/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 2000 Matej Koss <koss@miesto.sk> David Faure <faure@kde.org> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef __tdeio_uiserver_h__ #define __tdeio_uiserver_h__ #include <tqintdict.h> #include <tqdatetime.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <dcopobject.h> #include <tdeio/global.h> #include <tdeio/authinfo.h> #include <kurl.h> #include <tdemainwindow.h> #include <kdatastream.h> #include <tdelistview.h> #include <ksslcertdlg.h> class ListProgress; class KSqueezedTextLabel; class ProgressItem; class UIServer; namespace TDEIO { class Job; class DefaultProgress; } struct ListProgressColumnConfig { TQString title; int index; int width; bool enabled; }; /** * List view in the UIServer. * @internal */ class TDEIO_EXPORT ListProgress : public TDEListView { Q_OBJECT public: ListProgress (TQWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ); virtual ~ListProgress(); /** * Field constants */ enum ListProgressFields { TB_OPERATION = 0, TB_LOCAL_FILENAME = 1, TB_RESUME = 2, TB_COUNT = 3, //lv_count TB_PROGRESS = 4, // lv_progress TB_TOTAL = 5, TB_SPEED = 6, TB_REMAINING_TIME = 7, TB_ADDRESS = 8, TB_MAX = 9 }; friend class ProgressItem; friend class UIServer; protected slots: void columnWidthChanged(int column); protected: void writeSettings(); void readSettings(); void applySettings(); void createColumns(); bool m_showHeader; bool m_fixedColumnWidths; ListProgressColumnConfig m_lpcc[TB_MAX]; //hack, alexxx KSqueezedTextLabel *m_squeezer; }; /** * One item in the ListProgress * @internal */ class TDEIO_EXPORT ProgressItem : public TQObject, public TQListViewItem { Q_OBJECT public: ProgressItem( ListProgress* view, TQListViewItem *after, TQCString app_id, int job_id, bool showDefault = true ); ~ProgressItem(); TQCString appId() { return m_sAppId; } int jobId() { return m_iJobId; } bool keepOpen() const; void finished(); void setVisible( bool visible ); void setDefaultProgressVisible( bool visible ); bool isVisible() const { return m_visible; } void setTotalSize( TDEIO::filesize_t bytes ); void setTotalFiles( unsigned long files ); void setTotalDirs( unsigned long dirs ); void setProcessedSize( TDEIO::filesize_t size ); void setProcessedFiles( unsigned long files ); void setProcessedDirs( unsigned long dirs ); void setPercent( unsigned long percent ); void setSpeed( unsigned long bytes_per_second ); void setInfoMessage( const TQString & msg ); void setCopying( const KURL& from, const KURL& to ); void setMoving( const KURL& from, const KURL& to ); void setDeleting( const KURL& url ); void setTransferring( const KURL& url ); void setCreatingDir( const KURL& dir ); void setStating( const KURL& url ); void setMounting( const TQString & dev, const TQString & point ); void setUnmounting( const TQString & point ); void setCanResume( TDEIO::filesize_t offset ); TDEIO::filesize_t totalSize() { return m_iTotalSize; } unsigned long totalFiles() { return m_iTotalFiles; } TDEIO::filesize_t processedSize() { return m_iProcessedSize; } unsigned long processedFiles() { return m_iProcessedFiles; } unsigned long speed() { return m_iSpeed; } unsigned int remainingSeconds() { return m_remainingSeconds; } const TQString& fullLengthAddress() const {return m_fullLengthAddress;} void setText(ListProgress::ListProgressFields field, const TQString& text); public slots: void slotShowDefaultProgress(); void slotToggleDefaultProgress(); protected slots: void slotCanceled(); signals: void jobCanceled( ProgressItem* ); protected: void updateVisibility(); // ids that uniquely identify this progress item TQCString m_sAppId; int m_iJobId; // whether shown or not (it is hidden if a rename dialog pops up for the same job) bool m_visible; bool m_defaultProgressVisible; // parent listview ListProgress *listProgress; // associated default progress dialog TDEIO::DefaultProgress *defaultProgress; // we store these values for calculation of totals ( for statusbar ) TDEIO::filesize_t m_iTotalSize; unsigned long m_iTotalFiles; TDEIO::filesize_t m_iProcessedSize; unsigned long m_iProcessedFiles; unsigned long m_iSpeed; int m_remainingSeconds; TQTimer m_showTimer; TQString m_fullLengthAddress; }; class TQResizeEvent; class TQHideEvent; class TQShowEvent; class ProgressConfigDialog; class TQPopupMenu; class UIServerSystemTray; /** * It's purpose is to show progress of IO operations. * There is only one instance of this window for all jobs. * * All IO operations ( jobs ) are displayed in this window, one line per operation. * User can cancel operations with Cancel button on toolbar. * * Double clicking an item in the list opens a small download window ( DefaultProgress ). * * @short Graphical server for progress information with an optional all-in-one progress window. * @author David Faure <faure@kde.org> * @author Matej Koss <koss@miesto.sk> * * @internal */ class TDEIO_EXPORT UIServer : public TDEMainWindow, public DCOPObject { K_DCOP Q_OBJECT UIServer(); virtual ~UIServer(); public: static UIServer* createInstance(); k_dcop: /** * Signal a new job * @param appId the DCOP application id of the job's parent application * @see TDEIO::Observer::newJob * @param showProgress whether to popup the progress for the job. * Usually true, but may be false when we use tdeio_uiserver for * other things, like SSL dialogs. * @return the job id */ int newJob( TQCString appId, bool showProgress ); ASYNC jobFinished( int id ); ASYNC totalSize( int id, unsigned long size ); ASYNC totalSize64( int id, TDEIO::filesize_t size ); ASYNC totalFiles( int id, unsigned long files ); ASYNC totalDirs( int id, unsigned long dirs ); ASYNC processedSize( int id, unsigned long bytes ); ASYNC processedSize64( int id, TDEIO::filesize_t bytes ); ASYNC processedFiles( int id, unsigned long files ); ASYNC processedDirs( int id, unsigned long dirs ); ASYNC percent( int id, unsigned long ipercent ); ASYNC speed( int id, unsigned long bytes_per_second ); ASYNC infoMessage( int id, const TQString & msg ); ASYNC copying( int id, KURL from, KURL to ); ASYNC moving( int id, KURL from, KURL to ); ASYNC deleting( int id, KURL url ); ASYNC transferring( int id, KURL url ); ASYNC creatingDir( int id, KURL dir ); ASYNC stating( int id, KURL url ); ASYNC mounting( int id, TQString dev, TQString point ); ASYNC unmounting( int id, TQString point ); ASYNC canResume( int id, unsigned long offset ); ASYNC canResume64( int id, TDEIO::filesize_t offset ); /** * @deprecated (it blocks other apps). * Use TDEIO::PasswordDialog::getNameAndPassword instead. * To be removed in KDE 4.0. */ TQByteArray openPassDlg( const TDEIO::AuthInfo &info ); /** * Popup a message box. * @param id The message identifier. * @param type type of message box: QuestionYesNo, WarningYesNo, WarningContinueCancel... * This enum is defined in slavebase.h, it currently is: * QuestionYesNo = 1, WarningYesNo = 2, WarningContinueCancel = 3, * WarningYesNoCancel = 4, Information = 5, SSLMessageBox = 6 * @param text Message string. May contain newlines. * @param caption Message box title. * @param buttonYes The text for the first button. * The default is i18n("&Yes"). * @param buttonNo The text for the second button. * The default is i18n("&No"). * Note: for ContinueCancel, buttonYes is the continue button and buttonNo is unused. * and for Information, none is used. * @return a button code, as defined in KMessageBox, or 0 on communication error. */ int messageBox( int id, int type, const TQString &text, const TQString &caption, const TQString &buttonYes, const TQString &buttonNo ); /** * @deprecated (it blocks other apps). * Use TDEIO::open_RenameDlg instead. * To be removed in KDE 4.0. */ TQByteArray open_RenameDlg64( int id, const TQString & caption, const TQString& src, const TQString & dest, int /* TDEIO::RenameDlg_Mode */ mode, TDEIO::filesize_t sizeSrc, TDEIO::filesize_t sizeDest, unsigned long /* time_t */ ctimeSrc, unsigned long /* time_t */ ctimeDest, unsigned long /* time_t */ mtimeSrc, unsigned long /* time_t */ mtimeDest ); /** * @deprecated (it blocks other apps). * Use TDEIO::open_RenameDlg instead. * To be removed in KDE 4.0. */ TQByteArray open_RenameDlg( int id, const TQString & caption, const TQString& src, const TQString & dest, int /* TDEIO::RenameDlg_Mode */ mode, unsigned long sizeSrc, unsigned long sizeDest, unsigned long /* time_t */ ctimeSrc, unsigned long /* time_t */ ctimeDest, unsigned long /* time_t */ mtimeSrc, unsigned long /* time_t */ mtimeDest ); /** * @deprecated (it blocks other apps). * Use TDEIO::open_SkipDlg instead. * To be removed in KDE 4.0. */ int open_SkipDlg( int id, int /*bool*/ multi, const TQString & error_text ); /** * Switch to or from list mode - called by the kcontrol module */ void setListMode( bool list ); /** * Hide or show a job. Typically, we hide a job while a "skip" or "rename" dialog * is being shown for this job. This prevents killing it from the uiserver. */ void setJobVisible( int id, bool visible ); /** * Show a SSL Information Dialog */ void showSSLInfoDialog(const TQString &url, const TDEIO::MetaData &data, int mainwindow); /** * @deprecated */ void showSSLInfoDialog(const TQString &url, const TDEIO::MetaData &data); /* * Show an SSL Certificate Selection Dialog */ KSSLCertDlgRet showSSLCertDialog(const TQString& host, const TQStringList& certList, int mainwindow); /* * @deprecated */ KSSLCertDlgRet showSSLCertDialog(const TQString& host, const TQStringList& certList); public slots: void slotConfigure(); void slotRemoveSystemTrayIcon(); protected slots: void slotUpdate(); void slotQuit(); void slotCancelCurrent(); void slotToggleDefaultProgress( TQListViewItem * ); void slotSelection(); void slotJobCanceled( ProgressItem * ); void slotApplyConfig(); void slotShowContextMenu(TDEListView*, TQListViewItem *item, const TQPoint& pos); protected: ProgressItem* findItem( int id ); virtual void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent* e); virtual bool queryClose(); void setItemVisible( ProgressItem * item, bool visible ); TQTimer* updateTimer; ListProgress* listProgress; TDEToolBar::BarPosition toolbarPos; TQString properties; void applySettings(); void readSettings(); void writeSettings(); private: void killJob( TQCString observerAppId, int progressId ); int m_initWidth; int m_initHeight; int m_idCancelItem; bool m_bShowList; bool m_showStatusBar; bool m_showToolBar; bool m_keepListOpen; bool m_showSystemTray; bool m_shuttingDown; // true if there's a new job that hasn't been shown yet. bool m_bUpdateNewJob; ProgressConfigDialog *m_configDialog; TQPopupMenu* m_contextMenu; UIServerSystemTray *m_systemTray; static int s_jobId; friend class no_bogus_warning_from_gcc; }; // -*- mode: c++; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- #endif