//    filename             : tdemdichildfrmcaption.h
//    Project              : KDE MDI extension
//    begin                : 07/1999       by Szymon Stefanek as part of kvirc
//                                         (an IRC application)
//    changes              : 09/1999       by Falk Brettschneider to create an
//                           - 06/2000     stand-alone Qt extension set of
//                                         classes and a Qt-based library
//                           2000-2003     maintained by the KDevelop project
//    copyright            : (C) 1999-2003 by Falk Brettschneider
//                                         and
//                                         Szymon Stefanek (stefanek@tin.it)
//    email                :  falkbr@tdevelop.org (Falk Brettschneider)
//    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as
//    published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
//    License, or (at your option) any later version.

#include <tqwidget.h>

#include "tdemdidefines.h"

class KMdiChildFrm;

class KMdiChildFrmCaptionPrivate;

* @short Internal class.
* It's the caption bar of a child frame widget.
class KMDI_EXPORT KMdiChildFrmCaption : public TQWidget
	 * Constructor
	KMdiChildFrmCaption( KMdiChildFrm *parent );

	 * Destructor

	 * Repaint the caption bar in active background colors
	void setActive( bool bActive );

	 * Repaint with a new caption bar title
	void setCaption( const TQString& text );

	 * Returns the caption bar height depending on the used font
	int heightHint();

public slots:
	 * Grabs the mouse, a move cursor, sets a move indicator variable to true and keeps the global mouse position in mind
	void slot_moveViaSystemMenu();

	 * Draws the caption bar and its title using the settings
	virtual void paintEvent( TQPaintEvent *e );

	 * The same as KMdiChildFrmCaption::slot_moveViaSystemMenu
	virtual void mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * );

	 * Calls maximizePressed of the parent widget ( KMdiChildFrm )
	virtual void mouseDoubleClickEvent( TQMouseEvent * );

	 * Restore the normal mouse cursor, set the state variable back to 'not moving'
	virtual void mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * );

	 * Checks if out of move range of the KMdiChildArea and calls KMdiChildFrm::move
	virtual void mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e );

	 * Computes a new abbreviated string from a given string depending on a given maximum width
	 * @todo Replace with a call to a KStringHandler function instead of rolling our own
	TQString abbreviateText( TQString origStr, int maxWidth );

	// attributes
	 * the title string shown in the caption bar
	TQString m_szCaption;

protected:  // Protected attributes
	 * parent widget
	KMdiChildFrm *m_pParent;

	 * state variable indicating whether activated or not activated
	bool m_bActive;

	 * the position offset related to its parent widget (internally used for translating mouse move positions
	TQPoint m_offset;

	 * True if the child knows that it is currently being dragged.
	bool m_bChildInDrag;

	KMdiChildFrmCaptionPrivate *d;

#endif //_KMDICAPTION_H_

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