/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2001-2003 Michael Goffioul <tdeprint@swing.be> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include "foomatic2loader.h" #include "driver.h" #include <tqfile.h> #include <tqregexp.h> #include <tqbuffer.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdelocale.h> void tdeprint_foomatic2scanner_init( TQIODevice* ); void tdeprint_foomatic2scanner_terminate(); Foomatic2Loader::Foomatic2Loader() { } Foomatic2Loader::~Foomatic2Loader() { } bool Foomatic2Loader::read( TQIODevice *d ) { bool result = true; m_foodata.clear(); tdeprint_foomatic2scanner_init( d ); if ( tdeprint_foomatic2parse( this ) != 0 ) result = false; tdeprint_foomatic2scanner_terminate(); return result; } bool Foomatic2Loader::readFromFile( const TQString& filename ) { TQFile f( filename ); m_foodata.clear(); if ( f.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return read( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&f) ); return false; } bool Foomatic2Loader::readFromBuffer( const TQString& buffer ) { TQCString buf = buffer.utf8(); TQBuffer d( buf ); m_foodata.clear(); if ( d.open( IO_ReadOnly ) ) return read( TQT_TQIODEVICE(&d) ); return false; } DrBase* Foomatic2Loader::createValue( const TQString& name, const TQStringVariantMap& m ) const { DrBase *choice = new DrBase; choice->setName( name ); choice->set( "text", m.operator[]( "comment" ).toString() ); return choice; } DrBase* Foomatic2Loader::createOption( const TQStringVariantMap& m ) const { TQString type = m.operator[]( "type" ).toString(); DrBase *opt = NULL; if ( type == "enum" ) { DrListOption *lopt = new DrListOption; TQVariant a = m.operator[]( "vals_byname" ); TQStringVariantMap::ConstIterator it = a.mapBegin(); for ( ; it!=a.mapEnd(); ++it ) { if ( it.data().type() != TQVariant::Map ) continue; DrBase *ch = createValue( it.key(), it.data().toMap() ); if ( ch ) lopt->addChoice( ch ); } opt = lopt; } else if ( type == "int" || type == "float" ) { if ( type == "int" ) opt = new DrIntegerOption; else opt = new DrFloatOption; opt->set( "minval", m.operator[]( "min" ).toString() ); opt->set( "maxval", m.operator[]( "max" ).toString() ); } else if ( type == "bool" ) { DrBooleanOption *bopt = new DrBooleanOption; DrBase *choice; // choice 1 choice = new DrBase; choice->setName( "0" ); choice->set( "text", m.operator[]( "name_false" ).toString() ); bopt->addChoice( choice ); choice = new DrBase; choice->setName( "1" ); choice->set( "text", m.operator[]( "name_true" ).toString() ); bopt->addChoice( choice ); opt = bopt; } else if ( type == "string" ) { opt = new DrStringOption; } if ( opt ) { opt->setName( m.operator[]( "name" ).toString() ); opt->set( "text", m.operator[]( "comment" ).toString() ); TQString defval = m.operator[]( "default" ).toString(); if ( !defval.isEmpty() ) { opt->setValueText( defval ); opt->set( "default", defval ); } } return opt; } DrMain* Foomatic2Loader::buildDriver() const { if ( m_foodata.isEmpty() ) return NULL; TQVariant v = m_foodata.find( "VAR" ).data(); if ( !v.isNull() && v.type() == TQVariant::Map ) { DrMain *driver = new DrMain; TQMap<TQString,DrGroup*> groups; driver->set( "manufacturer", v.mapFind( "make" ).data().toString() ); driver->set( "model", v.mapFind( "model" ).data().toString() ); driver->set( "matic_printer", v.mapFind( "id" ).data().toString() ); driver->set( "matic_driver", v.mapFind( "driver" ).data().toString() ); driver->set( "text", TQString( "%1 %2 (%3)" ).arg( driver->get( "manufacturer" ) ).arg( driver->get( "model" ) ).arg( driver->get( "matic_driver" ) ) ); if ( m_foodata.contains( "POSTPIPE" ) ) driver->set( "postpipe", m_foodata.find( "POSTPIPE" ).data().toString() ); v = v.mapFind( "args" ).data(); if ( !v.isNull() && v.type() == TQVariant::List ) { TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = v.listBegin(); for ( ; it!=v.listEnd(); ++it ) { if ( ( *it ).type() != TQVariant::Map ) continue; DrBase *opt = createOption( ( *it ).toMap() ); if ( opt ) { TQString group = DrGroup::groupForOption( opt->name() ); DrGroup *grp = NULL; if ( !groups.contains( group ) ) { grp = new DrGroup; grp->set( "text", group ); driver->addGroup( grp ); groups.insert( group, grp ); } else grp = groups[ group ]; grp->addOption( opt ); if ( opt->name() == "PageSize" ) { // try to add the corresponding page sizes TQVariant choices = ( *it ).mapFind( "vals_byname" ).data(); TQRegExp re( "(\\d+) +(\\d+)" ); if ( choices.type() == TQVariant::Map ) { TQStringVariantMap::ConstIterator it = choices.mapBegin(); for ( ; it!=choices.mapEnd(); ++it ) { TQString driverval = ( *it ).mapFind( "driverval" ).data().toString(); if ( re.exactMatch( driverval ) ) { driver->addPageSize( new DrPageSize( it.key(), re.cap( 1 ).toInt(), re.cap( 2 ).toInt(), 36, 24, 36, 24 ) ); } } } } } else kdWarning( 500 ) << "Failed to create option: " << ( *it ).toMap()[ "name" ].toString() << endl; } } return driver; } return NULL; } DrMain* Foomatic2Loader::modifyDriver( DrMain *driver ) const { if ( !m_foodata.isEmpty() ) { TQValueList<DrBase*> optList; DrGroup *grp = NULL; TQVariant V = m_foodata.find( "VAR" ).data(); if ( !V.isNull() && V.type() == TQVariant::Map ) { TQVariant v = V.mapFind( "args" ).data(); if ( !v.isNull() && v.type() == TQVariant::List ) { TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = v.listBegin(); for ( ; it!=v.listEnd(); ++it ) { if ( ( *it ).type() != TQVariant::Map ) continue; DrBase *opt = createOption( ( *it ).toMap() ); if ( opt ) optList.append( opt ); else kdWarning( 500 ) << "Failed to create option: " << ( *it ).toMap()[ "name" ].toString() << endl; } } else { v = V.mapFind( "args_byname" ).data(); if ( !v.isNull() && v.type() == TQVariant::Map ) { TQStringVariantMap::ConstIterator it = v.mapBegin(); for ( ; it!=v.mapEnd(); ++it ) { if ( ( *it ).type() != TQVariant::Map ) continue; DrBase *opt = createOption( ( *it ).toMap() ); if ( opt ) optList.append( opt ); else kdWarning( 500 ) << "Failed to create option: " << ( *it ).toMap()[ "name" ].toString() << endl; } } } } for ( TQValueList<DrBase*>::ConstIterator it=optList.begin(); it!=optList.end(); ++it ) { DrBase *opt = ( *it ); if ( opt ) { switch ( opt->type() ) { case DrBase::List: case DrBase::Boolean: delete opt; break; default: { if ( !grp ) { grp = new DrGroup; grp->set( "text", i18n( "Adjustments" ) ); driver->addGroup( grp ); } DrBase *oldOpt = driver->findOption( opt->name() ); if ( oldOpt && oldOpt->type() == DrBase::List ) { TQPtrListIterator<DrBase> it( *( static_cast<DrListOption*>( oldOpt )->choices() ) ); TQString fixedvals; for ( ; it.current(); ++it ) { fixedvals.append( it.current()->name() ); if ( !it.atLast() ) fixedvals.append( "|" ); } opt->set( "fixedvals", fixedvals ); } driver->removeOptionGlobally( opt->name() ); grp->addOption( opt ); break; } } } } } return driver; } DrMain* Foomatic2Loader::loadDriver( const TQString& filename ) { Foomatic2Loader loader; if ( loader.readFromFile( filename ) ) return loader.buildDriver(); else return NULL; }