/* * This file is part of the KDE libraries * Copyright (c) 2001 Michael Goffioul <tdeprint@swing.be> * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public * License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Library General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License * along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, * Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. **/ #include "kiconselectaction.h" #include <tqpopupmenu.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdetoolbar.h> #include <tdetoolbarbutton.h> class TDEIconSelectActionPrivate { public: TDEIconSelectActionPrivate() { m_menu = 0; } TQStringList m_iconlst; TQPopupMenu* m_menu; }; TDEIconSelectAction::TDEIconSelectAction(const TQString& text, int accel, TQObject* parent, const char* name) : TDESelectAction(text, accel, parent, name) { d = new TDEIconSelectActionPrivate; } TDEIconSelectAction::~TDEIconSelectAction() { delete d; } void TDEIconSelectAction::updateIcons() { if (d->m_menu) { TQStringList lst = items(); for (uint id=0; id<lst.count(); ++id) d->m_menu->changeItem(id, SmallIconSet(d->m_iconlst[id]), lst[id]); } } void TDEIconSelectAction::createPopupMenu() { if (!d->m_menu) { d->m_menu = popupMenu(); updateIcons(); } } void TDEIconSelectAction::setItems(const TQStringList& lst, const TQStringList& iconlst) { TDESelectAction::setItems(lst); d->m_iconlst = iconlst; updateIcons(); } int TDEIconSelectAction::plug(TQWidget* widget, int index) { int value(-1); if (widget->inherits("TQPopupMenu")) { createPopupMenu(); value = TDESelectAction::plug(widget, index); } else if (widget->inherits("TDEToolBar")) { TDEToolBar* bar = static_cast<TDEToolBar*>(widget); int id = TDEAction::getToolButtonID(); // To have a correct layout in the toolbar, a non // empty icon has to be used. Use "unknown" by default. TQString iconName = (currentItem() != -1 ? d->m_iconlst[currentItem()] : "unknown"); createPopupMenu(); bar->insertButton(iconName, id, true, plainText(), index); bar->getButton(id)->setPopup(d->m_menu, true); bar->setItemEnabled(id, isEnabled()); addContainer(bar, id); connect(bar, TQ_SIGNAL(destroyed()), TQ_SLOT(slotDestroyed())); value = containerCount()-1; } return value; } void TDEIconSelectAction::updateCurrentItem(int id) { TQWidget* w = container(id); if (w->inherits("TDEToolBar")) static_cast<TDEToolBar*>(w)->getButton(itemId(id))->setIcon(d->m_iconlst[currentItem()]); else TDESelectAction::updateCurrentItem(id); } void TDEIconSelectAction::setCurrentItem(int index) { TDESelectAction::setCurrentItem(index); } #include "kiconselectaction.moc"