path: root/kopete/protocols/msn/ui/msneditaccountwidget.cpp
diff options
authorSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2019-12-11 01:41:26 +0100
committerSlávek Banko <[email protected]>2019-12-11 02:23:35 +0100
commit73f00336178a9f312bac2992649120d462e0ac2d (patch)
tree8672519cb50cb0e642af0817188ad28f810338ee /kopete/protocols/msn/ui/msneditaccountwidget.cpp
parent914254104c50dec222fb31ce7a25a21870e90f16 (diff)
kopete: Restore the MSN protocol because a replacement MSN server was created.
This reverts commits 0486034738 - 2d5f9c55da and f6fd4ab6c0. Signed-off-by: Slávek Banko <[email protected]>
Diffstat (limited to 'kopete/protocols/msn/ui/msneditaccountwidget.cpp')
1 files changed, 369 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kopete/protocols/msn/ui/msneditaccountwidget.cpp b/kopete/protocols/msn/ui/msneditaccountwidget.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..41a007f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kopete/protocols/msn/ui/msneditaccountwidget.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+ msneditaccountwidget.cpp - MSN Account Widget
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart @>
+ Copyright (c) 2003 by Martijn Klingens <[email protected]>
+ Kopete (c) 2002-2003 by the Kopete developers <[email protected]>
+ *************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************
+#include "msneditaccountwidget.h"
+#include <tqcheckbox.h>
+#include <tqgroupbox.h>
+#include <tqimage.h>
+#include <tqlabel.h>
+#include <tqlayout.h>
+#include <tqlineedit.h>
+#include <tqlistbox.h>
+#include <tqpushbutton.h>
+#include <tqregexp.h>
+#include <tqspinbox.h>
+#include <kcombobox.h>
+#include <kautoconfig.h>
+#include <tdefiledialog.h>
+#include <tdelocale.h>
+#include <tdemessagebox.h>
+#include <kstandarddirs.h>
+#include <tdeio/netaccess.h>
+#include <kdebug.h>
+#include <kpassdlg.h>
+#include <krun.h>
+#include <tdeconfig.h>
+#include <kpixmapregionselectordialog.h>
+#include "kopeteuiglobal.h"
+#include "kopeteglobal.h"
+#include "kopetepasswordwidget.h"
+#include "kopeteaccountmanager.h"
+#include "msnaccount.h"
+#include "msncontact.h"
+#include "msneditaccountui.h"
+#include "msnnotifysocket.h"
+#include "msnprotocol.h"
+class MSNEditAccountWidgetPrivate
+ MSNProtocol *protocol;
+ KAutoConfig *autoConfig;
+ MSNEditAccountUI *ui;
+ TQString pictureUrl;
+ TQImage pictureData;
+MSNEditAccountWidget::MSNEditAccountWidget( MSNProtocol *proto, Kopete::Account *account, TQWidget *parent, const char * /* name */ )
+: TQWidget( parent ), KopeteEditAccountWidget( account )
+ d = new MSNEditAccountWidgetPrivate;
+ d->protocol=proto;
+ ( new TQVBoxLayout( this, 0, 0 ) )->setAutoAdd( true );
+ d->ui = new MSNEditAccountUI( this );
+ d->autoConfig = new KAutoConfig( TQT_TQOBJECT(d->ui) );
+ d->autoConfig->addWidget( d->ui->global_settings_page, "MSN" );
+ d->autoConfig->addWidget( d->ui->privacy_page, "MSN" );
+ //the JabberAccount need to be saved as text, and can't be handled by kautoconfig
+ d->autoConfig->ignoreSubWidget( d->ui->JabberAccount );
+ d->autoConfig->retrieveSettings( true );
+ //Get a list of all jabber accounts
+ TDEGlobal::config()->setGroup("MSN");
+ TQString jab_account=TDEGlobal::config()->readEntry("JabberAccount");
+ TQPtrList<Kopete::Account> accounts = Kopete::AccountManager::self()->accounts();
+ for(Kopete::Account *a=accounts.first() ; a; )
+ {
+ if(a->protocol()->pluginId()=="JabberProtocol")
+ {
+ d->ui->JabberAccount->insertItem(a->accountId());
+ if( jab_account.isEmpty() )
+ jab_account=a->accountId();
+ }
+ }
+ d->ui->JabberAccount->setCurrentText(jab_account);
+ // FIXME: actually, I don't know how to set fonts for qlistboxitem - Olivier
+ d->ui->label_font->hide();
+ // default fields
+ if ( account )
+ {
+ TDEConfigGroup * config=account->configGroup();
+ d->ui->m_login->setText( account->accountId() );
+ d->ui->m_password->load( &static_cast<MSNAccount *>(account)->password() );
+ //remove me after we can change account ids (Matt)
+ d->ui->m_login->setDisabled( true );
+ d->ui->m_autologin->setChecked( account->excludeConnect() );
+ if ( ( static_cast<MSNAccount*>(account)->serverName() != "" ) || ( static_cast<MSNAccount*>(account)->serverPort() != 1863) ) {
+ d->ui->optionOverrideServer->setChecked( true );
+ }
+ d->ui->m_webcamPort->setDisabled(true);
+ uint port=config->readNumEntry("WebcamPort" ,0);
+ d->ui->m_useWebcamPort->setChecked( port != 0);
+ d->ui->m_webcamPort->setValue( port != 0 ? port : 6891 );
+ d->ui->optionUseHttpMethod->setChecked( static_cast<MSNAccount*>(account)->useHttpMethod() );
+ MSNContact *myself = static_cast<MSNContact *>( account->myself() );
+ d->ui->m_displayName->setText( myself->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString() );
+ d->ui->m_phw->setText( config->readEntry("PHW") );
+ d->ui->m_phm->setText( config->readEntry("PHM") );
+ d->ui->m_phh->setText( config->readEntry("PHH") );
+ bool connected = account->isConnected();
+ if ( connected )
+ {
+ d->ui->m_warning_1->hide();
+ d->ui->m_warning_2->hide();
+ }
+ d->ui->m_phones->setEnabled( connected );
+ d->ui->m_displayName->setEnabled( connected );
+ d->ui->m_allowButton->setEnabled( connected );
+ d->ui->m_blockButton->setEnabled( connected );
+ MSNAccount *m_account = static_cast<MSNAccount*>( account );
+ d->ui->m_serverName->setText( m_account->serverName() );
+ d->ui->m_serverPort->setValue( m_account->serverPort() );
+ TQStringList blockList = config->readListEntry( "blockList" );
+ TQStringList allowList = config->readListEntry( "allowList" );
+ //TQStringList reverseList = config->readListEntry("reverseList" );
+ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = blockList.begin(); it != blockList.end(); ++it )
+ d->ui->m_BL->insertItem( *it );
+ for ( TQStringList::Iterator it = allowList.begin(); it != allowList.end(); ++it )
+ d->ui->m_AL->insertItem( *it );
+ d->ui->m_blp->setChecked( config->readEntry( "BLP" ) == "BL" );
+ d->pictureUrl = locateLocal( "appdata", "msnpicture-" +
+ account->accountId().lower().replace( TQRegExp("[./~]" ), "-" ) + ".png" );
+ d->ui->m_displayPicture->setPixmap( d->pictureUrl );
+ d->ui->m_useDisplayPicture->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry( "exportCustomPicture" ));
+ // Global Identity
+ d->ui->m_globalIdentity->setChecked( config->readBoolEntry("ExcludeGlobalIdentity", false) );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ d->ui->tab_contacts->setDisabled( true );
+ d->ui->m_displayName->setDisabled( true );
+ d->ui->m_phones->setDisabled( true );
+ }
+ connect( d->ui->m_allowButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotAllow() ) );
+ connect( d->ui->m_blockButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotBlock() ) );
+ connect( d->ui->m_selectImage, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSelectImage() ) );
+ connect( d->ui->m_RLButton, TQT_SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotShowReverseList() ) );
+ connect( d->ui->buttonRegister, TQT_SIGNAL(clicked()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotOpenRegister()));
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->ui->m_login, d->ui->m_password->mRemembered );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->ui->m_password->mRemembered, d->ui->m_password->mPassword );
+ TQWidget::setTabOrder( d->ui->m_password->mPassword, d->ui->m_autologin );
+ delete d;
+Kopete::Account * MSNEditAccountWidget::apply()
+ d->autoConfig->saveSettings();
+ TDEGlobal::config()->setGroup("MSN");
+ TDEGlobal::config()->writeEntry("JabberAccount", d->ui->JabberAccount->currentText());
+ if ( !account() )
+ setAccount( new MSNAccount( d->protocol, d->ui->m_login->text() ) );
+ TDEConfigGroup *config=account()->configGroup();
+ account()->setExcludeConnect( d->ui->m_autologin->isChecked() );
+ d->ui->m_password->save( &static_cast<MSNAccount *>(account())->password() );
+ config->writeEntry( "exportCustomPicture", d->ui->m_useDisplayPicture->isChecked() );
+ if (d->ui->optionOverrideServer->isChecked() ) {
+ config->writeEntry( "serverName", d->ui->m_serverName->text() );
+ config->writeEntry( "serverPort", d->ui->m_serverPort->value() );
+ }
+ else {
+ config->writeEntry( "serverName", "" );
+ config->writeEntry( "serverPort", "1863" );
+ }
+ config->writeEntry( "useHttpMethod", d->ui->optionUseHttpMethod->isChecked() );
+ if(d->ui->m_useWebcamPort->isChecked())
+ config->writeEntry( "WebcamPort" , d->ui->m_webcamPort->value() );
+ else
+ config->writeEntry( "WebcamPort" , 0 );
+ // Global Identity
+ config->writeEntry( "ExcludeGlobalIdentity", d->ui->m_globalIdentity->isChecked() );
+ // Save the avatar image
+ if( d->ui->m_useDisplayPicture->isChecked() && !d->pictureData.isNull() )
+ {
+ d->pictureUrl = locateLocal( "appdata", "msnpicture-" +
+ account()->accountId().lower().replace( TQRegExp("[./~]" ), "-" ) + ".png" );
+ if ( d-> d->pictureUrl, "PNG" ) )
+ {
+ static_cast<MSNAccount *>( account() )->setPictureUrl( d->pictureUrl );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "<qt>An error occurred when trying to change the display picture.<br>"
+ "Make sure that you have selected a correct image file</qt>" ), i18n( "MSN Plugin" ) );
+ }
+ }
+ static_cast<MSNAccount *>( account() )->resetPictureObject();
+ if ( account()->isConnected() )
+ {
+ MSNContact *myself = static_cast<MSNContact *>( account()->myself() );
+ MSNNotifySocket *notify = static_cast<MSNAccount *>( account() )->notifySocket();
+ if ( d->ui->m_displayName->text() != myself->property( Kopete::Global::Properties::self()->nickName()).value().toString() )
+ static_cast<MSNAccount *>( account() )->setPublicName( d->ui->m_displayName->text() );
+ if ( notify )
+ {
+ if ( d->ui->m_phw->text() != myself->phoneWork() && ( !d->ui->m_phw->text().isEmpty() || !myself->phoneWork().isEmpty() ) )
+ notify->changePhoneNumber( "PHW", d->ui->m_phw->text() );
+ if( d->ui->m_phh->text() != myself->phoneHome() && ( !d->ui->m_phh->text().isEmpty() || !myself->phoneHome().isEmpty() ) )
+ notify->changePhoneNumber( "PHH", d->ui->m_phh->text() );
+ if( d->ui->m_phm->text() != myself->phoneMobile() && ( !d->ui->m_phm->text().isEmpty() || !myself->phoneMobile().isEmpty() ) )
+ notify->changePhoneNumber( "PHM", d->ui->m_phm->text() );
+ // (the && .isEmpty is because one can be null and the other empty)
+ if ( ( config->readEntry("BLP") == "BL" ) != d->ui->m_blp->isChecked() )
+ {
+ // Yes, I know, calling sendCommand here is not very clean - Olivier
+ notify->sendCommand( "BLP", d->ui->m_blp->isChecked() ? "BL" : "AL" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return account();
+bool MSNEditAccountWidget::validateData()
+ TQString userid = d->ui->m_login->text();
+ if ( MSNProtocol::validContactId( userid ) )
+ return true;
+ KMessageBox::queuedMessageBox( Kopete::UI::Global::mainWidget(), KMessageBox::Sorry,
+ i18n( "<qt>You must enter a valid email address.</qt>" ), i18n( "MSN Plugin" ) );
+ return false;
+void MSNEditAccountWidget::slotAllow()
+ //TODO: play with multiple selection
+ TQListBoxItem *item = d->ui->m_BL->selectedItem();
+ if ( !item )
+ return;
+ TQString handle = item->text();
+ MSNNotifySocket *notify = static_cast<MSNAccount *>( account() )->notifySocket();
+ if ( !notify )
+ return;
+ notify->removeContact( handle, MSNProtocol::BL, TQString(), TQString() );
+ d->ui->m_BL->takeItem( item );
+ d->ui->m_AL->insertItem( item );
+void MSNEditAccountWidget::slotBlock()
+ //TODO: play with multiple selection
+ TQListBoxItem *item = d->ui->m_AL->selectedItem();
+ if ( !item )
+ return;
+ TQString handle = item->text();
+ MSNNotifySocket *notify = static_cast<MSNAccount *>( account() )->notifySocket();
+ if ( !notify )
+ return;
+ notify->removeContact( handle, MSNProtocol::AL, TQString(), TQString() );
+ d->ui->m_AL->takeItem( item );
+ d->ui->m_BL->insertItem( item );
+void MSNEditAccountWidget::slotShowReverseList()
+ TQStringList reverseList = account()->configGroup()->readListEntry( "reverseList" );
+ KMessageBox::informationList( this, i18n( "Here you can see a list of contacts who added you to their contact list" ), reverseList,
+ i18n( "Reverse List - MSN Plugin" ) );
+void MSNEditAccountWidget::slotSelectImage()
+ TQString path = 0;
+ bool remoteFile = false;
+ KURL filePath = KFileDialog::getImageOpenURL( TQString(), this, i18n( "MSN Display Picture" ) );
+ if( filePath.isEmpty() )
+ return;
+ if( !filePath.isLocalFile() ) {
+ if(!TDEIO::NetAccess::download( filePath, path, this )) {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "Downloading of display image failed" ), i18n( "MSN Plugin" ) );
+ return;
+ }
+ remoteFile = true;
+ }
+ else path = filePath.path();
+ TQImage img( path );
+ img = KPixmapRegionSelectorDialog::getSelectedImage( TQPixmap(img), 96, 96, this );
+ if(!img.isNull())
+ {
+ img = MSNProtocol::protocol()->scalePicture(img);
+ d->ui->m_displayPicture->setPixmap( TQPixmap(img) );
+ d->pictureData = img;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n( "<qt>An error occurred when trying to change the display picture.<br>"
+ "Make sure that you have selected a correct image file</qt>" ), i18n( "MSN Plugin" ) );
+ }
+ if( remoteFile ) TDEIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( path );
+void MSNEditAccountWidget::slotOpenRegister()
+ KRun::runURL( "", "text/html" );
+#include "msneditaccountwidget.moc"
+// vim: set noet ts=4 sts=4 sw=4: