    Definition of QXEmbed class

   Copyright (C) 1999-2000 Troll Tech AS

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
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#ifndef QXEMBED_H
#define QXEMBED_H

#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tdelibs_export.h>

#ifdef Q_MOC_RUN
#define Q_WS_X11
#endif // Q_MOC_RUN

#ifdef Q_WS_X11

class QXEmbedData;

 * A QXEmbed widget serves as an embedder that can manage one single embedded
 * X-window. These so-called client windows can be arbitrary Qt or non Qt
 * applications.
 * There are two different ways of using QXEmbed,
 * from the client side or from the embedder's side.
 * Embedding from the client's side requires that the client knows the
 * window identifier of the respective embedder widget. Use either
 * embedClientIntoWindow() or the high-level wrapper processClientCmdline().
 * This is only possible when the client is a Qt application.
 * When using it from the embedder's side, you must know the window 
 * identifier of the window that should be embedded. Simply call embed() 
 * with this identifier as parameter.  If the client is a Qt application,
 * make sure it has called QXEmbed::initialize(). Otherwise you should
 * probably call setProtocol(XPLAIN) before embed().
 * Reimplement the change handler windowChanged() to catch embedding or
 * the destruction of embedded windows. In the latter case, the
 * embedder also emits a signal embeddedWindowDestroyed() for
 * convenience.
 * @short The QXEmbed widget is a graphical socket that can embed an external X-Window.
class TDEUI_EXPORT QXEmbed : public TQWidget


     * Constructs a xembed widget.
     * The parent, name and f arguments are passed to the QFrame
     * constructor.
    QXEmbed( TQWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0, WFlags f = 0 );

     * Destructor. Cleans up the focus if necessary.

     * Embedded applications should call this function to make sure
     * they support the XEMBED protocol. It is called automatically
     * when you use embedClientIntoWindow() or
     * processClientCmdline(). Clients might have to call it
     * manually when you use embed().
    static void initialize();

    enum Protocol { XEMBED, XPLAIN };

     * Sets the protocol used for embedding windows.
     * This function must be called before embedding a window.
     * Protocol XEMBED provides maximal functionality (focus, tabs, etc)
     * but requires explicit cooperation from the embedded window.
     * Protocol XPLAIN provides maximal compatibility with
     * embedded applications that do not support the XEMBED protocol.
     * The default is XEMBED.
     * Non TDE applications should be embedded with protocol XPLAIN. 
     * This does not happen automatically yet. 
     * You must call setProtocol() explicitly.

    void setProtocol( Protocol proto );

     * Returns the protocol used for embedding the current window.
     * @return the protocol used by QXEmbed.

    Protocol protocol();

     * Embeds the window with the identifier w into this xembed widget.
     * This function is useful if the embedder knows about the client window
     * that should be embedded.  Often it is vice versa: the client knows
     * about its target embedder. In that case, it is not necessary to call
     * embed(). Instead, the client will call the static function
     * embedClientIntoWindow().
     * @param w the identifier of the window to embed
     * @see embeddedWinId()
    void embed( WId w );

     * Returns the window identifier of the embedded window, or 0 if no
     * window is embedded yet.
     * @return the id of the embedded window (0 if no window is embedded)
    WId embeddedWinId() const;

     * A function for clients that embed themselves. The widget
     * client will be embedded in the window window. The application has
     * to ensure that window is the handle of the window identifier of
     * an QXEmbed widget.
     * @short #processClientCmdline()
    static void embedClientIntoWindow( TQWidget* client, WId window );

     * A utility function for clients that embed theirselves. The widget
     * client will be embedded in the window that is passed as
     * -embed command line argument.
     * The function returns true on success or false if no such command line
     * parameter is specified.
     * @see embedClientIntoWindow()
    static bool processClientCmdline( TQWidget* client, int& argc, char ** argv );

     * Sends a WM_DELETE_WINDOW message to the embedded window.  This is what
     * typically happens when you click on the close button of a window
     * manager decoration.  This should cause the embedded application to
     * cleanly close the window.  Signal embeddedWindowDestroyed() can be used
     * to monitor the status of the embedded window.
    void sendDelete( void );
     * Selects what shoud be done with the embedded window when the embedding
     * window is destroyed.  When the argument is true, the embedded window is
     * kept alive, is hidden, and receives a WM_DELETE_WINDOW message using
     * sendDelete().  This is the default.  Otherwise, the destruction of the
     * QXEmbed object simply destroys the embedded window.
     * @see sendDelete()
    void setAutoDelete( bool );

     * Returns the value of flag indicating what shoud be done with the
     * embedded window when the embedding window is destroyed.
     * @see setAutoDelete()
    bool autoDelete() const;

    /* Reimp */
    TQSize sizeHint() const;
    TQSize minimumSizeHint() const;
    TQSizePolicy sizePolicy() const;
    bool eventFilter( TQObject *, TQEvent * );
    bool customWhatsThis() const;
    void enterWhatsThisMode(); // temporary, fix in Qt (Matthias, Mon Jul 17 15:20:55 CEST 2000  )
    virtual void reparent( TQWidget * parent, WFlags f, const TQPoint & p, bool showIt = false );

     * @internal
    void updateEmbeddedFocus( bool hasfocus );

     * This signal is emitted when the embedded window has been lost (destroyed or reparented away)
     * @see embeddedWinId()
    // KDE4 rename to embeddedWindowLost()
    void embeddedWindowDestroyed();

    bool event( TQEvent * );
    void keyPressEvent( TQKeyEvent * );
    void keyReleaseEvent( TQKeyEvent * );
    void focusInEvent( TQFocusEvent * );
    void focusOutEvent( TQFocusEvent * );
    void resizeEvent(TQResizeEvent *);
    void showEvent( TQShowEvent * );
    bool x11Event( XEvent* );

     * A change handler that indicates that the embedded window has been
     * changed.  The window handle can also be retrieved with
     * embeddedWinId().
     * @param w the handle of the window that changed
    virtual void windowChanged( WId w );

    bool focusNextPrevChild( bool next );

    WId window;
    QXEmbedData* d;
    void checkGrab();
    void sendSyntheticConfigureNotifyEvent();
    void handleEmbed();
