/* This file is part of the KDE libraries
    Copyright (C) 2004 Felix Berger <felixberger@beldesign.de>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

#include <tdeactionclasses.h>

class TQLabel;

 * @short Class to display a label in a toolbar.
 * TDEToolBarLabelAction is a convenience class for displaying a label in a
 * toolbar.
 * It provides easy access to the label's #setBuddy(TQWidget*) and #buddy()
 * methods and can be used as follows:
 * \code
 * KHistoryCombo* findCombo = new KHistoryCombo(true, this);
 * KWidgetAction* action
 *   = new KWidgetAction(findCombo, i18n("F&ind Combo"), Qt::Key_F6, this,
 *                       TQT_SLOT(slotFocus()), actionCollection(), "find_combo");
 * new TDEToolBarLabelAction(findCombo, i18n("F&ind "), 0, this,
 *                         TQT_SLOT(slotFocus()), actionCollection(),
 *             "find_label");
 * \endcode
 * @author Felix Berger <felixberger@beldesign.de>
class TDEUI_EXPORT TDEToolBarLabelAction : public KWidgetAction
   * Constructs a toolbar label.
   * @param text The label's and the action's text.
   * @param cut The action's shortcut.
   * @param receiver The SLOT's parent.
   * @param slot The TQT_SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
   * @param parent This action's parent.
   * @param name An internal name for this action.
  TDEToolBarLabelAction(const TQString &text,
		      const TDEShortcut &cut,
		      const TQObject *receiver, const char *slot,
		      TDEActionCollection *parent, const char *name);
   * Constructs a toolbar label setting a buddy for the label.
   * @param buddy The widget which is focused when the label's accelerator is
   * typed.
   * @param text The label's and the action's text.
   * @param cut The action's shortcut.
   * @param receiver The SLOT's parent.
   * @param slot The TQT_SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
   * @param parent This action's parent.
   * @param name An internal name for this action.
  TDEToolBarLabelAction(TQWidget* buddy, const TQString &text,
		      const TDEShortcut &cut,
		      const TQObject *receiver, const char *slot,
		      TDEActionCollection *parent, const char *name);
   * Constructs a toolbar label for a label.
   * You can use this constructor if you want to display a class which is
   * derived from TQLabel in the toolbar. Note that ownership of the label is
   * transferred to the action and the label is deleted when the action is
   * deleted. So you shouldn't hold any pointers to the label.
   * It's important that the label's name is set to "tde toolbar widget" in
   * its constructor, otherwise it is not correctly rendered in some kde
   * styles.
   * @param label the label which is displayed in the toolbar.
   * @param cut The action's shortcut.
   * @param receiver The SLOT's parent.
   * @param slot The TQT_SLOT to invoke to execute this action.
   * @param parent This action's parent.
   * @param name An internal name for this action.
  TDEToolBarLabelAction(TQLabel* label, const TDEShortcut &cut, 
		      const TQObject *receiver, const char *slot,
		      TDEActionCollection* parent, const char *name);

  virtual ~TDEToolBarLabelAction();
   * Reimplemented to update both the action's text and the label's text.
  virtual void setText(const TQString& text);
   * Sets the label's buddy to buddy.
   * See QLabel#setBuddy() for details.
  virtual void setBuddy(TQWidget* buddy);
   * Returns the label's buddy or 0 if no buddy is currently set.
   * See QLabel#buddy() and QLabel#setBuddy() for more information.
  TQWidget* buddy() const;
   * Returns the label which is used internally.
  TQLabel* label() const;

  virtual void virtual_hook(int id, void* data);

  class TDEToolBarLabelActionPrivate;
  TDEToolBarLabelActionPrivate *d;
  void init();
