/* $Id$ */ /*************************************************************************** query.cpp - A query interface to select RSS feeds. ------------------- begin : Saturday 15 February 2003 copyright : (C) 2003 by Ian Reinhart Geiser email : geiseri@kde.org ***************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** * * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * * (at your option) any later version. * * * ***************************************************************************/ #include "cache.h" #include "query.h" #include <kdebug.h> #include <krfcdate.h> #include "service.h" #include "xmlrpciface.h" using KXMLRPC::Server; void SlotCaller::call( TQObject *object, const char *slot, const KXMLRPC::Query::Result &result ) { SlotCaller caller; connect( &caller, TQT_SIGNAL( signal( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result &) ), object, slot ); emit caller.signal( result ); } QueryService::QueryService( RSSService *service ) : TQObject(), DCOPObject( "RSSQuery" ), m_service( service ) { m_xmlrpcServer = new KXMLRPC::Server( KURL( "http://www.syndic8.com/xmlrpc.php"), this ); } TQStringList QueryService::listActive() { if ( !m_service ) return TQStringList(); return m_service->list(); } void QueryService::cachedCall( const TQString &method, const TQValueList<TQVariant> &args, const char *slot ) { kdDebug() << "Calling " << method << endl; const TQString cacheKey = Cache::getCacheKey( m_xmlrpcServer->url().url(), method, args ); CacheEntry *cacheEntry = Cache::self().find( cacheKey ); if ( cacheEntry != 0 && cacheEntry->isValid() ) { kdDebug() << "Using cached result." << endl; SlotCaller::call( this, slot, cacheEntry->result() ); } else { kdDebug() << "No cached result found, querying server." << endl; m_xmlrpcServer->call( method, args, this, slot ); } } void QueryService::updateCache( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result &result ) { const TQString cacheKey = Cache::getCacheKey( result.server(), result.method(), result.args() ); CacheEntry *cacheEntry = Cache::self().find( cacheKey ); if ( cacheEntry == 0 ) { kdDebug() << "Inserting returned result into cache." << endl; Cache::self().insert( cacheKey, result ); } } void QueryService::findFeeds( const TQString &query ) { kdDebug() << "QueryService::findFeeds()" << endl; TQStringList args; args << query << "headlines_rank"; cachedCall( "syndic8.FindFeeds", Server::toVariantList( args ), TQT_SLOT( slotFoundFeeds( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result & ) ) ); } void QueryService::findSites( const TQString& query ) { kdDebug() << "QueryService::findSites()" << endl; cachedCall( "syndic8.FindSites", Server::toVariantList( query ), TQT_SLOT( slotFoundFeeds( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result & ) ) ); } void QueryService::getFeedInfo( const TQVariant& ids ) { kdDebug() << "QueryService::getFeedInfo()" << endl; cachedCall( "syndic8.GetFeedInfo", Server::toVariantList( ids ), TQT_SLOT( slotGotFeedInfo( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result & ) ) ); } void QueryService::getCategories( const TQString &category ) { kdDebug() << "QueryService::getCategories()" << endl; if ( category == "Top" ) { cachedCall( "syndic8.GetCategoryRoots", Server::toVariantList( TQString::tqfromLatin1( "DMOZ" ) ), TQT_SLOT( slotGotCategories( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result & ) ) ); } else { TQStringList args; args << "DMOZ" << category; cachedCall( "syndic8.GetCategoryChildren", Server::toVariantList( args ), TQT_SLOT( slotGotCategories( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result & ) ) ); } } void QueryService::getFeedsInCategory( const TQString &category ) { kdDebug() << "QueryService::getFeedsInCategory()" << endl; TQStringList args; args << "DMOZ" << category; cachedCall( "syndic8.GetFeedsInCategory", Server::toVariantList( args ), TQT_SLOT( slotGotFeedsInCategory( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result & ) ) ); } void QueryService::slotFoundFeeds( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result &result ) { kdDebug() << "QueryService::slotFoundFeeds()" << endl; if ( !result.success() ) { kdWarning() << "Failed to query for feeds: " << result.errorString() << endl; return; } updateCache( result ); TQValueList<int> ids; const TQValueList<TQVariant> values = result.data()[ 0 ].toList(); TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = values.begin(); TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator end = values.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { ids << ( *it ).toInt(); kdDebug() << "Found feed #" << ( *it ).toInt() << endl; } feedIds( ids ); } void QueryService::slotGotFeedInfo( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result &result ) { kdDebug() << "QueryService::slotGotFeedInfo()" << endl; if ( !result.success() ) { kdWarning() << "Failed to get feed info: " << result.errorString() << endl; return; } updateCache( result ); TQMap<TQString, TQString> links; TQValueList<RSSNewsFeed> feeds; const TQValueList<TQVariant> feedInfos = result.data(); TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = feedInfos.begin(); TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator end = feedInfos.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { const TQMap<TQString, TQVariant> feedInfo = ( *it ).toMap(); const TQString name = feedInfo[ "sitename" ].toString(); const TQString link = feedInfo[ "dataurl" ].toString(); links[ name ] = link; RSSNewsFeed feed; feed.m_id = feedInfo[ "feedid" ].toUInt(); feed.m_name = feedInfo[ "sitename" ].toString(); feed.m_homePage = feedInfo[ "siteurl" ].toString(); feed.m_sourceFile = feedInfo[ "dataurl" ].toString(); feed.m_imageUrl = feedInfo[ "imageurl" ].toString(); feed.m_webmaster = feedInfo[ "webmaster" ].toString(); feed.m_editor = feedInfo[ "editor" ].toString(); feed.m_publisher = feedInfo[ "publisher" ].toString(); feed.m_creator = feedInfo[ "creator" ].toString(); TQDateTime dateTime; dateTime.setTime_t( KRFCDate::parseDate( feedInfo[ "date_created" ].toString() ) ); feed.m_dateCreated = dateTime; dateTime.setTime_t( KRFCDate::parseDate( feedInfo[ "date_approved" ].toString() ) ); feed.m_dateApproved = dateTime; dateTime.setTime_t( KRFCDate::parseDate( feedInfo[ "date_xml_changed" ].toString() ) ); feed.m_dateXmlChanged = dateTime; feed.m_fetchable = feedInfo[ "fetchable" ].toBool(); feed.m_description = feedInfo[ "description" ].toString(); feed.m_origin = feedInfo[ "origin" ].toString(); feed.m_languageCode = feedInfo[ "lang_code" ].toString(); feed.m_status = feedInfo[ "status" ].toString(); feed.m_version = feedInfo[ "rss_version" ].toString(); feed.m_views = feedInfo[ "views" ].toUInt(); feed.m_headlinesPerDay = feedInfo[ "headlines_per_day" ].toUInt(); feed.m_headlinesRank = feedInfo[ "headlines_rank" ].toUInt(); feed.m_toolkit = feedInfo[ "toolkit" ].toString(); feed.m_toolkitVersion = feedInfo[ "toolkit_version" ].toString(); feed.m_pollingInterval = feedInfo[ "cur_polling_interval" ].toUInt(); dateTime.setTime_t( feedInfo[ "last_poll_time" ].toUInt() ); feed.m_lastPoll = dateTime; // ### feed.m_categories missing here! feeds << feed; kdDebug() << "Retrieved data for newsfeed '" << name << "' <" << link << ">" << endl; } feedInfo( links ); feedInfo( feeds ); } void QueryService::slotGotCategories( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result &result ) { kdDebug() << "QueryService::slotGotCategories()" << endl; if ( !result.success() ) { kdWarning() << "Failed to get the list of categories: " << result.errorString() << endl; return; } updateCache( result ); TQStringList categories; const TQValueList<TQVariant> cats = result.data()[ 0 ].toList(); TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = cats.begin(); TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator end = cats.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) categories << ( *it ).toString(); kdDebug() << "Got categories: " << categories.join( ", " ) << endl; gotCategories( categories ); } void QueryService::slotGotFeedsInCategory( const KXMLRPC::Query::Result &result ) { kdDebug() << "QueryService::slotGotFeedsInCategory()" << endl; if ( !result.success() ) { kdWarning() << "Failed to get the feeds in the given category: " << result.errorString() << endl; return; } updateCache( result ); TQValueList<int> ids; const TQValueList<TQVariant> values = result.data()[ 0 ].toList(); TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator it = values.begin(); TQValueList<TQVariant>::ConstIterator end = values.end(); for ( ; it != end; ++it ) { ids << ( *it ).toInt(); kdDebug() << "Got feed in category: #" << ( *it ).toInt() << endl; } gotFeedsInCategory( ids ); } #include "query.moc" // vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet