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<book lang="&language;">

<title>The &kppp; Handbook</title>


<holder>Lauri Watts</holder>



<!-- Abstract about this handbook -->

<para>&kppp; is a dialer and front end for <application>pppd</application>,
allowing for interactive script generation and network setup.</para>



<chapter id="introduction">

<para>&kppp; is a dialer and front end for <application>pppd</application>. It
allows for interactive script generation and network setup. It will automate the
dialing in process to your <acronym>ISP</acronym> while letting you conveniently
monitor the entire process. </para>

<para>Once connected &kppp; will provide a rich set of statistics and keep track
of the time spent online for you.</para>

<para>A built-in terminal and script generator will enable you to set up your
connection with ease. You will no longer need an additional terminal program
such as <application>seyon</application> or <application>minicom</application>
to test and setup your connection.</para>

<para>&kppp; features elaborate phone cost accounting, which enables you to
easily track your online costs.</para>

<para>We hope you enjoy this dialer, and that it eases your way onto the











<chapter id="credits">

<title>Credits and License</title>


<para>&kppp; is derived from <application>ezppp</application> 0.6, by Jay
Painter.  However, nearly everything in &kppp; was rewritten so
<application>ezppp</application> and &kppp; do not have much in common any

<para>Primary Developers:</para>

<listitem><para>Bernd Johannes Wuebben <email>wuebben@kde.org</email></para>
<listitem><para>Mario Weilguni <email>mweilguni@sime.com</email></para>
<listitem><para>Harri Porten <email>porten@kde.org</email> (Current

<para>Many thanks to the following people who have contributed code to

<listitem><para>Jesus Fuentes Saaverdra
<email>jesus.fuentes@etsi.tel.uva.esfor</email> implementing several options and
miscellaneous work.</para>
<listitem><para>Markus Wuebben <email>wuebben@eure.de</email> for the ATI query
<listitem><para>Peter Silva <email>peter.silva@videotron.ca</email> for pop up
dialogs and other contributions</para>
<listitem><para>Martin A. Brown <email>MABrown@etcconnect.org</email></para>
<listitem><para>Martin H&auml;fner
<email>mh@ap-dec717c.physik.uni-karlsruhe.de</email> for the section on callback.</para>
<listitem><para>Olaf Kirch <email>okir@caldera.de</email> for the introduction
to the mysteries of file descriptor passing.</para>

<para>Documentation copyright 2001 Lauri Watts
<email>lauri@kde.org</email>, although largely based on the original by
Bernd Johannes Wuebben <email>wuebben@kde.org</email></para>

&underFDL;               <!-- FDL: do not remove -->

&underGPL;        	 <!-- GPL License -->


<appendix id="installation">

<sect1 id="getting-kppp">
<title>How to obtain &kppp;</title>



<sect1 id="compilation">
<title>Compilation and Installation</title>



<sect1 id="preparing-your-computer">
<title>Preparing your Computer for a <acronym>PPP</acronym> Connection</title>

<para>The following sections contain some fairly generic information for several
common operating systems which might run &kppp;.  The following sites may be of
interest for further information about the <acronym>ppp</acronym> protocol,
<application>pppd</application> and networking in general:</para>

<listitem><para>The &Linux; <acronym>PPP</acronym> &FAQ;: <ulink 
<listitem><para>The &Linux; <acronym>PPP</acronym> HOWTO: <ulink 
<listitem><para><ulink url="http://www.thoughtport.com:8080/PPP/index.html">
<listitem><para>The Network Administrators' Guide: <ulink

<sect2 id="preparing-linux-for-ppp">
<title>Preparing a &Linux; system for <acronym>PPP</acronym></title>

<para>In order for &kppp; (or indeed, <application>pppd</application>) to work,
your kernel must have ppp support compiled in.  If this is not the case, get
yourself the latest version of <application>pppd</application> from any of the
popular &Linux; archives (such as <ulink
and recompile your kernel with <acronym>ppp</acronym> support enabled.</para>

<para>Don't fret, since this sounds a lot scarier than it actually is.  Don't
forget to install <application>pppd</application> afterwards.</para>

<para>If you're not sure if you have a kernel with ppp support, issue the
<command>dmesg</command> at the command prompt and look for something like

PPP: version 2.3.0 (demand dialing)
TCP compression code copyright 1989 Regents of the University of California
PPP Dynamic channel allocation code copyright 1995 Caldera, Inc.
PPP line discipline registered

<para>&kppp; tries to find out for itself if your kernel supports
<acronym>PPP</acronym>.  If not, you will be notified as soon as &kppp; starts

<para>For &Linux; 2.x kernels, the <application>pppd</application> daemon should
be version 2.3 or greater.  You can find out what version your system has, by
issuing the command <userinput><command>pppd</command>
<option>--version</option></userinput> on the command line.  None of the
<application>pppd</application> daemons actually have a
<option>--version</option>, but putting the option in will cause the
<application>pppd</application> daemon to issue an error message, and then to
print out a list of options and other information, which includes the version of
the <application>ppd</application> daemon.</para>


<!--<sect2 id="preparing-bsd-for-ppp">
<title>Preparing your FreeBSD computer for ppp connections</title>

<para>to be written</para>
</sect2> -->





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