 * KMix -- KDE's full featured mini mixer
 * Copyright (C) 2000 Stefan Schimanski <1Stein@gmx.de>
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
 * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Library General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
 * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
 * Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.

#include <kdebug.h>

#include <tqwidget.h>
#include <tqpainter.h>
#include <tqcolor.h>
#include <tqbrush.h>
#include <tqstyle.h>

#include "tdeglobalsettings.h"
#include "ksmallslider.h"

static const TQColor mutedHighColor2 = "#FFFFFF";
static const TQColor mutedLowColor2 = "#808080";
static const TQColor backColor2 = "#000000";

KSmallSlider::KSmallSlider( TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : TQWidget( parent, name ),  _orientation( TQt::Vertical )

KSmallSlider::KSmallSlider(  TQt::Orientation orientation, TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : TQWidget( parent, name ), _orientation( orientation )

KSmallSlider::KSmallSlider( int minValue, int maxValue, int pageStep,
                  int value, TQt::Orientation orientation,
                  TQWidget *parent, const char *name )
    : TQWidget( parent, name ),
      TQRangeControl( minValue, maxValue, 1, pageStep, value ),  _orientation( orientation)
    //    sliderVal = value;

void KSmallSlider::init()
    // !! the following 2 values must be -1, to make sure the values are not the real values.
    // Otherwise some code below could determine that no change has happened and to send
    // no signals or to do no initial paint.
    //    sliderPos = -1;
    //    state = Idle;
    //track = TRUE;
    grayed = false;
    setFocusPolicy( TQWidget::TabFocus  );

    colHigh = TQColor(0,255,0);
    colLow = TQColor(255,0,0);
    colBack = TQColor(0,0,0);

    grayHigh = TQColor(255,255,255);
    grayLow = TQColor(128,128,128);
    grayBack = TQColor(0,0,0);
void KSmallSlider::setTracking( bool enable )
    track = enable;
int KSmallSlider::positionFromValue( int v ) const
    return TQRangeControl::positionFromValue( v, available() );

int KSmallSlider::valueFromPosition( int p ) const
    if ( _orientation == TQt::Vertical ) {
	// Coordiante System starts at TopLeft, but the slider values increase from Bottom to Top
	// Thus "revert" the position
	int avail = available();
	return TQRangeControl::valueFromPosition( avail - p, avail );
    else {
	//Horizontal everything is fine. Slider values match with Coordinate System
	return TQRangeControl::valueFromPosition( p, available() );

void KSmallSlider::rangeChange()
    int newPos = positionFromValue( TQRangeControl::value() );
    if ( newPos != sliderPos ) {
	sliderPos = newPos;

void KSmallSlider::valueChange()
    //kdDebug(67100) << "KSmallSlider::valueChange() value=" << value() << "\n";
    emit valueChanged(value());
	if ( sliderVal != TQRangeControl::value() ) {
        //int newPos = positionFromValue( TQRangeControl::value() );
	//sliderPos = newPos;
        sliderVal = TQRangeControl::value();
	emit valueChanged(value());

void KSmallSlider::resizeEvent( TQResizeEvent * )
    //TQWidget::resizeEvent( ev );

//  Returns the really available space for the slider. If there is no space, 0 is returned;
int KSmallSlider::available() const
    int available = 0;
    if ( _orientation == TQt::Vertical) {
	available = height();
    else {
	available = width();
    if ( available > 1 ) {
	available -= 2;
    else {
	available = 0;
    return available;


void gradient( TQPainter &p, bool hor, const TQRect &rect, const TQColor &ca, const TQColor &cb, int /*ncols*/)
   int rDiff, gDiff, bDiff;
   int rca, gca, bca, rcb, gcb, bcb;

   int x, y;

   if ((rect.width()<=0) || (rect.height()<=0)) return;

   rDiff = (rcb = cb.red())   - (rca = ca.red());
   gDiff = (gcb = cb.green()) - (gca = ca.green());
   bDiff = (bcb = cb.blue())  - (bca = ca.blue());

   int rl = rca << 16;
   int gl = gca << 16;
   int bl = bca << 16;

   int rcdelta = ((1<<16) / ((!hor) ? rect.height() : rect.width())) * rDiff;
   int gcdelta = ((1<<16) / ((!hor) ? rect.height() : rect.width())) * gDiff;
   int bcdelta = ((1<<16) / ((!hor) ? rect.height() : rect.width())) * bDiff;

   // these for-loops could be merged, but the if's in the inner loop
   // would make it slow
   if (!hor)
      for ( y = rect.top(); y <= rect.bottom(); y++ ) {
         rl += rcdelta;
         gl += gcdelta;
         bl += bcdelta;

         p.setPen(TQColor(rl>>16, gl>>16, bl>>16));
         p.drawLine(rect.left(), y, rect.right(), y);
   } else
      for( x = rect.left(); x <= rect.right(); x++) {
         rl += rcdelta;
         gl += gcdelta;
         bl += bcdelta;

         p.setPen(TQColor(rl>>16, gl>>16, bl>>16));
         p.drawLine(x, rect.top(), x, rect.bottom());

TQColor interpolate( TQColor low, TQColor high, int percent ) {
    if ( percent<=0 ) return low; else
    if ( percent>=100 ) return high; else
    return TQColor(
        low.red() + (high.red()-low.red()) * percent/100,
        low.green() + (high.green()-low.green()) * percent/100,
        low.blue() + (high.blue()-low.blue()) * percent/100 );


void KSmallSlider::paintEvent( TQPaintEvent * )
//    kdDebug(67100) << "KSmallSlider::paintEvent: width() = " << width() << ", height() = " << height() << endl;
   TQPainter p( this );

   int sliderPos = positionFromValue( TQRangeControl::value() );

   // ------------------------ draw 3d border ---------------------------------------------
   style().drawPrimitive ( TQStyle::PE_Panel, &p, TQRect( 0, 0, width(), height() ), colorGroup(), TRUE );

   // ------------------------ draw lower/left part ----------------------------------------
   if ( width()>2 && height()>2 )
       if (  _orientation == TQt::Horizontal ) {
         TQRect outer = TQRect( 1, 1, sliderPos, height() - 2 );
//	 kdDebug(67100) << "KSmallSlider::paintEvent: outer = " << outer << endl;

         if ( grayed )
             gradient( p, true, outer, grayLow,
                       interpolate( grayLow, grayHigh, 100*sliderPos/(width()-2) ),
                       32 );
             gradient( p, true, outer, colLow,
                       interpolate( colLow, colHigh, 100*sliderPos/(width()-2) ),
                       32 );
      else {
         TQRect outer = TQRect( 1, height()-sliderPos-1, width() - 2, sliderPos-1 );
	 kdDebug(67100) << "KSmallSlider::paintEvent: sliderPos=" << sliderPos
			<< "height()=" << height()
			<< "width()=" << width()
			<< "outer = " << outer << endl;
         if ( grayed )
             gradient( p, false, outer,
                       interpolate( grayLow, grayHigh, 100*sliderPos/(height()-2) ),
                       grayLow, 32 );
             gradient( p, false, outer,
                       interpolate( colLow, colHigh, 100*sliderPos/(height()-2) ),
                       colLow, 32 );

      // -------- draw upper/right part --------------------------------------------------
      TQRect inner;
      if ( _orientation == TQt::Vertical ) {
	  inner = TQRect( 1, 1, width() - 2, height() - 2 -sliderPos );
      else {
	  inner = TQRect( sliderPos + 1, 1, width() - 2 - sliderPos, height() - 2 );
      if ( grayed ) {
          p.setBrush( grayBack );
          p.setPen( grayBack );
      } else {
          p.setBrush( colBack );
          p.setPen( colBack );
      p.drawRect( inner );

void KSmallSlider::mousePressEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )

   if ( e->button() == TQt::RightButton ) {

   //   state = Dragging;
   //emit sliderPressed();

   int pos = goodPart( e->pos() );
   moveSlider( pos );

void KSmallSlider::mouseMoveEvent( TQMouseEvent *e )
    if ( state != Dragging )
    int pos = goodPart( e->pos() );
    moveSlider( pos );

void KSmallSlider::wheelEvent( TQWheelEvent * e)
//    kdDebug(67100) << "KSmallslider::wheelEvent()" << endl;
    /* Unfortunately KSmallSlider is no MixDeviceWidget, so we don't have access to
     * the MixDevice.
    int inc = ( maxValue() - minValue() ) / 20;
    if ( inc < 1)
	inc = 1;

    //kdDebug(67100) << "KSmallslider::wheelEvent() inc=" << inc << "delta=" << e->delta() << endl;
    if ( e->delta() > 0 ) {
	TQRangeControl::setValue( TQRangeControl::value() + inc );
    else {
	TQRangeControl::setValue( TQRangeControl::value() - inc );
    e->accept(); // Accept the event

    // Hint: TQt autmatically triggers a valueChange() when we do setValue()

void KSmallSlider::mouseReleaseEvent( TQMouseEvent * )

 * Moves slider to a dedicated position. If the value has changed
void KSmallSlider::moveSlider( int pos )
    int  a = available();
    int newPos = TQMIN( a, TQMAX( 0, pos ) );  // keep it inside the available bounds of the slider
    int newVal = valueFromPosition( newPos );

    if ( newVal != TQRangeControl::value() ) {
        //TQRangeControl::directSetValue( sliderVal );
	TQRangeControl::setValue( newVal );
        emit valueChanged( value() ); //  Only for external use

void KSmallSlider::resetState()
    switch ( state ) {
    case Dragging: {
        TQRangeControl::setValue( valueFromPosition( sliderPos ) );
        emit sliderReleased();
    case Idle:

        tqWarning("KSmallSlider: (%s) in wrong state", name( "unnamed" ) );
    state = Idle;

void KSmallSlider::setValue( int value )
    TQRangeControl::setValue( value );

void KSmallSlider::addStep()

void KSmallSlider::subtractStep()

int KSmallSlider::goodPart( const TQPoint &p ) const
    if ( _orientation == TQt::Vertical ) {
	return p.y() - 1;
    else {
	return p.x() - 1;

/***************** SIZE STUFF START ***************/
TQSize KSmallSlider::sizeHint() const
    const int length = 25;
    const int thick  = 10;

    if (  _orientation == TQt::Vertical )
        return TQSize( thick, length );
        return TQSize( length, thick );

TQSize KSmallSlider::minimumSizeHint() const
    TQSize s(10,10);
    return s;

TQSizePolicy KSmallSlider::sizePolicy() const

    if ( _orientation == TQt::Vertical ) {
	//kdDebug(67100) << "KSmallSlider::sizePolicy() vertical value=(Fixed,MinimumExpanding)\n";
	return TQSizePolicy(  TQSizePolicy::Fixed, TQSizePolicy::Expanding );
    else {
	//kdDebug(67100) << "KSmallSlider::sizePolicy() horizontal value=(MinimumExpanding,Fixed)\n";
        return TQSizePolicy( TQSizePolicy::Expanding, TQSizePolicy::Fixed );
/***************** SIZE STUFF END ***************/

int KSmallSlider::minValue() const
    return TQRangeControl::minValue();

int KSmallSlider::maxValue() const
    return TQRangeControl::maxValue();

int KSmallSlider::lineStep() const
    return TQRangeControl::lineStep();

int KSmallSlider::pageStep() const
    return TQRangeControl::pageStep();

void KSmallSlider::setLineStep( int i )
    setSteps( i, pageStep() );

void KSmallSlider::setPageStep( int i )
    setSteps( lineStep(), i );

//  Only for external acces. You MUST use TQRangeControl::value() internally.
int KSmallSlider::value() const
    return TQRangeControl::value();

void KSmallSlider::paletteChange ( const TQPalette &) {
    if ( grayed ) {
	setColors(mutedLowColor2, mutedHighColor2, backColor2 );
    else {
	// ignore the TQPalette and use the values from TDEGlobalSettings instead
	//const TQColorGroup& qcg = palette().active();
	setColors(TDEGlobalSettings::baseColor(), TDEGlobalSettings::highlightColor(), backColor2 );

void KSmallSlider::setGray( bool value )
   if ( grayed!=value )
      grayed = value;

bool KSmallSlider::gray() const
   return grayed;

void KSmallSlider::setColors( TQColor high, TQColor low, TQColor back )
    colHigh = high;
    colLow = low;
    colBack = back;

void KSmallSlider::setGrayColors( TQColor high, TQColor low, TQColor back )
    grayHigh = high;
    grayLow = low;
    grayBack = back;

#include "ksmallslider.moc"