TODO list

Bug2 in KMix2.1pre:
- Keys not saved/restored (pending)
- DockApplet shows "show/hide menubar" (DONE)
- "reversed" in panelapplet is broken. Remove it for now (DONE)
- Initial paint of sliders in KMixApplet is broken. (DONE)
- PanelApplet width wrong. (DONE)

1) Get Switches working
MUTE-LED's  : Read: OK, Click: OK    , Saved/Restored: no  (was not in KMix2.0 and is shifted)
Record-LED's: Read: OK, Click: OK    , Saved/Restored: yes
Switches    : Read: OK, Click: OK    , Saved/Restored: yes
Dockarea    : Read: OK, Click: OK    , Saved/Restored: n/a (its a view, not HW)

2a) Splitted sliders and balance
Splitted sliders: Read: OK, Click: OK, Drag: OK, Wheel: OK
Balance slider  : OK (works like in KMix2.0)

3) Mouse wheel

4) Make Volume Tip work (is currently always "0%")

5) Switches MUST be restored properly

6) kmixapplet restoring and working

7) Keys are not saved

14.6.2004 Christian Esken
I believe Mixer_IRIX is broken.
This is due to the old "writeVolumeToHW" and "readVolumeFromHW" interface.

14 december 2002 - Helio Chissini de Castro
- Figure out devices like SBLive with external Live Drives and their multiple in/outs. As a sample, using headphone output from live drive, mute switch not work as they must, but we need mutting the headphone lfe and center channel to really mute headphone output.

- Introduce a new widget to enable route control in pro's ( Turtle ) and pro like ( Audigy, Live ) cards.