The following is a list of items that are currently missing or partially implemented
in tdeio_http:

- HTTP/1.1 Persistant Connections:
The header often specifies the timeout value used for connections.
Close the connection ourselves when the timeout has expired. That way
we don't loose time sending stuff to an already closed connection.

- HTTP/1.1 Pipelining support
This more of an optimization of the http io-slave that is intended to make it
faster while using as few resources as possible.  Work on this is currently
being done to add this support for KDE 3.x version.

- WebDAV support:
The majority of the work for this is done, see README.webdav. GUI integration
into konqueror as a konqueror part would be nice, to add GUI support for
features such as locking.

- Rating(s) support.
This might involve an external program to parse the labels, and something to
configure access accordingly.  There is only some basic things that need to be
added to tdeio_http to support this.  The majority of the work has to be done at the
application level.  A tdehtml plugin in tdeaddons to do this might be a nice idea.

- P3P support:
This can also be implemented as a plugin to konqueror and does
not need any speical support in HTTP except perhaps sending a
flag that indicates that the web page provides some P3P information.
This is something that can be added as a plugin to tdeaddons.

Things that do not require programming

- "Friendly" error message html page.
We currently support the sending of error messages, but this is only done if the server
sends back nicely formatted error messages.  We do not have fall back HTML pages that
describe these error messages in a non-technical manner!  This of course also means that
we will certainly need to have these files translated.

Waldo Bastian <>
Dawit Alemayehu <>
WebDAV support: Hamish Rodda <>