path: root/kopete/protocols/gadu/libgadu/libgadu.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'kopete/protocols/gadu/libgadu/libgadu.c')
1 files changed, 1818 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kopete/protocols/gadu/libgadu/libgadu.c b/kopete/protocols/gadu/libgadu/libgadu.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47b687f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kopete/protocols/gadu/libgadu/libgadu.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1818 @@
+/* $Id$ */
+ * (C) Copyright 2001-2006 Wojtek Kaniewski <[email protected]>
+ * Robert J. Wo�ny <[email protected]>
+ * Arkadiusz Mi�kiewicz <[email protected]>
+ * Tomasz Chili�ski <[email protected]>
+ * Adam Wysocki <[email protected]>
+ *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License Version
+ * 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307,
+ * USA.
+ */
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <arpa/inet.h>
+#ifdef sun
+# include <sys/filio.h>
+#include "libgadu-config.h"
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+# include <pthread.h>
+#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+# include <openssl/err.h>
+# include <openssl/rand.h>
+#include "compat.h"
+#include "libgadu.h"
+int gg_debug_level = 0;
+void (*gg_debug_handler)(int level, const char *format, va_list ap) = NULL;
+int gg_dcc_port = 0;
+unsigned long gg_dcc_ip = 0;
+unsigned long gg_local_ip = 0;
+ * zmienne opisuj�ce parametry proxy http.
+ */
+char *gg_proxy_host = NULL;
+int gg_proxy_port = 0;
+int gg_proxy_enabled = 0;
+int gg_proxy_http_only = 0;
+char *gg_proxy_username = NULL;
+char *gg_proxy_password = NULL;
+#ifndef lint
+static char rcsid[]
+#ifdef __GNUC__
+__attribute__ ((unused))
+= "$Id$";
+ * gg_libgadu_version()
+ *
+ * zwraca wersj� libgadu.
+ *
+ * - brak
+ *
+ * wersja libgadu.
+ */
+const char *gg_libgadu_version()
+ * gg_fix32()
+ *
+ * zamienia kolejno�� bajt�w w liczbie 32-bitowej tak, by odpowiada�a
+ * kolejno�ci bajt�w w protokole GG. ze wzgl�du na LE-owo�� serwera,
+ * zamienia tylko na maszynach BE-wych.
+ *
+ * - x - liczba do zamiany
+ *
+ * liczba z odpowiedni� kolejno�ci� bajt�w.
+ */
+uint32_t gg_fix32(uint32_t x)
+ return x;
+ return (uint32_t)
+ (((x & (uint32_t) 0x000000ffU) << 24) |
+ ((x & (uint32_t) 0x0000ff00U) << 8) |
+ ((x & (uint32_t) 0x00ff0000U) >> 8) |
+ ((x & (uint32_t) 0xff000000U) >> 24));
+ * gg_fix16()
+ *
+ * zamienia kolejno�� bajt�w w liczbie 16-bitowej tak, by odpowiada�a
+ * kolejno�ci bajt�w w protokole GG. ze wzgl�du na LE-owo�� serwera,
+ * zamienia tylko na maszynach BE-wych.
+ *
+ * - x - liczba do zamiany
+ *
+ * liczba z odpowiedni� kolejno�ci� bajt�w.
+ */
+uint16_t gg_fix16(uint16_t x)
+ return x;
+ return (uint16_t)
+ (((x & (uint16_t) 0x00ffU) << 8) |
+ ((x & (uint16_t) 0xff00U) >> 8));
+ * gg_login_hash() // funkcja wewn�trzna
+ *
+ * liczy hash z has�a i danego seeda.
+ *
+ * - password - has�o do hashowania
+ * - seed - warto�� podana przez serwer
+ *
+ * hash.
+ */
+unsigned int gg_login_hash(const unsigned char *password, unsigned int seed)
+ unsigned int x, y, z;
+ y = seed;
+ for (x = 0; *password; password++) {
+ x = (x & 0xffffff00) | *password;
+ y ^= x;
+ y += x;
+ x <<= 8;
+ y ^= x;
+ x <<= 8;
+ y -= x;
+ x <<= 8;
+ y ^= x;
+ z = y & 0x1F;
+ y = (y << z) | (y >> (32 - z));
+ }
+ return y;
+ * gg_resolve() // funkcja wewn�trzna
+ *
+ * tworzy potok, forkuje si� i w drugim procesie zaczyna resolvowa�
+ * podanego hosta. zapisuje w sesji deskryptor potoku. je�li co� tam
+ * b�dzie gotowego, znaczy, �e mo�na wczyta� struct in_addr. je�li
+ * nie znajdzie, zwraca INADDR_NONE.
+ *
+ * - fd - wska�nik gdzie wrzuci� deskryptor
+ * - pid - gdzie wrzuci� pid procesu potomnego
+ * - hostname - nazwa hosta do zresolvowania
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_resolve(int *fd, int *pid, const char *hostname)
+ int pipes[2], res;
+ struct in_addr a;
+ int errno2;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_resolve(%p, %p, \"%s\");\n", fd, pid, hostname);
+ if (!fd || !pid) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (pipe(pipes) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ if ((res = fork()) == -1) {
+ errno2 = errno;
+ close(pipes[0]);
+ close(pipes[1]);
+ errno = errno2;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!res) {
+ close(pipes[0]);
+ if ((a.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname)) == INADDR_NONE) {
+ struct in_addr *hn;
+ if (!(hn = gg_gethostbyname(hostname)))
+ a.s_addr = INADDR_NONE;
+ else {
+ a.s_addr = hn->s_addr;
+ free(hn);
+ }
+ }
+ write(pipes[1], &a, sizeof(a));
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ close(pipes[1]);
+ *fd = pipes[0];
+ *pid = res;
+ return 0;
+struct gg_resolve_pthread_data {
+ char *hostname;
+ int fd;
+static void *gg_resolve_pthread_thread(void *arg)
+ struct gg_resolve_pthread_data *d = arg;
+ struct in_addr a;
+ pthread_detach(pthread_self());
+ if ((a.s_addr = inet_addr(d->hostname)) == INADDR_NONE) {
+ struct in_addr *hn;
+ if (!(hn = gg_gethostbyname(d->hostname)))
+ a.s_addr = INADDR_NONE;
+ else {
+ a.s_addr = hn->s_addr;
+ free(hn);
+ }
+ }
+ write(d->fd, &a, sizeof(a));
+ close(d->fd);
+ free(d->hostname);
+ d->hostname = NULL;
+ free(d);
+ pthread_exit(NULL);
+ return NULL; /* �eby kompilator nie marudzi� */
+ * gg_resolve_pthread() // funkcja wewn�trzna
+ *
+ * tworzy potok, nowy w�tek i w nim zaczyna resolvowa� podanego hosta.
+ * zapisuje w sesji deskryptor potoku. je�li co� tam b�dzie gotowego,
+ * znaczy, �e mo�na wczyta� struct in_addr. je�li nie znajdzie, zwraca
+ *
+ * - fd - wska�nik do zmiennej przechowuj�cej desktyptor resolvera
+ * - resolver - wska�nik do wska�nika resolvera
+ * - hostname - nazwa hosta do zresolvowania
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_resolve_pthread(int *fd, void **resolver, const char *hostname)
+ struct gg_resolve_pthread_data *d = NULL;
+ pthread_t *tmp;
+ int pipes[2], new_errno;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_resolve_pthread(%p, %p, \"%s\");\n", fd, resolver, hostname);
+ if (!resolver || !fd || !hostname) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_resolve_pthread() invalid arguments\n");
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!(tmp = malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_resolve_pthread() out of memory for pthread id\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (pipe(pipes) == -1) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_resolve_pthread() unable to create pipes (errno=%d, %s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ free(tmp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!(d = malloc(sizeof(*d)))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_resolve_pthread() out of memory\n");
+ new_errno = errno;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ d->hostname = NULL;
+ if (!(d->hostname = strdup(hostname))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_resolve_pthread() out of memory\n");
+ new_errno = errno;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ d->fd = pipes[1];
+ if (pthread_create(tmp, NULL, gg_resolve_pthread_thread, d)) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_resolve_phread() unable to create thread\n");
+ new_errno = errno;
+ goto cleanup;
+ }
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_resolve_pthread() %p\n", tmp);
+ *resolver = tmp;
+ *fd = pipes[0];
+ return 0;
+ if (d) {
+ free(d->hostname);
+ free(d);
+ }
+ close(pipes[0]);
+ close(pipes[1]);
+ free(tmp);
+ errno = new_errno;
+ return -1;
+ * gg_read() // funkcja pomocnicza
+ *
+ * czyta z gniazda okre�lon� ilo�� bajt�w. bierze pod uwag�, czy mamy
+ * po��czenie zwyk�e czy TLS.
+ *
+ * - sess - sesja,
+ * - buf - bufor,
+ * - length - ilo�� bajt�w,
+ *
+ * takie same warto�ci jak read().
+ */
+int gg_read(struct gg_session *sess, char *buf, int length)
+ int res;
+ if (sess->ssl) {
+ int err;
+ res = SSL_read(sess->ssl, buf, length);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ err = SSL_get_error(sess->ssl, res);
+ if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ)
+ errno = EAGAIN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else
+ res = read(sess->fd, buf, length);
+ return res;
+ * gg_write() // funkcja pomocnicza
+ *
+ * zapisuje do gniazda okre�lon� ilo�� bajt�w. bierze pod uwag�, czy mamy
+ * po��czenie zwyk�e czy TLS.
+ *
+ * - sess - sesja,
+ * - buf - bufor,
+ * - length - ilo�� bajt�w,
+ *
+ * takie same warto�ci jak write().
+ */
+int gg_write(struct gg_session *sess, const char *buf, int length)
+ int res = 0;
+ if (sess->ssl) {
+ int err;
+ res = SSL_write(sess->ssl, buf, length);
+ if (res < 0) {
+ err = SSL_get_error(sess->ssl, res);
+ if (err == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE)
+ errno = EAGAIN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ int written = 0;
+ while (written < length) {
+ res = write(sess->fd, buf + written, length - written);
+ if (res == -1) {
+ if (errno == EAGAIN)
+ continue;
+ else
+ break;
+ } else {
+ written += res;
+ res = written;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ * gg_recv_packet() // funkcja wewn�trzna
+ *
+ * odbiera jeden pakiet i zwraca wska�nik do niego. pami�� po nim
+ * nale�y zwolni� za pomoc� free().
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ *
+ * w przypadku b��du NULL, kod b��du w errno. nale�y zwr�ci� uwag�, �e gdy
+ * po��czenie jest nieblokuj�ce, a kod b��du wynosi EAGAIN, nie uda�o si�
+ * odczyta� ca�ego pakietu i nie nale�y tego traktowa� jako b��d.
+ */
+void *gg_recv_packet(struct gg_session *sess)
+ struct gg_header h;
+ char *buf = NULL;
+ int ret = 0;
+ unsigned int offset, size = 0;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_recv_packet(%p);\n", sess);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (sess->recv_left < 1) {
+ if (sess->header_buf) {
+ memcpy(&h, sess->header_buf, sess->header_done);
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() header recv: resuming last read (%d bytes left)\n", sizeof(h) - sess->header_done);
+ free(sess->header_buf);
+ sess->header_buf = NULL;
+ } else
+ sess->header_done = 0;
+ while (sess->header_done < sizeof(h)) {
+ ret = gg_read(sess, (char*) &h + sess->header_done, sizeof(h) - sess->header_done);
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() header recv(%d,%p,%d) = %d\n", sess->fd, &h + sess->header_done, sizeof(h) - sess->header_done, ret);
+ if (!ret) {
+ errno = ECONNRESET;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() header recv() failed: connection broken\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ret == -1) {
+ if (errno == EINTR) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() header recv() interrupted system call, resuming\n");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (errno == EAGAIN) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() header recv() incomplete header received\n");
+ if (!(sess->header_buf = malloc(sess->header_done))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() header recv() not enough memory\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(sess->header_buf, &h, sess->header_done);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() header recv() failed: errno=%d, %s\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ sess->header_done += ret;
+ }
+ h.type = gg_fix32(h.type);
+ h.length = gg_fix32(h.length);
+ } else
+ memcpy(&h, sess->recv_buf, sizeof(h));
+ /* jakie� sensowne limity na rozmiar pakietu */
+ if (h.length > 65535) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() invalid packet length (%d)\n", h.length);
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (sess->recv_left > 0) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() resuming last gg_recv_packet()\n");
+ size = sess->recv_left;
+ offset = sess->recv_done;
+ buf = sess->recv_buf;
+ } else {
+ if (!(buf = malloc(sizeof(h) + h.length + 1))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() not enough memory for packet data\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ memcpy(buf, &h, sizeof(h));
+ offset = 0;
+ size = h.length;
+ }
+ while (size > 0) {
+ ret = gg_read(sess, buf + sizeof(h) + offset, size);
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() body recv(%d,%p,%d) = %d\n", sess->fd, buf + sizeof(h) + offset, size, ret);
+ if (!ret) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() body recv() failed: connection broken\n");
+ errno = ECONNRESET;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (ret > -1 && ret <= size) {
+ offset += ret;
+ size -= ret;
+ } else if (ret == -1) {
+ int errno2 = errno;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() body recv() failed (errno=%d, %s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ errno = errno2;
+ if (errno == EAGAIN) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_recv_packet() %d bytes received, %d left\n", offset, size);
+ sess->recv_buf = buf;
+ sess->recv_left = size;
+ sess->recv_done = offset;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ if (errno != EINTR) {
+ free(buf);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ sess->recv_left = 0;
+ if ((gg_debug_level & GG_DEBUG_DUMP)) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_DUMP, "// gg_recv_packet(%.2x)", h.type);
+ for (i = 0; i < sizeof(h) + h.length; i++)
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_DUMP, " %.2x", (unsigned char) buf[i]);
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_DUMP, "\n");
+ }
+ return buf;
+ * gg_send_packet() // funkcja wewn�trzna
+ *
+ * konstruuje pakiet i wysy�a go do serwera.
+ *
+ * - sock - deskryptor gniazda
+ * - type - typ pakietu
+ * - payload_1 - pierwsza cz�� pakietu
+ * - payload_length_1 - d�ugo�� pierwszej cz�ci
+ * - payload_2 - druga cz�� pakietu
+ * - payload_length_2 - d�ugo�� drugiej cz�ci
+ * - ... - kolejne cz�ci pakietu i ich d�ugo�ci
+ * - NULL - ko�cowym parametr (konieczny!)
+ *
+ * je�li si� powiod�o, zwraca 0, w przypadku b��du -1. je�li errno == ENOMEM,
+ * zabrak�o pami�ci. inaczej by� b��d przy wysy�aniu pakietu. dla errno == 0
+ * nie wys�ano ca�ego pakietu.
+ */
+int gg_send_packet(struct gg_session *sess, int type, ...)
+ struct gg_header *h;
+ char *tmp;
+ unsigned int tmp_length;
+ void *payload;
+ unsigned int payload_length;
+ va_list ap;
+ int res;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_send_packet(%p, 0x%.2x, ...)\n", sess, type);
+ tmp_length = sizeof(struct gg_header);
+ if (!(tmp = malloc(tmp_length))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_send_packet() not enough memory for packet header\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ va_start(ap, type);
+ payload = va_arg(ap, void *);
+ while (payload) {
+ char *tmp2;
+ payload_length = va_arg(ap, unsigned int);
+ if (!(tmp2 = realloc(tmp, tmp_length + payload_length))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_send_packet() not enough memory for payload\n");
+ free(tmp);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ tmp = tmp2;
+ memcpy(tmp + tmp_length, payload, payload_length);
+ tmp_length += payload_length;
+ payload = va_arg(ap, void *);
+ }
+ va_end(ap);
+ h = (struct gg_header*) tmp;
+ h->type = gg_fix32(type);
+ h->length = gg_fix32(tmp_length - sizeof(struct gg_header));
+ if ((gg_debug_level & GG_DEBUG_DUMP)) {
+ unsigned int i;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_DUMP, "// gg_send_packet(0x%.2x)", gg_fix32(h->type));
+ for (i = 0; i < tmp_length; ++i)
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_DUMP, " %.2x", (unsigned char) tmp[i]);
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_DUMP, "\n");
+ }
+ if ((res = gg_write(sess, tmp, tmp_length)) < tmp_length) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_send_packet() write() failed. res = %d, errno = %d (%s)\n", res, errno, strerror(errno));
+ free(tmp);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ free(tmp);
+ return 0;
+ * gg_session_callback() // funkcja wewn�trzna
+ *
+ * wywo�ywany z gg_session->callback, wykonuje gg_watch_fd() i pakuje
+ * do gg_session->event jego wynik.
+ */
+static int gg_session_callback(struct gg_session *s)
+ if (!s) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return ((s->event = gg_watch_fd(s)) != NULL) ? 0 : -1;
+ * gg_login()
+ *
+ * rozpoczyna procedur� ��czenia si� z serwerem. reszt� obs�uguje si� przez
+ * gg_watch_fd().
+ *
+ * UWAGA! program musi obs�u�y� SIGCHLD, je�li ��czy si� asynchronicznie,
+ * �eby poprawnie zamkn�� proces resolvera.
+ *
+ * - p - struktura opisuj�ca pocz�tkowy stan. wymagane pola: uin,
+ * password
+ *
+ * w przypadku b��du NULL, je�li idzie dobrze (async) albo posz�o
+ * dobrze (sync), zwr�ci wska�nik do zaalokowanej struct gg_session.
+ */
+struct gg_session *gg_login(const struct gg_login_params *p)
+ struct gg_session *sess = NULL;
+ char *hostname;
+ int port;
+ if (!p) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_login(%p);\n", p);
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_login(%p: [uin=%u, async=%d, ...]);\n", p, p->uin, p->async);
+ if (!(sess = malloc(sizeof(struct gg_session)))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() not enough memory for session data\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ memset(sess, 0, sizeof(struct gg_session));
+ if (!p->password || !p->uin) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() invalid arguments. uin and password needed\n");
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (!(sess->password = strdup(p->password))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() not enough memory for password\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (p->status_descr && !(sess->initial_descr = strdup(p->status_descr))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() not enough memory for status\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ sess->uin = p->uin;
+ sess->state = GG_STATE_RESOLVING;
+ sess->check = GG_CHECK_READ;
+ sess->timeout = GG_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT;
+ sess->async = p->async;
+ sess->type = GG_SESSION_GG;
+ sess->initial_status = p->status;
+ sess->callback = gg_session_callback;
+ sess->destroy = gg_free_session;
+ sess->port = (p->server_port) ? p->server_port : ((gg_proxy_enabled) ? GG_HTTPS_PORT : GG_DEFAULT_PORT);
+ sess->server_addr = p->server_addr;
+ sess->external_port = p->external_port;
+ sess->external_addr = p->external_addr;
+ sess->protocol_version = (p->protocol_version) ? p->protocol_version : GG_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_VERSION;
+ if (p->era_omnix)
+ sess->protocol_version |= GG_ERA_OMNIX_MASK;
+ if (p->has_audio)
+ sess->protocol_version |= GG_HAS_AUDIO_MASK;
+ sess->client_version = (p->client_version) ? strdup(p->client_version) : NULL;
+ sess->last_sysmsg = p->last_sysmsg;
+ sess->image_size = p->image_size;
+ sess->pid = -1;
+ if (p->tls == 1) {
+ char buf[1024];
+ OpenSSL_add_ssl_algorithms();
+ if (!RAND_status()) {
+ char rdata[1024];
+ struct {
+ time_t time;
+ void *ptr;
+ } rstruct;
+ time(&rstruct.time);
+ rstruct.ptr = (void *) &rstruct;
+ RAND_seed((void *) rdata, sizeof(rdata));
+ RAND_seed((void *) &rstruct, sizeof(rstruct));
+ }
+ sess->ssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(TLSv1_client_method());
+ if (!sess->ssl_ctx) {
+ ERR_error_string_n(ERR_get_error(), buf, sizeof(buf));
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() SSL_CTX_new() failed: %s\n", buf);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ SSL_CTX_set_verify(sess->ssl_ctx, SSL_VERIFY_NONE, NULL);
+ sess->ssl = SSL_new(sess->ssl_ctx);
+ if (!sess->ssl) {
+ ERR_error_string_n(ERR_get_error(), buf, sizeof(buf));
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() SSL_new() failed: %s\n", buf);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() client requested TLS but no support compiled in\n");
+ }
+ if (gg_proxy_enabled) {
+ hostname = gg_proxy_host;
+ sess->proxy_port = port = gg_proxy_port;
+ } else {
+ hostname = GG_APPMSG_HOST;
+ port = GG_APPMSG_PORT;
+ }
+ if (!p->async) {
+ struct in_addr a;
+ if (!p->server_addr || !p->server_port) {
+ if ((a.s_addr = inet_addr(hostname)) == INADDR_NONE) {
+ struct in_addr *hn;
+ if (!(hn = gg_gethostbyname(hostname))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() host \"%s\" not found\n", hostname);
+ goto fail;
+ } else {
+ a.s_addr = hn->s_addr;
+ free(hn);
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ a.s_addr = p->server_addr;
+ port = p->server_port;
+ }
+ sess->hub_addr = a.s_addr;
+ if (gg_proxy_enabled)
+ sess->proxy_addr = a.s_addr;
+ if ((sess->fd = gg_connect(&a, port, 0)) == -1) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() connection failed (errno=%d, %s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (p->server_addr && p->server_port)
+ sess->state = GG_STATE_CONNECTING_GG;
+ else
+ sess->state = GG_STATE_CONNECTING_HUB;
+ while (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ struct gg_event *e;
+ if (!(e = gg_watch_fd(sess))) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() critical error in gg_watch_fd()\n");
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ if (e->type == GG_EVENT_CONN_FAILED) {
+ errno = EACCES;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() could not login\n");
+ gg_event_free(e);
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ gg_event_free(e);
+ }
+ return sess;
+ }
+ if (!sess->server_addr || gg_proxy_enabled) {
+ if (gg_resolve(&sess->fd, &sess->pid, hostname)) {
+ if (gg_resolve_pthread(&sess->fd, &sess->resolver, hostname)) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() resolving failed (errno=%d, %s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if ((sess->fd = gg_connect(&sess->server_addr, sess->port, sess->async)) == -1) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_login() direct connection failed (errno=%d, %s)\n", errno, strerror(errno));
+ goto fail;
+ }
+ sess->state = GG_STATE_CONNECTING_GG;
+ sess->check = GG_CHECK_WRITE;
+ }
+ return sess;
+ if (sess) {
+ if (sess->password)
+ free(sess->password);
+ if (sess->initial_descr)
+ free(sess->initial_descr);
+ free(sess);
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ * gg_free_session()
+ *
+ * pr�buje zamkn�� po��czenia i zwalnia pami�� zajmowan� przez sesj�.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ */
+void gg_free_session(struct gg_session *sess)
+ if (!sess)
+ return;
+ /* XXX dopisa� zwalnianie i zamykanie wszystkiego, co mog�o zosta� */
+ if (sess->password)
+ free(sess->password);
+ if (sess->initial_descr)
+ free(sess->initial_descr);
+ if (sess->client_version)
+ free(sess->client_version);
+ if (sess->header_buf)
+ free(sess->header_buf);
+ if (sess->ssl)
+ SSL_free(sess->ssl);
+ if (sess->ssl_ctx)
+ SSL_CTX_free(sess->ssl_ctx);
+ if (sess->resolver) {
+ pthread_cancel(*((pthread_t*) sess->resolver));
+ free(sess->resolver);
+ sess->resolver = NULL;
+ }
+ if (sess->pid != -1) {
+ kill(sess->pid, SIGTERM);
+ waitpid(sess->pid, NULL, WNOHANG);
+ }
+ if (sess->fd != -1)
+ close(sess->fd);
+ while (sess->images)
+ gg_image_queue_remove(sess, sess->images, 1);
+ free(sess);
+ * gg_change_status()
+ *
+ * zmienia status u�ytkownika. przydatne do /away i /busy oraz /quit.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - status - nowy status u�ytkownika
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_change_status(struct gg_session *sess, int status)
+ struct gg_new_status p;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_change_status(%p, %d);\n", sess, status);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ p.status = gg_fix32(status);
+ sess->status = status;
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_NEW_STATUS, &p, sizeof(p), NULL);
+ * gg_change_status_descr()
+ *
+ * zmienia status u�ytkownika na opisowy.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - status - nowy status u�ytkownika
+ * - descr - opis statusu
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_change_status_descr(struct gg_session *sess, int status, const char *descr)
+ struct gg_new_status p;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_change_status_descr(%p, %d, \"%s\");\n", sess, status, descr);
+ if (!sess || !descr) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ p.status = gg_fix32(status);
+ sess->status = status;
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_NEW_STATUS, &p, sizeof(p), descr, (strlen(descr) > GG_STATUS_DESCR_MAXSIZE) ? GG_STATUS_DESCR_MAXSIZE : strlen(descr), NULL);
+ * gg_change_status_descr_time()
+ *
+ * zmienia status u�ytkownika na opisowy z godzin� powrotu.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - status - nowy status u�ytkownika
+ * - descr - opis statusu
+ * - time - czas w formacie uniksowym
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_change_status_descr_time(struct gg_session *sess, int status, const char *descr, int time)
+ struct gg_new_status p;
+ uint32_t newtime;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_change_status_descr_time(%p, %d, \"%s\", %d);\n", sess, status, descr, time);
+ if (!sess || !descr || !time) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ p.status = gg_fix32(status);
+ sess->status = status;
+ newtime = gg_fix32(time);
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_NEW_STATUS, &p, sizeof(p), descr, (strlen(descr) > GG_STATUS_DESCR_MAXSIZE) ? GG_STATUS_DESCR_MAXSIZE : strlen(descr), &newtime, sizeof(newtime), NULL);
+ * gg_logoff()
+ *
+ * wylogowuje u�ytkownika i zamyka po��czenie, ale nie zwalnia pami�ci.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ */
+void gg_logoff(struct gg_session *sess)
+ if (!sess)
+ return;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_logoff(%p);\n", sess);
+ if (GG_S_NA(sess->status & ~GG_STATUS_FRIENDS_MASK))
+ gg_change_status(sess, GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL);
+ if (sess->ssl)
+ SSL_shutdown(sess->ssl);
+ if (sess->resolver) {
+ pthread_cancel(*((pthread_t*) sess->resolver));
+ free(sess->resolver);
+ sess->resolver = NULL;
+ }
+ if (sess->pid != -1) {
+ kill(sess->pid, SIGTERM);
+ waitpid(sess->pid, NULL, WNOHANG);
+ sess->pid = -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->fd != -1) {
+ shutdown(sess->fd, SHUT_RDWR);
+ close(sess->fd);
+ sess->fd = -1;
+ }
+ * gg_image_request()
+ *
+ * wysy�a ��danie wys�ania obrazka o podanych parametrach.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - recipient - numer adresata
+ * - size - rozmiar obrazka
+ * - crc32 - suma kontrolna obrazka
+ *
+ * 0/-1
+ */
+int gg_image_request(struct gg_session *sess, uin_t recipient, int size, uint32_t crc32)
+ struct gg_send_msg s;
+ struct gg_msg_image_request r;
+ char dummy = 0;
+ int res;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_image_request(%p, %d, %u, 0x%.4x);\n", sess, recipient, size, crc32);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (size < 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ s.recipient = gg_fix32(recipient);
+ s.seq = gg_fix32(0);
+ s.msgclass = gg_fix32(GG_CLASS_MSG);
+ r.flag = 0x04;
+ r.size = gg_fix32(size);
+ r.crc32 = gg_fix32(crc32);
+ res = gg_send_packet(sess, GG_SEND_MSG, &s, sizeof(s), &dummy, 1, &r, sizeof(r), NULL);
+ if (!res) {
+ struct gg_image_queue *q = malloc(sizeof(*q));
+ char *buf;
+ if (!q) {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_image_request() not enough memory for image queue\n");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ buf = malloc(size);
+ if (size && !buf)
+ {
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_MISC, "// gg_image_request() not enough memory for image\n");
+ free(q);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ memset(q, 0, sizeof(*q));
+ q->sender = recipient;
+ q->size = size;
+ q->crc32 = crc32;
+ q->image = buf;
+ if (!sess->images)
+ sess->images = q;
+ else {
+ struct gg_image_queue *qq;
+ for (qq = sess->images; qq->next; qq = qq->next)
+ ;
+ qq->next = q;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+ * gg_image_reply()
+ *
+ * wysy�a ��dany obrazek.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - recipient - numer adresata
+ * - filename - nazwa pliku
+ * - image - bufor z obrazkiem
+ * - size - rozmiar obrazka
+ *
+ * 0/-1
+ */
+int gg_image_reply(struct gg_session *sess, uin_t recipient, const char *filename, const char *image, int size)
+ struct gg_msg_image_reply *r;
+ struct gg_send_msg s;
+ const char *tmp;
+ char buf[1910];
+ int res = -1;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_image_reply(%p, %d, \"%s\", %p, %d);\n", sess, recipient, filename, image, size);
+ if (!sess || !filename || !image) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (size < 0) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ /* wytnij �cie�ki, zostaw tylko nazw� pliku */
+ while ((tmp = strrchr(filename, '/')) || (tmp = strrchr(filename, '\\')))
+ filename = tmp + 1;
+ if (strlen(filename) < 1 || strlen(filename) > 1024) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ s.recipient = gg_fix32(recipient);
+ s.seq = gg_fix32(0);
+ s.msgclass = gg_fix32(GG_CLASS_MSG);
+ buf[0] = 0;
+ r = (void*) &buf[1];
+ r->flag = 0x05;
+ r->size = gg_fix32(size);
+ r->crc32 = gg_fix32(gg_crc32(0, image, size));
+ while (size > 0) {
+ int buflen, chunklen;
+ /* \0 + struct gg_msg_image_reply */
+ buflen = sizeof(struct gg_msg_image_reply) + 1;
+ /* w pierwszym kawa�ku jest nazwa pliku */
+ if (r->flag == 0x05) {
+ strcpy(buf + buflen, filename);
+ buflen += strlen(filename) + 1;
+ }
+ chunklen = (size >= sizeof(buf) - buflen) ? (sizeof(buf) - buflen) : size;
+ memcpy(buf + buflen, image, chunklen);
+ size -= chunklen;
+ image += chunklen;
+ res = gg_send_packet(sess, GG_SEND_MSG, &s, sizeof(s), buf, buflen + chunklen, NULL);
+ if (res == -1)
+ break;
+ r->flag = 0x06;
+ }
+ return res;
+ * gg_send_message_ctcp()
+ *
+ * wysy�a wiadomo�� do innego u�ytkownika. zwraca losowy numer
+ * sekwencyjny, kt�ry mo�na zignorowa� albo wykorzysta� do potwierdzenia.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - msgclass - rodzaj wiadomo�ci
+ * - recipient - numer adresata
+ * - message - tre�� wiadomo�ci
+ * - message_len - d�ugo��
+ *
+ * numer sekwencyjny wiadomo�ci lub -1 w przypadku b��du.
+ */
+int gg_send_message_ctcp(struct gg_session *sess, int msgclass, uin_t recipient, const unsigned char *message, int message_len)
+ struct gg_send_msg s;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_send_message_ctcp(%p, %d, %u, ...);\n", sess, msgclass, recipient);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ s.recipient = gg_fix32(recipient);
+ s.seq = gg_fix32(0);
+ s.msgclass = gg_fix32(msgclass);
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_SEND_MSG, &s, sizeof(s), message, message_len, NULL);
+ * gg_send_message()
+ *
+ * wysy�a wiadomo�� do innego u�ytkownika. zwraca losowy numer
+ * sekwencyjny, kt�ry mo�na zignorowa� albo wykorzysta� do potwierdzenia.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - msgclass - rodzaj wiadomo�ci
+ * - recipient - numer adresata
+ * - message - tre�� wiadomo�ci
+ *
+ * numer sekwencyjny wiadomo�ci lub -1 w przypadku b��du.
+ */
+int gg_send_message(struct gg_session *sess, int msgclass, uin_t recipient, const unsigned char *message)
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_send_message(%p, %d, %u, %p)\n", sess, msgclass, recipient, message);
+ return gg_send_message_richtext(sess, msgclass, recipient, message, NULL, 0);
+ * gg_send_message_richtext()
+ *
+ * wysy�a kolorow� wiadomo�� do innego u�ytkownika. zwraca losowy numer
+ * sekwencyjny, kt�ry mo�na zignorowa� albo wykorzysta� do potwierdzenia.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - msgclass - rodzaj wiadomo�ci
+ * - recipient - numer adresata
+ * - message - tre�� wiadomo�ci
+ * - format - informacje o formatowaniu
+ * - formatlen - d�ugo�� informacji o formatowaniu
+ *
+ * numer sekwencyjny wiadomo�ci lub -1 w przypadku b��du.
+ */
+int gg_send_message_richtext(struct gg_session *sess, int msgclass, uin_t recipient, const unsigned char *message, const unsigned char *format, int formatlen)
+ struct gg_send_msg s;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_send_message_richtext(%p, %d, %u, %p, %p, %d);\n", sess, msgclass, recipient, message, format, formatlen);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!message) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ s.recipient = gg_fix32(recipient);
+ if (!sess->seq)
+ sess->seq = 0x01740000 | (rand() & 0xffff);
+ s.seq = gg_fix32(sess->seq);
+ s.msgclass = gg_fix32(msgclass);
+ sess->seq += (rand() % 0x300) + 0x300;
+ if (gg_send_packet(sess, GG_SEND_MSG, &s, sizeof(s), message, strlen(message) + 1, format, formatlen, NULL) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ return gg_fix32(s.seq);
+ * gg_send_message_confer()
+ *
+ * wysy�a wiadomo�� do kilku u�ytkownikow (konferencja). zwraca losowy numer
+ * sekwencyjny, kt�ry mo�na zignorowa� albo wykorzysta� do potwierdzenia.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - msgclass - rodzaj wiadomo�ci
+ * - recipients_count - ilo�� adresat�w
+ * - recipients - numerki adresat�w
+ * - message - tre�� wiadomo�ci
+ *
+ * numer sekwencyjny wiadomo�ci lub -1 w przypadku b��du.
+ */
+int gg_send_message_confer(struct gg_session *sess, int msgclass, int recipients_count, uin_t *recipients, const unsigned char *message)
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_send_message_confer(%p, %d, %d, %p, %p);\n", sess, msgclass, recipients_count, recipients, message);
+ return gg_send_message_confer_richtext(sess, msgclass, recipients_count, recipients, message, NULL, 0);
+ * gg_send_message_confer_richtext()
+ *
+ * wysy�a kolorow� wiadomo�� do kilku u�ytkownikow (konferencja). zwraca
+ * losowy numer sekwencyjny, kt�ry mo�na zignorowa� albo wykorzysta� do
+ * potwierdzenia.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - msgclass - rodzaj wiadomo�ci
+ * - recipients_count - ilo�� adresat�w
+ * - recipients - numerki adresat�w
+ * - message - tre�� wiadomo�ci
+ * - format - informacje o formatowaniu
+ * - formatlen - d�ugo�� informacji o formatowaniu
+ *
+ * numer sekwencyjny wiadomo�ci lub -1 w przypadku b��du.
+ */
+int gg_send_message_confer_richtext(struct gg_session *sess, int msgclass, int recipients_count, uin_t *recipients, const unsigned char *message, const unsigned char *format, int formatlen)
+ struct gg_send_msg s;
+ struct gg_msg_recipients r;
+ int i, j, k;
+ uin_t *recps;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_send_message_confer_richtext(%p, %d, %d, %p, %p, %p, %d);\n", sess, msgclass, recipients_count, recipients, message, format, formatlen);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!message || recipients_count <= 0 || recipients_count > 0xffff || !recipients) {
+ errno = EINVAL;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ r.flag = 0x01;
+ r.count = gg_fix32(recipients_count - 1);
+ if (!sess->seq)
+ sess->seq = 0x01740000 | (rand() & 0xffff);
+ s.seq = gg_fix32(sess->seq);
+ s.msgclass = gg_fix32(msgclass);
+ recps = malloc(sizeof(uin_t) * recipients_count);
+ if (!recps)
+ return -1;
+ for (i = 0; i < recipients_count; i++) {
+ s.recipient = gg_fix32(recipients[i]);
+ for (j = 0, k = 0; j < recipients_count; j++)
+ if (recipients[j] != recipients[i]) {
+ recps[k] = gg_fix32(recipients[j]);
+ k++;
+ }
+ if (!i)
+ sess->seq += (rand() % 0x300) + 0x300;
+ if (gg_send_packet(sess, GG_SEND_MSG, &s, sizeof(s), message, strlen(message) + 1, &r, sizeof(r), recps, (recipients_count - 1) * sizeof(uin_t), format, formatlen, NULL) == -1) {
+ free(recps);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ free(recps);
+ return gg_fix32(s.seq);
+ * gg_ping()
+ *
+ * wysy�a do serwera pakiet ping.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_ping(struct gg_session *sess)
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_ping(%p);\n", sess);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_PING, NULL);
+ * gg_notify_ex()
+ *
+ * wysy�a serwerowi list� kontakt�w (wraz z odpowiadaj�cymi im typami user�w),
+ * dzi�ki czemu wie, czyj stan nas interesuje.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - userlist - wska�nik do tablicy numer�w
+ * - types - wska�nik do tablicy typ�w u�ytkownik�w
+ * - count - ilo�� numerk�w
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_notify_ex(struct gg_session *sess, uin_t *userlist, char *types, int count)
+ struct gg_notify *n;
+ uin_t *u;
+ char *t;
+ int i, res = 0;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_notify_ex(%p, %p, %p, %d);\n", sess, userlist, types, count);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!userlist || !count)
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_LIST_EMPTY, NULL);
+ while (count > 0) {
+ int part_count, packet_type;
+ if (count > 400) {
+ part_count = 400;
+ packet_type = GG_NOTIFY_FIRST;
+ } else {
+ part_count = count;
+ packet_type = GG_NOTIFY_LAST;
+ }
+ if (!(n = (struct gg_notify*) malloc(sizeof(*n) * part_count)))
+ return -1;
+ for (u = userlist, t = types, i = 0; i < part_count; u++, t++, i++) {
+ n[i].uin = gg_fix32(*u);
+ n[i].dunno1 = *t;
+ }
+ if (gg_send_packet(sess, packet_type, n, sizeof(*n) * part_count, NULL) == -1) {
+ free(n);
+ res = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+ count -= part_count;
+ userlist += part_count;
+ types += part_count;
+ free(n);
+ }
+ return res;
+ * gg_notify()
+ *
+ * wysy�a serwerowi list� kontakt�w, dzi�ki czemu wie, czyj stan nas
+ * interesuje.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - userlist - wska�nik do tablicy numer�w
+ * - count - ilo�� numerk�w
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_notify(struct gg_session *sess, uin_t *userlist, int count)
+ struct gg_notify *n;
+ uin_t *u;
+ int i, res = 0;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_notify(%p, %p, %d);\n", sess, userlist, count);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!userlist || !count)
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_LIST_EMPTY, NULL);
+ while (count > 0) {
+ int part_count, packet_type;
+ if (count > 400) {
+ part_count = 400;
+ packet_type = GG_NOTIFY_FIRST;
+ } else {
+ part_count = count;
+ packet_type = GG_NOTIFY_LAST;
+ }
+ if (!(n = (struct gg_notify*) malloc(sizeof(*n) * part_count)))
+ return -1;
+ for (u = userlist, i = 0; i < part_count; u++, i++) {
+ n[i].uin = gg_fix32(*u);
+ n[i].dunno1 = GG_USER_NORMAL;
+ }
+ if (gg_send_packet(sess, packet_type, n, sizeof(*n) * part_count, NULL) == -1) {
+ res = -1;
+ free(n);
+ break;
+ }
+ free(n);
+ userlist += part_count;
+ count -= part_count;
+ }
+ return res;
+ * gg_add_notify_ex()
+ *
+ * dodaje do listy kontakt�w dany numer w trakcie po��czenia.
+ * dodawanemu u�ytkownikowi okre�lamy jego typ (patrz protocol.html)
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - uin - numer
+ * - type - typ
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_add_notify_ex(struct gg_session *sess, uin_t uin, char type)
+ struct gg_add_remove a;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_add_notify_ex(%p, %u, %d);\n", sess, uin, type);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ a.uin = gg_fix32(uin);
+ a.dunno1 = type;
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_ADD_NOTIFY, &a, sizeof(a), NULL);
+ * gg_add_notify()
+ *
+ * dodaje do listy kontakt�w dany numer w trakcie po��czenia.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - uin - numer
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_add_notify(struct gg_session *sess, uin_t uin)
+ return gg_add_notify_ex(sess, uin, GG_USER_NORMAL);
+ * gg_remove_notify_ex()
+ *
+ * usuwa z listy kontakt�w w trakcie po��czenia.
+ * usuwanemu u�ytkownikowi okre�lamy jego typ (patrz protocol.html)
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - uin - numer
+ * - type - typ
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_remove_notify_ex(struct gg_session *sess, uin_t uin, char type)
+ struct gg_add_remove a;
+ gg_debug(GG_DEBUG_FUNCTION, "** gg_remove_notify_ex(%p, %u, %d);\n", sess, uin, type);
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ a.uin = gg_fix32(uin);
+ a.dunno1 = type;
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_REMOVE_NOTIFY, &a, sizeof(a), NULL);
+ * gg_remove_notify()
+ *
+ * usuwa z listy kontakt�w w trakcie po��czenia.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - uin - numer
+ *
+ * 0, -1.
+ */
+int gg_remove_notify(struct gg_session *sess, uin_t uin)
+ return gg_remove_notify_ex(sess, uin, GG_USER_NORMAL);
+ * gg_userlist_request()
+ *
+ * wysy�a ��danie/zapytanie listy kontakt�w na serwerze.
+ *
+ * - sess - opis sesji
+ * - type - rodzaj zapytania/��dania
+ * - request - tre�� zapytania/��dania (mo�e by� NULL)
+ *
+ * 0, -1
+ */
+int gg_userlist_request(struct gg_session *sess, char type, const char *request)
+ int len;
+ if (!sess) {
+ errno = EFAULT;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (sess->state != GG_STATE_CONNECTED) {
+ errno = ENOTCONN;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (!request) {
+ sess->userlist_blocks = 1;
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_USERLIST_REQUEST, &type, sizeof(type), NULL);
+ }
+ len = strlen(request);
+ sess->userlist_blocks = 0;
+ while (len > 2047) {
+ sess->userlist_blocks++;
+ if (gg_send_packet(sess, GG_USERLIST_REQUEST, &type, sizeof(type), request, 2047, NULL) == -1)
+ return -1;
+ if (type == GG_USERLIST_PUT)
+ request += 2047;
+ len -= 2047;
+ }
+ sess->userlist_blocks++;
+ return gg_send_packet(sess, GG_USERLIST_REQUEST, &type, sizeof(type), request, len, NULL);
+ * Local variables:
+ * c-indentation-style: k&r
+ * c-basic-offset: 8
+ * indent-tabs-mode: notnil
+ * End:
+ *
+ * vim: shiftwidth=8:
+ */