/*  This file is part of the KDE libraries
    Copyright (C) 2000 David Faure <faure@kde.org>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

// $Id$

#ifndef __ftp_h__
#define __ftp_h__

#include <config.h>

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>

#include <tqcstring.h>
#include <tqstring.h>

#include <kurl.h>
#include <tdeio/slavebase.h>
#include <kextsock.h>
#include <ksocks.h>

struct FtpEntry
  TQString name;
  TQString owner;
  TQString group;
  TQString link;

  TDEIO::filesize_t size;
  mode_t type;
  mode_t access;
  time_t date;

// FtpTextReader  A helper class to read text lines from a socket

class FtpSocket;

class FtpTextReader
        FtpTextReader()         { textClear();  }

  * Resets the status of the object, also called from xtor
  void  textClear();

  * Read a line from the socket into m_szText. Only the first RESP_READ_LIMIT
  * characters are copied. If the server response is longer all extra data up to
  * the new-line gets discarded. An ending CR gets stripped. The number of chars
  * in the buffer is returned. Use textToLong() to check for truncation!
  int   textRead(FtpSocket *pSock);

  * An accessor to the data read by textRead()
  const char* textLine() const  {  return m_szText;  }

  * Returns true if the last textRead() resulted in a truncated line
  bool  textTooLong() const     {  return m_bTextTruncated;  }

  * Returns true if the last textRead() got an EOF or an error
  bool  textEOF() const         {  return m_bTextEOF;  }

  enum {

  * This is the physical size of m_szText. Only up to textReadLimit
  * characters are used to store a server reply. If the server reply
  * is longer, the stored line gets truncated - see textTooLong()!
    textReadBuffer = 2048,

  * Max number of chars returned from textLine(). If the server
  * sends more all chars until the next new-line are discarded.
    textReadLimit = 1024

   * textRead() sets this true on trucation (e.g. line too long)
  bool  m_bTextTruncated;

   * textRead() sets this true if the read returns 0 bytes or error
  bool  m_bTextEOF;

   * textRead() fills this buffer with data
  char m_szText[textReadBuffer];

   * the number of bytes in the current response line
  int m_iTextLine;

   * the number of bytes in the response buffer (includes m_iRespLine)
  int m_iTextBuff;

// FtpSocket  Helper Class for Data or Control Connections
class FtpSocket : public FtpTextReader, public KExtendedSocket
  // hide the default xtor
          FtpSocket()  {}
  * The one and only public xtor. The string data passed to the
  * xtor must remain valid during the object's lifetime - it is
  * used in debug messages to identify the socket instance.
          FtpSocket(const char* pszName)
            m_pszName = pszName;
            m_server = -1;

          ~FtpSocket()       {  closeSocket();  }

  * Resets the status of the object, also called from xtor
  void    closeSocket();

  * We may have a server connection socket if not in passive mode. This
  * routine returns the server socket set by setServer. The sock()
  * function will return the server socket - if it is set.
  int     server() const     {  return m_server;  }

  * Set the server socket if arg >= 0, otherwise clear it.
  void    setServer(int i)   {  m_server = (i >= 0) ? i : -1;  }

  * returns the effective socket that user used for read/write. See server()
  int     sock() const       {  return (m_server != -1) ? m_server : fd(); }

  * output an debug message via kdDebug
  void    debugMessage(const char* pszMsg) const;

  * output an error message via kdError, returns iErrorCode
  int     errorMessage(int iErrorCode, const char* pszMsg) const;

  * connect socket and set some options (reuse, keepalive, linger)
  int     connectSocket(int iTimeOutSec, bool bControl);

  * utility to simplify calls to ::setsockopt(). Uses sock().
  bool    setSocketOption(int opt, char*arg, socklen_t len) const;

  * utility to read data from the effective socket, see sock()
  long    read(void* pData, long iMaxlen)
            return KSocks::self()->read(sock(), pData, iMaxlen);

  * utility to write data to the effective socket, see sock()
  long    write(void* pData, long iMaxlen)
            return KSocks::self()->write(sock(), pData, iMaxlen);

  * Use the inherited FtpTextReader to read a line from the socket
  int     textRead()
            return FtpTextReader::textRead(this);

  const char*  m_pszName;  // set by the xtor, used for debug output
  int          m_server;   // socket override, see setSock()
   class FtpSocket;

// Ftp
class Ftp : public TDEIO::SlaveBase
  // Ftp()	{}

  Ftp( const TQCString &pool, const TQCString &app );
  virtual ~Ftp();

  virtual void setHost( const TQString& host, int port, const TQString& user, const TQString& pass );

   * Connects to a ftp server and logs us in
   * m_bLoggedOn is set to true if logging on was successful.
   * It is set to false if the connection becomes closed.
  virtual void openConnection();

   * Closes the connection
  virtual void closeConnection();

  virtual void stat( const KURL &url );

  virtual void listDir( const KURL & url );
  virtual void mkdir( const KURL & url, int permissions );
  virtual void rename( const KURL & src, const KURL & dest, bool overwrite );
  virtual void del( const KURL & url, bool isfile );
  virtual void chmod( const KURL & url, int permissions );

  virtual void get( const KURL& url );
  virtual void put( const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite, bool resume);
  //virtual void mimetype( const KURL& url );

  virtual void slave_status();

   * Handles the case that one side of the job is a local file
  virtual void copy( const KURL &src, const KURL &dest, int permissions, bool overwrite );

  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
  // All the methods named ftpXyz are lowlevel methods that are not exported.
  // The implement functionality used by the public high-level methods. Some
  // low-level methods still use error() to emit errors. This behaviour is not
  // recommended - please return a boolean status or an error code instead!
  // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

   * Status Code returned from ftpPut() and ftpGet(), used to select
   * source or destination url for error messages
  typedef enum {
  } StatusCode;

   * Login Mode for ftpOpenConnection
  typedef enum {
  } LoginMode;

   * Connect and login to the FTP server.
   * @param loginMode controls if login info should be sent<br>
   *  loginDefered  - must not be logged on, no login info is sent<br>
   *  loginExplicit - must not be logged on, login info is sent<br>
   *  loginImplicit - login info is sent if not logged on
   * @return true on success (a login failure would return false).
  bool ftpOpenConnection (LoginMode loginMode);

   * Executes any auto login macro's as specified in a .netrc file.
  void ftpAutoLoginMacro ();

   * Called by openConnection. It logs us in.
   * m_initialPath is set to the current working directory
   * if logging on was successful.
   * @return true on success.
  bool ftpLogin();

   * ftpSendCmd - send a command (@p cmd) and read response
   * @param maxretries number of time it should retry. Since it recursively
   * calls itself if it can't read the answer (this happens especially after
   * timeouts), we need to limit the recursiveness ;-)
   * return true if any response received, false on error
  bool ftpSendCmd( const TQCString& cmd, int maxretries = 1 );

   * Use the SIZE command to get the file size.
   * @param mode the size depends on the transfer mode, hence this arg.
   * @return true on success
   * Gets the size into m_size.
  bool ftpSize( const TQString & path, char mode );

   * Set the current working directory, but only if not yet current
  bool ftpFileExists(const TQString& path);

   * Set the current working directory, but only if not yet current
  bool ftpFolder(const TQString& path, bool bReportError);

   * Runs a command on the ftp server like "list" or "retr". In contrast to
   * ftpSendCmd a data connection is opened. The corresponding socket
   * sData is available for reading/writing on success.
   * The connection must be closed afterwards with ftpCloseCommand.
   * @param mode is 'A' or 'I'. 'A' means ASCII transfer, 'I' means binary transfer.
   * @param errorcode the command-dependent error code to emit on error
   * @return true if the command was accepted by the server.
  bool ftpOpenCommand( const char *command, const TQString & path, char mode,
                       int errorcode, TDEIO::fileoffset_t offset = 0 );

   * The counterpart to openCommand.
   * Closes data sockets and then reads line sent by server at
   * end of command.
   * @return false on error (line doesn't start with '2')
  bool ftpCloseCommand();

   * Send "TYPE I" or "TYPE A" only if required, see m_cDataMode.
   * Use 'A' to select ASCII and 'I' to select BINARY mode.  If
   * cMode is '?' the m_bTextMode flag is used to choose a mode.
  bool ftpDataMode(char cMode);

  //void ftpAbortTransfer();

   * Used by ftpOpenCommand, return 0 on success or an error code
  int ftpOpenDataConnection();

   * closes a data connection, see ftpOpenDataConnection()
  void ftpCloseDataConnection();

   * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection
  int ftpOpenPASVDataConnection();
   * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection
  int ftpOpenEPSVDataConnection();
   * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection
  int ftpOpenEPRTDataConnection();
   * Helper for ftpOpenDataConnection
  int ftpOpenPortDataConnection();

   * ftpAcceptConnect - wait for incoming connection
   * return -2 on error or timeout
   * otherwise returns socket descriptor
  int ftpAcceptConnect();

  bool ftpChmod( const TQString & path, int permissions );

  // used by listDir
  bool ftpOpenDir( const TQString & path );
    * Called to parse directory listings, call this until it returns false
  bool ftpReadDir(FtpEntry& ftpEnt);

    * Helper to fill an UDSEntry
  void ftpCreateUDSEntry( const TQString & filename, FtpEntry& ftpEnt, TDEIO::UDSEntry& entry, bool isDir );

  void ftpShortStatAnswer( const TQString& filename, bool isDir );

  void ftpStatAnswerNotFound( const TQString & path, const TQString & filename );

   * This is the internal implementation of rename() - set put().
   * @return true on success.
  bool ftpRename( const TQString & src, const TQString & dst, bool overwrite );

   * Called by openConnection. It opens the control connection to the ftp server.
   * @return true on success.
  bool ftpOpenControlConnection( const TQString & host, unsigned short int port );

   * closes the socket holding the control connection (see ftpOpenControlConnection)
  void ftpCloseControlConnection();

   * read a response from the server (a trailing CR gets stripped)
   * @param iOffset -1 to read a new line from the server<br>
   *                 0 to return the whole response string
   *                >0 to return the response with iOffset chars skipped
   * @return the reponse message with iOffset chars skipped (or "" if iOffset points
   *         behind the available data)
  const char* ftpResponse(int iOffset);

   * This is the internal implementation of get() - see copy().
   * IMPORTANT: the caller should call ftpCloseCommand() on return.
   * The function does not call error(), the caller should do this.
   * @param iError      set to an ERR_xxxx code on error
   * @param iCopyFile   -1 -or- handle of a local destination file
   * @param hCopyOffset local file only: non-zero for resume
   * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error
  StatusCode ftpGet(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KURL& url, TDEIO::fileoffset_t hCopyOffset);

   * This is the internal implementation of put() - see copy().
   * IMPORTANT: the caller should call ftpCloseCommand() on return.
   * The function does not call error(), the caller should do this.
   * @param iError      set to an ERR_xxxx code on error
   * @param iCopyFile   -1 -or- handle of a local source file
   * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error
  StatusCode ftpPut(int& iError, int iCopyFile, const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite, bool resume);

   * helper called from copy() to implement FILE -> FTP transfers
   * @param iError      set to an ERR_xxxx code on error
   * @param iCopyFile   [out] handle of a local source file
   * @param sCopyFile   path of the local source file
   * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error
  StatusCode ftpCopyPut(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, TQString sCopyFile, const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite);

   * helper called from copy() to implement FTP -> FILE transfers
   * @param iError      set to an ERR_xxxx code on error
   * @param iCopyFile   [out] handle of a local source file
   * @param sCopyFile   path of the local destination file
   * @return 0 for success, -1 for server error, -2 for client error
  StatusCode ftpCopyGet(int& iError, int& iCopyFile, TQString sCopyFile, const KURL& url, int permissions, bool overwrite);

private: // data members

  TQString m_host;
  unsigned short int m_port;
  TQString m_user;
  TQString m_pass;
   * Where we end up after connecting
  TQString m_initialPath;
  KURL m_proxyURL;

   * the current working directory - see ftpFolder
  TQString m_currentPath;

   * the status returned by the FTP protocol, set in ftpResponse()
  int  m_iRespCode;

   * the status/100 returned by the FTP protocol, set in ftpResponse()
  int  m_iRespType;

   * This flag is maintained by ftpDataMode() and contains I or A after
   * ftpDataMode() has successfully set the mode.
  char m_cDataMode;

   * true if logged on (m_control should also be non-NULL)
  bool m_bLoggedOn;

   * true if a "textmode" metadata key was found by ftpLogin(). This
   * switches the ftp data transfer mode from binary to ASCII.
  bool m_bTextMode;

   * true if a data stream is open, used in closeConnection().
   * When the user cancels a get or put command the Ftp dtor will be called,
   * which in turn calls closeConnection(). The later would try to send QUIT
   * which won't work until timeout. ftpOpenCommand sets the m_bBusy flag so
   * that the sockets will be closed immedeately - the server should be
   * capable of handling this and return an error code on thru the control
   * connection. The m_bBusy gets cleared by the ftpCloseCommand() routine.
  bool m_bBusy;

  bool m_bPasv;
  bool m_bUseProxy;

  TDEIO::filesize_t m_size;
  static TDEIO::filesize_t UnknownSize;

    epsvUnknown = 0x01,
    epsvAllUnknown = 0x02,
    eprtUnknown = 0x04,
    epsvAllSent = 0x10,
    pasvUnknown = 0x20,
    chmodUnknown = 0x100
  int m_extControl;

   * control connection socket, only set if openControl() succeeded
  FtpSocket  *m_control;

   * data connection socket
  FtpSocket  *m_data;
