/* * * $Id$ * * This file is part of the KDE project, module tdesu. * Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Geert Jansen <jansen@kde.org> * * This is free software; you can use this library under the GNU Library * General Public License, version 2. See the file "COPYING.LIB" for the * exact licensing terms. */ #ifndef __SU_h_Included__ #define __SU_h_Included__ #include <tqcstring.h> #include <tdelibs_export.h> #include "stub.h" /** * Executes a command under elevated privileges, using su. */ class TDESU_EXPORT SuProcess: public StubProcess { public: SuProcess(const TQCString &user=0, const TQCString &command=0); ~SuProcess(); enum Errors { SuNotFound=1, SuNotAllowed, SuIncorrectPassword }; /** * Executes the command. This will wait for the command to finish. */ enum checkMode { NoCheck=0, Install=1, NeedPassword=2 } ; int exec(const char *password, int check=NoCheck); /** * Checks if the stub is installed and the password is correct. * @return Zero if everything is correct, nonzero otherwise. */ int checkInstall(const char *password); /** * Checks if a password is needed. */ int checkNeedPassword(); private: enum SuErrors { error=-1, ok=0, killme=1, notauthorized=2 } ; int ConverseSU(const char *password); protected: virtual void virtual_hook( int id, void* data ); private: class SuProcessPrivate; SuProcessPrivate *d; TQString superUserCommand; }; #endif