/* Copyright (C) 2002 Rik Hemsley (rikkus) <rik@kde.org> Copyright (C) 2002 Benjamin Meyer <ben-devel@meyerhome.net> Copyright (C) 2003 Richard Lärkäng <nouseforaname@home.se> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Library General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #include "client.h" #include "synccddbplookup.h" #include "asynccddbplookup.h" #include "synchttplookup.h" #include "asynchttplookup.h" #include "syncsmtpsubmit.h" #include "asyncsmtpsubmit.h" #include "synchttpsubmit.h" #include "asynchttpsubmit.h" #include "cache.h" #include "lookup.h" #include <kdebug.h> namespace KCDDB { class Client::Private { public: Private() : block( true ) {} Config config; CDInfoList cdInfoList; bool block; }; Client::Client() : TQObject(), cdInfoLookup(0), cdInfoSubmit(0) { d = new Private; d->config.readConfig(); } Client::~Client() { delete d; delete cdInfoLookup; delete cdInfoSubmit; } Config & Client::config() const { return d->config; } void Client::setBlockingMode( bool enable ) { d->block = enable; } bool Client::blockingMode() const { return d->block; } CDInfoList Client::lookupResponse() const { return d->cdInfoList; } CDInfo Client::bestLookupResponse() const { CDInfo info; uint maxrev = 0; for ( CDInfoList::Iterator it = d->cdInfoList.begin(); it != d->cdInfoList.end(); ++it ) { if ( ( *it ).revision >= maxrev ) { info = *it; maxrev = info.revision; } } return info; } CDDB::Result Client::lookup(const TrackOffsetList & trackOffsetList) { d->cdInfoList.clear(); TQString cddbId = Lookup::trackOffsetListToId( trackOffsetList ); if ( cddbId.isNull() ) { kdDebug(60010) << "Can't create cddbid from offset list" << endl; return Lookup::NoRecordFound; } if ( Cache::Ignore != d->config.cachePolicy() ) { d->cdInfoList = Cache::lookup( cddbId ); kdDebug(60010) << "Found " << d->cdInfoList.count() << " hit(s)" << endl; if ( !d->cdInfoList.isEmpty() ) { if ( !blockingMode() ) emit finished( Lookup::Success ); return CDDB::Success; } } if ( Cache::Only == d->config.cachePolicy() ) { kdDebug(60010) << "Only trying cache. Give up now." << endl; if ( !blockingMode() ) emit finished( Lookup::NoRecordFound ); return CDDB::NoRecordFound; } CDDB::Result r; Lookup::Transport t = ( Lookup::Transport )d->config.lookupTransport(); // just in case we have an info lookup hanging around, prevent mem leakage delete cdInfoLookup; if ( blockingMode() ) { if( Lookup::CDDBP == t ) cdInfoLookup = new SyncCDDBPLookup(); else cdInfoLookup = new SyncHTTPLookup(); r = cdInfoLookup->lookup( d->config.hostname(), d->config.port(), trackOffsetList ); if ( CDDB::Success == r ) { d->cdInfoList = cdInfoLookup->lookupResponse(); Cache::store( d->cdInfoList ); } delete cdInfoLookup; cdInfoLookup = 0L; } else { if( Lookup::CDDBP == t ) { cdInfoLookup = new AsyncCDDBPLookup(); connect( static_cast<AsyncCDDBPLookup *>( cdInfoLookup ), TQT_SIGNAL( finished( CDDB::Result ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotFinished( CDDB::Result ) ) ); } else { cdInfoLookup = new AsyncHTTPLookup(); connect( static_cast<AsyncHTTPLookup *>( cdInfoLookup ), TQT_SIGNAL( finished( CDDB::Result ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotFinished( CDDB::Result ) ) ); } r = cdInfoLookup->lookup( d->config.hostname(), d->config.port(), trackOffsetList ); if ( Lookup::Success != r ) { delete cdInfoLookup; cdInfoLookup = 0L; } } return r; } void Client::slotFinished( CDDB::Result r ) { if ( cdInfoLookup && CDDB::Success == r ) { d->cdInfoList = cdInfoLookup->lookupResponse(); Cache::store( d->cdInfoList ); } else d->cdInfoList.clear(); emit finished( r ); if ( cdInfoLookup ) // in case someone called lookup() while finished() was being processed, and deleted cdInfoLookup. { cdInfoLookup->deleteLater(); cdInfoLookup = 0L; } } void Client::slotSubmitFinished( CDDB::Result r ) { emit finished( r ); cdInfoSubmit->deleteLater(); cdInfoSubmit=0L; } CDDB::Result Client::submit(const CDInfo &cdInfo, const TrackOffsetList& offsetList) { // Check if it's valid if (!cdInfo.isValid()) return CDDB::CannotSave; uint last=0; for (uint i=0; i < (offsetList.count()-2); i++) { if(last >= offsetList[i]) return CDDB::CannotSave; last = offsetList[i]; } //TODO Check that it is edited // just in case we have a cdInfoSubmit, prevent memory leakage delete cdInfoSubmit; TQString from = d->config.emailAddress(); switch (d->config.submitTransport()) { case Submit::HTTP: { TQString hostname = d->config.httpSubmitServer(); uint port = d->config.httpSubmitPort(); if ( blockingMode() ) cdInfoSubmit = new SyncHTTPSubmit(from, hostname, port); else { cdInfoSubmit = new AsyncHTTPSubmit(from, hostname, port); connect( static_cast<AsyncHTTPSubmit *>( cdInfoSubmit ), TQT_SIGNAL(finished( CDDB::Result ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotSubmitFinished( CDDB::Result ) ) ); } break; } case Submit::SMTP: { TQString hostname = d->config.smtpHostname(); uint port = d->config.smtpPort(); TQString username = d->config.smtpUsername(); if ( blockingMode() ) cdInfoSubmit = new SyncSMTPSubmit( hostname, port, username, from, d->config.submitAddress() ); else { cdInfoSubmit = new AsyncSMTPSubmit( hostname, port, username, from, d->config.submitAddress() ); connect( static_cast<AsyncSMTPSubmit *>( cdInfoSubmit ), TQT_SIGNAL( finished( CDDB::Result ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotSubmitFinished( CDDB::Result ) ) ); } break; } default: kdDebug(60010) << k_funcinfo << "Unsupported transport: " << endl; // << CDDB::transportToString(d->config.submitTransport()) << endl; return CDDB::UnknownError; break; } CDDB::Result r = cdInfoSubmit->submit( cdInfo, offsetList ); if ( blockingMode() ) { delete cdInfoSubmit; cdInfoSubmit = 0L; } return r; } } #include "client.moc"