/*  This file is part of the KDE project
    Copyright (C) 2000 Keunwoo Lee <klee@cs.washington.edu>

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
    version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


#include <tqmap.h>
#include <tqstring.h>
#include <tqstringlist.h>

#include <tdelibs_export.h>

 * Provides functions that, given a collection of QStrings, will
 * automatically and intelligently assign menu accelerators to the
 * QStrings in the collection.
 * NOTE: When this file speaks of "accelerators", we really mean
 * accelerators as defined by the KDE User Interface Guidelines.  We
 * do NOT mean "shortcuts", which are what's handled by most other KDE
 * libraries with "accel" in the name.
 * In the Qt library, the mechanism for adding a keyboard accelerator
 * to a menu item is to insert an '&' before the letter. Since we
 * usually don't want to disturb the original collection, the idiom in
 * these functions is to populate a "target" TQStringList parameter
 * with the input collectin's QStrings, plus possibly some added '&'
 * characters.
 * That is the mechanism. Here is the policy, in order of decreasing
 * importance (it may seem like these are implementation details, but
 * IMHO the policy is an important part of the interface):
 * 1. If the string already contains an '&' character, skip this
 * string, because we consider such strings to be "user-specified"
 * accelerators.
 * 2. No accelerator may clash with a previously defined accelerator,
 * including any legal (alphanumeric) user-specified accelerator
 * anywhere in the collection
 * 3. Prefer alphanumerics at the start of the string.
 * 4. Otherwise, prefer alphanumerics at the start of a word.
 * 5. Otherwise, choose any alphanumeric character not already
 * taken. If no such character is available, give up & skip this
 * string.
 * A typical use of these functions would be to automatically assign
 * accelerators to a dynamically populated popup menu.  For example,
 * the core code was written to automatically set accelerators for the
 * "Load View Profile" popup menu for Konqueror.  We quickly realized
 * that it would be useful to make this facility more generally
 * available, so I abstracted it out into a set of templates.
 * TODO:
 * + Add sugar functions for more collections.
 * + Add more Deref classes so that we can access a wider variety of
 * collections.
 * */
namespace TDEAccelGen


 * Static dereference class, for use as a template parameter.
template <class Iter>
class Deref
    static TQString deref(Iter i) { return *i; }

 * Static dereference class that calls the key() method on its
 * target; for use as a template parameter.
template <class Iter>
class Deref_Key
    static TQString deref(Iter i) { return i.key(); }

 * Helper to determine if the given offset in the string could be a
 * legal alphanumeric accelerator.
 * @param str   base string
 * @param index offset to check
inline bool
isLegalAccelerator(const TQString& str, uint index)
    return index < str.length()
        && str[index].isLetterOrNumber();

 * Loads all legal predefined accelerators in the (implicitly
 * specified) collection into the given TQMap.
 * @param begin start iterator
 * @param end   (last+1) iterator
 * @param keys map to store output
template <class Iter, class Deref>
inline void
loadPredefined(Iter begin, Iter end, TQMap<TQChar,bool>& keys)
    for (Iter i = begin; i != end; ++i) {
        TQString item = Deref::deref(i);
        int user_ampersand = item.find(TQChar('&'));
        if( user_ampersand >= 0 ) {
            // Sanity check.  Note that we don't try to find an
            // accelerator if the user shoots him/herself in the foot
            // by adding a bad '&'.
            if( isLegalAccelerator(item, user_ampersand+1) ) {
                keys.insert(item[user_ampersand+1], true);

// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

 * Main, maximally flexible template function that assigns
 * accelerators to the elements of a collection of QStrings. Clients
 * will seldom use this directly, as it's usually easier to use one of
 * the wrapper functions that simply takes a collection (see below).
 * The Deref template parameter is a class containing a static
 * dereferencing function, modeled after the comparison class C in
 * Stroustrup 13.4.
 * @param begin  (you know)
 * @param end    (you know)
 * @param target collection to store generated strings
template <class Iter, class Iter_Deref >
generate(Iter begin, Iter end, TQStringList& target)
    // Will keep track of used accelerator chars
    TQMap<TQChar,bool> used_accels;

    // Prepass to detect manually user-coded accelerators
    loadPredefined<Iter,Iter_Deref>(begin, end, used_accels);

    // Main pass
    for (Iter i = begin; i != end; ++i) {
        TQString item = Iter_Deref::deref(i);

        // Attempt to find a good accelerator, but only if the user
        // has not manually hardcoded one.
        int user_ampersand = item.find(TQChar('&'));
        if( user_ampersand < 0 || item[user_ampersand+1] == '&') {
            bool found = false;
            uint found_idx;
            uint j;

            // Check word-starting letters first.
            for( j=0; j < item.length(); ++j ) {
                if( isLegalAccelerator(item, j)
                    && !used_accels.contains(item[j])
                    && (0 == j || (j > 0 && item[j-1].isSpace())) ) {
                    found = true;
                    found_idx = j;

            if( !found ) {
                // No word-starting letter; search for any letter.
                for( j=0; j < item.length(); ++j ) {
                    if( isLegalAccelerator(item, j)
                        && !used_accels.contains(item[j]) ) {
                        found = true;
                        found_idx = j;

            if( found ) {
                // Both upper and lower case marked as used

        target.append( item );

 * Another convenience function; looks up the key instead of
 * dereferencing directly for the given iterator.
 * @param begin
 * @param end
 * @param target
template <class Iter>
inline void
generateFromKeys(Iter begin, Iter end, TQStringList& target)
    generate< Iter, Deref_Key<Iter> >(begin, end, target);

 * Convenience function; generates accelerators for all the items in
 * a TQStringList.
 * @param source Strings for which to generate accelerators
 * @param target Output for accelerator-added strings */
inline void
generate(const TQStringList& source, TQStringList& target)
    generate<TQStringList::ConstIterator, Deref<TQStringList::ConstIterator> >(source.begin(), source.end(), target);

 * Convenience function; generates accelerators for all the values in
 * a TQMap<T,TQString>.
 * @param source Map with input strings as VALUES.
 * @param target Output for accelerator-added strings */
template <class Key>
inline void
generateFromValues(const TQMap<Key,TQString>& source, TQStringList& target)
    generate<TQMapConstIterator<Key,TQString>, Deref_Key<TQMapConstIterator<Key,TQString> > >(source.begin(), source.end(), target);

 * Convenience function; generates an accelerator mapping from all the
 * keys in a TQMap<TQString,T>
 * @param source Map with input strings as KEYS.
 * @param target Output for accelerator-added strings */
template <class Data>
inline void
generateFromKeys(const TQMap<TQString,Data>& source, TQStringList& target)
    generateFromKeys(source.begin(), source.end(), target);

} // end namespace TDEAccelGen
