/* This file is part of the KDE project
 * Copyright (C) 2000-2003 George Staikos <staikos@kde.org>
 * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
 * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
 * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
 * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


// UPDATE: I like the structure of this class less and less every time I look
//         at it.  I think it needs to change.
//  The biggest reason for making everything protected here is so that
//  the class can have all it's methods available even if openssl is not
//  available.  Also, to create a new certificate you should use the
//  KSSLCertificateFactory, and to manage the user's database of certificates,
//  you should go through the KSSLCertificateHome.
//  There should be no reason to touch the X509 stuff directly.

#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqvaluelist.h>

class TQString;
class TQStringList;
class TQCString;
class KSSL;
class KSSLCertificatePrivate;
class TQDateTime;
class KSSLCertChain;
class KSSLX509V3;

#include <tdelibs_export.h>

#ifdef TQ_WS_WIN
#include "ksslconfig_win.h"
#include "ksslconfig.h"

typedef struct x509_st X509;
typedef struct X509_crl_st X509_CRL;
class X509;
class X509_CRL;

 * KDE X.509 Certificate
 * This class represents an X.509 (SSL) certificate.
 * Note: this object is VERY HEAVY TO COPY.  Please try to use reference
 *       or pointer whenever possible
 * @author George Staikos <staikos@kde.org>
 * @see KSSL
 * @short KDE X.509 Certificate
class TDEIO_EXPORT KSSLCertificate {
friend class KSSL;
friend class KSSLCertificateHome;
friend class KSSLCertificateFactory;
friend class KSSLCertificateCache;
friend class KSSLCertChain;
friend class KSSLPeerInfo;
friend class KSSLPKCS12;
friend class KSSLD;
friend class KSMIMECryptoPrivate;

	 *  Destroy this X.509 certificate.

	 *  Create an X.509 certificate from a base64 encoded string.
	 *  @param cert the certificate in base64 form
	 *  @return the X.509 certificate, or NULL
	static KSSLCertificate *fromString(TQCString cert);

	 *  Create an X.509 CRL certificate from a base64 encoded string.
	 *  @param cert the certificate in base64 form
	 *  @return the X.509 CRL certificate, or NULL
	static KSSLCertificate *crlFromString(TQCString cert);

	 *  Create an X.509 certificate from the internal representation.
	 *  This one duplicates the X509 object for itself.
	 *  @param x5 the OpenSSL representation of the certificate
	 *  @return the X.509 certificate, or NULL
	 *  @internal
	static KSSLCertificate *fromX509(X509 *x5);

         * A CA certificate can be validated as Irrelevant when it was
         * not used to sign any other relevant certificate.
	enum KSSLValidation {   Unknown, Ok, NoCARoot, InvalidPurpose,
				PathLengthExceeded, InvalidCA, Expired,
				SelfSigned, ErrorReadingRoot, NoSSL,
				Revoked, Untrusted, SignatureFailed,
				Rejected, PrivateKeyFailed, InvalidHost,
				Irrelevant, SelfSignedChain

	enum KSSLPurpose {      None=0, SSLServer=1, SSLClient=2,
				SMIMESign=3, SMIMEEncrypt=4, Any=5 };

        typedef TQValueList<KSSLValidation> KSSLValidationList;

	 *  Convert this certificate to a string.
	 *  @return the certificate in base64 format
	TQString toString();

	 *  Get the subject of the certificate (X.509 map).
	 *  @return the subject
	TQString getSubject() const;

	 *  Get the issuer of the certificate (X.509 map).
	 *  @return the issuer
	TQString getIssuer() const;

	 *  Get the date that the certificate becomes valid on.
	 *  @return the date as a string, localised
	TQString getNotBefore() const;

	 *  Get the date that the certificate is valid until.
	 *  @return the date as a string, localised
	TQString getNotAfter() const;

	 *  Get the date that the certificate becomes valid on.
	 *  @return the date
	TQDateTime getQDTNotBefore() const;

	 *  Get the date that the certificate is valid until.
	 *  @return the date
	TQDateTime getQDTNotAfter() const;

	 *  Get the date that the CRL was generated on.
	 *  @return the date
	TQDateTime getQDTLastUpdate() const;

	 *  Get the date that the CRL must be updated by.
	 *  @return the date
	TQDateTime getQDTNextUpdate() const;

	 *  Convert the certificate to DER (ASN.1) format.
	 *  @return the binary data of the DER encoding
	TQByteArray toDer();

	 *  Convert the certificate to PEM (base64) format.
	 *  @return the binary data of the PEM encoding
	TQByteArray toPem();

	 *  Convert the certificate to Netscape format.
	 *  @return the binary data of the Netscape encoding
	TQByteArray toNetscape();

	 *  Convert the certificate to OpenSSL plain text format.
	 *  @return the OpenSSL text encoding
	TQString toText();

	 *  Get the serial number of the certificate.
	 *  @return the serial number as a string
	TQString getSerialNumber() const;

	 *  Get the key type (RSA, DSA, etc).
	 *  @return the key type as a string
	TQString getKeyType() const;

	 *  Get the public key.
	 *  @return the public key as a hexidecimal string
	TQString getPublicKeyText() const;

	 *  Get the MD5 digest of the certificate.
	 *  Result is padded with : to separate bytes - it's a text version!
	 *  @return the MD5 digest in a hexidecimal string
	TQString getMD5DigestText() const;

	 *  Get the MD5 digest of the certificate.
	 *  @return the MD5 digest in a hexidecimal string
	TQString getMD5Digest() const;

	 *  Get the signature.
	 *  @return the signature in text format
	TQString getSignatureText() const;

	 *  Check if this is a valid certificate.  Will use cached data.
	 *  @return true if it is valid
	bool isValid();

	 *  Check if this is a valid certificate.  Will use cached data.
	 *  @param p the purpose to validate for
	 *  @return true if it is valid
	bool isValid(KSSLPurpose p);

	 *  The alternate subject name.
	 *  @return string list with subjectAltName
	TQStringList subjAltNames() const;

	 *  Check if this is a valid certificate.  Will use cached data.
	 *  @return the result of the validation
	KSSLValidation validate();

	 *  Check if this is a valid certificate.  Will use cached data.
	 *  @param p the purpose to validate for
	 *  @return the result of the validation
	KSSLValidation validate(KSSLPurpose p);

	 *  Check if this is a valid certificate.  Will use cached data.
	 *  @param p the purpose to validate for
	 *  @return all problems encountered during validation
	KSSLValidationList validateVerbose(KSSLPurpose p);

	 *  Check if the certificate ca is a proper CA for this
	 *  certificate.
	 *  @param p the purpose to validate for
	 *  @param ca the certificate to check
	 *  @return all problems encountered during validation
	KSSLValidationList validateVerbose(KSSLPurpose p, KSSLCertificate *ca);

	 *  Check if this is a valid certificate.  Will NOT use cached data.
	 *  @return the result of the validation
	KSSLValidation revalidate();

	 *  Check if this is a valid certificate.  Will NOT use cached data.
	 *  @param p the purpose to validate for
	 *  @return the result of the validation
	KSSLValidation revalidate(KSSLPurpose p);

	 *  Get a reference to the certificate chain.
	 *  @return reference to the chain
	KSSLCertChain& chain();

	 *  Obtain the localized message that corresponds to a validation result.
	 *  @param x the code to look up
	 *  @return the message text corresponding to the validation code
	static TQString verifyText(KSSLValidation x);

	 *  Explicitly make a copy of this certificate.
	 *  @return a copy of the certificate
	KSSLCertificate *replicate();

	 *  Copy constructor.  Beware, this is very expensive.
	 *  @param x the object to copy from
	KSSLCertificate(const KSSLCertificate& x); // copy constructor

	 *  Re-set the certificate from a base64 string.
	 *  @param cert the certificate to set to
	 *  @return true on success
	bool setCert(TQString& cert);

	 *  Access the X.509v3 parameters.
	 *  @return reference to the extension object
	 *  @see KSSLX509V3
	KSSLX509V3& x509V3Extensions();

	 *  Check if this is a signer certificate.
	 *  @return true if this is a signer certificate
	bool isSigner();

	 *  FIXME: document
	void getEmails(TQStringList& to) const;

	 * KDEKey is a concatenation "Subject (MD5)", mostly needed for SMIME.
	 * The result of getKDEKey might change and should not be used for
	 * persistant storage.
	TQString getKDEKey() const;

	 * Aegypten semantics force us to search by MD5Digest only.
	static TQString getMD5DigestFromKDEKey(const TQString& k);

	TDEIO_EXPORT friend int operator!=(KSSLCertificate& x, KSSLCertificate& y);
	TDEIO_EXPORT friend int operator==(KSSLCertificate& x, KSSLCertificate& y);

	KSSLCertificatePrivate *d;
	int purposeToOpenSSL(KSSLPurpose p) const;


	void setCert(X509 *c);
	void setCRL(X509_CRL *c);
	void setChain(void *c);
	X509 *getCert();
	KSSLValidation processError(int ec);

TDEIO_EXPORT TQDataStream& operator<<(TQDataStream& s, const KSSLCertificate& r);
TDEIO_EXPORT TQDataStream& operator>>(TQDataStream& s, KSSLCertificate& r);

TDEIO_EXPORT int operator==(KSSLCertificate& x, KSSLCertificate& y);
TDEIO_EXPORT inline int operator!=(KSSLCertificate& x, KSSLCertificate& y)
{ return !(x == y); }
