/* This file is part of the KDE libraries Copyright (C) 1997, 1998 Stephan Kulow (coolo@kde.org) (C) 1997, 1998 Mark Donohoe (donohoe@kde.org) (C) 1997, 1998 Sven Radej (radej@kde.org) (C) 1997, 1998 Matthias Ettrich (ettrich@kde.org) (C) 1999 Chris Schlaeger (cs@kde.org) (C) 1999 Kurt Granroth (granroth@kde.org) This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <string.h> #include "tdetoolbarbutton.h" #include "tdetoolbar.h" #include <tqstyle.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include <tqtimer.h> #include <tqdrawutil.h> #include <tqtooltip.h> #include <tqbitmap.h> #include <tqpopupmenu.h> #include <tqcursor.h> #include <tqpainter.h> #include <tqlayout.h> #include <tdeapplication.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <tdeglobal.h> #include <tdeglobalsettings.h> #include <kiconeffect.h> #include <kiconloader.h> // needed to get our instance #include <tdemainwindow.h> template class TQIntDict<TDEToolBarButton>; class TDEToolBarButtonPrivate { public: TDEToolBarButtonPrivate(); ~TDEToolBarButtonPrivate(); int m_id; bool m_buttonDown; bool m_noStyle; bool m_isSeparator; bool m_isRadio; bool m_highlight; bool m_isRaised; bool m_isActive; TQString m_iconName; TDEToolBar *m_parent; TDEToolBar::IconText m_iconText; int m_iconSize; TQSize size; TQPoint m_mousePressPos; TDEInstance *m_instance; }; TDEToolBarButtonPrivate::TDEToolBarButtonPrivate() { m_buttonDown = false; m_noStyle = false; m_isSeparator = false; m_isRadio = false; m_highlight = false; m_isRaised = false; m_isActive = false; m_iconName = TQString::null; m_iconText = TDEToolBar::IconOnly; m_iconSize = 0; m_parent = 0; m_instance = TDEGlobal::instance(); } TDEToolBarButtonPrivate::~TDEToolBarButtonPrivate() { // } // This will construct a separator TDEToolBarButton::TDEToolBarButton( TQWidget *_parent, const char *_name ) : TQToolButton( _parent , _name) { d = new TDEToolBarButtonPrivate(); resize(6,6); hide(); d->m_isSeparator = true; } TDEToolBarButton::TDEToolBarButton( const TQString& _icon, int _id, TQWidget *_parent, const char *_name, const TQString &_txt, TDEInstance *_instance ) : TQToolButton( _parent, _name ), d( 0 ) { d = new TDEToolBarButtonPrivate(); d->m_id = _id; TQToolButton::setTextLabel(_txt); d->m_instance = _instance; d->m_parent = dynamic_cast<TDEToolBar*>(_parent); if (d->m_parent) { connect(d->m_parent, TQ_SIGNAL( modechange() ), this, TQ_SLOT( modeChange() )); } setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::NoFocus ); // connect all of our slots and start trapping events connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotClicked() ) ); connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotPressed() ) ); connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL( released() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotReleased() ) ); installEventFilter(this); d->m_iconName = _icon; // do our initial setup modeChange(); } TDEToolBarButton::TDEToolBarButton( const TQPixmap& pixmap, int _id, TQWidget *_parent, const char *name, const TQString& txt) : TQToolButton( _parent, name ), d( 0 ) { d = new TDEToolBarButtonPrivate(); d->m_id = _id; TQToolButton::setTextLabel(txt); d->m_parent = dynamic_cast<TDEToolBar*>(_parent); if (d->m_parent) { connect(d->m_parent, TQ_SIGNAL( modechange() ), this, TQ_SLOT( modeChange() )); } setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::NoFocus ); // connect all of our slots and start trapping events connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotClicked() )); connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL( pressed() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotPressed() )); connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL( released() ), this, TQ_SLOT( slotReleased() )); installEventFilter(this); // set our pixmap and do our initial setup setIconSet( TQIconSet( pixmap )); modeChange(); } TDEToolBarButton::~TDEToolBarButton() { delete d; d = 0; } void TDEToolBarButton::modeChange() { TQSize mysize; // grab a few global variables for use in this function and others if (d->m_parent) { d->m_highlight = d->m_parent->highlight(); d->m_iconText = d->m_parent->iconText(); d->m_iconSize = d->m_parent->iconSize(); } if (!d->m_iconName.isNull()) setIcon(d->m_iconName); // we'll start with the size of our pixmap int pix_width = d->m_iconSize; if ( d->m_iconSize == 0 ) { if (d->m_parent && !strcmp(d->m_parent->name(), "mainToolBar")) pix_width = IconSize( TDEIcon::MainToolbar ); else pix_width = IconSize( TDEIcon::Toolbar ); } int pix_height = pix_width; int text_height = 0; int text_width = 0; TQToolTip::remove(this); if (d->m_iconText != TDEToolBar::IconOnly) { // okay, we have to deal with fonts. let's get our information now TQFont tmp_font = TDEGlobalSettings::toolBarFont(); // now parse out our font sizes from our chosen font TQFontMetrics fm(tmp_font); text_height = fm.lineSpacing(); text_width = fm.width(textLabel()); // none of the other modes want tooltips } else { TQToolTip::add(this, textLabel()); } switch (d->m_iconText) { case TDEToolBar::IconOnly: mysize = TQSize(pix_width, pix_height); break; case TDEToolBar::IconTextRight: mysize = TQSize(pix_width + text_width + 4, pix_height); break; case TDEToolBar::TextOnly: mysize = TQSize(text_width + 4, text_height); break; case TDEToolBar::IconTextBottom: mysize = TQSize((text_width + 4 > pix_width) ? text_width + 4 : pix_width, pix_height + text_height); break; default: break; } mysize = style().sizeFromContents(TQStyle::CT_ToolButton, this, mysize). expandedTo(TQApplication::globalStrut()); // make sure that this isn't taller then it is wide if (mysize.height() > mysize.width()) mysize.setWidth(mysize.height()); d->size = mysize; updateGeometry(); } void TDEToolBarButton::setTextLabel( const TQString& text, bool tipToo) { if (text.isNull()) return; TQString txt(text); if (txt.endsWith(TQString::fromLatin1("..."))) txt.truncate(txt.length() - 3); TQToolButton::setTextLabel(txt, tipToo); update(); } void TDEToolBarButton::setText( const TQString& text) { setTextLabel(text, true); modeChange(); } void TDEToolBarButton::setIcon( const TQString &icon ) { d->m_iconName = icon; if (d->m_parent) d->m_iconSize = d->m_parent->iconSize(); // TQObject::name() return "const char *" instead of TQString. if (d->m_parent && !strcmp(d->m_parent->name(), "mainToolBar")) TQToolButton::setIconSet( d->m_instance->iconLoader()->loadIconSet( d->m_iconName, TDEIcon::MainToolbar, d->m_iconSize )); else TQToolButton::setIconSet( d->m_instance->iconLoader()->loadIconSet( d->m_iconName, TDEIcon::Toolbar, d->m_iconSize )); } void TDEToolBarButton::setIconSet( const TQIconSet &iconset ) { TQToolButton::setIconSet( iconset ); } // remove? void TDEToolBarButton::setPixmap( const TQPixmap &pixmap ) { if( pixmap.isNull()) // called by TQToolButton { TQToolButton::setPixmap( pixmap ); return; } TQIconSet set = iconSet(); set.setPixmap( pixmap, TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Active ); TQToolButton::setIconSet( set ); } void TDEToolBarButton::setDefaultPixmap( const TQPixmap &pixmap ) { TQIconSet set = iconSet(); set.setPixmap( pixmap, TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Normal ); TQToolButton::setIconSet( set ); } void TDEToolBarButton::setDisabledPixmap( const TQPixmap &pixmap ) { TQIconSet set = iconSet(); set.setPixmap( pixmap, TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Disabled ); TQToolButton::setIconSet( set ); } void TDEToolBarButton::setDefaultIcon( const TQString& icon ) { TQIconSet set = iconSet(); TQPixmap pm; if (d->m_parent && !strcmp(d->m_parent->name(), "mainToolBar")) pm = d->m_instance->iconLoader()->loadIcon( icon, TDEIcon::MainToolbar, d->m_iconSize ); else pm = d->m_instance->iconLoader()->loadIcon( icon, TDEIcon::Toolbar, d->m_iconSize ); set.setPixmap( pm, TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Normal ); TQToolButton::setIconSet( set ); } void TDEToolBarButton::setDisabledIcon( const TQString& icon ) { TQIconSet set = iconSet(); TQPixmap pm; if (d->m_parent && !strcmp(d->m_parent->name(), "mainToolBar")) pm = d->m_instance->iconLoader()->loadIcon( icon, TDEIcon::MainToolbar, d->m_iconSize ); else pm = d->m_instance->iconLoader()->loadIcon( icon, TDEIcon::Toolbar, d->m_iconSize ); set.setPixmap( pm, TQIconSet::Automatic, TQIconSet::Disabled ); TQToolButton::setIconSet( set ); } TQPopupMenu *TDEToolBarButton::popup() { // obsolete // KDE4: remove me return TQToolButton::popup(); } void TDEToolBarButton::setPopup(TQPopupMenu *p, bool) { TQToolButton::setPopup(p); TQToolButton::setPopupDelay(-1); } void TDEToolBarButton::setDelayedPopup (TQPopupMenu *p, bool) { TQToolButton::setPopup(p); TQToolButton::setPopupDelay(TQApplication::startDragTime()); } void TDEToolBarButton::leaveEvent(TQEvent *) { if( d->m_isRaised || d->m_isActive ) { d->m_isRaised = false; d->m_isActive = false; repaint(false); } emit highlighted(d->m_id, false); } void TDEToolBarButton::enterEvent(TQEvent *) { if (d->m_highlight) { if (isEnabled()) { d->m_isActive = true; if (!isToggleButton()) d->m_isRaised = true; } else { d->m_isRaised = false; d->m_isActive = false; } repaint(false); } emit highlighted(d->m_id, true); } bool TDEToolBarButton::eventFilter(TQObject *o, TQEvent *ev) { if (o == this) { // Popup the menu when the left mousebutton is pressed and the mouse // is moved by a small distance. if (TQToolButton::popup()) { if (ev->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress) { TQMouseEvent* mev = static_cast<TQMouseEvent*>(ev); d->m_mousePressPos = mev->pos(); } else if (ev->type() == TQEvent::MouseMove) { TQMouseEvent* mev = static_cast<TQMouseEvent*>(ev); if ((mev->pos() - d->m_mousePressPos).manhattanLength() > TDEGlobalSettings::dndEventDelay()) { openPopup(); return true; } } } if (d->m_isRadio && (ev->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonPress || ev->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease || ev->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) && isOn()) return true; // From Kai-Uwe Sattler <kus@iti.CS.Uni-Magdeburg.De> if (ev->type() == TQEvent::MouseButtonDblClick) { emit doubleClicked(d->m_id); return false; } } return TQToolButton::eventFilter(o, ev); } void TDEToolBarButton::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent * e ) { d->m_buttonDown = true; if ( e->button() == TQt::MidButton ) { // Get TQToolButton to show the button being down while pressed TQMouseEvent ev( TQEvent::MouseButtonPress, e->pos(), e->globalPos(), TQt::LeftButton, e->state() ); TQToolButton::mousePressEvent(&ev); return; } TQToolButton::mousePressEvent(e); } void TDEToolBarButton::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * e ) { TQt::ButtonState state = TQt::ButtonState(e->button() | (e->state() & KeyButtonMask)); if ( e->button() == TQt::MidButton ) { TQMouseEvent ev( TQEvent::MouseButtonRelease, e->pos(), e->globalPos(), TQt::LeftButton, e->state() ); TQToolButton::mouseReleaseEvent(&ev); } else TQToolButton::mouseReleaseEvent(e); if ( !d->m_buttonDown ) return; d->m_buttonDown = false; if ( hitButton( e->pos() ) ) emit buttonClicked( d->m_id, state ); } void TDEToolBarButton::drawButton( TQPainter *_painter ) { TQStyle::SFlags flags = TQStyle::Style_Default; TQStyle::SCFlags active = TQStyle::SC_None; if (isDown()) { flags |= TQStyle::Style_Down; active |= TQStyle::SC_ToolButton; } if (isEnabled()) flags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled; if (isOn()) flags |= TQStyle::Style_On; if (isEnabled() && hasMouse()) flags |= TQStyle::Style_Raised; if (hasFocus()) flags |= TQStyle::Style_HasFocus; // Draw a styled toolbutton style().drawComplexControl(TQStyle::CC_ToolButton, _painter, this, rect(), colorGroup(), flags, TQStyle::SC_ToolButton, active, TQStyleOption()); int dx, dy; TQFont tmp_font(TDEGlobalSettings::toolBarFont()); TQFontMetrics fm(tmp_font); TQRect textRect; int textFlags = 0; if (d->m_iconText == TDEToolBar::IconOnly) // icon only { TQPixmap pixmap = iconSet().pixmap( TQIconSet::Automatic, isEnabled() ? (d->m_isActive ? TQIconSet::Active : TQIconSet::Normal) : TQIconSet::Disabled, isOn() ? TQIconSet::On : TQIconSet::Off ); if( !pixmap.isNull()) { dx = ( width() - pixmap.width() ) / 2; dy = ( height() - pixmap.height() ) / 2; if ( isDown() && style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_GUIStyle) == WindowsStyle ) { ++dx; ++dy; } _painter->drawPixmap( dx, dy, pixmap ); } } else if (d->m_iconText == TDEToolBar::IconTextRight) // icon and text (if any) { TQPixmap pixmap = iconSet().pixmap( TQIconSet::Automatic, isEnabled() ? (d->m_isActive ? TQIconSet::Active : TQIconSet::Normal) : TQIconSet::Disabled, isOn() ? TQIconSet::On : TQIconSet::Off ); if( !pixmap.isNull()) { dx = 4; dy = ( height() - pixmap.height() ) / 2; if ( isDown() && style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_GUIStyle) == WindowsStyle ) { ++dx; ++dy; } _painter->drawPixmap( dx, dy, pixmap ); } if (!textLabel().isNull()) { textFlags = AlignVCenter|AlignLeft; if (!pixmap.isNull()) dx = 4 + pixmap.width() + 2; else dx = 4; dy = 0; if ( isDown() && style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_GUIStyle) == WindowsStyle ) { ++dx; ++dy; } textRect = TQRect(dx, dy, width()-dx, height()); } } else if (d->m_iconText == TDEToolBar::TextOnly) { if (!textLabel().isNull()) { textFlags = AlignVCenter|AlignLeft; dx = (width() - fm.width(textLabel())) / 2; dy = (height() - fm.lineSpacing()) / 2; if ( isDown() && style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_GUIStyle) == WindowsStyle ) { ++dx; ++dy; } textRect = TQRect( dx, dy, fm.width(textLabel()), fm.lineSpacing() ); } } else if (d->m_iconText == TDEToolBar::IconTextBottom) { TQPixmap pixmap = iconSet().pixmap( TQIconSet::Automatic, isEnabled() ? (d->m_isActive ? TQIconSet::Active : TQIconSet::Normal) : TQIconSet::Disabled, isOn() ? TQIconSet::On : TQIconSet::Off ); if( !pixmap.isNull()) { dx = (width() - pixmap.width()) / 2; dy = (height() - fm.lineSpacing() - pixmap.height()) / 2; if ( isDown() && style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_GUIStyle) == WindowsStyle ) { ++dx; ++dy; } _painter->drawPixmap( dx, dy, pixmap ); } if (!textLabel().isNull()) { textFlags = AlignBottom|AlignHCenter; dx = (width() - fm.width(textLabel())) / 2; dy = height() - fm.lineSpacing() - 4; if ( isDown() && style().styleHint(TQStyle::SH_GUIStyle) == WindowsStyle ) { ++dx; ++dy; } textRect = TQRect( dx, dy, fm.width(textLabel()), fm.lineSpacing() ); } } // Draw the text at the position given by textRect, and using textFlags if (!textLabel().isNull() && !textRect.isNull()) { _painter->setFont(TDEGlobalSettings::toolBarFont()); if (!isEnabled()) _painter->setPen(palette().disabled().dark()); else if(d->m_isRaised) _painter->setPen(TDEGlobalSettings::toolBarHighlightColor()); else _painter->setPen( colorGroup().buttonText() ); _painter->drawText(textRect, textFlags, textLabel()); } if (TQToolButton::popup()) { TQStyle::SFlags arrowFlags = TQStyle::Style_Default; if (isDown()) arrowFlags |= TQStyle::Style_Down; if (isEnabled()) arrowFlags |= TQStyle::Style_Enabled; style().drawPrimitive(TQStyle::PE_ArrowDown, _painter, TQRect(width()-7, height()-7, 7, 7), colorGroup(), arrowFlags, TQStyleOption() ); } } void TDEToolBarButton::paletteChange(const TQPalette &) { if(!d->m_isSeparator) { modeChange(); repaint(false); // no need to delete it first therefore only false } } bool TDEToolBarButton::event(TQEvent *e) { if (e->type() == TQEvent::ParentFontChange || e->type() == TQEvent::ApplicationFontChange) { //If we use toolbar text, apply the settings again, to relayout... if (d->m_iconText != TDEToolBar::IconOnly) modeChange(); return true; } return TQToolButton::event(e); } void TDEToolBarButton::showMenu() { // obsolete // KDE4: remove me } void TDEToolBarButton::slotDelayTimeout() { // obsolete // KDE4: remove me } void TDEToolBarButton::slotClicked() { emit clicked( d->m_id ); // emit buttonClicked when the button was clicked while being in an extension popupmenu if ( d->m_parent && !d->m_parent->rect().contains( geometry().center() ) ) { ButtonState state = TDEApplication::keyboardMouseState(); if ( ( state & TQt::MouseButtonMask ) == TQt::NoButton ) state = ButtonState( TQt::LeftButton | state ); emit buttonClicked( d->m_id, state ); // Doesn't work with MidButton } } void TDEToolBarButton::slotPressed() { emit pressed( d->m_id ); } void TDEToolBarButton::slotReleased() { emit released( d->m_id ); } void TDEToolBarButton::slotToggled() { emit toggled( d->m_id ); } void TDEToolBarButton::setNoStyle(bool no_style) { d->m_noStyle = no_style; modeChange(); d->m_iconText = TDEToolBar::IconTextRight; repaint(false); } void TDEToolBarButton::setRadio (bool f) { if ( d ) d->m_isRadio = f; } void TDEToolBarButton::on(bool flag) { if(isToggleButton()) setOn(flag); else { setDown(flag); leaveEvent((TQEvent *) 0); } repaint(); } void TDEToolBarButton::toggle() { setOn(!isOn()); repaint(); } void TDEToolBarButton::setToggle(bool flag) { setToggleButton(flag); if (flag) connect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotToggled())); else disconnect(this, TQ_SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, TQ_SLOT(slotToggled())); } TQSize TDEToolBarButton::sizeHint() const { return d->size; } TQSize TDEToolBarButton::minimumSizeHint() const { return d->size; } TQSize TDEToolBarButton::minimumSize() const { return d->size; } bool TDEToolBarButton::isRaised() const { return d->m_isRaised; } bool TDEToolBarButton::isActive() const { return d->m_isActive; } int TDEToolBarButton::iconTextMode() const { return static_cast<int>( d->m_iconText ); } int TDEToolBarButton::id() const { return d->m_id; } // TDEToolBarButtonList TDEToolBarButtonList::TDEToolBarButtonList() { setAutoDelete(false); } void TDEToolBarButton::virtual_hook( int, void* ) { /*BASE::virtual_hook( id, data );*/ } #include "tdetoolbarbutton.moc"