/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Goffioul * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include "matichandler.h" #include "printcapentry.h" #include "kmprinter.h" #include "matichelper.h" #include "driver.h" #include "kpipeprocess.h" #include "kmmanager.h" #include "kprinter.h" #include "lprsettings.h" #include "util.h" #include "foomatic2loader.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include MaticHandler::MaticHandler(KMManager *mgr) : LprHandler("foomatic", mgr) { TQString PATH = getenv("PATH"); PATH.append(":/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/sbin:/opt/local/sbin"); m_exematicpath = TDEStandardDirs::findExe("lpdomatic", PATH); m_ncpath = TDEStandardDirs::findExe("nc"); m_smbpath = TDEStandardDirs::findExe("smbclient"); m_rlprpath = TDEStandardDirs::findExe("rlpr"); } bool MaticHandler::validate(PrintcapEntry *entry) { if (entry) return (entry->field("if").right(9) == "lpdomatic"); return false; } KMPrinter* MaticHandler::createPrinter(PrintcapEntry *entry) { if (entry && validate(entry)) { KMPrinter *prt = new KMPrinter; prt->setName(entry->name); prt->setPrinterName(entry->name); prt->setType(KMPrinter::Printer); //if (entry->field("lp") == "/dev/null" || entry->field("lp").isEmpty()) // prt->addType(KMPrinter::Remote); return prt; } return NULL; } bool MaticHandler::completePrinter(KMPrinter *prt, PrintcapEntry *entry, bool shortmode) { TQString val = entry->field("lp"); if (val == "/dev/null" || val.isEmpty()) { prt->setLocation(i18n("Network printer")); } else { prt->setLocation(i18n("Local printer on %1").arg(val)); KURL url(val); if (val.find("usb") != -1) url.setProtocol("usb"); else url.setProtocol("parallel"); prt->setDevice(url.url()); } prt->setDescription(entry->aliases.join(", ")); if (!shortmode) { Foomatic2Loader loader; if ( loader.readFromFile( maticFile( entry ) ) ) { TQString postpipe = loader.data()[ "POSTPIPE" ].toString(); if (!postpipe.isEmpty()) { KURL url ( parsePostpipe(postpipe) ); if (!url.isEmpty()) { TQString ds = TQString::fromLatin1("%1 (%2)").arg(prt->location()).arg(url.protocol()); prt->setDevice(url.url()); prt->setLocation(ds); } } TQStringVariantMap m = loader.data()[ "VAR" ].toMap(); if ( !m.isEmpty() ) { prt->setManufacturer(m["make"].toString()); prt->setModel(m["model"].toString()); prt->setDriverInfo(TQString::fromLatin1("%1 %2 (%3)").arg(prt->manufacturer()).arg(prt->model()).arg(m["driver"].toString())); } } } return true; } TQString MaticHandler::parsePostpipe(const TQString& s) { TQString url; int p = s.findRev('|'); TQStringList args = TQStringList::split(" ", s.right(s.length()-p-1)); if (args.count() != 0) { // socket printer if (args[0].right(3) == "/nc") { url = "socket://" + args[ 1 ]; if ( args.count() > 2 ) url += ":" + args[ 2 ]; else url += ":9100"; } // smb printer else if (args[0].right(10) == "/smbclient") { TQStringList host_components = TQStringList::split(TQRegExp("/|\\\\\""), args[1], false); TQString workgrp, user, pass; for (uint i=2; irandomString(8)); ::system(TQFile::encodeName("cp " + TDEProcess::quote(origfilename) + " " + TDEProcess::quote(filename))); DrMain *driver = Foomatic2Loader::loadDriver(filename); if (driver) { driver->set("template", filename); driver->set("temporary", "true"); return driver; } else return NULL; } DrMain* MaticHandler::loadDbDriver(const TQString& path) { TQStringList comps = TQStringList::split('/', path, false); if (comps.count() < 3 || comps[0] != "foomatic") { manager()->setErrorMsg(i18n("Internal error.")); return NULL; } TQString tmpFile = locateLocal("tmp", "foomatic_" + tdeApp->randomString(8)); TQString PATH = getenv("PATH") + TQString::fromLatin1(":/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/sbin:/opt/local/sbin"); TQString exe = TDEStandardDirs::findExe("foomatic-datafile", PATH); if (exe.isEmpty()) { manager()->setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to find the executable foomatic-datafile " "in your PATH. Check that Foomatic is correctly installed.")); return NULL; } KPipeProcess in; TQFile out(tmpFile); TQString cmd = TDEProcess::quote(exe); cmd += " -t lpd -d "; cmd += TDEProcess::quote(comps[2]); cmd += " -p "; cmd += TDEProcess::quote(comps[1]); if (in.open(cmd) && out.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { TQTextStream tin(&in), tout(&out); TQString line; while (!tin.atEnd()) { line = tin.readLine(); tout << line << endl; } in.close(); out.close(); DrMain *driver = Foomatic2Loader::loadDriver(tmpFile); if (driver) { driver->set("template", tmpFile); driver->set("temporary", tmpFile); return driver; } } manager()->setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to create the Foomatic driver [%1,%2]. " "Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have " "the required permissions to perform that operation.").arg(comps[1]).arg(comps[2])); return NULL; } bool MaticHandler::savePrinterDriver(KMPrinter *prt, PrintcapEntry *entry, DrMain *driver, bool*) { TQFile tmpFile(locateLocal("tmp", "foomatic_" + tdeApp->randomString(8))); TQFile inFile(driver->get("template")); TQString outFile = maticFile(entry); bool result(false); TQString postpipe = createPostpipe(prt->device()); if (inFile.open(IO_ReadOnly) && tmpFile.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { TQTextStream tin(&inFile), tout(&tmpFile); TQString line, optname; int p(-1), q(-1); if (!postpipe.isEmpty()) tout << "$postpipe = \"" << postpipe << "\";" << endl; while (!tin.atEnd()) { line = tin.readLine(); if (line.stripWhiteSpace().startsWith("$postpipe")) continue; else if ((p = line.find("'name'")) != -1) { p = line.find('\'', p+6)+1; q = line.find('\'', p); optname = line.mid(p, q-p); } else if ((p = line.find("'default'")) != -1) { DrBase *opt = driver->findOption(optname); if (opt) { tout << line.left(p+9) << " => '" << opt->valueText() << "'," << endl; continue; } } tout << line << endl; } inFile.close(); tmpFile.close(); TQString cmd = "mv " + TDEProcess::quote(tmpFile.name()) + " " + TDEProcess::quote(outFile); int status = ::system(TQFile::encodeName(cmd).data()); TQFile::remove(tmpFile.name()); result = (status != -1 && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 0); } if (!result) manager()->setErrorMsg(i18n("You probably don't have the required permissions " "to perform that operation.")); TQFile::remove(tmpFile.name()); if (!result || entry->field("ppdfile").isEmpty()) return result; else return savePpdFile(driver, entry->field("ppdfile")); } bool MaticHandler::savePpdFile(DrMain *driver, const TQString& filename) { TQString mdriver(driver->get("matic_driver")), mprinter(driver->get("matic_printer")); if (mdriver.isEmpty() || mprinter.isEmpty()) return true; TQString PATH = getenv("PATH") + TQString::fromLatin1(":/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/opt/sbin:/opt/local/sbin"); TQString exe = TDEStandardDirs::findExe("foomatic-datafile", PATH); if (exe.isEmpty()) { manager()->setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to find the executable foomatic-datafile " "in your PATH. Check that Foomatic is correctly installed.")); return false; } KPipeProcess in; TQFile out(filename); if (in.open(exe + " -t cups -d " + mdriver + " -p " + mprinter) && out.open(IO_WriteOnly)) { TQTextStream tin(&in), tout(&out); TQString line, optname; TQRegExp re("^\\*Default(\\w+):"), foo("'name'\\s+=>\\s+'(\\w+)'"), foo2("'\\w+'\\s*,\\s*$"); while (!tin.atEnd()) { line = tin.readLine(); if (line.startsWith("*% COMDATA #")) { if (line.find("'default'") != -1) { DrBase *opt = (optname.isEmpty() ? NULL : driver->findOption(optname)); if (opt) { line.replace(foo2, "'"+opt->valueText()+"',"); } } else if (foo.search(line) != -1) optname = foo.cap(1); } else if (re.search(line) != -1) { DrBase *opt = driver->findOption(re.cap(1)); if (opt) { TQString val = opt->valueText(); if (opt->type() == DrBase::Boolean) val = (val == "1" ? "True" : "False"); tout << "*Default" << opt->name() << ": " << val << endl; continue; } } tout << line << endl; } in.close(); out.close(); return true; } manager()->setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to create the Foomatic driver [%1,%2]. " "Either that driver does not exist, or you don't have " "the required permissions to perform that operation.").arg(mdriver).arg(mprinter)); return false; } PrintcapEntry* MaticHandler::createEntry(KMPrinter *prt) { KURL url( prt->device() ); TQString prot = url.protocol(); if ((prot != "lpd" || m_rlprpath.isEmpty()) && (prot != "socket" || m_ncpath.isEmpty()) && (prot != "smb" || m_smbpath.isEmpty()) && prot != "parallel") { manager()->setErrorMsg(i18n("Unsupported backend: %1.").arg(prot)); return NULL; } if (m_exematicpath.isEmpty()) { manager()->setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to find executable lpdomatic. " "Check that Foomatic is correctly installed " "and that lpdomatic is installed in a standard " "location.")); return NULL; } PrintcapEntry *entry = new PrintcapEntry; entry->addField("lf", Field::String, "/var/log/lp-errs"); entry->addField("lp", Field::String, (prot != "parallel" ? "/dev/null" : url.path())); entry->addField("if", Field::String, m_exematicpath); if (LprSettings::self()->mode() == LprSettings::LPRng) { entry->addField("filter_options", Field::String, " --lprng $Z /etc/foomatic/lpd/"+prt->printerName()+".lom"); entry->addField("force_localhost", Field::Boolean); entry->addField("ppdfile", Field::String, "/etc/foomatic/"+prt->printerName()+".ppd"); } else entry->addField("af", Field::String, "/etc/foomatic/lpd/"+prt->printerName()+".lom"); if (!prt->description().isEmpty()) entry->aliases << prt->description(); return entry; } bool MaticHandler::removePrinter(KMPrinter *prt, PrintcapEntry *entry) { // remove Foomatic driver TQString af = entry->field("af"); if (af.isEmpty()) return true; if (!TQFile::remove(af)) { manager()->setErrorMsg(i18n("Unable to remove driver file %1.").arg(af)); return false; } return true; } TQString MaticHandler::printOptions(KPrinter *printer) { TQMap opts = printer->options(); TQString str; for (TQMap::Iterator it=opts.begin(); it!=opts.end(); ++it) { if (it.key().startsWith("kde-") || it.key().startsWith("_kde-") || it.key().startsWith( "app-" )) continue; str += (" " + it.key() + "=" + (*it)); } if (!str.isEmpty()) str.prepend("-J '").append("'"); return str; } TQString MaticHandler::driverDirInternal() { return locateDir("foomatic/db/source", "/usr/share:/usr/local/share:/opt/share"); }