/*  This file is part of the KDE project
    Copyright (C) 2003 Matthias Kretz <kretz@kde.org>

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
    License version 2 as published by the Free Software Foundation.

    This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    Library General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
    along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
    the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
    Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.


#include "kplugininfo.h"
#include <ksimpleconfig.h>
#include <ktrader.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <tdeconfigbase.h>
#include <tdeglobal.h>
#include <tdestandarddirs.h>
#include <kdesktopfile.h>
#include <kservice.h>

class KPluginInfo::KPluginInfoPrivate
            : hidden( false )
            , enabledbydefault( false )
            , pluginenabled( false )
            , config( 0 )
            , kcmservicesCached( false )

            delete config;

        TQString specfile; // the filename of the file containing all the info
        TQString name;
        TQString comment;
        TQString icon;
        TQString author;
        TQString email;
        TQString pluginName; // the name attribute in the .rc file
        TQString version;
        TQString website; // URL to the website of the plugin/author
        TQString category;
        TQString license;
        TQStringList dependencies;

        bool hidden;
        bool enabledbydefault;
        bool pluginenabled;

        TDEConfig * config;
        TQString configgroup;
        KService::Ptr service;
        TQValueList<KService::Ptr> kcmservices;
        bool kcmservicesCached;

KPluginInfo::KPluginInfo( const TQString & filename, const char* resource )
: d( new KPluginInfoPrivate )
    KDesktopFile file( filename, true, resource );

    d->specfile = filename;

    if( filename.endsWith( TQString::fromAscii( ".desktop" ) ) )
        d->hidden = file.readBoolEntry( "Hidden", false );
        if( d->hidden )

        d->name = file.readName();
        d->comment = file.readComment();
        d->icon = file.readEntry( "Icon" );
        d->author = file.readEntry( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Author" );
        d->email = file.readEntry( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Email" );
        d->pluginName = file.readEntry( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Name" );
        d->version = file.readEntry( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Version" );
        d->website = file.readEntry( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Website" );
        d->category = file.readEntry( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Category" );
        d->license = file.readEntry( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-License" );
        d->dependencies = file.readListEntry( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Depends" );
        d->enabledbydefault = file.readBoolEntry(
                "X-TDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault", false );
    else if( filename.endsWith( TQString::fromAscii( ".plugin" ) ) )
    { // provided for noatun style .plugin files compatibility

        d->name = file.readName();
        d->comment = file.readComment();
        d->icon = file.readEntry( "Icon" );
        d->author = file.readEntry( "Author" );
        d->email = file.readEntry( "Email" );
        d->pluginName = file.readPathEntry( "Filename" );
        // no version
        d->website = file.readEntry( "Site" );
        d->category = file.readEntry( "Type" );
        d->license = file.readEntry( "License" );
        d->dependencies = file.readListEntry( "Require" );

KPluginInfo::KPluginInfo( const KService::Ptr service )
: d( new KPluginInfoPrivate )
    d->service = service;
    d->specfile = service->desktopEntryPath();

    if ( service->isDeleted() )
        d->hidden = true;

    d->name = service->name();
    d->comment = service->comment();
    d->icon = service->icon();
    d->author = service->property( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Author" ).toString();
    d->email = service->property( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Email" ).toString();
    d->pluginName = service->property( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Name" ).toString();
    d->version = service->property( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Version" ).toString();
    d->website = service->property( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Website" ).toString();
    d->category = service->property( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Category" ).toString();
    d->license = service->property( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-License" ).toString();
    d->dependencies =
        service->property( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-Depends" ).toStringList();
    TQVariant tmp = service->property( "X-TDE-PluginInfo-EnabledByDefault" );
    d->enabledbydefault = tmp.isValid() ? tmp.toBool() : false;

//X KPluginInfo::KPluginInfo()
//X : d( new KPluginInfoPrivate )
//X {
//X     d->hidden = true;
//X }

    delete d;

TQValueList<KPluginInfo*> KPluginInfo::fromServices( const KService::List & services, TDEConfig * config, const TQString & group )
    TQValueList<KPluginInfo*> infolist;
    KPluginInfo * info;
    for( KService::List::ConstIterator it = services.begin();
            it != services.end(); ++it )
        info = new KPluginInfo( *it );
        info->setConfig( config, group );
        infolist += info;
    return infolist;

TQValueList<KPluginInfo*> KPluginInfo::fromFiles( const TQStringList & files, TDEConfig * config, const TQString & group )
    TQValueList<KPluginInfo*> infolist;
    for( TQStringList::ConstIterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it )
        KPluginInfo * info = new KPluginInfo( *it );
        info->setConfig( config, group );
        infolist += info;
    return infolist;

TQValueList<KPluginInfo*> KPluginInfo::fromKPartsInstanceName( const TQString & name, TDEConfig * config, const TQString & group )
    TQStringList files = TDEGlobal::dirs()->findAllResources( "data", name +
            "/kpartplugins/*.desktop", true, false );
    return fromFiles( files, config, group );

bool KPluginInfo::isHidden() const
    return d->hidden;

void KPluginInfo::setPluginEnabled( bool enabled )
    kdDebug( 703 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
    d->pluginenabled = enabled;

bool KPluginInfo::isPluginEnabled() const
    kdDebug( 703 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
    return d->pluginenabled;

bool KPluginInfo::isPluginEnabledByDefault() const
    kdDebug( 703 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
    return d->enabledbydefault;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::name() const
    return d->name;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::comment() const
    return d->comment;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::icon() const
    return d->icon;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::specfile() const
    return d->specfile;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::author() const
    return d->author;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::email() const
    return d->email;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::category() const
    return d->category;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::pluginName() const
    return d->pluginName;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::version() const
    return d->version;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::website() const
    return d->website;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::license() const
    return d->license;

const TQStringList & KPluginInfo::dependencies() const
    return d->dependencies;

KService::Ptr KPluginInfo::service() const
    return d->service;

const TQValueList<KService::Ptr> & KPluginInfo::kcmServices() const
    if ( !d->kcmservicesCached )
        d->kcmservices = TDETrader::self()->query( "TDECModule", "'" + d->pluginName +
            "' in [X-TDE-ParentComponents]" );
        kdDebug( 703 ) << "found " << d->kcmservices.count() << " offers for " <<
            d->pluginName << endl;

        d->kcmservicesCached = true;

    return d->kcmservices;

void KPluginInfo::setConfig( TDEConfig * config, const TQString & group )
    d->config = config;
    d->configgroup = group;

TDEConfig * KPluginInfo::config() const
    return d->config;

const TQString & KPluginInfo::configgroup() const
    return d->configgroup;

TQVariant KPluginInfo::property( const TQString & key ) const
    if( d->service )
        return d->service->property( key );
        return TQVariant();

TQVariant KPluginInfo::operator[]( const TQString & key ) const
    return property( key );

void KPluginInfo::save( TDEConfigGroup * config )
    kdDebug( 703 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
    if( 0 == config )
        if( 0 == d->config )
            kdWarning( 703 ) << "no TDEConfigGroup, cannot save" << endl;
        d->config->setGroup( d->configgroup );
        d->config->writeEntry( d->pluginName + "Enabled", isPluginEnabled() );
        config->writeEntry( d->pluginName + "Enabled", isPluginEnabled() );

void KPluginInfo::load( TDEConfigGroup * config )
    kdDebug( 703 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
    if( 0 == config )
        if( 0 == d->config )
            kdWarning( 703 ) << "no TDEConfigGroup, cannot load" << endl;
        d->config->setGroup( d->configgroup );
        setPluginEnabled( d->config->readBoolEntry( d->pluginName + "Enabled", isPluginEnabledByDefault() ) );
        setPluginEnabled( config->readBoolEntry( d->pluginName + "Enabled", isPluginEnabledByDefault() ) );

void KPluginInfo::defaults()
    kdDebug( 703 ) << k_funcinfo << endl;
    setPluginEnabled( isPluginEnabledByDefault() );