/* $Id$ */ #include <kapplication.h> #include <dcopclient.h> #include <dcopref.h> #include <tqdatastream.h> #include <tqstring.h> #include <tqstringlist.h> #include <tqcstring.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* class rssIface : virtual public DCOPObject { K_DCOP public: rssIface( KApplication *app) { // get our DCOP client and attach so that we may use it DCOPClient *client = app->dcopClient(); client->attach(); TQString error; TQCString appID; kdDebug() << "Looking for rss service..." << endl; if (!client->isApplicationRegistered("rssservice")) { kdDebug() << "Could not find service so I am starting it..." << endl; if(KApplication::startServiceByName("rssservice",TQStringList(), &error, &appID )) { kdDebug() << "Starting rssservice failed with message: " << error << endl; exit(0); } } kdDebug ()<< "Accessing rssservice..." << endl; if (!connectDCOPSignal(0,0, "documentUpdated(DCOPRef)", "refresh(DCOPRef)",false)) kdDebug() << "Could not attach signal..." << endl; else kdDebug() << "attached dcop signals..." << endl; TQString url("http://freshmeat.net/backend/fm.rdf"); DCOPRef m_rssservice("rssservice","RSSService"); m_rssservice.call("load(TQString)", url); TQStringList returnList = m_rssservice.call("list()"); DCOPRef doc = m_rssservice.call("document(TQString)", returnList[0]); TQString title = doc.call("title()"); TQString link = doc.call("link()"); TQString description = doc.call("description()"); kdDebug() << title << endl; kdDebug() << link << endl; kdDebug() << description << endl; } k_dcop: virtual void refresh(DCOPRef doc) { TQString title = doc.call("title()"); TQString link = doc.call("link()"); TQString description = doc.call("description()"); kdDebug() << title << endl; kdDebug() << link << endl; kdDebug() << description << endl; } private: }; */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { KApplication *app = new KApplication(argc, argv, "client", false); app->exec(); }