path: root/kopete/protocols/msn/webcam.cpp
diff options
authorMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2014-03-29 00:54:51 +0900
committerMichele Calgaro <[email protected]>2014-03-29 00:54:51 +0900
commit0486034738b850c210b1389a8c3ae51a6b9fad23 (patch)
treeb1e3a4dbf9673b5e0031e8225e88f5dd490585a5 /kopete/protocols/msn/webcam.cpp
parent4bd7620e88d450995b78c201f9e7d9181f62ea6a (diff)
Removed MSN support across Kopete by removing the MSN protocol and the netmeeting plugin.
This resolves bug 1547.
Diffstat (limited to 'kopete/protocols/msn/webcam.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 891 deletions
diff --git a/kopete/protocols/msn/webcam.cpp b/kopete/protocols/msn/webcam.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 60046d17..00000000
--- a/kopete/protocols/msn/webcam.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,891 +0,0 @@
- Copyright (c) 2005 by Olivier Goffart <ogoffart@>
- *************************************************************************
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- *************************************************************************
-#include "webcam.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <kdebug.h>
-#include <tqregexp.h>
-#include <kbufferedsocket.h>
-#include <tdelocale.h>
-#include <kserversocket.h>
-#include <tdemessagebox.h>
-#include <tqlabel.h>
-#include <tqguardedptr.h>
-#include <tqtimer.h>
-#include <tqevent.h>
-#include <tqdatetime.h>
-#include <tdeconfig.h>
-#include "dispatcher.h"
-#include "mimicwrapper.h"
-#include "msnwebcamdialog.h"
-#include "avdevice/videodevicepool.h"
-using namespace KNetwork;
-namespace P2P {
-Webcam::Webcam(Who who, const TQString& to, Dispatcher *parent, TQ_UINT32 sessionId)
- : TransferContext(to,parent,sessionId) , m_who(who) , m_timerId(0)
- setType(P2P::WebcamType);
- m_direction = Incoming;
- m_listener = 0l;
- m_webcamSocket=0L;
-// m_webcamState=wsNegotiating;
- m_mimic=0L;
- m_widget=0L;
- TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config();
- config->setGroup( "MSN" );
- // Read the configuration to get the number of frame per second to send
- int webCamFps=config->readNumEntry("WebcamFPS", 25);
- m_timerFps = 1000 / webCamFps;
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo<< "################################################" << endl;
- m_dispatcher=0l;
- delete m_mimic;
- delete m_webcamSocket;
- delete m_widget;
- if(m_timerId != 0) //if we were sending
- {
- Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool *videoDevice = Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::self();
- videoDevice->stopCapturing();
- videoDevice->close();
- }
-void Webcam::askIncommingInvitation()
- m_direction = Incoming;
- //protect, in case this is deleted when the messagebox is active
- TQGuardedPtr<Webcam> _this = this;
- TQString message= (m_who==wProducer) ?
- i18n("<qt>The contact %1 wants to see <b>your</b> webcam, do you want them to see it?</qt>") :
- i18n("The contact %1 wants to show you his/her webcam, do you want to see it?") ;
- int result=KMessageBox::questionYesNo( 0L , message.arg(m_recipient),
- i18n("Webcam invitation - Kopete MSN Plugin") , i18n("Accept") , i18n("Decline"));
- if(!_this)
- return;
- TQString content = TQString("SessionID: %1\r\n\r\n").arg(m_sessionId);
- if(result==KMessageBox::Yes)
- {
- //Send two message, an OK, and an invite.
- //Normaly, the user should decline the invite (i hope)
- // Send a 200 OK message to the recipient.
- sendMessage(OK, content);
- //send an INVITE message we want the user decline
- //need to change the branch of the second message
- m_branch=Uid::createUid();
- m_state = Negotiation; //set type to application/x-msnmsgr-transreqbody
- content=TQString("Bridges: TRUDPv1 TCPv1\r\n"
- "NetID: -1280904111\r\n"
- "Conn-Type: Firewall\r\n"
- "UPnPNat: false\r\n"
- "ICF: false\r\n\r\n");
- sendMessage(INVITE, content);
- }
- else
- {
- //Decline the invitation
- sendMessage(DECLINE, content);
- m_state=Finished;
- }
-void Webcam::sendBYEMessage()
- m_state=Finished;
- TQString content="Context: dAMAgQ==\r\n";
- sendMessage(BYE,content);
- //If ever the opposite client was dead or something, we'll ack anyway, so everything get cleaned
- TQTimer::singleShot(60*1000 , this, TQT_SLOT(acknowledged()));
-void Webcam::acknowledged()
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << endl;
- switch(m_state)
- {
- case Invitation:
- {
-// m_state=Negotiation;
- break;
- }
- /*
- case Negotiation:
- {
- if(m_type == UserDisplayIcon)
- {
- <<< Data preparation acknowledge message.
- m_state = DataTransfer;
- m_identifier++;
- Start sending data.
- slotSendData();
- }
- break;
- }
- case DataTransfer:
- NOTE <<< Data acknowledged message.
- <<< Bye message should follow.
- if(m_type == File)
- {
- if(m_handshake == 0x01)
- {
- Data handshake acknowledge message.
- Start sending data.
- slotSendData();
- }
- else if(m_handshake == 0x02)
- {
- Data acknowledge message.
- Send the recipient a BYE message.
- m_state = Finished;
- sendMessage(BYE, "\r\n");
- }
- }
- break;
- */
- case Finished:
- //BYE or DECLINE acknowledge message.
- m_dispatcher->detach(this);
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
-void Webcam::processMessage(const Message& message)
- if(message.header.dataOffset+message.header.dataSize >= message.header.totalDataSize)
- acknowledge( message ); //aknowledge if needed
- if(message.applicationIdentifier != 4l)
- {
- TQString body = TQCString(, message.header.dataSize);
- kdDebug(14141) << k_funcinfo << "received, " << body << endl;
- if(body.startsWith("MSNSLP/1.0 200 OK"))
- {
- m_direction = Outgoing;
- }
- if(body.startsWith("INVITE"))
- {
- if(m_direction == Outgoing)
- {
- TQRegExp regex(";branch=\\{([0-9A-F\\-]*)\\}\r\n");
- m_branch=regex.cap(1);
- //decline
- sendMessage(DECLINE);
- makeSIPMessage("syn",0x17,0x2a,0x01);
- }
- }
- else if(body.startsWith("MSNSLP/1.0 603 DECLINE"))
- {
- //if it is the declinaison of the second invite message, we have to don't care
- //TODO anyway, if it's the declinaison of our invitation, we have to something
- }
- else if(body.startsWith("BYE"))
- {
- m_state = Finished;
- // Dispose of this transfer context.
- m_dispatcher->detach(this);
- }
- return;
- }
- //Let's take the fun, we entering into the delicious webcam negotiation binary protocol
- //well, there is maybe better to take utf16, but it's ascii, so no problem.
- TQByteArray dataMessage=message.body;
-#if 0
- TQString echoS="";
- unsigned int f=0;
- while(f<dataMessage.size())
- {
- echoS+="\n";
- for(unsigned int q=0; q<16 ; q++)
- {
- if(q+f<dataMessage.size())
- {
- unsigned int N=(unsigned int) (dataMessage[q+f]);
- if(N<16)
- echoS+="0";
- echoS+=TQString::number( N ,16)+" ";
- }
- else
- echoS+=" ";
- }
- echoS+=" ";
- for(unsigned int q=0; (q<16 && (q+f)<dataMessage.size()) ; q++)
- {
- unsigned char X=dataMessage[q+f];
- char C=((char)(( X<128 && X>31 ) ? X : '.'));
- echoS+=TQString::fromLatin1(&C,1);
- }
- f+=16;
- }
- kdDebug(14141) << k_funcinfo << dataMessage.size() << echoS << endl;
- for(uint pos=m_content.isNull() ? 10 : 0; pos<dataMessage.size(); pos+=2)
- {
- if(dataMessage[pos] !=0 )
- m_content+=dataMessage[pos];
- }
- if(message.header.dataOffset+message.header.dataSize < message.header.totalDataSize)
- return;
- kdDebug(14141) << k_funcinfo << "Message contents: " << m_content << "\n" << endl;
- if(m_content.startsWith("syn"))
- {
- if(m_direction == Incoming)
- makeSIPMessage("syn",0x17,0x2a,0x01);
- else
- makeSIPMessage("ack",0xea,0x00,0x00);
- }
- else if(m_content.startsWith("ack"))
- {
- if(m_direction == Incoming)
- makeSIPMessage("ack",0xea,0x00,0x00);
- if(m_who==wProducer)
- {
- uint sess=rand()%1000+5000;
- uint rid=rand()%100+50;
- m_myAuth=TQString("recipientid=%1&sessionid=%2\r\n\r\n").arg(rid).arg(sess);
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "m_myAuth= " << m_myAuth << endl;
- TQString producerxml=xml(sess , rid);
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "producerxml= " << producerxml << endl;
- makeSIPMessage(producerxml);
- }
- }
- else if(m_content.contains("<producer>") || m_content.contains("<viewer>"))
- {
- TQRegExp rx("<rid>([0-9]*)</rid>.*<session>([0-9]*)</session>");
- TQString rid=rx.cap(1);
- TQString sess=rx.cap(2);
- if(m_content.contains("<producer>"))
- {
- TQString viewerxml=xml(sess.toUInt() , rid.toUInt());
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "vewerxml= " << viewerxml << endl;
- makeSIPMessage( viewerxml ,0x00,0x09,0x00 );
- m_peerAuth=m_myAuth=TQString("recipientid=%1&sessionid=%2\r\n\r\n").arg(rid,sess);
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "m_auth= " << m_myAuth << endl;
- }
- else
- {
- m_peerAuth=TQString("recipientid=%1&sessionid=%2\r\n\r\n").arg(rid,sess);
- makeSIPMessage("receivedViewerData", 0xec , 0xda , 0x03);
- }
- if(!m_listener)
- {
- //it should have been creed in xml
- sendBYEMessage();
- return;
- }
- //m_listener->setResolutionEnabled(true);
- // Create the callback that will try to accept incoming connections.
- TQObject::connect(m_listener, TQT_SIGNAL(readyAccept()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotAccept()));
- TQObject::connect(m_listener, TQT_SIGNAL(gotError(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotListenError(int)));
- // Listen for incoming connections.
- bool isListening = m_listener->listen();
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << (isListening ? TQString("listening %1").arg(m_listener->localAddress().toString()) : TQString("not listening")) << endl;
- rx=TQRegExp("<tcpport>([^<]*)</tcpport>");
- TQString port1=rx.cap(1);
- if(port1=="0")
- port1=TQString();
- rx=TQRegExp("<tcplocalport>([^<]*)</tcplocalport>");
- TQString port2=rx.cap(1);
- if(port2==port1 || port2=="0")
- port2=TQString();
- rx=TQRegExp("<tcpexternalport>([^<]*)</tcpexternalport>");
- TQString port3=rx.cap(1);
- if(port3==port1 || port3==port2 || port3=="0")
- port3=TQString();
- int an=0;
- while(true)
- {
- an++;
- if(!m_content.contains( TQString("<tcpipaddress%1>").arg(an) ))
- break;
- rx=TQRegExp(TQString("<tcpipaddress%1>([^<]*)</tcpipaddress%2>").arg(an).arg(an));
- TQString ip=rx.cap(1);
- if(ip.isNull())
- continue;
- if(!port1.isNull())
- {
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "trying to connect on " << ip <<":" << port1 << endl;
- TDEBufferedSocket *sock=new TDEBufferedSocket( ip, port1, this );
- m_allSockets.append(sock);
- TQObject::connect( sock, TQT_SIGNAL( connected( const KResolverEntry&) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSocketConnected() ) );
- TQObject::connect( sock, TQT_SIGNAL( gotError(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSocketError(int)));
- sock->connect(ip, port1);
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "okok " << sock << " - " << sock->peerAddress().toString() << " ; " << sock->localAddress().toString() << endl;
- }
- if(!port2.isNull())
- {
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "trying to connect on " << ip <<":" << port2 << endl;
- TDEBufferedSocket *sock=new TDEBufferedSocket( ip, port2, this );
- m_allSockets.append(sock);
- TQObject::connect( sock, TQT_SIGNAL( connected( const KResolverEntry&) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSocketConnected() ) );
- TQObject::connect( sock, TQT_SIGNAL( gotError(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSocketError(int)));
- sock->connect(ip, port2);
- }
- if(!port3.isNull())
- {
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "trying to connect on " << ip <<":" << port3 << endl;
- TDEBufferedSocket *sock=new TDEBufferedSocket( ip, port3, this );
- m_allSockets.append(sock);
- TQObject::connect( sock, TQT_SIGNAL( connected( const KResolverEntry&) ), this, TQT_SLOT( slotSocketConnected() ) );
- TQObject::connect( sock, TQT_SIGNAL( gotError(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSocketError(int)));
- sock->connect(ip, port3);
- }
- }
- TQValueList<TDEBufferedSocket*>::iterator it;
- for ( it = m_allSockets.begin(); it != m_allSockets.end(); ++it )
- {
- TDEBufferedSocket *sock=(*it);
- //sock->enableRead( false );
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "connect to " << sock << " - "<< sock->peerAddress().toString() << " ; " << sock->localAddress().toString() << endl;
- }
- }
- else if(m_content.contains("receivedViewerData"))
- {
- //I'm happy you received the xml i sent, really.
- }
- else
- error();
- m_content=TQString();
-void Webcam::makeSIPMessage(const TQString &message, TQ_UINT8 XX, TQ_UINT8 YY , TQ_UINT8 ZZ)
- TQByteArray dataMessage; //(12+message.length()*2);
- TQDataStream writer(dataMessage, IO_WriteOnly);
- writer.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::LittleEndian);
- writer << (TQ_UINT8)0x80;
- writer << (TQ_UINT8)XX;
- writer << (TQ_UINT8)YY;
- writer << (TQ_UINT8)ZZ;
- writer << (TQ_UINT8)0x08;
- writer << (TQ_UINT8)0x00;
- writer << message+'\0';
- //writer << (TQ_UINT16)0x0000;
- /*TQString echoS="";
- unsigned int f=0;
- while(f<dataMessage.size())
- {
- echoS+="\n";
- for(unsigned int q=0; q<16 ; q++)
- {
- if(q+f<dataMessage.size())
- {
- unsigned int N=(unsigned int) (dataMessage[q+f]);
- if(N<16)
- echoS+="0";
- echoS+=TQString::number( N ,16)+" ";
- }
- else
- echoS+=" ";
- }
- echoS+=" ";
- for(unsigned int q=0; (q<16 && (q+f)<dataMessage.size()) ; q++)
- {
- unsigned char X=dataMessage[q+f];
- char C=((char)(( X<128 && X>31 ) ? X : '.'));
- echoS+=TQString::fromLatin1(&C,1);
- }
- f+=16;
- }
- kdDebug(14141) << k_funcinfo << dataMessage.size() << echoS << endl;*/
- sendBigP2PMessage(dataMessage);
-void Webcam::sendBigP2PMessage( const TQByteArray & dataMessage)
- unsigned int size=m_totalDataSize=dataMessage.size();
- m_offset=0;
- ++m_identifier;
- for(unsigned int f=0;f<size;f+=1200)
- {
- m_offset=f;
- TQByteArray dm2;
- dm2.duplicate(, TQMIN(1200,m_totalDataSize-m_offset));
- sendData( dm2 );
- m_offset+=dm2.size();
- }
- m_offset=0;
- m_totalDataSize=0;
-TQString Webcam::xml(uint session , uint rid)
- TQString who= ( m_who == wProducer ) ? TQString("producer") : TQString("viewer");
- TQString ip;
- uint ip_number=1;
- TQStringList::iterator it;
- TQStringList ips=m_dispatcher->localIp();
- for ( it = ips.begin(); it != ips.end(); ++it )
- {
- ip+=TQString("<tcpipaddress%1>%2</tcpipaddress%3>").arg(ip_number).arg(*it).arg(ip_number);
- ++ip_number;
- }
- TQString port = TQString::number(getAvailablePort());
- m_listener = new TDEServerSocket(port, this) ;
- return "<" + who + "><version>2.0</version><rid>"+TQString::number(rid)+"</rid><udprid>"+TQString::number(rid+1)+"</udprid><session>"+TQString::number(session)+"</session><ctypes>0</ctypes><cpu>2931</cpu>" +
- "<tcp><tcpport>"+port+"</tcpport>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <tcplocalport>"+port+"</tcplocalport>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t <tcpexternalport>"+port+"</tcpexternalport>"+ip+"</tcp>"+
- "<udp><udplocalport>7786</udplocalport><udpexternalport>31863</udpexternalport><udpexternalip>"+ ip +"</udpexternalip><a1_port>31859</a1_port><b1_port>31860</b1_port><b2_port>31861</b2_port><b3_port>31862</b3_port><symmetricallocation>1</symmetricallocation><symmetricallocationincrement>1</symmetricallocationincrement><udpversion>1</udpversion><udpinternalipaddress1></udpinternalipaddress1></udp>"+
- "<codec></codec><channelmode>1</channelmode></"+who+">\r\n\r\n";
-int Webcam::getAvailablePort()
- TDEConfig *config = TDEGlobal::config();
- config->setGroup( "MSN" );
- TQString basePort=config->readEntry("WebcamPort");
- if(basePort.isEmpty() || basePort == "0" )
- basePort="6891";
- uint firstport = basePort.toInt();
- uint maxOffset=config->readUnsignedNumEntry("WebcamMaxPortOffset", 10);
- uint lastport = firstport + maxOffset;
- // try to find an available port
- //
- TDEServerSocket *ss = new TDEServerSocket();
- ss->setFamily(KResolver::InetFamily);
- bool found = false;
- unsigned int port = firstport;
- for( ; port <= lastport; ++port) {
- ss->setAddress( TQString::number( port ) );
- bool success = ss->listen();
- if( found = ( success && ss->error() == TDESocketBase::NoError ) )
- break;
- ss->close();
- }
- delete ss;
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo<< "found available port : " << port << endl;
- return port;
-/* ---------- Now functions about the dirrect connection --------- */
-void Webcam::slotSocketConnected()
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo <<"##########################" << endl;
- m_webcamSocket=const_cast<TDEBufferedSocket*>(static_cast<const TDEBufferedSocket*>(sender()));
- if(!m_webcamSocket)
- return;
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Connection established on " << m_webcamSocket->peerAddress().toString() << " ; " << m_webcamSocket->localAddress().toString() << endl;
- m_webcamSocket->setBlocking(false);
- m_webcamSocket->enableRead(true);
- m_webcamSocket->enableWrite(false);
- // Create the callback that will try to read bytes from the accepted socket.
- TQObject::connect(m_webcamSocket, TQT_SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSocketRead()));
- // Create the callback that will try to handle the socket close event.
- TQObject::connect(m_webcamSocket, TQT_SIGNAL(closed()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSocketClosed()));
- // Create the callback that will try to handle the socket error event.
-// TQObject::connect(m_webcamSocket, TQT_SIGNAL(gotError(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSocketError(int)));
- m_webcamStates[m_webcamSocket]=wsConnected;
- TQCString to_send=m_peerAuth.utf8();
- m_webcamSocket->writeBlock(, to_send.length());
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "sending "<< m_peerAuth << endl;
-void Webcam::slotAccept()
- // Try to accept an incoming connection from the sending client.
- m_webcamSocket = static_cast<TDEBufferedSocket*>(m_listener->accept());
- if(!m_webcamSocket)
- {
- // NOTE If direct connection fails, the sending
- // client wil transfer the file data through the
- // existing session.
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Direct connection failed." << endl;
- // Close the listening endpoint.
-// m_listener->close();
- return;
- }
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "################################ Direct connection established." << endl;
- // Set the socket to non blocking,
- // enable the ready read signal and disable
- // ready write signal.
- // NOTE readyWrite consumes too much cpu usage.
- m_webcamSocket->setBlocking(false);
- m_webcamSocket->enableRead(true);
- m_webcamSocket->enableWrite(false);
- // Create the callback that will try to read bytes from the accepted socket.
- TQObject::connect(m_webcamSocket, TQT_SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSocketRead()));
- // Create the callback that will try to handle the socket close event.
- TQObject::connect(m_webcamSocket, TQT_SIGNAL(closed()), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSocketClosed()));
- // Create the callback that will try to handle the socket error event.
- TQObject::connect(m_webcamSocket, TQT_SIGNAL(gotError(int)), this, TQT_SLOT(slotSocketError(int)));
- m_allSockets.append(m_webcamSocket);
- m_webcamStates[m_webcamSocket]=wsNegotiating;
-void Webcam::slotSocketRead()
- m_webcamSocket=const_cast<TDEBufferedSocket*>(static_cast<const TDEBufferedSocket*>(sender()));
- uint available = m_webcamSocket->bytesAvailable();
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << m_webcamSocket << "############# " << available << " bytes available." << endl;
- TQByteArray avail_buff(available);
- m_webcamSocket->peekBlock(, avail_buff.size());
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << m_webcamSocket << avail_buff << endl;
- const TQString connected_str("connected\r\n\r\n");
- switch(m_webcamStates[m_webcamSocket])
- {
- case wsNegotiating:
- {
- if(available < m_myAuth.length())
- {
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "waiting more data ( " << available << " of " <<m_myAuth.length()<< " )"<< endl;
- break;
- }
- TQByteArray buffer(available);
- m_webcamSocket->readBlock(, buffer.size());
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << << endl;
- if(TQString(buffer) == m_myAuth )
- {
- closeAllOtherSockets();
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Sending " << connected_str << endl;
- TQCString conne=connected_str.utf8();
- m_webcamSocket->writeBlock(, conne.length());
- m_webcamStates[m_webcamSocket]=wsConnecting;
- m_mimic=new MimicWrapper();
- if(m_who==wProducer)
- {
- Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool *videoDevice = Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::self();
- videoDevice->open();
- videoDevice->setSize(320, 240);
- videoDevice->startCapturing();
- m_timerId=startTimer(m_timerFps);
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "new timer" << m_timerId << endl;
- }
- m_widget=new MSNWebcamDialog(m_recipient);
- connect(m_widget, TQT_SIGNAL( closingWebcamDialog() ) , this , TQT_SLOT(sendBYEMessage()));
- }
- else
- {
- kdWarning(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Auth failed" << endl;
- m_webcamSocket->disconnect();
- m_webcamSocket->deleteLater();
- m_allSockets.remove(m_webcamSocket);
- m_webcamSocket=0l;
- //sendBYEMessage();
- }
- break;
- }
- case wsConnecting:
- case wsConnected:
- {
- if(available < connected_str.length())
- {
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "waiting more data ( " << available << " of " <<connected_str.length()<< " )"<< endl;
- break;
- }
- TQByteArray buffer(connected_str.length());
- m_webcamSocket->readBlock(, buffer.size());
-// kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "state " << m_webcamState << " received :" << TQCString(buffer) << endl;
- if(TQString(buffer) == connected_str)
- {
- if(m_webcamStates[m_webcamSocket]==wsConnected)
- {
- closeAllOtherSockets();
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Sending " << connected_str << endl;
- TQCString conne=connected_str.utf8();
- m_webcamSocket->writeBlock(, conne.length());
- m_mimic=new MimicWrapper();
- if(m_who==wProducer)
- {
- Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool *videoDevice = Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::self();
- videoDevice->open();
- videoDevice->setSize(320, 240);
- videoDevice->startCapturing();
- m_timerId=startTimer(m_timerFps);
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "new timer" << m_timerId << endl;
- }
- m_widget=new MSNWebcamDialog(m_recipient);
- connect(m_widget, TQT_SIGNAL( closingWebcamDialog() ) , this , TQT_SLOT(sendBYEMessage()));
- }
- m_webcamStates[m_webcamSocket]=wsTransfer;
- }
- else
- {
- kdWarning(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Connecting failed" << endl;
- m_webcamSocket->disconnect();
- m_webcamSocket->deleteLater();
- m_allSockets.remove(m_webcamSocket);
- m_webcamSocket=0l;
- }
- break;
- }
- case wsTransfer:
- {
- if(m_who==wProducer)
- {
- kdWarning(14140) << k_funcinfo << "data received when we are producer"<< endl;
- break;
- }
- if(available < 24)
- {
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "waiting more data ( " << available << " of " <<24<< " )"<< endl;
- break;
- }
- TQByteArray buffer(24);
- m_webcamSocket->peekBlock(, buffer.size());
- TQ_UINT32 paysize=(uchar)buffer[8] + ((uchar)buffer[9]<<8) + ((uchar)buffer[10]<<16) + ((uchar)buffer[11]<<24);
- if(available < (paysize+24))
- {
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "waiting more data ( " << available << " of " <<paysize<< " )"<< endl;
- break;
- }
- m_webcamSocket->readBlock(, 24); //flush
- buffer.resize(paysize);
- m_webcamSocket->readBlock(, buffer.size());
- TQPixmap pix=m_mimic->decode(buffer);
- if(pix.isNull())
- {
- kdWarning(14140) << k_funcinfo << "incorrect pixmap returned, better to stop everything"<< endl;
- m_webcamSocket->disconnect();
- sendBYEMessage();
- }
- m_widget->newImage(pix);
- break;
- }
- default:
- break;
- }
-void Webcam::slotListenError(int errorCode)
- kdWarning(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Error " << errorCode << " : " << m_listener->errorString() << endl;
-void Webcam::slotSocketClosed()
- if(!m_dispatcher) //we are in this destructor
- return;
- TDEBufferedSocket *m_webcamSocket=const_cast<TDEBufferedSocket*>(static_cast<const TDEBufferedSocket*>(sender()));
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << m_webcamSocket << endl;
- if(m_listener)
- { //if we are still waiting for other socket to connect, just remove this socket from the socket list
- m_webcamSocket->disconnect();
- m_webcamSocket->deleteLater();
- m_allSockets.remove(m_webcamSocket);
- m_webcamSocket=0l;
- }
- else // else, close the session
- sendBYEMessage();
-void Webcam::slotSocketError(int errorCode)
- TDEBufferedSocket *socket=const_cast<TDEBufferedSocket*>(static_cast<const TDEBufferedSocket*>(sender()));
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << socket << " - " << errorCode << " : " << socket->TDESocketBase::errorString() << endl;
- //sendBYEMessage();
-void Webcam::closeAllOtherSockets()
- //m_lisener->close();
- delete m_listener;
- m_listener=0l;
- TQValueList<TDEBufferedSocket*>::iterator it;
- for ( it = m_allSockets.begin(); it != m_allSockets.end(); ++it )
- {
- TDEBufferedSocket *sock=(*it);
- if(sock != m_webcamSocket)
- delete sock;
- }
- m_allSockets.clear();
-void Webcam::timerEvent( TQTimerEvent *e )
- if(e->timerId() != m_timerId)
- return TransferContext::timerEvent(e);
-// kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << endl;
- Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool *videoDevice = Kopete::AV::VideoDevicePool::self();
- videoDevice->getFrame();
- TQImage img;
- videoDevice->getImage(&img);
- if(m_widget)
- m_widget->newImage(img);
- if(img.width()!=320 || img.height()!=240)
- {
- kdWarning(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Bad image size " <<img.width() << "x" << img.height() << endl;
- return;
- }
- uchar *bits=img.bits();
- TQByteArray image_data(img.width()*img.height()*3);
- uint b2=0;
- uint imgsize=img.width()*img.height()*4;
- for(uint f=0; f< imgsize; f+=4)
- {
- image_data[b2+0]=bits[f+2];
- image_data[b2+1]=bits[f+1];
- image_data[b2+2]=bits[f+0];
- b2+=3;
- }
- TQByteArray frame=m_mimic->encode(image_data);
- kdDebug(14140) << k_funcinfo << "Sendinf frame of size " << frame.size() << endl;
- //build the header.
- TQByteArray header;
- TQDataStream writer(header, IO_WriteOnly);
- writer.setByteOrder(TQDataStream::LittleEndian);
- writer << (TQ_UINT16)24; // header size
- writer << (TQ_UINT16)img.width();
- writer << (TQ_UINT16)img.height();
- writer << (TQ_UINT16)0x0000; //wtf .?
- writer << (TQ_UINT32)frame.size();
- writer << (TQ_UINT8)('M') << (TQ_UINT8)('L') << (TQ_UINT8)('2') << (TQ_UINT8)('0');
- writer << (TQ_UINT32)0x00000000; //wtf .?
- writer << TQTime::currentTime(); //FIXME: possible midnight bug ?
- m_webcamSocket->writeBlock(, header.size());
- m_webcamSocket->writeBlock(, frame.size());
-#include "webcam.moc"