit aboutToShowContextMenu( rmbSelf(this)->atAddress( dptr()->m_highlightedAddress ), pm );
            rmbSelf(this)->fillContextMenu2( pm, dptr()->m_highlightedAddress, 0 );
            pm->popup( pt );

        return !!_a; // ignore the event if we didn't find the button
    else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::DragLeave )
        dptr()->m_dropAddress = TQString::null;
    else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::Drop )
        TQDropEvent *dev = (TQDropEvent*)e;
        if ( !KBookmarkDrag::canDecode( dev ) )
            return false;
        TQValueList<KBookmark> list = KBookmarkDrag::decode( dev );
        if (list.count() > 1)
            kdWarning(7043) << "Sorry, currently you can only drop one address "
                "onto the bookmark bar!" << endl;
        KBookmark toInsert = list.first();
        KBookmark bookmark = m_pManager->findByAddress( dptr()->m_dropAddress );
        kdDebug(7043) << "inserting "
            << TQString(dptr()->m_atFirst ? "before" : "after")
            << " dptr()->m_dropAddress == " << dptr()->m_dropAddress << endl;
        KBookmarkGroup parentBookmark = bookmark.parentGroup();
        KBookmark newBookmark = parentBookmark.addBookmark(
                m_pManager, toInsert.fullText(),
                toInsert.url() );
        parentBookmark.moveItem( newBookmark, dptr()->m_atFirst ? KBookmark() : bookmark );
        m_pManager->emitChanged( parentBookmark );
        return true;
    else if ( e->type() == TQEvent::DragMove )
        TQDragMoveEvent *dme = (TQDragMoveEvent*)e;
        if (!KBookmarkDrag::canDecode( dme ))
            return false;
        bool _atFirst;
        TQString dropAddress;
        TDEToolBar *tb = (TDEToolBar*)o;
        dropAddress = handleToolbarDragMoveEvent(dptr(), tb, dme->pos(), dptr()->m_actions, _atFirst, m_pManager);
        if (!dropAddress.isNull())
            dptr()->m_dropAddress = dropAddress;
            dptr()->m_atFirst = _atFirst;
    return false;

static bool showInToolbar( const KBookmark &bk ) {
    return (bk.internalElement().attributes().namedItem("showintoolbar").toAttr().value() == "yes");

void ToolbarFilter::visit( const KBookmark &bk ) {
    //kdDebug() << "visit(" << bk.text() << ")" << endl;
    if ( m_visible || showInToolbar(bk) )

void ToolbarFilter::visitEnter( const KBookmarkGroup &grp ) {
    //kdDebug() << "visitEnter(" << grp.text() << ")" << endl;
    if ( !m_visible && showInToolbar(grp) )
        m_visibleStart = grp;
        m_visible = true;
    if ( m_visible )

void ToolbarFilter::visitLeave( const KBookmarkGroup &grp ) {
    //kdDebug() << "visitLeave()" << endl;
    if ( m_visible )
    if ( m_visible && grp.address() == m_visibleStart.address() )
        m_visible = false;

#include "kbookmarkbar.moc"