<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<!DOCTYPE profile SYSTEM "profile.dtd">

<profile id="kscd" servicename="KsCD">
	<author>Aaron J. Seigo</author>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void play()" class="play" repeat="0" autostart="1">
		<comment>Toggles between playing and pausing.</comment>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void stop()" class="stop" repeat="0" autostart="0">
		<comment>Stops the CD.</comment>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void eject()" class="eject" repeat="0" autostart="0">
		<comment>Ejects the CD.</comment>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void forward()" class="forward" repeat="1" autostart="0">
		<name>Fast Forward</name>
		<comment>Skips forwards in the current track.</comment>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void backward()" class="rewind" repeat="1" autostart="0">
		<comment>Skips backwards in the current track.</comment>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void previous()" class="previous" repeat="0" autostart="0">
		<comment>Skips to the previous track on the CD.</comment>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void next()" class="next" repeat="0" autostart="0">
		<comment>Skips to the next track on the CD.</comment>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void setTrack(int)" class="number" repeat="0" autostart="1">
		<name>Set Track</name>
		<comment>Skips to a specific track on the CD.</comment>
		<argument type="int">
			<comment>The number of the track to skip to.</comment>
			<range min="0" max="100"/>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void setVolume(int)" repeat="0" autostart="0">
		<name>Set Volume</name>
		<comment>Sets the play volume.</comment>
		<argument type="int">
			<comment>The volume to set the CD player to.</comment>
			<range min="0" max="100"/>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void toggleLoop()" repeat="0" autostart="0">
		<comment>Toggles looping on and off.</comment>
	<action objid="CDPlayer" prototype="void toggleShuffle()" repeat="0" autostart="0">
		<comment>Toggles track shuffling on and off.</comment>