path: root/kopete/protocols/msn/msnsocket.h
diff options
authorSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2019-12-11 01:41:26 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2019-12-11 19:36:33 +0100
commit7542bb6bd597400167da57dc43dd37ff85a6e173 (patch)
treec8ba8ffc7ff08af3f3f3478f6ee98bf0fd5b7bb1 /kopete/protocols/msn/msnsocket.h
parentfac887803df710a5ca534e0b79a5a274461e6697 (diff)
kopete: Restore the MSN protocol because a replacement MSN server was created.
This reverts commits 0486034738 - 2d5f9c55da and f6fd4ab6c0. Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <[email protected]> (cherry picked from commit 73f00336178a9f312bac2992649120d462e0ac2d)
Diffstat (limited to 'kopete/protocols/msn/msnsocket.h')
1 files changed, 363 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kopete/protocols/msn/msnsocket.h b/kopete/protocols/msn/msnsocket.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5661ee41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kopete/protocols/msn/msnsocket.h
@@ -0,0 +1,363 @@
+ msnsocket.h - Base class for the sockets used in MSN
+ Copyright (c) 2002 by Martijn Klingens <[email protected]>
+ Copyright (c) 2002-2004 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart @>
+ Copyright (c) 2005 by Gregg Edghill <[email protected]>
+ Kopete (c) 2002 by the Kopete developers <[email protected]>
+ Portions of this code are taken from KMerlin,
+ (c) 2001 by Olaf Lueg <[email protected]>
+ *************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************
+#ifndef MSNSOCKET_H
+#define MSNSOCKET_H
+#include <tqobject.h>
+#include <tqdatastream.h>
+#include <tqstringlist.h>
+#include <tqtimer.h>
+#include <tqvaluelist.h>
+#include "kopete_export.h"
+namespace KNetwork {
+ class TDEBufferedSocket;
+ class TDEServerSocket;
+class MimeMessage;
+ * @author Martijn Klingens <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * MSNSocket encapsulates the common functionality shared by the Dispatch
+ * Server, the Notification Server and the Switchboard Server. It is
+ * inherited by the various specialized classes.
+ */
+class KOPETE_EXPORT MSNSocket : public TQObject
+ MSNSocket(TQObject* parent=0l);
+ ~MSNSocket();
+ /**
+ * Asynchronously read a block of data of the specified size. When the
+ * data is available, the blockRead() signal will be emitted with the
+ * data as parameter.
+ *
+ * NOTE: As the block queue takes precedence over the line-based
+ * command-processing this method can effectively block all
+ * communications when passed a wrong length!
+ */
+ void readBlock( uint len );
+ /**
+ * OnlineStatus encapsulates the 4 states a connection can be in,
+ * Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting, Disconnected. Connecting
+ * and Disconnecting are in the default implementation not used,
+ * because the socket connect is an atomic operation and not yet
+ * performed asynchronously.
+ * In derived classes, like the Notification Server, this state is
+ * actively used, because merely having a socket connection established
+ * by no means indicates we're actually online - the rest of the
+ * handshake likely has to follow first.
+ */
+ enum OnlineStatus { Connecting, Connected, Disconnecting, Disconnected };
+ enum LookupStatus { Processing, Success, Failed };
+ enum Transport { TcpTransport, HttpTransport };
+ enum ErrorType { ErrorConnectionLost, ErrorConnectionError, ErrorCannotConnect, ErrorServerError, ErrorInformation};
+ OnlineStatus onlineStatus() { return m_onlineStatus; }
+ /*
+ * return the local ip.
+ * Used for filetransfer
+ */
+ TQString getLocalIP();
+ //BEGIN Http
+ virtual bool setUseHttpMethod( bool useHttp );
+ bool useHttpMethod() const;
+ //END
+public slots:
+ void connect( const TQString &server, uint port );
+ virtual void disconnect();
+ /**
+ * Send an MSN command to the socket
+ *
+ * For debugging it's convenient to have this method public, but using
+ * it outside this class is deprecated for any other use!
+ *
+ * The size of the body (if any) is automatically added to the argument
+ * list and shouldn't be explicitly specified! This size is in bytes
+ * instead of characters to reflect what actually goes over the wire.
+ *
+ * if the param binary is set to true, then, the body is send as a binary message
+ *
+ * return the id
+ */
+ int sendCommand( const TQString &cmd, const TQString &args = TQString(),
+ bool addId = true, const TQByteArray &body = TQByteArray() , bool binary=false );
+ /**
+ * A block read is ready.
+ * After this the normal line-based reads go on again
+ */
+ void blockRead( const TQByteArray &block );
+ /**
+ * The online status has changed
+ */
+ void onlineStatusChanged( MSNSocket::OnlineStatus status );
+ /**
+ * The connection failed
+ */
+ void connectionFailed();
+ /**
+ * The connection was closed
+ */
+ void socketClosed();
+ /**
+ * A error has occured. Handle the display of the message.
+ */
+ void errorMessage( int type, const TQString &msg );
+ /**
+ * Convenience method: escape spaces with '%20' for use in the protocol.
+ * Doesn't escape any other sequence.
+ */
+ TQString escape( const TQString &str );
+ /**
+ * And the other way round...
+ */
+ TQString unescape( const TQString &str );
+ /**
+ * Set the online status. Emits onlineStatusChanged.
+ */
+ void setOnlineStatus( OnlineStatus status );
+ /**
+ * This method is called directly before the socket will actually connect.
+ * Override in derived classes to setup whatever is needed before connect.
+ */
+ virtual void aboutToConnect();
+ /**
+ * Directly after the connect, this method is called. The default
+ * implementation sets the OnlineStatus to Connected, be sure to override
+ * this if a handshake is required.
+ */
+ virtual void doneConnect();
+ /**
+ * Directly after the disconnect, this method is called before the actual
+ * cleanup takes place. The socket is close here. Cleanup internal
+ * variables here.
+ */
+ virtual void doneDisconnect();
+ /**
+ * Handle an MSN error condition.
+ * The default implementation displays a generic error message and
+ * closes the connection. Override to allow more graceful handling and
+ * possibly recovery.
+ */
+ virtual void handleError( uint code, uint id );
+ /**
+ * Handle an MSN command response line.
+ * This method is pure virtual and *must* be overridden in derived
+ * classes.
+ */
+ virtual void parseCommand( const TQString &cmd, uint id,
+ const TQString &data ) = 0;
+ /**
+ * Used in MSNFileTransferSocket
+ */
+ virtual void bytesReceived( const TQByteArray & );
+ bool accept( KNetwork::TDEServerSocket * );
+ void sendBytes( const TQByteArray &data );
+ const TQString &server() { return m_server; }
+ uint port() { return m_port; }
+ /**
+ * The last confirmed ID by the server
+ */
+ //uint m_lastId;
+private slots:
+ void slotDataReceived();
+ /**
+ * If the socket emits a connectionFailed() then this slot is called
+ * to handle the error.
+ */
+ void slotSocketError( int error );
+ /*
+ * Calls connectDone() when connection is successfully established.
+ */
+ void slotConnectionSuccess();
+ /**
+ * Sets m_lookupProgress to 'Finished' if count > 0 or 'Failed' if count = 0.
+ */
+ void slotHostFound( );
+ /**
+ * Check if new lines of data are available and process the first line
+ */
+ void slotReadLine();
+ void slotSocketClosed();
+ //BEGIN Http
+ /**
+ * Sends a poll request to the msn gateway when using HttpTransport.
+ * equivalent to sending a PNG command over TcpTransport.
+ */
+ void slotHttpPoll();
+ //END
+protected slots:
+ virtual void slotReadyWrite();
+ /**
+ * Check if we're waiting for a block of raw data. Emits blockRead()
+ * when the data is available.
+ * Returns true when still waiting and false when there is no pending
+ * read, or when the read is successfully handled.
+ */
+ bool pollReadBlock();
+ /**
+ * The id of the message sent to the MSN server. This ID will increment
+ * for each subsequent message sent.
+ */
+ uint m_id;
+ /**
+ * Queue of pending commands (should be mostly empty, but is needed to
+ * send more than one command to the server)
+ */
+ TQValueList<TQByteArray> m_sendQueue;
+ /**
+ * Parse a single line of data.
+ * Will call either parseCommand or handleError depending on the type of
+ * data received.
+ */
+ void parseLine( const TQString &str );
+ KNetwork::TDEBufferedSocket *m_socket;
+ OnlineStatus m_onlineStatus;
+ TQString m_server;
+ uint m_port;
+ /**
+ * The size of the requested block for block-based reads
+ */
+ uint m_waitBlockSize;
+ class Buffer : public TQByteArray
+ {
+ public:
+ Buffer( unsigned size = 0 );
+ ~Buffer();
+ void add( char *str, unsigned size );
+ TQByteArray take( unsigned size );
+ };
+ Buffer m_buffer;
+ //BEGIN Http
+ /**
+ * Makes a http request headers string using the specified, host, query, and content length.
+ * return: The string containing the http request headers.
+ */
+ TQString makeHttpRequestString(const TQString& host, const TQString& query, uint contentLength);
+ bool m_useHttp; // Indicates whether to use the msn http gateway to connect to the msn service.
+ bool m_bCanPoll; // Indicates whether polling of the http server is allowed.
+ bool m_bIsFirstInTransaction; // Indicates whether pending message to be sent is the first in the transaction.
+ // If so, the gateway is used.
+ // Use the gateway only for initial connected state; Otherwise, use the host.
+ TQString m_gateway; // Msn http gateway domain name.
+ TQString m_gwip; // The ip address of the msn gateway.
+ TQString m_sessionId; // session id.
+ TQTimer *m_timer; // Msn http poll timer.
+ TQString m_type; // Indicates the type of socket being used. NS or SB
+ bool m_pending; // Indicates whether a http response is pending.
+ int m_remaining; // Indicates how many bytes of content data remain
+ // to be received if the content bytes are sent in
+ // a seperate packet(s).
+ /**
+ * Provides access to information returned from a URI request.
+ */
+ class WebResponse
+ {
+ public:
+ WebResponse(const TQByteArray& bytes);
+ ~WebResponse();
+ /**
+ * Gets the headers associated with this response from the server.
+ */
+ MimeMessage* getHeaders();
+ /**
+ * Gets the data stream used to read the body of the response from the server.
+ */
+ TQDataStream* getResponseStream();
+ /**
+ * Gets the status code of the response.
+ */
+ int getStatusCode();
+ /**
+ * Gets the status description returned with the response.
+ */
+ TQString getStatusDescription();
+ private:
+ MimeMessage *m_headers;
+ TQDataStream *m_stream;
+ int m_statusCode;
+ TQString m_statusDescription;
+ };
+ //END