/* Copyright (c) 2000 Stefan Schimanski (1Stein@gmx.de) 1999-2000 Christian Esken (esken@kde.org) This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. */ #ifndef KaimanStyle_H #define KaimanStyle_H #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqwidget.h> #include <tqpixmap.h> #include <tqbitmap.h> #include <tqimage.h> #include <tqevent.h> #include <tqptrvector.h> class KaimanStyleElement : public TQWidget { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleElement(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyleElement(); virtual void loadPixmaps(TQString &val_s_filename); TQString element; TQString filename; TQPoint upperLeft; TQSize dimension; bool options[3]; int digits; bool optionPrelight; bool optionStatuslight; int pixmapLines; int pixmapColumns; TQPtrVector<TQPixmap> pixmaps; public slots: void setPixmap( int num ); protected: void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *qpe); void dropEvent( TQDropEvent *event ); void dragEnterEvent( TQDragEnterEvent *event ); int pixmapNum; private: int _currentPixmap; }; class KaimanStyleMasked : public KaimanStyleElement { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleMasked(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0) : KaimanStyleElement( parent, name ) {}; virtual void loadPixmaps(TQString &val_s_filename) { KaimanStyleElement::loadPixmaps( val_s_filename ); if(pixmaps[0]->mask()) setMask(*pixmaps[0]->mask()); }; }; class KaimanStyleButton : public KaimanStyleMasked { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleButton(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyleButton(); // Button states. enum { NormalUp=0, NormalDown, LitUp, LitDown, PrelightUp, PrelightLitUp, StateListEND }; TQPtrVector<int> I_pmIndex; void setLit(bool); void setPrelight(bool); void setDown(bool); bool lit(); bool prelit(); bool down(); void updateButtonState(); signals: void clicked(); protected: void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *qme); void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent *qme); void enterEvent(TQEvent * ); void leaveEvent ( TQEvent * ); private: int i_i_currentState; bool i_b_lit; bool i_b_prelit; bool i_b_down; }; class KaimanStyleSlider : public KaimanStyleMasked { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleSlider(int min, int max, TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyleSlider(); int value() { return _value; }; static const bool optionVertical; static const bool optionReversed; public slots: void setValue( int value ); void setValue( int value, int min, int max ); signals: void newValue( int value ); void newValueDrag( int value ); void newValueDrop( int value ); protected: void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *qme); void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *qme); void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent *qme); void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *qpe); void enterEvent(TQEvent * ); void leaveEvent ( TQEvent * ); int pos2value( int x, int y ); bool _down; bool _lit; int _value; int _min, _max; }; class KaimanStyleBackground : public KaimanStyleMasked { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleBackground(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyleBackground(); protected: void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *qme); void mouseReleaseEvent(TQMouseEvent *qme); void mouseMoveEvent(TQMouseEvent *qme); private: bool i_b_move; TQPoint i_point_dragStart; TQPoint i_point_lastPos; }; class KaimanStyleValue : public KaimanStyleMasked { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleValue(int min, int max, TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyleValue(); int value() { return _value; }; public slots: void setValue( int value ); void setValue( int value, int min, int max ); private: int _min, _max, _value; }; class KaimanStyleState : public KaimanStyleMasked { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleState(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyleState(); int value() { return _value; }; public slots: void setValue( int value ); signals: void clicked(); protected: void mousePressEvent(TQMouseEvent *qme); private: int _value; }; class KaimanStyleNumber : public KaimanStyleElement { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleNumber(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyleNumber(); virtual void loadPixmaps(TQString &val_s_filename); static const bool optionCentered = 1; int value() { return _value; }; public slots: void setValue( int value ); protected: void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *qpe); private: int _value; }; class KaimanStyleText : public KaimanStyleElement { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleText(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyleText(); virtual void loadPixmaps(TQString &val_s_filename); static const bool optionExtended; TQString value() { return _value; }; void startAnimation( int delay ); void stopAnimation(); public slots: void setValue( TQString value ); protected: void paintEvent(TQPaintEvent *qpe); protected slots: void timeout(); private: TQString _value; int _pos; int _direction; int _delay; TQTimer *_timer; }; class KaimanStyleAnimation : public KaimanStyleMasked { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyleAnimation(int delay, TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyleAnimation(); public slots: void start(); void pause(); void stop(); protected: void timeout(); private: int _delay,_frame; TQTimer *_timer; }; class KaimanStyle : public TQWidget { TQ_OBJECT public: KaimanStyle(TQWidget *parent, const char *name=0); ~KaimanStyle(); enum { background, mask, play_Button, stop_Button, pause_Button, prev_Button, next_Button, repeat_Button, shuffle_Button, playlist_Button, mixer_Button, exit_Button, Iconify_Button, Config_Button, Alt_Skin_Button, Minute_Number, Second_Number, in_Rate_Number, in_Hz_Number, song_Number, status_Item, cPU_Number, digit_Large, digit_Small_Default, title, volume_Item, volume_Slider, position_Item, position_Slider }; enum { ParsingError=1, FileNotFound }; /// Finds a style element, according to it's name. Returns 0 when element is not available. KaimanStyleElement* find(const char* val_s_elemName); /// Tries to load the given style and returns success (true) or failure (false) bool loadStyle(const TQString &styleName, const TQString &descFile="skindata" ); TQString skinName() { return i_skinName; }; /// Returns the mask TQBitmap* Mask(); virtual bool eventFilter( TQObject *o, TQEvent *e ); private: // Parses the "skindata" file and returns success (true) or failure (false) int parseStyleFile(TQString &l_s_tmpName); TQString getToken(TQString &val_s_string, char val_c_separator); void interpretTokens(TQStringList& ref_s_tokens); bool loadPixmaps(); /// The name of the style, e.g. "k9" TQString i_s_styleName; /// The base directory, where the style is found. For example /// "/opt/kde/share/apps/kaiman/Skins/k9/" or "/opt/kde/share/apps/kaiman/Skins/k9.tgz" TQString i_s_styleBase; // The mask of the complete style. Used for doing shaped windows TQBitmap i_bitmap_Mask; /// All style elements are stored here. TQPtrVector<KaimanStyleElement> I_styleElem; // The parent window. In other words: The container that holds all the KaimanStyleElement's TQWidget* i_qw_parent; TQPtrList<TQWidget> i_sliders; bool i_eventSemaphore; TQString i_smallFont; TQString i_largeFont; TQString i_skinName; }; #endif